Hogg didn't expect abathai to Li Yuanqing will be praised in this way.

However, Hogg also understood that abatai said that Jiucheng was a fact. Li Yuanqing is really It's really against the weather

But even though he knew it was true, Hogg's heart was very unhappy, extremely unhappy!

For a moment, some of his children said angrily, "Uncle Qi, if it's like this, then ~, we'll beat the capital, wait for Li Yuanqing to come over, then So we're still going to let it out? "

Abathai couldn't help laughing: "Hogg, you must remember that there are short feet and strong points in every inch! Li Yuanqing is indeed a genius in military affairs! But ~, it doesn't mean that he is invincible! What we have to do is to learn from each other's strong points and make up for the weaknesses, learn from the advantages of Li Yuanqing, and abandon the disadvantages of Li Yuanqing! In the future, when we have Li Yuanqing's powerful firearm, how can Li Yuanqing be our opponent with the power of our golden warrior? "


Hogden also understood the meaning of abatai, and nodded, "Uncle Qi, listen to your words today, my nephew is really It's better to read ten years of war books

Abatai laughed: "Hogg, remember ~, you can't eat hot tofu! Now ~, the war is just beginning. I've occupied most of the initiative. We have plenty of time to play with these people

Hogg looked up at the front of the battle. At this time, the black pottery pots of the rear Jin army had been basically destroyed, and the artillery of the Ming army began to calm down and roar desperately, trying to suppress the firepower of the rear Jin army.

Haugden was quick witted and said in a low voice, "Uncle Qi, can we stop the war today?"

Abatai light smile, "you see the left and right wings."

Hogg was busy scanning the past. At the same time, he also showed an indescribable smile at the corner of his mouth

Two people look at each other, can't help but laugh!


At this time, governor yuan finally couldn't bear it. More than 5000 troops from guanning of Zu dashou's department had quickly arrived at the scheduled location of the left wing of the battle front.

On the other hand, the right wing, the Manchu and houshilu tribes were also driven to the shelves.

At this time, governor yuan had no way out.

After Jin Jun's cold and changeable, he really can't cope with it.

Although governor yuan has been familiar with military books for decades, he can almost recite it from the back of his head. He also has a lot of understanding of Western military methods. However, his so-called understanding is basically based on fantasy, that is, the legendary "military on paper".

At this time, in the face of abathai's insidious, decisive, and chain by ring "interlocking" battle, his mental pressure was almost forced to the extreme.

Governor yuan understood very well that he could win or not lose this battle!

If there is a mistake ~, the consequence is Don't talk about the governor yuan himself. I'm afraid I don't know how many people will suffer with him

At this time, although the Ming army artillery barely suppressed the black clay pot attack of the later Jin army, governor yuan had no confidence at all. He really did not know what kind of dog Tartars would play next.

He had to make preparations in advance. If there was any movement of the later Jin army, he had to deal with it in the shortest time to disperse the formation of the latter Jin army.

At this time, the later Jin army also felt the change of governor yuan. They seemed a little flustered. They did not seem to intend to attack again, but to retreat in a hurry.

On the stage, Yuan's small eyes directly locked the scene.

Governor yuan may not have understood the real situation thoroughly, but at this time, he had already understood the situation.

The latter Jin army was a slow marching army, and seemed to want to retreat quickly. But even though they were covered by cowhide chariots, they were too heavy.

The key is that before and after the Jin army, in order to advance, they had filled up most of the trenches in the whole battle array.

In such a state, if the elite cavalry of the Ming Dynasty launched an attack on the latter Jin army, it would be very difficult for the latter Jin army to resist, and it would be very easy to see the scene of "riding horses to drive sheep".

However, at this time, governor yuan also understood that these Tartars were cunning!

Since they have noticed that the Ming cavalry has been forced up, why should they retreat?

This is not the first to show their own flaws

These Tartars can be so stupid?

Inspector yuan secretly looked back at his back.

On the head of the city, countless pairs of eyes are looking directly at the front battlefield.

"That's all right."

Governor yuan couldn't help biting his teeth!

At this time of the day, his supervisor yuan was beaten and swollen by these Tartars!

In the face of such a weak situation, if he does not make any response, he will continue to maintain a conservative posture, afraid that You can't explain to the emperor and the court at all!Thinking about it, governor yuan asked his staff in a low voice, "gentlemen, at this time, what should our army do?"

Several of his aides have followed him for several years, and they certainly understand what he meant.

For a moment, a middle-aged fat man with a very white appearance said in a low voice: "governor, Tartars must be deceitful in this move. But the emperor and the court officials were watching behind us, but we had to move. According to the students' wishes, the right wing can be allowed to move first, and the left wing can watch its change... "

Inspector yuan took a look at the fat man.

The fat man bowed his head in a hurry.

For a moment, governor yuan suddenly laughed: "immediately give orders to Manchu and Hou Shilu to attack the tartar battle array! Don't let these Tartars retreat so easily


The close soldiers and heralds began to act in a hurry.


At this time, on the right wing of the battle line of the Ming army, manchui and Hou Shilu had been staring at the Tartars.

