
"Kill minggou!"

"Khan is looking at us from behind! Warriors, go for it

The main forces of the later Jin army, which seemed to have been buried in the black ash, suddenly fell into trouble. They were very quick and very regular. On the side of the battle line of the Ming army, they were in some panic confusion.

These Ming soldiers really don't understand.

Why Why didn't they kill all these Tartars with such a fierce attack? How could they still have such great strength and vitality to rush forward

On the high platform of guanning army, governor yuan was also frightened.

Although governor yuan had already predicted that, the reason why the later Jin army was so tolerant might have been to wait for the weak period of the Ming army and then make an emergency.

But in governor yuan's thinking, the Ming army's sharp and thick covered firearms would be blown up even if the latter Jin army had a turtle shell for ten thousand years!

How can you imagine that such a sharp firearm attack by the Ming army was similar to that of the latter Jin army at all.


"Come on! Get on the top! Never let them rush up! Come on, order Zu dashou and Cao Wenzhao to go up quickly! Come on! Come on

At this time, governor yuan didn't have time to think about what kind of facial propriety, he yelled like crazy!

He clearly knew the power of the main force of the latter Jin army in close combat.

Once they are rushed into the battle line of the Ming army, then The consequences are simply unthinkable!

Not to mention, the emperor is watching behind him.

Zu dashou, who has been personally supervising the battle in front of him, didn't expect that the situation would be so sudden!

However, he couldn't help but react. He quickly called out his relatives and soldiers, and the elite Guan Ning of his headquarters came to the top.

Otherwise ~, once the front line of these Beijing camp masters lose, his ancestor dashou will have a hundred heads, which is not enough to chop off

Cao Wenzhao, who was left behind by the Chinese army, was also shocked! He never thought that the vitality of the post Jin army would be so tenacious

But Cao Wenzhao himself was a cruel man.

After Jin Jun's sudden attack, he was not surprised but pleased!

Although he had the opportunity to perform in the previous wars and was received by the emperor, Cao Wenzhao understood that those were small things, and he did not fully display his courage and glory.

Now ~, isn't the opportunity coming?

"My brothers, the dog Tartars are against me! Go! Follow me to kill Tartars

Cao Wenzhao quickly led his 3000 Chinese troops to stay at the front line of battle.

Front, the speed of the rear Jin army's advance is very fast. It's like thunder and lightning.

Even though there were deep trenches and earth walls before the battle of the Ming army, the main forces of the latter Jin army had been prepared for a long time. The short and sharp ladders were quickly put up from behind like magic tricks.

The bravery of these Nvzhen soldiers was revealed at this time.

The trench of the Ming army was at least seven or eight meters wide and five or six meters deep. Although the water layer under it was not frozen, it was full of sharpened bamboo and sharp wood.

The walls of the Ming army were 56 meters high, wide and thick.

Such a distance, the erection of a ladder, afraid that the future generations of unprotected high-altitude glass cleaning more dangerous.

However, these brave Nvzhen warriors, without any fear, were like robots, ferocious and roaring, rushing up these ladders.

Even if some of their companions were hit by the fire of the Ming army and fell into the trench below, they could not resist their surging situation at all!

That is to say, in three or five minutes, at least more than 100 elite carapace beetles with two yellow flags and Zhenglan banners had rushed to the wall of the Ming army, and then quickly jumped down and rushed into the red stream of people of the Ming army.

In later generations, people often use one enemy, three enemies and ten enemies to describe one's bravery.

However, in the era of peace in the future, after all, there is no room for this thing to play.

At best, it is a small fight, fight a group fight, people can not understand this kind of violence, the sense of irritability.

But at this time ~, these warriors of the Jin army, Wei Lin, rushed to the battle line of the Ming army. I'm afraid it's more terrible than the tiger's downhill!

All of them are of strong build and are protected by fine armour.

In particular, a few white armor, surrounded by the essence of the slave body, two or three, three or five people, is a small fighting group.

Although the Ming army had a large number of people, most of the people who controlled the firearms were the big Ye soldiers of the Beijing camp.

These soldiers fight with the wind, which is indeed extraordinary bravery, but ~, when did they face this situation, they should face the real slave warriors like beasts


Before he could run back, he was beaten with a bamboo javelin by a white armour with a yellow flag. A spear was nailed to the wall behind him, and the dark red blood flowed down the wall.Even though he was wearing thick fine armour on his body, the bamboo spear with white armor was sharper. It was stabbed directly through the weakest part of his neck without armor. It was fast, accurate and fierce!

The general manager of Beijing camp did not even have time to make any response and was killed on the spot.

At the same time, as more and more Houjin warriors rushed into the battle, the Ming army almost instantly had a state of collapse.

Fortunately, the fortification terrain of the Ming army was extremely complex and not open.

Otherwise ~, if this is the head of the city, once the rear Jin army rushes up the wall, then ~, the capital will be broken!

At the head of the city, Emperor Chongzhen's legs and stomach began to shiver.

Although I have heard that Tartars are brave and powerful for a long time, "Nvzhen is not satisfied with ten thousand, and there is no one to fight against.".

