With the downpour of torrential rain and hazy vision, and covered by the maid's long hair and lotus root arms, Li Yuanqing did not see the cave that Qu minqiu said for a while.

A moment later, when Qu minqiu pointed again, Li Yuanqing found the entrance of the cave.

Outside the neck of Li Yuanbu, there are two and a half tall trees in front of Li Yuanbu.

The entrance of the cave is not very large. It is only half a person high. It is surrounded by solid granite exposed to the outside. Only by the side of this crooked neck pine tree, some soil is stuck in the gap, but it should also be very solid.

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed and whispered, "minqiu, you guys are waiting for me here. I'll go up and check it out first."

Li Yuanqing said, carefully put the little maid aside, let Qu minqiu several women help her.

"Yuanqing, you must be careful," Qu minqiu said

The worry in the big eyes almost overflows.

Li Yuanqing smiles: "minqiu, don't worry. This kind of Pediatrics can hardly live in you, man and me? "

However, although the mouth is frivolous, but Li Yuanqing action is not dare to neglect.

Back a few steps, the fierce rush speed, with the help of speed, stepped on a granite corner below, two big hands, have strong and powerful grasp of the cave exit ground.

Then, with the help of the strength of both arms and waist and abdomen, he leaped upward, and his legs and body had climbed onto the platform of the cave.

This is a common action of young men in the army. It is also an action that must be trained in ordinary training. It is mainly used to jump out of the defensive wall and trench.

of course, this is also a small essence that Li Yuanqing learned from our army training in later generations.

At this time, although the later Jin army began to learn from the appearance of Changsheng camp, to build walls, dig trenches, and construct defense systems, the rest of the Ming army also included governor yuan, not to mention it.

But, as the old saying goes, "it's hard to draw bones by drawing tiger skin."

They only know how to learn the earth wall and trench works of Li Yuanqing and the children of Changsheng camp, but they don't know that the details of these seemingly insignificant things are very important.

Like the wall of the camp, the outside is solid and smooth, almost no angle.

This kind of wall is often up to three or four meters high. It is almost impossible to climb from the outside with manpower.

Because there is no focus, there is no force at all.

This kind of design, even the monkey is very difficult to go up.

The interior wall is divided into several layers. In each layer, there is almost a shallow depression.

These depressions are used by children to rush out of fortifications in the shortest time when they attack and charge.

However, both Huang Taiji and Yuan are just "drawing ladles according to the gourds". How can the earth walls and ditches be strong and how can they be so particular?

It seems that they have got the true story of Li Yuanqing, but in fact, they are "painting tigers like dogs". It is not surprising that in the real war, there are differences.

At this time, Li Yuanqing has come to the cave.

Although the entrance of the cave is narrow, after entering, it is suddenly open and spacious.

The whole cave is like a flat egg, wide in the middle and narrow at both ends.

The depth inside is very shallow, less than five meters, but there are seven or eight meters on both sides. But its height is not too high, Li Yuanqing stood up, a little head.

Because the cave is too shallow, the light inside is pretty good, can barely see about.

What surprised Li Yuanqing even more was that A lot of firewood and living utensils were accumulated.

Unfortunately, these things have been covered with a thick layer of dust, it is obvious that some years have not been used.

And on one side of the wall, there are many polished traces, underground, also discarded a few abandoned arrows.

At this time, Li Yuanqing had a general judgment in his mind.

It is likely that the aborigines of Changsheng island used to hunt or dig herbs here for rest and shelter.

After the second year of Tianqi and the war of Guangning, the Jin army occupied the whole of southern Liaoning, and the aborigines of Changsheng Island fled one after another for ten years.

It is not surprising that there is such a legacy.

The most fortunate thing is that the terrain here is too low, and it has not become a habitat for those obnoxious bats. There is no odor of bat dung, and it is roughly the same as it was then.

Li Yuanqing looked for a moment in the cave, and found a rattan ladder on the rock wall at the entrance of the cave. After pulling it hard, it was still very strong.

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed and rushed to the cave entrance.

Sure enough, on both sides of the hole, there are obvious holes ~ holes drilled by people, which are used to frame and put the rattan ladder.

Where can Li Yuanqing neglect?Busy carefully put the rattan ladder into the hole ~ eye son, and use the next few vines, the frame solid solid, carefully climb out along the rattan ladder, has been landing.

There is no problem at all.

"Qing, what is this yuan?"

Qu minqiu's several women were shocked at the moment. Unexpectedly, Li Yuanqing went in for a moment and turned out this kind of thing like magic.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "minqiu, did I say that? I, Li Yuanqingfu, have a big life, and God won't accept me! This cave is very nice. Come on, I'll help you up first. "

Said, Li Yuanqing squatted down, "riding on my neck."


Although his whole body has been soaked through and the rainstorm has been pouring down, Qu minqiu's pretty face is still a little red and a little stunned.

At this time, Li Yuanqing could not help being speechless, and he could not take pity on the fragrance and the jade, "minqiu, hurry up! The rain can kill people


Qu minqiu this just reacts to come over, busy carefully riding on Li Yuanqing's neck.

Li Yuanqing stood up carefully and instructed Qu minqiu to say, "minqiu, take care of this rattan ladder and climb up slowly. I'm dragging you down here

"Well." Qu minqiu didn't dare to be petty at this time. He grabbed the rattan ladder and climbed up carefully.

