At this time ~, the main force of guanning army and the main force of Beijing camp of governor yuan were fighting fiercely with the main force of later Jin army under the capital city.

On the eastern front, outside Zunhua, a more fierce, white-edged battle began to enter the rhythm.

Zhao Zhijiao, the beloved General of Ningyuan general and Yuan commander's immediate confidant, led his nearly 5000 elite riders. Early yesterday night, he quietly left the city from the east gate of Zunhua, and made a detour for nearly 100 Li overnight. He ambushed behind the nuke chieftain of Zhengbai banner and the prince of Wuying Prefecture, who was storming Zunhua city.

Zhao Zhijiao's small abacus is very clever.

Originally, after governor yuan got the news that the main force of the later Jin Dynasty would enter the pass from the western line, he wanted to take Zhao to lead the main force of the Ministry of education to go to the capital for King Qin.

After all, this achievement is by no means small.

Especially in front of the emperor, a good show of face

But after careful consideration, Yuan gave up the idea.

The main reason is the location of Ningyuan City, which is really too critical.

Huang Taiji and the main force of the later Jin Dynasty entered the pass from the western line, but it was hard to protect them. The fat man would not play any tricks.

Even though it was blocked by mountains, seas and cities like a natural moat, the latter Jin army was full of cavalry, and its mobility was really too strong.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

After careful consideration, governor yuan decided that the more stable Zhao would lead his followers to stay in Ningyuan, and instead, he would take the generals of Jinzhou's ancestral family to the capital to serve the king, so as to ensure that everything was safe and sound.

However, when governor yuan had just reached the middle of the road, he got the intention of dividing the main force of the later Jin army and expanding to the East.

but at this time, the Shanhaiguan chief soldier, Gui Gui, has been transferred to the Jingshi king by the yuan supervisor. In addition to staying behind the officers and soldiers, Shanhaiguan has no troops available. Yuan supervisor has no choice but to hurry to keep Zhao Lvjiao in Ningyuan. The rate is excellent, and he will rush to the east line of Zunhua as soon as possible.

In fact, there were some There are some unwritten rules

Villages, passes, towns, counties and so on. If you lose them, you will lose them. In fact, it doesn't matter

After all, Tartars are so powerful that immortals can't cover everything.

But big cities, especially the core fortress, must not be lost.

The eastern battlefield, Zunhua and Yongping, are two fortresses that can never be lost.

At this time ~, Yongping city was garrisoned by the famous patriotic general Liu xingzuo, who could barely muster a total of 45000 or 56000 troops. It was also adjacent to Shanhaiguan Pass City, and its back was close to the sea.

In addition, Liu xingzuo's military experience was quite rich, which did not hinder him for the time being.

But Zunhua front line is a little embarrassed

At this time, there were only 35000 old and weak soldiers in Zunhua. Although the governor of Jizhen had already led the elite to support Zunhua, governor yuan had already transferred most of the main force of Jizhen when he came to Beijing.

In particular, the Jizhen army at this time was no longer the powerful Zhejiang army in Qi Jiguang's time, and had little combat power.

Zunhua city is in danger.

But as the old saying goes, "the greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity.".

It is true that he did not catch up with the opportunity of following governor yuan to Beijing to serve the king and to show his face in front of the emperor, but

He can create his own opportunities

At this time ~, the main force of the post Jin army besieging Zunhua was the new nobleman of the white banner of the latter Jin Dynasty, and the king of Wuying Prefecture.

They arrived outside the west gate of Zunhua at noon yesterday.

However, these dog Tartars are not iron men. After driving for such a long time, they have robbed so many surrounding counties, towns and villages. They are also tired and not in a hurry to attack the city.

After a careful observation of the enemy's situation with the governor of Ji Town for an afternoon, Zhao led Jiao made a plan that was extremely risky, but also very feasible, and could solve the problem in the shortest time.

After all, the troops of Zunhua City were too weak at this time. Although the city was high and the walls were thick, the walls had been damaged and had not been repaired properly. Although there were many people in the city, there was not much food and equipment.

If it is done step by step, Zhao will not have many good ways to ensure that the city is kept.

It's like entering a rhythm of chronic death.

This is absolutely intolerable by the arrogant Zhao Daojiao.

With many years of experience in battle, especially the support of Ningyuan and Ningjin's victories, Zhao zhuangjiao still had some psychological advantages in the face of the main Tartars.

In other words, he was not afraid of the Tartars.

Zhao Zhijiao understood that it was not the best choice to stick to the firearm without strong enough support.

So, he decided to pounce!

In front of the city, all the elite officers of the town of Baiji are in charge.

It doesn't have to last too long.

As long as he can hold on until sunset and dusk, when these dog Tartars are tired of attacking the city, he will lead his elite guanning iron cavalry to kill them from the back of these Tartars, solve all the problems in one fell swoop, and make this extraordinary combat feat!The governor of Ji town also understood that if he wanted to have an explanation and keep his black hat, this was indeed the best plan.

In particular, Zhao Daojiao is a famous general of the Ming Dynasty. For many years, his fame has been spread all over the world.

