After Yumi left, Li Guanhai closed the door, and we were the only ones left in the room.

"What? Do you want to talk privately?"

"Is my arrangement appropriate?" Li Guanhai looked like he was asking for praise.

"What do you mean appropriate or inappropriate?"

"It's Yumi Mikururu. I see you like her, so I specially called her back to partner with you."

"What do I like... Ouch!"

There was another stabbing pain in my head, and Wang Yi was exerting force again.

"I told you that it's nothing. Just ask her to go back. It's just looking for someone. I can do it alone." I rubbed my head and said with a painful expression.

"That won't work. Her reconnaissance ability is also very important. I really didn't lie to you about this."

After Li Guanhai said this, I realized that this mission might be unusual.

"Who are we looking for?"

Under my question, Li Guanhai told the truth.

We are looking for an ordinary disciple of the Ninth Bureau.

Although his identity is ordinary, what he has experienced is not ordinary.

He was originally assigned to Daliang Mountain to perform a mission, but lost contact halfway through the mission.

The last message the Ninth Bureau received from him was that many outsiders were found in Daliang Mountain.

The leaders of the Ninth Bureau believed that the disciple must have been discovered by the outsiders during the mission and was involved in danger... or even died.

This time, Yumi and I were sent there to investigate the whereabouts of the disciple, and to see him alive or dead.

The second is to find out whether there are really many outsiders in Daliang Mountain, and report them in time if they are found.

"Why does this mission sound more dangerous than the last one?" The danger detector in my heart was sounding off. I might really lose my life this time.

"It's not that dangerous. We're just going to investigate and not let you fight them." Li Guanhai waved his hand, indicating that it was safe.

"But you have to change your clothes and identities. You can't let the hidden outsiders recognize you as people of the right way."

"Of course, of course, then what is our hidden identity?"

"A young couple traveling to Daliang Mountain."


My head was stabbing again. Wang Yi was jealous!

"Comrade Yunlu, what's wrong with your head?" Li Guanhai asked with concern.

"It's okay. Compared to my head, there is something I want your help with."

I told Li Guanhai what Li Xueyang asked me to do. With his help, I will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"This..." Li Guanhai hesitated, "I'll try my best to help. You know those old guys have been looking down on me for a long time, and they will definitely pick on me for this matter."

"Try your best, my good leader." I patted Li Guanhai's shoulder. He was not as easy as he looked.

I covered my aching head and left the room under Li Guanhai's curious gaze.

As soon as I left the office door, Wang Yi's voice rang in my mind.

"Zhao Qi!!"

Wang Yi's sharp shout made me think someone's kettle was boiling.

"You are so lucky. You hooked up with another little girl so quickly."

"Yiyi, listen to my quibbling... explanation, she has someone she likes, and we are just colleagues."

Wang Yi's signal was not good abroad, and she knew nothing about the experience of going abroad. I told her from beginning to end how Yumi and I escaped from death.

After listening to my story, Wang Yi's anger subsided.

"So, the Gu Chen she mentioned must be a perfect man. I really want to meet him~"

Wang, you are going too far. This is called the governor is allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps.

After chatting with Wang, Yumei came after dressing up.

She was wearing a light yellow short T-shirt with a pair of super short jeans.

Her double ponytails were also untied and casually draped over her shoulders, looking much more mature than before.

"Zhao Qi, your outfit doesn't match me at all."

I was wearing a plain long-sleeved sweatshirt, and the lining was issued by Wudang.

Standing with Yumei, it was like a sexy stepmother with her silly son.

"I don't have any suitable clothes here?"

Yumei sighed: "Forget it, forget it, let's do it. But you have to take off your lining, in case people recognize you as a Wudang disciple."

I nodded and reached out to take off my shirt.

"Bang!" A makeup bag hit the back of my head.

"Go to the room and take off your clothes!"


After a four-hour train ride, we finally arrived at Liangshan City.

In order to save money, the damn Li Guanhai ordered hard seats for the two of us on the green train, saying that time was tight and no other seats could be booked.

The hard seat environment was too bad. The ground was full of other people's luggage. My feet were caught between two suitcases and I couldn't move.

In this situation, I persisted for four hours and felt that my waist was not my own.

"You are too weak. I really don't know how Wudang teaches you to practice." My complaints only earned Yumei's ridicule.

She didn't seem to be affected by the hard seat at all.

"If I practiced well, I wouldn't be driven down the mountain gate by my master."

"We have entered Liangshan City now. We may meet outsiders at any time. From now on, we have to pretend to be a young couple who are traveling."

"Don't worry, I will never say anything that I shouldn't say."

I took the purple gold gourd and the dustless sword from my waist and put them in my backpack. Just in case, I put Wang Yi into a dormant state temporarily.

After everything was ready, Yumi took my arm and we looked like an ordinary couple to others.

"You should do the whole thing." Since I was very close to Yumi, I whispered to her.

"Of course, it's not the first time we've done this. I can sacrifice anything for the mission, even if it's..."

Yumi was silent.

"Even if it's what?"

"In order to complete the mission, I will sacrifice my body."

Wow, a powerful statement.

At the same time, I was also very curious. She was not from Daxia, so why would she do this for Jiujiu.

I will put this question aside for the time being, as we are about to enter the mountain.

Daliang Mountain is not as poor as we imagined. The government paid for the construction of a winding mountain road, which is very convenient for going up and down the mountain.

The closer we are to where we are going, the thinner the air becomes.

Occasionally, I will feel dizzy and black in front of my eyes when sitting in a taxi.

This is the altitude sickness coming.

Jincheng is located at a high altitude. As someone who has lived in Jincheng for many years, I adapted to it quickly.

Yumi was not so good.

I have lived in the plains in the east for many years and rarely have the opportunity to come to such a high altitude.

I vomited three times after getting off the car in just 20 minutes.

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