Thank you for the support of the sniper Jay brothers. Thank you for supporting the boat.

The boat can't find the North these days Almost all of them are updated regularly, but the difficulties can't be lingering all the time. The boat will continue to work hard.

dinner was eaten in Huang Taiji's big tent.

During the dinner, Huang Taiji also praised the achievements of all the people who fought today, but the specific reward should be granted after returning to Shengjing.

However, back to his big account, Hogg pondered for a long time, but he was still very unhappy.

Today, the failure to win the position of the Ming army is naturally one reason, but this is not the main reason. Most importantly, Hogg found that he did not understand his political intentions

In terms of military affairs, although Hogg only brought less than 10 cattle records, and not enough than 4000 people with his own guards and slaves, these people were the elite among the elite of the gold industry, and they had little choice in terms of combat effectiveness and all aspects of literacy.

Even compared with ajig, Dourgen and dodo, the two yellow banners under their command were not inferior in any way.

After all, Haug was Huang Taiji's own son and the eldest son. In addition, the internal political form of the later Jin Dynasty was still somewhat erratic. For his beloved son, Huang Taiji naturally would not be stingy of capital.

The son is anti Laozi.

But after all, it is "brothers in war, father and son soldiers in battle.".

How can brothers compare with father and son?

To a large extent, the strength in Hogg's hands is the strength of Huang Taiji.

At least at this stage, Hogg had no reason to oppose Huang Taiji. And it will be an important support for Huang Taiji.

Although Hogg was only in his early twenties, after all, he was the purest Nuzhen warrior. He was the royal family of Aisin Jueluo. He began to participate in the war since he was a teenager and made many contributions. He has rich experience in war.

If only from the military point of view, in addition to Li Yuanqing is a bit of fear, the other Ming army, Hao Ge is not empty.

It's just, on the political level Hogg was a little bit weak.

Even now, it's almost midnight. Hogg has been pondering for most of the night, but he still doesn't know much about Huang Taiji's political intentions

"What does Khan AMA want to do

"If today's war is to crush the tone of minggouzi, then by this time, this goal should have been achieved?"

"But why Why didn't Khan Alma transfer the main force of Da Jin, and seemed to stay outside the capital? "

"Why did Khan Alma do this? What on earth is he thinking? "


Hogg kept pacing back and forth in the big tent, playing with a delicate knife in one hand and kneading his temples with the other.

Today, for the first time, Hogg didn't recruit a few captured Han women slaves to sleep with him. Instead, he locked himself in a big tent and thought about things carefully.

Prince and grandson.

Especially the direct blood, the appearance seems to be unlimited scenery, but who can understand their risk and pressure?

Because this kind of thing, no one can tell, Hogg also dare not tell anyone.

Whether it is Abbott, the seventh uncle who has been on good terms with him these days, or a few of his own Chinese aides, Hogg actually does not trust them.

Although he was a prince and grandson, he actually grew up in the environment of wolves.

There are many times, he is indeed reckless, indeed rough, but this does not mean that he is very naive.

Hogg knew that he was no wiser than his uncles, brothers and even nephews, but it didn't matter. He worked hard all the time.

"Tan Bai is a personal genius. Ah, it's true that the intention of ahan is clear between the three sentences

"However, tambai is a little bit inferior after all. In military affairs, he has some talent, but in the overall situation, he is still slightly inferior. But Tan Bai is really an object that can be drawn in. "

"It's just that this guy is so smart, how can he be courted?"

"And. Uncle Qi didn't reveal his strategic intention in time. It seems that the seventh uncle's mind is not small. "


"Ha ha. Seven uncle has a mind, but it is human nature, after all, he is still a humble Baylor. Compared with my Lord. In this respect, Khan AMA is indeed a bit stingy

"But I'm afraid it's not so easy to win over the seventh uncle. What's more, Khan AMA is in good health at this time. Obviously, it's not the time for me to jump too much

"I still need to accumulate more achievements, especially more prestige and experience in the army, so that I can be more confident when dealing with Li Yuanqing.""According to Han AMA's idea, tomorrow, the next day, including the next 10 days and a half months, Han AMA seems to want to circle around the capital of Gouzi in Ming Dynasty, but ~, Han AMA also said today that it is very difficult for Dajin to conquer the capital city of Ming people because the number of minggouzi is not enough..."

"Why don't you go to the surrounding areas and plunder more people and property, and still pester in the capital all the time?"

Suddenly something flashed into Hogg's head, as if something had gone through his head.

"Ha ha. Ha ha ha... "

For a moment, Hogg couldn't help giggling. He seemed to have finally grasped the main line of the matter

However, what is the matter? Tomorrow, we should first explore the various aspects of the situation, and then make a dispute.


In the early morning of the next morning, Hogg had already got up, fresh and fresh, as if he had not been tired of the hard battle with the Ming army yesterday.

Obviously, in terms of physical strength, Hogg was much better than the generals of the Ming army.

I'm afraid that even man GUI and Cao Wenzhao, who are known as energetic masters, are not his rivals.

