Xiaoyu's face was red and hot. For a moment, he was busy and said in a low voice: "Ye Not yet... "

"Ha ha."

Li Yuanqing smiles and pinches her delicate fingers with a smile: "it's so late, why haven't you eaten yet?"

Li Yuanqing's words are not nutritious, just like It was like a wolf who caught a shy little white rabbit, but Li Yuanqing was not tired of it at this time.

After experiencing too much tiredness and tangled interests, Li Yuanqing is very fond of or eager to communicate with Xiaoyu, a simple "little white rabbit", even if he only talks for a few days.

Xiaoyu's face became even more red and said in a low voice: "master, if you don't leave, you can't go to dinner..."


Rao is Li Yuanqing, who has been through many battles for a long time, but he didn't expect this result I can't help but blush

But for a moment, Li Yuanqing reacted and said with a smile, "this is not my fault. If you want a horse to run, how can you not feed the horse? Well Maybe it's because there are so many things in the government these days. I'm busy with my hands. I don't think I'm comprehensive. Xiaoyu, since you didn't eat today, I'll invite you to dinner. How can you let Ye Xiaoyu starve? "

Li Yuanqing was playing with Xiaoyu's hand with a smile and said: "by the way, Xiaoyu, what's the name of the little girl who was with you just now? You two are on duty today. I'll treat you to a good meal tonight

After all, how can the 15-year-old Li Yuanqing's opponent be Xiao Yu's?

At this time, there was no one else in the outer hall. Li Yuanqing's attitude was so gentle that she had gradually relaxed a lot. She was busy in a low voice and said, "master, her name is peony. Still waiting in the room. "

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing: "Xiaoyu, it's just right. Go and call her. Let's go out together. By the way, you call her over now. I want to make up. You make up, too


After a while, Li Yuanqing has become a middle-aged man with a full face and a beard, and changes into a luxurious black silk robe, while Xiaoyu and Shaoyao have become two pretty boys around Li Yuanqing.

Of course, the time is too short, the makeup of two little girls can't be too delicate. People with a clear eye are afraid to see it at a glance. These are two small scallops.

With Jin Huizi, who is on duty in the official hall tonight, Li Yuanqing, with a sword hanging around his waist, a folding fan in his left hand, an umbrella in his right hand, and a light rain and peony in his right hand, walked out of the official hall in a rather nondescript way from warehouse No. 3 and his exclusive secret passage.

At this time, it has reached the end of Youshi, and it will be about seven o'clock in the evening.

If put in the ordinary, this is the most lively time on the island.

But because of the heavy rain this afternoon and the light rain, there are not many people on the street.

As he walked along, Li Yuanqing chuckled and joked with the two girls, telling them some small jokes of later generations. Soon, he made the two girls "giggle" straight, and the atmosphere was relaxed and lively.

Li Yuanqing wanted to go to crab lane, but it was at least six or seven miles from the official hall to the crab lane. Although the two girls did not bind their feet, they were still too far away, so they went directly to the main street not far from the official hall.

At this time, there were fewer pedestrians on the main street than usual. However, the shops on both sides were still lighted, and some pedestrians with umbrellas were shopping here.

The main reason is that Changsheng island takes the army as the main body. During the day, children have to practice. It is difficult to go out and hang out with family members, colleagues and friends. In the evening, they have time to go out for parties and shopping.

In particular, the catering industry on the island mainly focuses on the evening meal.

Of course, in addition to the merchants on the island, the main consumers are the numerous children in Changsheng camp.

Li Yuanqing took two little girls around for a while and came to a grand restaurant.

The main building has five floors only, and the whole facade is several circles larger than that of ordinary shops. Even in today's weather, there are many cars and horses outside the restaurant, occupying at least half of the "parking lot". It is Chang Yun Niang's flagship restaurant, Changsheng island.

Next to Changsheng Island Restaurant is a jewelry store opened by Qu minqiu.

Li Yuanqing wanted to go directly to eat, but when he looked at the jewelry store nearby, Li Yuanqing suddenly laughed: "Xiaoyu, peony. Go! Let's go to the jewelry store. It's been a long time. We've been sad together. I haven't bought you any presents yet. "

"My Lord, how can this make..."

Light rain when some panic, two small hands tightly tangled together, some at a loss.

Although Peony's big eyes are full of expectation, she also knows that ye is obviously closer to Xiaoyu, so she dare not say much at this time.

With a smile, Li Yuanqing took Xiaoyu's hand, strode to the jewelry store and said with a smile, "what makes it impossible? If you like to buy it for you, you can take it. "

Peony see Li Yuanqing and light rain has walked in front, busy also subconsciously followed.Seeing that Li Yuanqing is so resolute, Xiaoyu dare not resist, and the small hand instinctively pulls Li Yuanqing's big hand.

When they came to the jewelry store, two tall salesmen in cheongsam and showing their white thighs immediately came over and said with a respectful smile, "Sir, what do you want to buy?"

Li Yuanqing a smile: "Ye want to buy a few beads, put your good beads all to Ye."

A long and fair saleswoman said, "Sir, please come here. All the beads in our shop are here. "

With that, he led Li Yuanqing to a glass counter full of all kinds of pearls.

With the setting off of candlelight, all kinds of jewels are shining brightly in the cabinet, which is very shocking.

Xiaoyu and peony are just two little girls. Where have you seen such scenes? At that time, I was a little bit stunned.

Li Yuanqing also had to admire Qu minqiu's methods. Compared with later generations, this mode and atmosphere are almost the same.

