The mess in Bijia Village already made me angry, and Li Guanhai added fuel to the fire, which instantly made me angry.

"Li Guanhai, what's going on with you? You don't know anything, but you start to criticize me. Is this how you act as a leader? I work like a slave for you, but you don't even say thank you for your hard work. Instead, you find fault with me. Let me tell you, if you act like this, I'll quit! I don't care what department you are in, I'll leave if I want to!"

After I finished my rant, there was silence on the other end of the phone for several seconds.

I thought my momentum overwhelmed Li Guanhai and left him speechless.

But then what he said to me instantly made my heart drop to the bottom.

"You really can't just leave this time if you want to. You killed someone, right?"

"Yes, but I killed a heretic in self-protection. Isn't that also not allowed?"

"Whether you killed a heretic in self-protection is fine, but didn't you kill someone you shouldn't have killed?"

"Who shouldn't have killed?"

I was confused and didn't understand what Li Guanhai meant.

He directly pointed it out to me: "Did you kill a pimp who was responsible for abducting girls?"

I remembered that the person Li Guanhai was talking about was Yu Wei. I was in a hurry to save Youmei at the time, and I killed him when I saw him getting in the way.

"That's right, but he is a guilty person. Shouldn't he have been killed?"

I refuted Li Guanhai, but my voice became smaller and smaller, because after calming down, I also felt that my behavior at the time was a bit inappropriate.

"Zhao Qi, comrade Zhao Yunlu!" Li Guanhai's voice became serious, "Can you wake up a little? No matter how guilty he is, it is the court that can judge him! What's the point of you executing him alone? Do you know that you will go to jail for this?"

"Going to jail, it's not that serious, right?" I became panicked when I heard these two words.

I think Li Guanhai is just trying to scare me, but I can't feel any joke in his tone.

"Okay, wait until I get over there."

After saying this, Li Guanhai immediately hung up the phone, leaving me alone in a daze.

After being scared by Li Guanhai, I looked a little dazed, and my walking became light.

Everything should be done according to the code of conduct of Daxia. Even if I feel that I have a certain strength, I still can't act recklessly.

Obviously, I have gone too far this time, which has exceeded the code of conduct of Daxia. Perhaps the judgment for me is about to come.

After that, I was a little absent-minded about the protection and handling of the scene, and almost all the work was done by Yumei alone.

Li Guanhai told me that there was thick fog around the airport in Daliang Mountain and it was impossible to land. He would arrive at the earliest tomorrow morning.

I would have to stay in Bijia Village for another night in fear.

Because the girls' accommodation had such a battle, the corpses were everywhere, and it was definitely no longer suitable for living, so we arranged all the survivors to live in the blue area.

"What's wrong, you look absent-minded?" After arranging everything, Yumei finally had time to rest and came to my room.

"I might... go to jail." I told Yumei what Li Guanhai said to me, and I didn't forget to ask her, "Senior Yumei, you are knowledgeable, how many years are usually sentenced in this case?"

After listening, Yumei actually laughed.

"What are you laughing at? I'm going to jail soon."

"Sorry, sorry, I just thought it was so funny when you said that, I couldn't help it." Yumi wiped her tears and said, "I don't think you will go to jail. You have made such a great contribution this time, and Yu Wei himself is an unforgivable person. If the higher-ups insist on using an elite like you to exchange for that evil person, it would be too chilling."

"So Yumi, what do you mean..." I seemed to see hope in Yumi's words.

"I think you will be allowed to make meritorious contributions while serving your sentence." Yumi pinched her chin and thought.

"Oh, that's great!"

After listening to Yumi's words, the haze that had been hanging over my head was swept away, and now I feel that tomorrow's trial for me is not a problem at all.

"Don't worry, if the decision above is really to put you in jail, I will definitely speak for you desperately."

With Yumi's words here, I can sleep well today.

After Yumi left, I was preparing

I washed and went to bed, but there was another uninvited guest in the room.

Yu Xiuli stood in front of me wearing only a thin dress, and I knew what she was here for without saying anything.

I wanted to refuse, but Yu Xiuli was too proactive.

Before I could say no, she took the initiative to sit on me, and a tingling sensation swept over my body, and I couldn't say what I wanted to say.

Half an hour later, the two of us were lying naked on the bed, panting.

"Mr. Zhao Qi, can I not leave tonight?"

Without the so-called rules of Bijia Village, women can also stay in men's rooms.

If I leave her, maybe we can have a few more opportunities to linger at night, which is exciting to think about.

I also thought so, so I thought about answering Yu Xiuli like this.

"Of course... no!"

Yu Xiuli was shocked by my attitude, and I was also shocked at the same time.

I originally wanted to say "of course", but somehow, the word "yes" turned into "no" when I said it.

I tried to correct my words again, but found that I couldn't say it no matter what, and I couldn't even open my mouth.

"Zhao Qi Langjun, why did you refuse? Don't you want me to stay with you?" Yu Xiuli's face was full of disappointment.

I thought, I thought!

My heart was roaring and shouting, but I couldn't open my mouth no matter what.

"I have some important things to do today, you go back first."

Instead, my mouth said such words to Xiuli without my control.

"Oh, okay then."

Looking at Yu Xiuli's disappointed back turning away, my heart was broken.

Such a good opportunity, how could I not grasp it?

After Yu Xiuli left, my mouth seemed to have returned to normal. No matter how much I slapped it, it didn't do the strange things before.

Although I was full of doubts, I couldn't find a solution at the moment, so I had to rest with a depressed mood.

As soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep immediately.

It was not because I was too sleepy, but because someone was waiting for me in my dream.

In the dream, there was another familiar dark scene, and standing in front of me was a goat god with a goat's head and a human body.

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