Talent is one aspect of physical strength and energy, but more of it depends on the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Manchu and Cao Wenzhao were already the strong men in the Ming army at this time, but in fact, they were still traditional officers under the old and heavy military framework of the Ming Dynasty.

Under the influence of Li Yuanqing, man GUI has been quite diligent in the post of commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan Pass. He exercises in a small way in three days and a big exercise in ten days. He himself often participates in the training, and his state of all aspects is maintained well.

But ~, after all, the environment is different.

Hogg, including a number of princes and nobles in the post Jin army, the blood of the royal family is only an incentive. They want to stand up, but still depends on the efforts of each person.

The internal power competition in Houjin is ten times and dozens times higher than that in Daming.

And there is only one way for them to prove their bravery and nobility, that is, their fighting achievements and achievements!

However, although there are many low-level generals and officers on the side of the Ming army, they are also very urgent in this respect. But if there is a large framework of this system and the surrounding atmosphere, it is bound to be very rare for those who can produce mud without being stained.

With a history of 200 years and nearly 300 years of the Ming Dynasty, Qi Jiguang is the only one who deserves the title of "general star" in addition to the founders.

He got up and moved outside the tent, and the servant had prepared breakfast for Hogg.

After eating the wind and the clouds, Hogg first came to Huang Taiji's big tent to greet him.

Huang Taiji has already got up and is washing his face.

When he got the news that Hogg came over, he did not shy away and directly let the eunuch at the door let Hogg in.

"My son has met Khan AMA. Kowtow to Khan AMA. "

Hogg kowtowed to Huang Taiji and saluted.

Huang Taiji had already wiped his face, looked at Hogg and said with a smile, "get up. Didn't sleep well last night? Blood in your eyes? "

Seeing Huang Taiji in a good mood, Hogg said with a smile: "Han AMA, yesterday Yesterday, my son has been thinking about things and consumed some time. "


Huang Taiji faintly smile, Damascus knife came to his throne to sit down, smile way: "Hogg, what do you think?"

Hao Ge came to Huang Taiji's side with care. He was respectful and said with a careful smile: "Han AMA, my son is thinking, how can I, Da Jin, gain more benefits in this war and deter the court of minggou."

Huang Taiji laughed and became more and more beautiful. He said with a smile, "what did you think of?"

Haug had already made up his mind and said with a quick smile: "Han AMA, my son thinks that what he said yesterday is very correct. At this time, minggou is not out of breath. Even if they are not able to fight, but under their capital city, with their little emperor in charge of the war, they have no way to retreat, so it is impossible for them not to work hard. But I, Da Jin, are in such a state. If I am with minggou hard Gang, on the contrary On the contrary, they fell into the inferior... "

Haug said, secretly aiming at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji looked at Hogg with a smile and some amusement, but he did not express his position in a hurry. Instead, he nodded slightly, indicating that Hogg would continue.

Haug knew that his first strategy had worked, and then he said, "Khan AMA, my son thought that there was yesterday's war. Minggou is afraid that he will never dare to fight again. And the warriors of Dajin can have more energy to attack the surrounding areas of the capital. Especially at this time, Li Yuanqing in the east line seems to have a change scene. In addition, minggou's army of King Qin is rushing to this side. We have to make good use of this time

Huang Taiji nodded with a smile and looked at Hogg softly: "Hogg, it's really good that you can have this thinking. However, things can't be looked at in this way. You have to think more. The vast territory of Ming people is far beyond your imagination. Although the Ming people around the capital are known as rich, but these days, you also see. The oil and water places have been basically cleaned by my golden warrior. In such a state, if you want to gain more, you must go deep into the hinterland of Ming people. "Hogg also understood the meaning of Huang Taiji and said, "Han AMA You mean, we don't have enough time... "

Huang Taiji laughed and nodded.

Hogg's growth obviously made him very happy.

For a moment, Huang Taiji explained carefully: "before me, the reason why I decided to lead the warriors into the pass was, to a large extent, driven by the general trend. Because Li Yuanqing had a deep contradiction with the Ming court at that time, he had been limited to the south of Liaoning Province by the Ming court. There is an old saying in Han Dynasty that success is Xiao He and failure is Xiao He. Before Li Yuanqing sent someone to contact me and wanted me to send troops, he just wanted to resolve the crisis between him and the Ming court, so that he could have an incision to transfer contradictions. "

"I obviously don't want to be led by Li Yuanqing. Therefore, I did not pay attention to Li Yuanqing at that time. But as things fluctuated, the situation changed again. Several Mongols around the Ming Dynasty took refuge in the Mongols, which made my golden age ripe. Therefore, I did not have too much preparation, so I facilitated this entry. "

"But Hogg, you must know that what you can hold is yours. What you can't grasp, no matter how good it is, is still not yours. Li Yuanqing has a saying that is very good, meat, rotten in the mouth, is good meat. At this point in the war, we have reached the point where we can withdraw our troops. But. "

Huang Taiji stopped for a moment and then said with a smile, "with so many people and property, I can't get out of the pass for a while. We always have to buy more time for ourselves. "


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