The first time, the last time, the last time.

Then I saw a very violent scene.

In just a few minutes, Li Guanhai knocked down all the men in black suits by himself, without giving them a chance to fight back.

Or he didn't care if they fought back.

When Li Guanhai was beating people, I could clearly see the golden light flowing on his body, which was the breath of Buddhist skills.

Who would have known that the head of the Ninth Bureau was actually a master of Buddhist skills?

The vigorous blood and domineering aura made him like a god of war, and he surrounded a group of people by himself.

But I was curious whether he would lose his hair after practicing this skill...

Soon, the men in black suits were lying on the ground.

Li Guanhai's tense muscles slowly subsided, and he looked at the old man with a kind face and said, "I told you before, if you don't want to reason with me, then I know a little bit of boxing."

As he spoke, Li Guanhai walked in front of the old man, patted his old face with his hand, and asked with a smile, "Now, what are you barking at me?"

"You...I..." The old man was choked with anger for a moment, but couldn't say anything.

"Let's go, work!" After saying that, Li Guanhai raised his chin and motioned me to follow.

"Okay!" I agreed and hurriedly followed.

The more powerful the leader is, the more at ease we subordinates are. I also thought Li Guanhai was a weak chicken before

"I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting." I followed Li Guanhai out of the interrogation room and said with a low laugh.

"It's just so-so. I can only be regarded as a one-trick pony. If I fight for a while longer, I won't be able to hold on. It's just bluffing. "Li Guanhai said modestly.


Seeing through but not speaking out, there is still room for friendship.

Li Guanhai has always been quite reliable most of the time, except for some minor flaws in his work.

And he is a very modest person. If he can do his best, he will definitely only say that he has tried his best, and will never say too much.

In other words, anyone who believes him is really stupid.

Based on the current vigorous blood and qi in his body, plus his long breathing, if he really gets into it, it's hard to say. He will definitely fight for a whole day.

Just listen to his words, don't believe them.


After leaving the interrogation room, we went all the way to the lounge of the Municipal Bureau.

My second cousin was not sent to the hospital because the hospital could not treat the poison.

Before he was sent in, I applied soaked millet to him and let him rest in the lounge of the Municipal Bureau.

I walked to my second cousin and uncovered the gauze he used to bandage his wound.

At this time, the millet applied to the wound was still black.

"How many times has the millet been changed?" I looked at Li Xueyang who had been guarding next to me and asked.

"It has been changed three times."

"Give me some mugwort and cut a piece of ginger. "

I took a look at my second cousin's current condition. Although the black energy on his face has faded a little, it is still gradually spreading towards his mouth. This is a sign of the evil spirit attacking his heart.

Among the five senses, the tongue corresponds to the heart.

If his tongue turns black, then there is really no hope.

Now I can only think of a way to help him get rid of the evil spirit.

After summoning mugwort and ginger, I turned my second cousin over and made him lie on the chair.

I used a sterilized needle to poke a few acupuncture points on his back, and then used mugwort to The grass was lit, put into the glass jar, and put on the needle holes.

Soon, as the black blood flowed out of the needle holes, the second cousin's face gradually turned pale, but the black gas spreading to the mouth had faded.

Now it's good, his life is saved, and he can slowly recover as long as he receives blood transfusion in time.

I asked Li Xueyang to take good care of my cousin, and I went to Li Guanhai's room.

As soon as he saw me, Li Guanhai's frown relaxed a lot.

"How is your cousin?" He asked with concern.

"His life is fine, but he lost a lot of blood, so he needs to be replenished."

After working all night, I felt tired and collapsed on the sofa.

"No problem, I'll arrange a hospital. "

In this matter, Li Guanhai showed the temperament of a leader. After a phone call, an ambulance took my second cousin and Li Xueyang to the hospital in less than ten minutes.

"I will send someone to take care of your cousin. You can work with peace of mind!"

After watching my second cousin leave, Li Guanhai finally talked to me about business.

"What do you want me to do? Face that synthetic monster head-on.

"The first and second wives are both asleep, and Li Xueyang is worried about his cousin. I am now isolated and helpless.

Facing this kind of composite monster?

Please, I can't beat them when they are separated.

"The most urgent thing is to control the mandrill. It's best to catch him tonight, otherwise the residents will panic if he is sealed off until tomorrow morning."

Li Guanhai looked me up and down. Compared with him, I am a lot smaller in size and height.

"I'll go with you." Li Guanhai sighed. This time he was going out on his own.

"Just the two of us? What about the many people who just fought with you? Don't care about this?"

I don't doubt Li Guanhai's ability at all. I just want to be prepared.

It's too difficult for two people to search the entire city.

"That's the old guy's people. Do you want me to go to him and borrow people in a humble manner? "

When the old man was mentioned, Li Guanhai's face became a little irritated.

The more he said this, the more I was curious about what kind of gap existed between the two men that they could fight in public.

But even though I like to watch the fun, I know that now is not the time to discuss this.

"The armed police force in front has blocked all streets, and there has been no report of seeing the mandrill."

"Does that mean the mandrill may not run into the city?"

At this time, I suddenly realized a problem that I had overlooked.

"It's broken..."

"What's wrong? "

Li Guanhai saw that I had the same expression as if I had eaten Lao Ba's secret hamburger, and he couldn't help but get nervous.

What I overlooked was why the mandrill possessed the eldest grandson?

Mandrills don't like quiet, are easily angry, and especially hate living things.

Then why didn't the people in the village get implicated?

What was so special about the eldest grandson that made it give up attacking living people and possess him?

If there was really something that attracted the mandrill, then after breaking free from the mountain god's shackles and going down the mountain, it would most likely go up the mountain again and return to the village to look for the eldest grandson.

But whether the mandrill, after merging with the artificial life form, would attack the villagers was an unknown.

I told Li Guanhai my guess, and the more he listened, the uglier his face became.

"Hurry up, up the mountain!"

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