The old man was shocked.

"Neighbors also have alchemy?"

I was shocked.

Although I have never been abroad, I know a little about Neon's traditional culture.

Like Yin-Yang magic, spells, and ninjutsu, these are what they should have. In my impression, alchemy is more Western.

"Yes, although Neon is not the birthplace of alchemy. But because of the close cultural exchanges with the West in recent years, Neon has established many Western-style colleges, so Western evil magic has also been passed on."

"It's inconvenient to communicate there. If there is an emergency, just listen to the old team member."

Before leaving, I went to the hospital to visit my cousin.

My cousin was still in a coma. Li Xueyang stayed with him all day and all night, and hadn't slept for several nights. I told Li Xueyang about the next trip.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of your brother."

Looking at my cousin's haggard face, I sighed deeply.

It was such a happy thing to return to Gangcheng, but it turned out to be so troublesome.

That night, I couldn't sleep for a long time.

When I thought of the dangerous journey to a foreign country, my heart was only worried and confused.

In the end, my spirit was too tired, and I fell asleep in deep worry.

I overslept the next morning and hurried to the airport to meet the "senior" in Li Guanhai's mouth.

"Are you... the senior of Jiujiu?"

Looking at the person in front of me who was a head shorter than me, it was difficult for me to associate with the word "senior".

"It's genuine, is there any problem?"

The little girl in front of me put her hands on her waist, looking unconvinced.

But she had twin ponytails, a pink dress, and a childish face. She didn't look like my elder at all.

"Excuse me... Senior, how old are you?"

Hearing my question, the little girl's face darkened.

"Bastard, don't you know it's rude to ask a girl's age?"

As she said that, her pink fist came towards my face.

"Snap", the fist was wrapped by my palm.

This punch... was weak and powerless.

Senior, don't you think she has no fighting power at all?

I asked her this question tremblingly.

"Yes, I'm just an investigator, what fighting power do I need?"

She was quite proud.

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom first."

"Hurry up, we're about to board the plane!"

Ignoring her shouting, I quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door of the cubicle, and then hurriedly called Li Guanhai.

"Good morning, haven't you boarded the plane yet?"

Li Guanhai's voice was very leisurely, and I could even hear the sound of him drinking coffee.

"What's the good of being early? Who did you send me?"

"Little girl, don't you like to partner with little girls?"

What he said was right, but no, now is not the time to dwell on this matter.

"The key is that she has no fighting power at all. How did such a person enter the ninth inning?"

I still want to rely on the strength of my predecessors to win in foreign countries, but now it seems that I have to take care of her.

"Although she has no fighting power, her reconnaissance ability is top-notch. After all, she is from the Sanche family."

"Sanche family? What is that?"

I was completely confused.

I know about Taoism, Buddhism, and Legalism, but this is the first time I have heard of the Sanche family.

"You don't know what's normal. This is a Japanese family. Yumi Mikururu is her real name."

"She's Japanese? But she doesn't look like one at all!"

This senior is very different from the Japanese people I understand, whether in terms of dressing or speaking accent.

"How about she make it to the ninth inning? Well, don't ask too much. You two will get to know each other as you get along."

Li Guanhai was tired of my nagging and hung up the phone before I asked the next question.

I called him again, but he didn't answer.

Helplessly, I had to meet this senior again.

"You took so long to go to the bathroom? Hurry up, you can board the plane, let's go!"

I followed Yumi Mikururu and carefully observed her back.

Except for the cute Japanese-style twin ponytails, she looked like a Daxia person.

Could this be the legendary walking 500,000?

After sitting down, Yumi Mikuriya took out a neon map, on which she highlighted the word "Qianzhi" with a red pen. This is the destination of our trip.

"I haven't asked for your name yet."

This air trip lasted more than four hours.

In order to make the process less boring, I took the lead in friendly communication.

"Don't you already know?"

Hearing this, I suddenly jumped up from the seat. If it weren't for the seat belt, I might have ejected.

"Senior... Senior... Did you hear what I just said in the bathroom?"

Seeing me like this, Yumi Mikura chuckled twice and grabbed my clothes casually.

Spreading her palm, a small green flying insect appeared in her palm.

"This is a lacewing, a flying insect specially used to eavesdrop on intelligence, a secret treasure of the Mikura family."

"No way, Senior Mikura, you are going to use this trick on me?"

"Be prepared." Yumi Mikura put away the lacewing, "And don't call me by my last name, just call me Yumi."

"Oh, I understand."

I haven't been to Neon, but I know some rules.

Neon attaches great importance to the inheritance of surnames. A resounding surname represents a noble status.

For those of us who are conducting infiltration investigations, if we expose Yumei's surname, the mission may fail.

"The location where the clues of the Ninth Bureau were finally locked is Qianzhi County. We will have to find it ourselves next."

I nodded and looked at the circled area on the map.

The area is not small. Blindly searching is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I wonder if Senior Yumei has any good ideas.

"Since that person took the initiative to lead us to Neon, it is impossible for him to leave us here. Let's wait and see what happens."

The plane landed and we landed at Yuwen Airport in Dongling.

From Yuwen to Baishi in Qianzhi County, we took the Shinkansen and then the tram.

Yumei is indeed a Neon person. She took care of all the tickets for this trip, and I lay down at ease.

As Yumei expected, the alchemist would not let us run around in Neon.

As soon as we got off the train and before leaving the station, we saw that familiar figure.

With his signature black robe and lewd smile, he didn't seem so out of place among the Japanese people in strange clothes.

"Yumi, catch up with him!"

The moment the black-robed man saw us, he turned around and ran out of the station.

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