Seeing the Tartars retreating in a panic, Hou Shilu's eyes narrowed tightly and said in a low voice, "man Shuai, the situation is not right! What kind of medicine are these dog Tartars selling in the gourd? "

The root of cinnamon is itching.

The so-called "eat a fall, gain wisdom"!

With the lessons of the war of Shunyi before, Manchu would never dare to be rash in such a state at this time.

However, deep in the body, almost like a wild animal instinct, but let manchui feel a trace of wrong.

Even though the Ming army's artillery fire was fierce, the Tartars had obvious advantages at this time. Why did they retreat suddenly?

Is it because of seeing them on both sides?

If it is because of seeing them, the common coping means of the later Jin army must be the subsequent cavalry forced to come up to restrain the Ming army cavalry.

When did it seem like this time that they retreated in panic under the eyes of the elite cavalry of the Wanming army?

Are they trying to kill themselves?

"Hou Shuai, the Tartars must have some cruel hand! We must be more careful about that! "

Hou Shilu hastened to focus on nodding, "man Shuai, again and again, no more three! We have already suffered such a big loss, but at this time, we must have a few more minds! "

However, when Hou Shilu's voice just dropped, the heralds behind him whispered: "man Shuai, Hou Shuai, governor yuan's latest instructions require the two units of our army to march forward quickly to kill the tartar battle array!"


Man GUI and Hou Shilu looked at each other for a moment, and at the same time looked at the flag bearer behind him.

Sure enough, the flag bearer's flag language has been clear, is to let them rush forward!

Man GUI and Hou Shilu were speechless at that time!

For a moment, Hou Shilu spat: "man Shuai, before, we really his mother's material accurate! We are indeed responsible for the work of cannon fodder

"The emperor is here, we have no reason not to fight! Lao Hou! Keep sth. in mind! Let's fight from left to right, focusing on long-range attack. We must not rush in rashly! "

"Man Shuai, I always understand! Don't worry! Take care of yourself

"Lao Hou! If we can live today, tonight, we two brothers must not be drunk

"Good! I always feel happy when I can fight with man Shuai

Not long after that, manchui and Hou Shilu troops on the right wing slowly rushed to speed, nearly 4000 elite riders, and quickly rushed to the main battle line of the later Jin army.

At this time, at the head of Guangqumen, Emperor Chongzhen finally remembered where he had heard the legend of the black pottery pot.

Isn't it the time when Li Yuanqing went to the palace of emperor Xiandi?

The funny thing is, at that time, Zhu Youjian only listened to this story as a story, but at this time ~, the Jin army even used this method and beat the king's division of Daming, which was almost helpless

"The emperor, look, our Master Wang's elite riding out!"

Seeing that emperor Chongzhen is still away from heaven, Wang Chengen hurriedly and carefully reminded him.

The emperor was in a hurry and looked forward to the front.

At this time, the two brilliant red torrents, just like the huge waves rolled up by the strong wind, ran straight to the battle line of the Jin army and rushed away!

The whole earth seemed to be shaking.

Emperor Chongzhen's two small fists can't help but hold on tightly!

"Yuan Chonghuan, you must strive for success, and you must strive for my courage! Kill all these Tartars

All the people around were attracted by the two red torrents and looked forward to the battle front in a hurry.

It's just A man with a clear eye can see that the dog tartar looks like It's like, it's like setting a set

At this time, the main forces of the Manchu and houshilu troops had already rushed to the main force of the later Jin army a hundred steps away!

Just now, their garrison point on the right wing was about two miles away from the whole battle line, which was enough for the cavalry to rush to the maximum speed.However, Manchu and Hou Shilu had a long time to think about it.

How can they charge with all their strength before they can't get the trick of the Houjin army?

At this time, the two units had already rushed to the front of the main battle line of the rear Jin army. Manchui couldn't help shouting: "flying axe and javelin! Give me a good greeting

With these words, manchui took the lead in throwing his seven or eight Jin flying axe into the battle line of the later Jin army with the help of the speed of the horse.

At that time, the young men around him learned from each other and threw their heavy concealed weapons into the battle array of the later Jin army.

Then, they quickly changed their horses and did not rush to the battle line of the post Jin army foolishly. Instead, they made a detour and ran back in circles.

In an instant, the dense flying axes and javelins were just like the rain in the forest, and the "crackling" fell on the top of the rear Jin army!

However, the main force of the two Ming armies, however, mostly made a detour.

On the stage, governor yuan couldn't help but scold: "man GUI and Hou Shilu, these two dog scumbags! What are they doing? Do they dare to disobey the emperor? "

But who dares to answer the question of governor yuan?

But just then, the situation in the field suddenly changed.

Although most of the people in manchui and Hou Shilu are skillful in bowing and horse riding, the war situation is too complicated. Even if the plan is perfect, there are always people who will have accidents

Because of their vision, out of control and other reasons, dozens of qierlang couldn't control the direction of their horses. They had to rush into the battle line of the later Jin army, but they were in the arms of the latter Jin army!


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