"Ha ha. You two, pick whatever you want. Which do you like? Tell me. Don't be polite to me. " Li Yuanqing laughs and "points out the rivers and mountains", an indescribable local tyrant.

Xiaoyu and Shaoyao also realized that Li Yuanqing really wanted to give them gifts. They could not help leaning against the counter and carefully explored it.

Li Yuanqing looked at their pretty back with a smile. He could not help but say in his heart: "the boss of later generations wants to touch his thigh. I'm afraid it's such a happy mood."

Just a few pieces of jewelry. How much silver are they worth?

Not to mention, the real valuable jewelry in this shop is all in the interior, while the ones outside are just some ordinary goods.

Although Li Yuanqing is not aware of Li Yuanqing's consumption in Nei yuan's pocket, he will not be led by Li Yuanqing's people in Nei yuan's pocket.

Looking at the two girls hesitating, it seems that some of them dare not choose. Li Yuanqing laughs and continues to fill the local tyrant's posture and says, "don't be afraid, you two. We can buy whichever you like."

The salesmen on one side were speechless to Li Yuanqing.

I've seen something vulgar. I've never seen such a vulgar one

However, these two little girls dressed as men are all pretty. Ordinary people can't raise such daughters.

I don't know how woodlouse got such two pretty girls.

but nouveau riche has become a pro saleswoman for a moment. She also wants to understand that woodlouse is so proud of her local style that she can get two pretty little girls.

It's just It's really two little flowers, planted on cow dung

However, Li Yuanqing did not realize it, and continued to put on the posture of a local tyrant.

After a while, Xiaoyu and peony both picked out the beads, but what they picked were the second-class beads, which were just a few taels of silver.

Li Yuanqing directly asked them to put the two small beads back into the counter, and then picked out the two largest and brightest beads from them and asked the salesmen to install them. They laughed and said, "these are the two. Well, waiter, it's ready for you. How much money? "

The salesman had already lost his voice to Li Yuanqing. He took out the bill and let Li Yuanqing have a look. He said respectfully, "this gentleman, it's 198 Liang silver in total."

Without blinking his eyes, Li Yuanqing took out two hundred taels of silver and said, "here. Take the silver. Don't change it. Girl, let's go. "

Looking at Li Yuanqing leaving with the two girls, the salesman couldn't help shaking his head again, and said in his heart, "I'm really blind, these two pretty girls."

Naturally, Li Yuanqing would not pay attention to the feeling of the saleswoman. What he wanted was to pretend to be a local tyrant.

When he came to Changsheng Island Restaurant, Li Yuanqing directly called for the best small elegant room. He brought Xiaoyu and peony to the small elegant room on the third floor.

As for the dishes, Li Yuanqing naturally ordered the best.

Of course, Li Yuanqing would not be too wasteful. He had already asked ou'er to serve almost all the food. The three ordered eight dishes, which were famous dishes of Changsheng Island Restaurant, with a scale of nearly 3.4 Liang silver.

The waitress went to ask the kitchen to cook. The space was left for Li Yuanqing.

Looking at the two nervous little girls, Li Yuanqing poured a glass of wine for each of them and said with a smile, "Xiaoyu, peony, you are all the people of the Lord. You are welcome. Let's have a drink first

How dare the two girls disobey Li Yuanqing's orders? He picked up his glass and drank it carefully.

Li Yuanqing filled their glasses again and said with a smile, "good things should be in pairs. However, since you two little girls haven't eaten yet, we'll wait for the food, pad the belly first, and then drink. By the way, Xiaoyu, peony, I don't know, where are you from? "

With a cup of wine, the courage of alcohol, Xiaoyu and peony two little girls are also bigger.

Xiaoyu quickly told Li Yuanqing about her family background.She was from the northwest, or, to be exact, from the ancient city of Xi'an. When she was six or seven years old, she was offered to a trafficker by her poor parents as a slave. Later, in the capital's slave market, Yang Jiao ~ Niang took a fancy to it and brought it back to the fog rain Pavilion.

This flash, has been small for ten years.

Peony is also similar to Xiaoyu. She is from Hangzhou. Because of the flood in her hometown, the government's relief is not good. The common people have no choice but to sell their children and sell their daughters. Her parents also give her to the traffickers.

Because girls are not worth money

After listening, although Li Yuanqing is still laughing with the two little girls, but there are some unspeakable taste in his heart.

No matter Xi'an or Hangzhou, this is not a poor place.

But even in these two places, selling children and selling women happened ten years ago. From this, we can see the scale of the whole state of Daming.

Of course, Rome wasn't built in a day.

As a matter of fact, there has been an obvious landslide in Daming since Tumu fort, especially after that, the emperor of Daming is really One crop is worse than another.

At the beginning of Wanli, although Zhang Juzheng group had some momentum to turn the tide and revive Daming, unfortunately, his standing time was still too short.

There are too many accumulated problems, but Lao Zhang only smoothed them on the surface, but he has not touched the foundation yet.

It was not easy. Lao Zhang saved some silver, but after Wanli, he came to the three great expeditions. He not only spent all the money, but also owed a lot of debt.

Later, Guangzong, the first emperor, and now Chongzhen Emperor

Li Yuanqing is also a little powerless to vomit

At this time, the waitress has begun to serve, the first is a basin of fragrant steamed carp.

Li Yuanqing also picked up his mind and gave two small girls two large pieces of fish with a smile. He said with a smile, "this carp is raised by ourselves on our island. Xiaoyu, Paeonia lactiflora, have a taste of it."


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