The ten or so soldiers of the Han Army Flag moved quickly and had a very clear goal. They were rushing towards the center of the snow wall and Li Yuanqing's position.

Li Yuanqing didn't dare to neglect him, so he ordered him to take his headquarters to meet the enemy.

"Lord, these Tartars don't seem to break through, but they are trying to test us," Xu said in a low voice

Li Yuanqing nodded and sneered.

If we break through the encirclement, we will certainly not have such a small number of people, and all of them are Han military flags.

Li Yuanqing's side has always been hidden in the dark. In terms of the Jin army behind the post station, they should not touch Li Yuanqing's details. These Han Army flag soldiers are likely to be the cannon fodder for exploration.

At this time, Li Yuanqing also had some admiration for the commander of the Jin army. On one hand, he wanted to test his own side, but on the other hand, he was thinking about whether he might eat his own side.

"These dog days, there is no royal law."

Li Yuanqing spat hard and said to Xu Heizi in a low voice: "after shunzi meets the enemy, you can see the situation and coordinate from the side. We must eliminate these Han Army flag soldiers in the shortest time."

Xu Heizi nodded quickly to prepare.

At this time, the more than ten soldiers of the Han Army flag had come to the front of the battle and connected the fire with shunzi headquarters.

All of these soldiers were armed with armour, with round shields or wooden boards on their hands. They were extremely well defended. However, they had advantages but also disadvantages.

Such heavy equipment makes them feel very hard to walk every step, especially the snow on the ground is very thick, not to mention climbing the snow wall here.

Shunzi didn't rush out to meet the enemy. Instead, he took advantage of the terrain of the snow wall and used the snowballs and stones around him to attack these soldiers from high places.

Don't underestimate these snowballs that seem to be just children's playing. After being firmly grasped by adults, they are almost the same as stones. If you hit the face at close range, you can definitely beat your head and blood.

The key is that Li Yuanqing is short of weapons and equipment. There are no archers, but there are several old-fashioned bird guns. However, in this weather, it is impossible to launch and there is no long-range firepower.

At this time, most of the soldiers were single knives and wooden guns.

These soldiers did not expect that their opponents would be so young, just like children. But soon, as snowballs and stones hit their faces, they couldn't laugh any more, and couldn't help cursing at the back of the snow wall: "you mean dogs, have the seed to do a fight."

However, shunzi kept in mind Li Yuanqing's order and never rashly launched an attack. He used the barrier of the snow wall to launch the most primitive attack on the soldiers of the Han Army flag. As long as they dare to climb up the snow wall, they must be met with lethal steel knives and long guns.

These soldiers were armed to deal with bows, arrows and blunderbusses. What could have occurred to them was that their opponents did not come with such killers, but simply snowballs and stones.

After a while, they realized that the opponent didn't seem to have any bows and arrows. They were also infuriated by shunzi and other people. Some people directly dropped their round shields and began to climb towards the snow wall.

The soldiers of the Han Army flag behind them had the same pattern. They lost their round shields and planks and climbed up against the snow wall. They wanted to teach these bastards behind the snow wall hard.

After a while, seven or eight soldiers of the Han Army Flag climbed up the snow wall and rushed to this side.

Li Yuanqing also has some admiration for their courage, but will not have the slightest pity.

Seeing that it was almost time, Li Yuanqing directly waved his hand to shunzi and Xu Heizi. They immediately understood and led their headquarters to rush to kill the soldiers in the Han Army flag.

It was late at night, it was snowing heavily, and the visibility was not high. These Han Army flags were provoked by shunzi and they did not know how many people were behind the snow wall. It was only when they rushed over that they understood that they had fallen into the crowd of the Ming army.

But at this time, it's too late to regret.

Fifty or sixty people rushed to seven or eight of them. Even though they were brave, they were only flesh and blood. Soon, they were all killed behind the snow wall.

The eight or nine Han Army flag soldiers who were still climbing up realized that the problem was wrong and ran back for their lives.

At this time, shunzi had already taken off the body armor of a Han Army Flag soldier's body, put it on his body, and quickly came to Li Yuanqing. "Brother, these dog Tartars' armor is really good."

Li Yuanqing nodded, "hurry to put on these armor for children, one for each."

These soldiers of the Han Army flag are all dressed in double armour, some even wear three armours. These seven or eight soldiers also have more than 20 pairs of armour, which is definitely a wealth that can not be underestimated.

Shunzi, of course, understood what Li Yuanqing meant. He nodded vigorously and called on the soldiers around him to "abuse the corpses". As long as they could use them, they would remove them.

Soon, the seven or eight corpses were stripped naked and thrown before the snow wall.

It can't be blamed for Li Yuanqing's cruelty. Which of their weapons and armor, including clothes and underwear, was not stolen from the Han people?Seeing that Li Yuanqing was so cruel here, the Han Army flag soldiers on the opposite side could not help shouting and swearing.

The soldiers on Li Yuanqing's side were not polite. They fought back at them with verbal offensive.

At this point, Li Yuanqing is not afraid to expose his troops. Sooner or later, the bayonet will be red. These Tartars rush out earlier. On the contrary, Li Yuanqing can save some physical strength.

By this time, the fire had spread to the gate of the post station. The wooden frame with the huge wooden door hanging above the gate had been ignited by the fire. Some fragile wood fell from the top of the head in a "crackling" way.

