There was no bonfire party today, so I went back to my room early to rest and wait for things to develop.

I heard a gentle knock on the door while I was half asleep and half awake.

There was also a pleasant female voice like a wind chime calling my name: "Mr. Zhao Qi, are you asleep?"

I suddenly jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

The person who came was indeed the girl named Yu Xiuli whom I designated today.

Her appearance here tonight means that she wants to...

I originally thought that the matchmaking mentioned by the bald man was a real step-by-step development from mutual acquaintance. Who would have thought that the girl I ordered would appear at the door of my room that night.

It's like visiting a brothel.

I remembered the scene of a man and a girl having an affair last night. Could it be that the man had been recruited by this method last night?

But this is too outrageous. How can a normal woman be willing to spend a good night with other men just because of someone else's words.

"Mr. Zhao Qi, it's so windy outside and she's wearing so thin. Don't you want to invite her in to do it?"

After listening to Yu Xiuli's words, I realized that she was only wearing a somewhat transparent coarse linen shirt, and she didn't even wear underwear.

Two big round balls were looming, and the small bulges on them could be seen.

Little Zhao Qi stood at attention at once.

Calm down, my little brother, don't be so useless. This is obviously a problem. You have suffered this kind of loss before, so you can't jump into the fire pit again.

Yu Xiuli hooked her finger at my chin, and the psychological defense line I had just built collapsed completely. I took the initiative to make way for the door and invited her in.

I swear that the action just now was completely an instinctive action of my body. Before I could react, Yu Xiuli had already sat on my bed.

"Come and sit down, why are you standing there?" She patted the edge of the bed, not treating herself as an outsider at all.

I walked to her side mechanically and sat down stiffly.

"Do you like me?" Yu Xiuli put her index finger on her chin and asked me with a slightly teasing meaning.

"Like, like..."

"I also like boys like you."

Yu Xiuli boldly wrapped her hands around my neck and pressed them tightly against my chest.

Ah... I have already felt the power of her murder weapon.

, responding to her actions.

"You are really so impatient."

She kissed my lips, then knelt in front of me and began to take off my pants.

Even if I reacted slowly, I should know what would happen next.

"Wait a minute, are you really willing?" I held up the pants that were half-taken off and defended this last bottom line.

"Of course, I like you too, Mr. Zhao Qi."

I'm a fortune teller. I can tell what the other person is thinking by looking at their facial expressions.

This girl is obviously lying.

She said nice things, but her expression hid disgust, as if she was coerced.

"Girl, if you have any unspeakable secrets, you can tell me. There's no need to compromise yourself."

Yu Xiuli was stunned for a moment and stopped her movements.

But my words seemed to have the opposite effect on her. After that, she seemed to have made up her mind, and her eyes became firm.

"This is my own choice. I won't regret it."

After she said that,

I couldn't stop.

At first, I could still maintain my rationality, but later, the sperm occupied my brain, and I didn't care about the mission or Yumei's safety, so I chose to enjoy the present moment.

I picked her up and put her on the bed, then took off her clothes and pressed her under me.

She was also happy to see me take the initiative.

Yu Xiuli and I spent a wonderful night. After two hours, we were exhausted and lay naked on the bed looking at each other.

"Zhao Qi... Will you come to see me often in the future?" Yu Xiuli asked this question out of the blue.

"Why do you say that? Can't you go with me?"

"I..." Yu Xiuli seemed very hesitant, "I can't leave Bijia Village. There are rules in the village."

Okay, it's the damn village rules again. Next time I see Yang Shen, I must have a good talk with him about this matter.

"If possible, can you tell me what happened in the village and why there are so many things that are full of disobedience?"

I confided all my questions to Yu Xiuli.

We are also people who have been frank with each other. From her

It's not too much to get some information out of her.

Yu Xiuli hesitated for a long time and wanted to tell me the truth several times, but she couldn't say it when the words came to her lips.

In the end, she only left me one sentence: "Leave Bijia Village as soon as possible. If possible, please take my body out of the mountains. I don't want to stay in the mountains until I die."

"We just enjoyed a spring night, and you are looking for death, isn't it? Even if it's for me, live a few more days. I will look for you often in the next few days."

She wanted to commit suicide, which means that there must be a big conspiracy in the village, but she didn't dare to say it out loud due to the pressure from others.

This girl's psychological defense line is relatively fragile. As long as I communicate with her in depth for a few more days, I guess she will reveal the information to me.

After a brief tenderness with me, Yu Xiuli put on her clothes and left.

She really abides by the rules of the village and never spends the night in a man's room.

With the appearance of Yu Xiuli, I also know what the focus of the next investigation is.

Just when I had planned everything, something unexpected happened in the village.

The next morning, no one woke me up, but I was awakened by the noise outside.

I saw people outside rushing towards the square in a hurry.

I thought that Yu Xiuli, who went back last night, had not thought it through for a while and had committed suicide, so I hurriedly put on my clothes and rushed to the square.

Around the square, I saw Yu Xiuli in plain clothes, and she was still alive.

When she saw me waving at her, she lowered her head embarrassedly.

Since it was not Yu Xiuli who was in trouble, what happened?

I went into the center of the square surrounded by the villagers, where a body was lying, covered with a white cloth.

"It's him, the bald man!"

A gust of wind blew, and the white cloth on the face of the body happened to be blown away, allowing me to see the face of this person.

It was the bald man who said he would introduce Yu Xiuli to me yesterday. How did he die?

The villagers also knew the identity of the body at this time, and there were many different opinions.

However, most people just speculated that he brought death upon himself because he violated the village rules.

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