Li Yuanqing first held her delicate buttocks, and then held her feet and shoes until Qu minqiu had climbed into the cave with most of his body. Li Yuanqing did not let go.

Qu minqiu lies prone on the cave mouth and shouts down: "Yuanqing, be careful."

Li Yuanqing laughed and showed his white teeth, "don't worry. Minqiu, there won't be anything with me. "

With that, Li Yuanqing said to a few maids: "you three, don't ink. Hurry up. I'll carry you up

The three little maids were blushing.

Qu minqiu dares to ride on Li Yuanqing's neck because she is the second lady of the real brand. And they What is it

At this time, Li Yuanqing was also a little hairy. He grabbed a little maid's arm and grabbed her. His big hand slapped her on her small buttocks, "what's your stupidity? Don't hurry up! "

"Eh? Yes

This little maid this just reacts to come over, dare not neglect, carefully and cleverly rode on Li Yuanqing's neck.

Then, by Li Yuanqing holding a small butt, and holding legs and feet, carefully climbed up.

Above, Qu minqiu is also busy reaching out to pull her up.

Do the same.

After a while, Li Yuanqing sent the two maids to the cave.

Finally, Li Yuanqing directly used a bath towel to tie a knot on his neck. He put the maid on his chest, took her in one hand and climbed up the rattan ladder carefully with the other.

Also Rao is Li Yuanqing's strength is outstanding, on weekdays, he eats and drinks well, and his physical quality is extremely excellent. Otherwise, if he were to be an ordinary person, he would have lost his strength.

Six people all came to the cave, their bodies had already been drenched and cold.

Outside, the "click click" thunder, accompanied by the shrill lightning, almost will turn the world over.

Fortunately, in terms of the seaside camp, Li Yuanqing took the storm into account when he set up the camp. He made the tent group extremely strong, which was not much worse than the ordinary stone brick houses.

Li Yuanqing's only worry at this time is that he does not have his woman to go to sea this afternoon, otherwise, this matter will be in great trouble

However, on the sea, the view is hundreds of times wider than the small pool under the shade of mountains and trees.

Even if someone goes out to sea and sees the weather is abnormal, he will return home quickly.

In particular, megana's skin is like a hot pony. She has a strong temper. She should not be so stupid.

After a short rest, Li Yuanqing took out the flint, cleaned up some firewood, and put it in the cave where the aborigines used to burn firewood. "Minqiu, you guys, take off all your clothes. I'll light the fire and let's warm it. If you get cold like this, you will die. "

Qu minqiu's several women blushed at the moment, but Li Yuanqing said that the situation was in crisis. They did not dare to hesitate and took off their clothes carefully.

At that time, the white flower a round fat swallow thin delicate body, simply some dazzling people's eyes.

Li Yuanqing some of the effort to swallow saliva, busy don't look, carefully wipe the fire with a bath towel, light the fire.

Although the years of these dry firewood are very old, they need not take much effort to ignite them with the help of a fire and a fire folder wrapped in oilcloth.

However, the seaside climate is a little humid, just after lighting, these smoke some choking hurt people.

Li Yuanqing busy let a few women hold their breath, fan out these harmful gas first.

Soon, the fire had returned to normal, and the sound of "crackling".

The red fire gradually brought warmth to Li Yuanqing and several women.At this time, Li Yuanqing took these military iron kettles and gave them to Qu minqiu's women, "minqiu, you guys, heat the kettle. Now, we must not drink cold water. I'll save the maid first. By the way, what's her name? "

At this time, Qu minqiu responded, "Yuanqing, her name is Xiaoyu."

"Light rain?"

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing: "this drizzle is really my drizzle."

The other three maids were stunned at the moment, but they didn't expect that Xiaoyu, a silly girl, had a blessing in disguise. He asked for his name.


Don't you want to remember her name?

But Qu minqiu had already started to boil water with a wooden stick and a kettle. The three maids did not dare to neglect them. They hastened to learn from each other and began to boil water.

Li Yuanqing's military water bottles at this time are slightly different from those of later generations, but they are already very functional. As long as there is water in it, it can be directly used for heating.

As early as the beginning of the design, Li Yuanqing had already made the craftsmen consider the various complicated terrain conditions that might be encountered in the war.

But before they only focused on swimming, the water in the kettle naturally did not drink half.

At this time, Li Yuanqing carried the comatose light rain to the open space by the fire, and ordered a maid to spread a bath towel on the ground, carefully put the light rain on the towel.

"You guys, get out of the way. I want to save her

This cave space is too small, Li Yuanqing motioned for a few women to step back a little, to leave more space for him.

Qu minqiu several women dare not neglect, busy slightly close to the edge of the hole, to Li Yuanqing to make more space.

Li Yuanqing slowly took a breath, calmed down his mind for a while, crossed his hands, and began to press Xiaoyu's chest and abdomen rhythmically.

For a moment, the light rain began to "wow" spit out a few big mouthfuls of dirty water, coughing repeatedly.

Li Yuanqing helped her up carefully and gently stroked her back to help her get along.

But Xiaoyu did not mean to wake up.

Li Yuanqing put his big hand on her chest and tried her heartbeat. It was no big problem.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing could not help but smile and said in a low voice: "it seems that you have to do artificial respiration for you personally."


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