But that's just a legend. How many people have seen and participated in?

But at this time ~, when Emperor Chongzhen saw with his own eyes the power of the latter Jin army as if it were a tiger fighting a rabbit

No wonder these Tartars are so arrogant. They, they really have this arrogant capital

Emperor Chongzhen wanted to say something at this time, but his voice seemed to be stuck by something. He could not say a word, but his body was shaking uncontrollably.

At the same time, Wang Chengen was also frightened. However, he had lived such a long time. In a moment, he immediately reacted and yelled at him with a sharp Drake's voice, like a mad Crow: "what is he doing for eating? Come on! Get these Tartars out of here! Come on! Send an order to yuan Manzi! Come on! Come on

Around a crowd of big men, the nobility reacted even more.

They are like ants on a hot pot. They don't know what to do.

If it had not been for the Emperor himself to supervise the battle, they would have been scattered for a long time.

To the south of the city, Yang miaocai's eyebrows were also tightly wrinkled.

At this time ~, he finally found out, and finally wanted to understand, where is the weak link of the Ming army!

If Li Yuanqing was in such a state, he would surely have left behind and would not gather all his hopes on the firearm.

At this time, governor yuan gathered all his hopes on the firearm. The key point is that his firearm offensive was not effective at all.

After the gold army obviously has abundant protection preparation, but you still have to put them so far ahead!

This son of a bitch is not an old man hanging himself -- looking for his own death?

"Barbarian yuan in dog days!"

It was Yang miaocai who had been reading sages all his life. At this time, he couldn't help thinking of scolding his mother!

This barbarian yuan is really a waste with high vision and low hand!

He really can't understand ~, the son of God, why should we use this kind of waste

What a pity!

Even if he was as smart as Yang miaocai, at this time ~, he could not find the most critical reason for the defeat of the Ming army.

If Li Yuanqing is here, I'm afraid it can be seen at a glance. To paraphrase the old saying of later generations, "it's not brothers' incompetence, but How fierce

Governor yuan's strategy was correct, and he was well prepared. According to the truth, the battle would never have been like this.

It's like the office of the president of the national army of later generations. "Every plan made here is a genius idea! But the implementers are... "

Yuan's arrogance and greed was one aspect of the defeat of the Ming army, but it was not the main cause.

The key point is that governor yuan did not understand what war was!

The firepower of the Ming army was indeed strong, but obviously, with the precedent before it, the Jin army was fully prepared.

In addition, the black pottery pot is only the product of the Shanzhai. Although it has some practical lethality, its real effect is far from being as effective as the hand grenade and explosive bag developed by Changsheng camp after thousands of times of experiments!

The most important thing is that, after all, it is to drive the ducks to the shelves. Neither the firearm men of the Beijing camp nor the firearm men of the guanning army have received systematic training, so they do not know much about the effectiveness of this thing.

They launched them completely by feeling. It was impossible to predict what kind of specific lethality these firearms would have when they burst out in the battle line of the post Jin army.

It's like a blind man touching an elephant.

For all the effects, they are full of fantasy, but also all for the best.

But after the Jin army are all elite.

They are not fools!

In particular, the young and vigorous generals in the post Jin army were all famous generals who had experienced many battles and tangled with Li Yuanqing for several years!

They have already adapted to the rhythm of firearms. How can they wait for death and let the Ming army fight with their hands and feet tied?

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha

At this time, aobai had already rushed to the wall of the Ming army, and could not help laughing: "warriors, rush up, rush up! Kill all these minggouzi! It has broken the capital of minggouzi. Everyone has made a lot of money, drinking and eating meat, sleeping girlsOn the other side, Hogg also approached the wall of the Ming army.

Seeing that the aobai Department of the right wing had already rushed in, Hogg's fiery temper also came up and called out the blue flag warriors under his command to come forward.

"Come on! Come on! All of them are on top of me! Never be compared by them! Come on! You will be rewarded for breaking down the Ming army's position

At this time, in the central part, tambai and abathai are unconsciously fighting each other.

"Seven masters, today's momentum is good."

Abatai said with a faint smile: "Tam Bai, do you think that today I Dajin can take this Ming army camp?"

Tan Bai said with a smile: "seventh master, I dare not speak in vain. However, there should be no big problem in killing minggouzi's morale. "

Abatai laughed: "Sir, I can't let you dog slave take the lead

With that, abathai rushed forward quickly.

Looking at abatai's back, Tam Bai could not help but smile: "seventh master, I will not let you

At this time ~, the main colors of blue and yellow after the Jin army flood, like the flood that broke the dike, poured back to the Ming army fortifications group.

However, the bright red army of Ming Dynasty was defeated and retreated, which was like a mountain!

Fortunately, the whole fortification group of the Ming army was very complex in structure, with continuous gullies and narrow terrain.

At this time, although the army of the later Jin Dynasty rushed in many people, but after all, they did not carry enough ladders and were constrained by the terrain, so they could not rush further and expand the battle results for a while.

This also gave the Ming army the most precious time.

Let the elite guanning army and the Cao Wenzhao Department of the central army, who are more capable of fighting hand to hand, rush to the top to fight the flood.


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