At last, the Tartars were no longer silent. A dozen soldiers in front of the Han Army Flag began to gather around two red armored soldiers and one white armored soldier. There seemed to be a leader behind them, fully armed. They rushed towards the center of the snow wall in silence.

Before, when they were on the road, these real slaves were wearing simple cotton armour. They were not familiar with the details. It was difficult to distinguish their identity from their appearance. However, at this time, they had already put on their armor, and their identity was clear at a glance.

Looking at these twenty Tartars, the soldiers on Li Yuanqing's side were quiet and nervous.

If we say that in the face of the Han Army flag soldiers, these soldiers can calmly deal with it, but when zhennu is out, they are still red armor and white armor. This kind of psychological pressure is just like natural.

After all, in recent years, Daming has never won against Jin Jun, especially against laonu.

Li Yuanqing is also a little silent, but for a moment, his eyes exude a cold light, "all his mother to remind me of the spirit, as just as the call to these dog scum."

At this time, the soldiers also responded, one after another to clear up the snowballs and stones behind them, ready to launch an attack on these Tartars.

Thirty steps, twenty steps, fifteen steps, the eye saw the most effective strike distance, Li Yuanqing roared, "hit me."

For a moment, snowballs, stones, and all kinds of miscellaneous weapons came to greet the Tartars.

These Tartars, even hiding, yelling and scolding, rushed towards the snow wall.

At this time, Xu sunspot said in a low voice, "my Lord, it's not good. Look over there. That's the main force of Tartars. They're going to go from the East. "

Li Yuanqing also kept an eye on the situation at the gate of the post station. At this time, listening to Xu Heizi's words, Li Yuanqing took a close look. Sure enough, under the protection of two white armor, two red armor, one leader, one generation son, seven or eight carabiners and a dozen Han Army flag soldiers, a real slave with a white bandage wrapped around his shoulder was heading for the East woods The end of the snow wall came.

Wang Hai's defensive area was over there. He obviously didn't expect that the main tartar force would break through from him. He was already a little flustered and would rush out to meet the enemy.

Li Yuanqing yelled at Xu Heizi and shunzi: "I'll give you two here. Even if you die, you'll have to resist."

"Yes." He didn't dare to respond with a loud voice.

"Duan Xiliang, go with me to kill Tartars." Li Yuanqing shouts to Duan Xiliang and quickly supports Wang Haibu with his headquarters.

Duan Xiliang also responded, following Li Yuanqing.

Soon, Li Yuanqing had come to Wang Haibu, and several soldiers who had appeared to check the Tartars had been shot dead by the tartar archers.

Seeing Li Yuanqing come over, Wang Hai was anxious and angry, "my Lord, dog Tartars are really insidious."

Li Yuanqing motioned to him not to act rashly. He whispered to the soldiers to hide behind the snow wall for the time being and to carefully investigate the movements of Tartars through the simple crenels on the snow wall.

This group of Tartars was nearly 30 people, surrounded by the big man with white bandages on his chest and shoulders, and ran towards this side slowly. It was less than 20 steps.

At the end of the snow wall, there is a forest. The snow wall extends to a big tree. There is about 2 meters between the snow wall and the other tree nearby. The gap can not be made up by manpower.

Li Yuanqing paid close attention to the Tartar's figure and said to Wang Hai in a low voice: "take someone to block the gap. They have a lot of armor on them. They are very heavy and give me the terrain

"Yes." Wang Hai did not dare to neglect, and rushed to the edge of the forest with his headquarters.

At this time, Duan Xiliang suddenly called out, "adult, be careful."

Said, he a hungry tiger, fierce Li Yuanqing fell to one side.

As soon as Li Yuanqing looked up, a cold feather arrow was nailed to the snow wall where Li Yuanqing was lying just now, and inserted into the frozen snow wall.

"I'm his mother." Li Yuanqing couldn't help but spat.

Presumably, it was when he ordered Duan Xiliang that he was not far away when the Tartars heard the news and wanted to plot against himself.

These dogs are more sensitive than wolves.

"Are you all right, my lord?" Duan Xiliang's seven spirits were scared out of six orifices and hurriedly investigated Li Yuanqing's body.

Li Yuanqing quickly got up and shook his head coldly, "Laozi is OK. Xiliang, you leave 20 people to guard the snow wall. Others, follow me to the forest. I'd like to see how the Tartars want to rush over. "Duan Xiliang didn't dare to neglect, so he left 20 people to defend. The rest gathered together, surrounded Li Yuanqing in the center, and quickly ran towards the forest side.

At this time, the leader of the Tartars had already connected with Wang Haibu.

In this state, the small means have been useless, only face-to-face hard to accept.

A red armour and a white armor, taking the lead with seven or eight Han Army flag soldiers, launched an impact on the opening in the forest.

The weapons of the flag soldiers of the Han Army are mainly single knives. The red armour soldier is a scythe with thick arms, while the white armour is two black hammers.

The two men, like two gods of killing, took the lead in the front and rushed into the battle line of Wang Haibu.

"Dog day Tartars, go to hell." A Ming soldier saw that the white armor was so rampant that he swung a knife and slashed at his face.

But the white armor did not retreat or dodge. Just as the Ming army soldier's knife was about to split into his face, he suddenly gave a ferocious smile and picked up the hammer in his hand.

In an instant, the steel knife in the hand of the Ming army soldier seemed to have been shot away, and he fell out with the knife.

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