The sun was about to set when we arrived at Xiayouliang Mountain, and the sky had already turned bright red.

Compared with Daxia, the most praiseworthy thing about Neon is the scenery here.

At the end of the last century, Neon realized the transformation from heavy industry to light industry, moving the heavy industry that polluted the environment overseas, and only retaining the light industry with higher technological content in the country.

The benefit of this is that Neon has a higher forest and grassland coverage rate and a lower air pollution index.

Like the sky dyed red by the sunset now, there is a sense of fate that only appears in comics.

This is a shock for me who saw such a clear and beautiful scenery for the first time, but Yumei is not surprised.

"Hurry up, it will be hard to walk after the sun sets!"

Yumi led the way in front, but her brows were furrowed.

"What's wrong? Did something unexpected happen?"

Yumi pointed at the insect flying in the air. It was the ghost dragonfly from last night.

After entering the mountain, Yumi wanted to rely on the ghost dragonfly to find the specific location of the black-robed man, but just like a compass encountering a magnetic field, once it stepped into the area of ​​​​Xiaoyouliang Mountain, the ghost dragonfly flew around like a headless fly and lost its direction.

Such a ghost dragonfly definitely cannot guide the direction correctly.

"The next road, we can only walk by ourselves."

The two of us walked towards the village step by step according to the guidance of the map, but in fact we didn't even know whether the direction was correct.

We walked aimlessly in the mountains. The scenery in every place in the mountains was almost the same, giving people the illusion that we were still standing still after walking for a long time.

The neon sky gets dark very early, whether it is winter or summer.

It was just after five in the afternoon when it was completely dark. We had to take out the flashlight to continue moving forward.

If we couldn't find the right direction, we would have to spend the night in the wild.

Perhaps there was always a way out. After wandering around like a headless fly, we actually found the entrance to Xiayouliang Village.

"Finally, we're here. If we don't get there, I'll want to die."

Looking at the big lumps on my arms, I can only sigh that the mosquitoes in Japan are really cruel. They really suck blood!

Yumi turned off the flashlight and prepared to enter the village.

At the entrance of the village, we were stopped by an old woman.

The old woman was holding a thick branch as a walking stick, and her tattered clothes could only cover her body.

She and Yumi were talking in words I couldn't understand, and their expressions were very stern.

My attention was all on the old woman, because only I could see that there was a circle of evil spirits around her body.

I don't know about the monsters in Japan, and I don't know the reason for the formation of this evil spirit, but there is only one thing I can confirm, this is definitely not a good phenomenon.

Just when I focused all my attention on the old woman, I suddenly felt a cold and soft touch on my cheek.

My brain crashed for a second before I realized that Yumi had just kissed me on the face.

"What are you doing?"

I stepped back in shock, and I still remember the bugs surrounding the bed in the morning!

Yumi ignored me, but took my arm and continued to talk to the old woman with a smile.

After a while, the old woman seemed to be convinced, and led us into the village and arranged a room for the two of us.

After the old woman left, Yumi put away her fake smile.

"Yumi, so you like me too? I like you too, otherwise we..."

Yumi interrupted me before I finished speaking, "The full moon festival is being held in this village, and outsiders are not allowed to enter unless they are married. I just made this choice in a hurry."

Yumi's face was slightly apologetic.

So that's the case, then I can only say that Senior Yumi, this kind of choice can be made more often.

Then I suddenly thought of something.

"In that case, the black-robed man should not be in the village, after all, he is alone."

Yumi shook her head: "But Youlong's guidance will not be wrong. Maybe he has a companion, or he is originally a villager. In short, I can see everyone in the village when I get up tomorrow."

After settling down, I realized a problem.

There is only one bed and a set of bedding in this room, and the floor of the room is concrete, without tatami.

Does this mean that Yumi and I should sleep in the same bed?

"Well... since we are married, there is nothing wrong with giving us only one bed.

Let’s sleep together, but don’t touch them at night, otherwise I can’t guarantee that they will still be there tomorrow morning. "

Yumi gave me a big wink, but I was only shuddering in my heart.

This is definitely the most ruthless threat I have ever heard in my life, and I also believe that Yumi is the kind of person who does what she says.

Of course, I dare not have any bad intentions towards her. I am even careful about my sleeping position, for fear that I will run into her if I sleep badly at night, and my life will be gone.

But even so... I can still feel the fragrance from her body.

A milky fragrance from her body, especially the smell on her cheeks and collarbones is particularly obvious.

First of all, I really am not a pervert, but this smell makes me intoxicated, so I sniffed it twice more.

Smell her, she can't let the bug bite me, right?

At this time, the Demon-Subduing Book in my arms emitted a faint golden light, accompanied by a faint vibration.

I don't know which lady in my family spied on what I was doing and got angry.

I quickly turned over to prove my innocence to them, and the Demon-Subduing Book stopped.

I didn't expect that the two ladies would Although his vitality was greatly damaged, it was still necessary to take action at this time!

If you want to do something bad in the future, you must not only hide it from some people, but also remember the rules.

I had no dreams all night.

I woke up very early the next day, and I got up at dawn.

The mountain village is very backward, and no electrical appliances have been used until now, so my mobile phone has become a piece of scrap metal since last night.

The most advanced equipment in the village is the battery-powered alarm clock sold in the grocery store at the entrance of the village. This is the goods that the villagers brought from the outside of the mountain village by donkey cart.

However, during the recent full moon festival, people can only enter the village but not leave, and they can only leave the village after the seven-day festival is over. This is the same for outsiders like us.

Yumi and I came to the village square early in the morning. All the people in the village would gather here to offer the most pious prayers, praying for no disasters in the future.

I naturally don't believe in Neon's tricks, but this is very helpful for us to find the man in black robes.

The premise is that he remains the same and has not changed his clothes.

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