The truth is that the two sides have been in a state of chaos.

I am an exception.

Because I came with my "girlfriend".

So their way to deal with me was to brainwash Yumi into breaking up with me, and then tempt me to completely give up Yumi by randomly picking a girl from the village.

However, this plan was executed for more than half, and when it was about to succeed, the person in charge died strangely.

"After talking so much, Yumi...what is the relationship between my girlfriend and the death of that man?"

Yu Wei sighed, very regretful.

"Every time new goods arrive, our master is the first to try them... but I didn't expect that this time he would capsize. Brother, you have been kept in the dark by your girlfriend. Her identity is not that simple!"

"Haha, yes, she hid it too deeply."

So that's what happened. Then I can only say that the bald man deserved to die.

He did so many evil things, hurt dozens of women, and his crimes were too numerous to list. In the end, he died on the little bug that Yumei protected her safety. He deserved it.

"But... doesn't the village have a rule that men are not allowed to enter the red area?"

Yu Wei laughed sarcastically after hearing my question.

"Of course this is the rule made by the master, in order to make more money by selling women!"

No, I did faint when I crossed the red line, and I also saw the sheep god worshipped in the village.

Could it be that the sheep god is also in the same group with them?

But the Sheep God told me that the village was sick and hoped that I could save the village. Doesn't this just show that the Sheep God and the bald man are in opposition?

I couldn't figure out what the Sheep God meant. He only left me an unclear sentence and disappeared. I could only solve it according to my own understanding.

After all, I'm not sure whether the Sheep God really exists.

Maybe it was just a dream I had.

"Are we really not afraid of being caught in this business?" I continued to ask.

They caught so many girls, the police can't ignore it, how could they let them go unpunished for so long?

"What are you afraid of? Don't worry, brother. We will naturally have masters to help us! Masters can do Taoism. Let alone the police, there was someone who called himself the Ninth Bureau before, and he ended up with a corpse, hahaha..."

"What?" Finally, I got to the part I wanted to hear.

"I don't know much either. That guy seems to be able to use magic, but he's not as good as the ones we have. He was solved in a few moves."

"Solved?" I clenched my fists, and instantly had the urge to solve them all.

"Yes, but I was looking for a girl outside at the time, so it's a pity that I didn't see the scene."

There are people who can use magic in Bijia Village, and their strength is obviously stronger than the disciples sent by the Ninth Bureau.

People of the right path will definitely not act like these people, and only heretics can do such things.

Very good, it's heretics again, it's time to settle this account.

The number of enemies is unknown, and their identities are unknown. The most urgent thing is to find out who they are.

"Who is this master? I also want to meet him!"

"This..." Yu Wei hesitated, "Brother, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I haven't seen him in person, I only heard his name."

It's still quite mysterious.

In the final analysis, he still has no confidence in his own strength, and is afraid that the Ninth Bureau will get the news and send powerful people to attack directly.

"But our Second Master should know the identity of the master. If you really want to meet the master, you can ask Second Master."

I will naturally ask the bald second male later, but in front of Wei, there are still some things I want to know.

"Brother Wei, you often bring girls back. What if there are not enough rooms in the red area?"

"Don't worry about that." Yu Wei waved his hand. "Women are consumed much faster than they are acquired."

He continued to explain to me: "Don't think that Bijia Village has been calm these two days. During the peak season, the men's side is crowded. With more bosses, the number of female services naturally increases. It is common for women to be mentally and physically damaged during the service. Those who are directly played to death will be thrown into the corpse pit in the back mountain; those who are half-dead have no value, so we will kill them with our own hands."

"What, you still want to kill people!"

I slammed the table, then stood up and stared at Yu Wei with wide eyes, wanting to tear him apart

The impulse to smash.

After listening to Yu Wei's words, I can no longer suppress the anger in my heart.

If what they did before was just animal behavior, now they are even worse than pigs and dogs!

They treat human lives as worthless, but they can still say these things so calmly. I don't know what kind of heart they have!

Seeing me so excited, Yu Wei actually laughed directly and waved his hand to signal me to sit down and calm down.

"Brother, those who do our business have more or less stained with some lives. This is a process that everyone has to go through. I know you may not be used to it at first, but it's okay. I'll ask you to kill two people when the time comes."

"You're right, it's really enough to kill two people." I said to Yu Wei coldly with a gloomy expression.

This person, no, it should be said that all the evil people in the entire Bijia Village are on my must-kill list.

The task given to me by Li Guanhai is to investigate the situation in Bijia Village and report to him without alerting the enemy.

But now it seems that there is no need to report, so I decided to kill first and report later.

I already have enough reasons to kill, I am doing justice for the heavens, I have the righteousness in my hands!

With the determination to kill, I left Yu Wei's room and went to find the second master he mentioned.

The second master had just dealt with his elder brother's body and was walking on the way back exhausted.

"Second Master! Second Master! I want to ask you something..."

I felt sick when I saw his face, but I still had to pretend to be flattering to him.

"Oh, it's you. Xiaowei should have told you about the situation, right?"

"Second Master, I want to ask you who is the master who protects us?"

After hearing my question, the second master showed an obviously unhappy expression on his face, and muttered: "Why does Xiaowei tell everything? Why are you asking about this?"

I smiled innocently and gave the reason I had already thought of.

"I have lived for most of my life and have never seen a master. I heard that the master can use magic, so I want to see it anyway."

"Wait until later, little brother, when you really become one of ours."

The second master's words have a hidden meaning, which means that he is still not very confident in me.

"Don't, second master!"

I wanted to insist a little longer, but the second master seemed to have made up his mind not to let me know this secret.

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