Since Zhao zhuangjiao has said so, he must have plenty of confidence and assurance.

The governor didn't think much and couldn't think much about it, so he finally agreed to Zhao's plan.

At this time ~, the whole development of things is almost as smooth as expected.

During the day today, the seven or eight cattle records of the white flag, together with all the slaves and slaves, seemed to be quite fierce, but in fact, it was not very powerful.

It's obvious that they're tired.

Although Zunhua city has paid the price of some casualties, it has not completely broken its muscles and bones, so it has already guarded the city.

In fact, unless there is a large army attacking the city, the strength of both sides is not equal.

The weak side has lost its confidence before it starts to fight.

Only in such a state of favorable wind and water, the powerful side can easily and quickly break the city.

At this time ~, after all, it was an era of cold weapons and firearms handover.

Especially for the post Jin army at this time, even with the appearance of Li Yuanqing, Huang Taiji had already made his wife's son and began to play with his life to develop firearms. However, the number of the elite firearms troops was very small.

The whole combat mode of the post Jin army is still a kind of cold weapon left over from ancient times.

In such a state, at this time, there were only 5000 or 6000 people in ajige. If he wanted to break through Zunhua City, which has the benefit of the city, it would be very difficult for him to achieve without paying tens of days and a half months and hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Of course, Zhao Zhijiao and the governor's judgment are not wrong!

If the stalemate continues, it will be like a dangerous house in Zunhua city. It will never last too long.

In a way, the options They are all fixed numbers

At this time, while the ajige troops had already sounded the clarion call for retreat, the Ministry of education, which had been hiding behind them, had finally stretched out their ferocious fangs!

"Brothers! Kill tartar! It's in the present day that we have made great achievements in war. "

Just like a tiger descending the mountain, separated by the position of the white flag four or five miles away, Zhao led the Ministry of education began to rush to speed.

Under the protection of hundreds of family members, Zhao Zhijiao was like a blade protected in the middle, whistling and roaring. The fierce red torrent on the horse's back rushed into the almost unprepared battle array of Zhengbai banner!

Zhao led the Ministry of education to move too fast.

For a while, the wolf was as stubborn as a wolf.

Fortunately, azyg's bodyguards and slaves were loyal to the Lord, protecting him, and retreated to the camp of the later Jin army.

However, at this time ~, although the formation of the whole post Jin army was chaotic, the Ming army, which had already taken the lead, was But it doesn't seem to take too much advantage

The main reason is that at this time, the Zhengbai flag under azige was far from that of Huang Taiji.

At this time, the elite of the white flag under azige's command, although it was the name of the white flag, in fact, they were all the elite of the two yellow banners left by the old slaves!

It is the foundation of the foundation of the post Jin army!

In the face of the surprise attack of the Ming army, at first, they did fall into chaos and noise.

Even if the wolf king's claws have been very sharp, but ~, he is a wolf after all.

A slap, how can you want to kill the tiger?

At this time, the whole chaos probably lasted more than ten minutes, and these white flag elite people who were somewhat confused had begun to relax.

It was mainly at this time. Although the situation was chaotic, the Ming cavalry had a lot of room to play. But in order to attack the city, the ajige army had built many walls and bunkers on the main battlefield under Zunhua city.

This made them not like lambs on the plain. They had many hiding places.

At this time, azig, who was slapped in the face, finally responded. He immediately roared like a furious lion: "these despicable dogs! These mean dogs! Mount, Mount! All on the horse! Kill these mean dogs! Hurile! You're going to take someone yourself! Come on! Come on

The personal guard Jia La Zhang Jing Hu RI Le under the command of azig did not dare to neglect him. He quickly mounted his horse and called on his personal guard servants, who rushed into the battlefield.

At this time ~, if Li Yuanqing is in the battlefield, he will be ruthlessly spurt Zhao's direct education!

This is a military idea of genius! But the execution is like a group of pigs!

Zhao Zhijiao's idea is very good and exquisite!Even if we take the initiative a little bit more, it is likely that he will be able to leave ajige under the city of Zunhua, and even kill all the blood left by the old slave!

It can even shake the rule of the later Jin Dynasty!

What a pity!

History never has if!

Not to mention, it is in the ever-changing battlefield!

If Zhao Zhijiao's initial surprise attack was not directed at the retreating Tartars on the battlefield, but directly besieged the dog Tartars' camp with fire, then these Tartars would have no way to retreat, they would have to return to the battlefield just now!

In particular, once the Tartars' camp is destroyed first, they will not be able to mount any more. The flight of the whole army of horses will also cause chaos in the whole situation!

At that time, even though the cavalry of guanning army was not strong enough, but with the support of Zunhua City, they were able to advance, attack and defend, and had already been invincible!

What a pity!

It's too urgent for Zhao to direct his teaching!

In other words, he was too arrogant and too blind to believe in the combat effectiveness of his guanning iron cavalry!

The state of affairs at the moment Doomed ~ ~ ~, like a flying fireball, fierce rush to the vast Star River!

But ~, all this ~, that's all


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