The more he fought, the more he was defeated.

Once he delivered this powerful blow, there was no way he could return to the ninth inning.

Because of Li Guanhai's nonsense, my guilt was reduced a little.

"Okay, don't just talk about me, let's talk about you next."

I sat upright, pricked up my ears and listened carefully. The next words were the highlight for me.

"According to the regulations, you will definitely not be able to escape the disaster of prison. However, considering that you have made great contributions this time, and you have been working diligently before, the higher-ups have decided to expel you from the ninth inning and never hire you again."

After hearing the punishment result, I stood there with my mouth wide open.

It was almost the same as Yumi expected, and she really avoided the disaster of prison. It's just that the punishment I received was a little more serious than I expected. I will never be able to hold this iron rice bowl again in this life.

But it's better this way. Li Guanhai is gone, and there is no point for me to stay here.

If the new director takes office with an old-fashioned style, I will definitely not be able to stand it.

"Look at it lightly. As a state cadre, killing someone in public is already a good result." Li Guanhai patted my shoulder and comforted me.

He thought I was stunned because I couldn't accept this, but it was not the case.

I was stunned because the punishment result was no different from my original plan!

When I called Li Guanhai yesterday, I said that at worst I would quit. Although it was just an angry remark at the time, I did have such an idea.

In the end, the punishment result was the same as what I thought at the time. The only difference was that I went from leaving on my own initiative to being expelled passively, which was not good for my reputation.

Reputation is not a thing to eat, so what's the use of it!

"It's just what I want. I have a lot of things to do next."

"What are your plans next?"

I told Li Guanhai the method that the Sheep God told me to rescue the three people.

After hearing this, Li Guanhai was very interested in this matter, but he was interested in the Sheep God himself.

"Is there really a Sheep God, and you are the only one who saw it? Isn't it a dream?" Li Guanhai was a little skeptical.

I also thought it was a dream, but who else could it be if it wasn't the Sheep God who lent me his divine power to help me defeat Sister Yun? Who else came to my dream to tell me how to rescue the three people?

Li Guanhai thought for a while and asked me, "Can you still use your Golden Light Mantra now?"

I shook my head and said regretfully, "No, no matter how much I activate the formula, I can't see any Buddha light."

Li Guanhai stood up and pulled me up. "Try to activate the formula again."

I glanced at Li Guanhai, closed my eyes and recited the formula with some doubt.

"The Mysterious Sect of Heaven and Earth, the root of all Qi. Cultivate all calamities, and prove my supernatural powers."


While I was reciting the formula, I suddenly felt a circle of warmth around me.

I opened my eyes and found that Li Guanhai was directing the golden light on his body to me.

I did not stop chanting the mantra, but chanted louder and louder.

"The profound wisdom is interpenetrating, the five Qi are rising. The golden light appears quickly, covering my body!"

After reciting the last mantra, I stretched my arms to stand upright, and the golden light around me expanded in an instant, and the golden body of the Buddha statue appeared faintly behind me.

But in just a moment, the Buddha statue and the golden light disappeared.

"It really works!"

Putting away the true Qi, I said to Li Guanhai excitedly.

Li Guanhai nodded with satisfaction and told me the real reason why I couldn't use the Golden Light Mantra before.

The reason is very simple, because I didn't really master the Golden Light Mantra.

What I used at that time was just a wisp of Qi that the Sheep God injected into my body.

This wisp of Qi can allow me to use the Golden Light Mantra for a short time, and then cooperate with the formula to amplify the power of the Golden Light Mantra several times.

Just now, Li Guanhai also injected his Qi into my body, but Li Guanhai was not a little bit inferior to the Sheep God, which caused the Golden Light Mantra to be slightly inferior in terms of power and duration.

"The formula of the Golden Light Mantra can greatly increase its power, but I have never seen anyone who can summon the Dharma Real Body by just reciting the formula. Are you a genius?"

Li Guanhai looked at me in surprise, as if he had underestimated my level before.

I raised my head proudly: "It's too late to realize how powerful I am now. We are both separated."

This sentence is a bit inappropriate, and I regretted it after I said it.

After listening to it, Li Guanhai subconsciously lowered his head and did not make any

No response.

The two of us were silent for a while, and finally Li Guanhai broke the silence first.

"By the way, you said there is a bronze statue of the head of the sheep god in the village. Can you take me to see it?"

I nodded and led Li Guanhai to the special hut.

Next to the warehouse, we saw the hut that was out of tune with the village, and the majestic and solemn bronze statue of the sheep head in the house.

The sheep god should be the patron saint of Bijia Village, but the hut dedicated to him does not match the overall style of Bijia Village. It seems to be built by Sister Yun and others later.

So in my heart, the origin of the sheep god has always been a mystery.

"This is..."

The moment Li Guanhai saw the bronze statue, he was shocked and speechless.

Did he know its identity?

"What did you find?" I asked hurriedly.

"This is the head of the ghost golden sheep." Li Guanhai murmured, not knowing whether he was answering my question or talking to himself.

"Ghost Golden Sheep? What is that?" Another name I had never heard of.

"Ghost Golden Sheep, one of the twenty-eight constellations." Li Guanhai turned around and explained to me, "People worship them as gods, but they don't know that their true appearance should be demons!"


Since they are demons, do I still dare to believe the method he told me before to rescue Liu Siniang and others?

"You can rest assured about this. I just said that people worship them as gods because they have been doing good deeds for the benefit of the people even though they are demons."

With Li Guanhai's comfort, I feel more at ease.

"How do you know so much?" I was very curious.

"When I was learning boxing in Shaolin Temple, I read a lot of Buddhist scriptures, which have related descriptions. It's just that I haven't seen the real twenty-eight constellations for so many years, and I just think it's a legend."

Li Guanhai's eyes were full of stars, as if he had discovered some treasure.

"Oh, by the way, take out your demon-conquering book." Li Guanhai urged me.

I don't know what he wants, but seeing his anxious expression, I dare not neglect it, and hurriedly take out the Demon-Subduing Book from my mind.

"If I guess correctly, what is in front of you is the real head of the Ghost Golden Sheep, which means you can choose to use the Demon-Subduing Book to take it for yourself."

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