"My Lord, it took us eight days to make this blunderbuss. But at that time, in order to catch up with the time, and also to reward money, so I worked overtime and worked hard. Several people worked in turn. But even so, the blunderbuss are not delicate enough. If you want to shoot more than six shots without exploding, the barrel must be polished at least three times. As a result, the time will be delayed for a few days. According to this calculation, a qualified shot may take half a month. As for the cost, it's mainly iron. It's estimated that it's between five Liang and six Liang silver. " Xu Liang explained to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded.

Later generations, when Li Yuanqing's fiancee wrote a paper, she had consulted a lot of this information, and Li Yuanqing also remembered some of them.

The cost of a bird's blunderbuss of the Ming army was about 42-50 Liang silver. The main cost was materials, and the labor cost was almost negligible.

But the court can ignore the artificial money, but Li Yuanqing can't ignore it.

Although the Ming army's acceptance system for bird blunderbusses was also very strict, since the late Ming Dynasty, the level by layer of punishment became more and more serious. No matter the craftsman or the minister was concerned about this, how could a qualified bird gun be produced?

In real battles, such as the battle of Sarhu, many Ming soldiers didn't even aim at their blunders. They used the blunderbuss as firesticks, lit the fire rope and fired their guns directly. In any case, as long as they were not fired into the sky, Shangguan could not blame them.

Even if a soldier really wants to kill the enemy, and completely follows the steps of opening the blunderbuss and aims at shooting, his face will be over once the blunderbuss are blasted.

The enemy didn't kill them, but they put themselves in

People's hearts are mutual. How can the soldiers work at ease? How can we win?

After all, Li Yuanqing is a reborn. Naturally, he deeply understands the importance of weapons. Even if he has to tighten his belt, he must not cut corners in this respect.

According to the calculation that a bird's blunderbuss needs 40 Jin of iron, it will cost about 3 or 4 liang silver. However, the land of Liao has been lost. The islands in Liaohai do not produce iron materials. The iron materials needed by Li Yuanqing can only be purchased from the interior of Daming. With the freight, the cost will be higher.

If it is calculated by 2 liang silver, the cost alone will reach 6 Liang silver.

If you add in the cost of the carpenter and the coal, you will get at least 9 taels of silver for less than 10 Liang.

In addition to the lead pellet and gunpowder, it should be more than 10 Liang silver.

This does not include the later maintenance and maintenance. You should know that the firearms of later generations have been so sophisticated that they should be maintained frequently, not to mention that they are only the simplest firerope guns now.

But although the cost is high, the effect is obvious.

Equipped with half firearms, it can almost lead an era against the cold weapons of the old slaves, such as the "foreign gun team" of the later eight countries against the green camp of Manchu.

Of course, in this era, different from their descendants who only knew how to eat, drink, whore, gamble, fight dogs and walk birds, the present Jurchen can be said to be the most excellent and valiant fighters in East Asia and even in the whole world.

Even if Li Yuanqing equips the army with this system, he may not be able to win the war against the post Jin army.

However, this is a leap forward of the times. Even if the firerope gun is not good, it is far from the riding and shooting that the eight banners are proud of. As long as there is enough time, Li Yuanqing believes that he will be able to create the military model he wants.

"Brother Xu, how much of this blunderbuss do you make now?" Li Yuanqing asked Xu Liang.

Xu Liang said: "my Lord, Guanglu island is still working hard to catch up. When I came to Changsheng Island, Mr. Yang had already brought out eight strokes. Now, we should make several more. Small estimate, now should have more than ten strokes

Li Yuanqing nodded, more than a dozen strokes, which is not too little. We can select the best from the soldiers and train them first.

"Brother Xu, that's right. I have to work hard. You have to go again. Shunzi, you will accompany the Xu brothers to Guanglu island and bring back all the made bird guns. Take the reward from master Yang. Brother Xu, in terms of iron, I will try to find a way as soon as possible. I can't relax for a moment. But remember, in this, don't have the slightest intention to cut corners. After each shot is finished, you must pass the acceptance check and sign your name on the blunderbuss. If there is a blow, I will only ask you. "

Li Yuanqing said that in the end, he had some voice and voice.

Xu Liang quickly knelt on the ground kowtow, "the adults are relieved, the small will try their best to repay the kindness of adults."

Looking at Xu Liang's tense appearance, Li Yuanqing relaxed a little and patted Xu Liang on the shoulder. "Brother Xu, you know, every boy under my command is my brother of Li Yuanqing. So, I don't want to cause damage to them because of my man-made weapons. Do you understand? "

Although Li Yuanqing's tone is not fast, Xu Liang is more clearly aware of the strength inside, and quickly kowtow, "small understand. If the adults treat the little ones so much, the little ones will swear to repay them for their kindness. "

Li Yuanqing smile, "you know, good. Do well. I, Li Yuanqing, will be rewarded for my meritorious service and punished if I have done something wrong. Go ahead. ""Thank you." Xu Liang kowtowed to Li Yuanqing again, and then he left with shunzi.

Seeing them go far away, Shang Laoliu said, "Yuanqing, this bird's blunderbuss are really the weapon of the military. If our children can have such a blunderbuss in the future, they will be afraid of a ball if they encounter Tartars again. "

Li Yuanqing slowly vomited out a murky breath. "So, brother Shang, even if we tie our necks, we must ensure that the blunderbuss are made. I'm going to pick a good place in Changsheng island and move the craftsman's house from Guanglu island... "


Changsheng island is much larger than Guanglu island. Moreover, it is the legal jurisdiction of Li Yuanqing. Naturally, there is no need to cover up some things like that in Guanglu island.

That night, after dinner with the officers, Li Yuanqing and Shang Laoliu inspected the hinterland of nanxinkou for a long time and worked out several plans.

As long as the conditions here are ripe, Xu Liang and his colleagues will come over and rebuild a large-scale "arsenal".

Tired for several days, Li Yuanqing woke up the next day. It was already noon. He had a simple breakfast and was about to go to inspect the construction site. At this time, Shang Laoliu came over quickly and said in a low voice, "Yuanqing, there is news from Zhang pan and Chen Zhong from Lvshun."

Li Yuanqing looked at Shang Laoliu's expression. He was stunned and said, "how are their achievements?"

Shang Laoliu shook his head slightly. "After Nanguan, their war in Jinzhou was not smooth. In the past ten days, they did not kill Jinzhou, but lost hundreds of lives. I hope you can go to Lvshun again and discuss it together

Li Yuanqing nodded silently.

Jinzhou is far from a small castle like Nanguan, but a solid city. Zhang pan and Chen Zhong do not have heavy weapons to attack the city. They only rely on flesh and blood. It is not so easy to capture Jinzhou.

But Guanglu Island, Lushun island and Changsheng island are symbiotic and coexisting. Naturally, Li Yuanqing can't let them fail, especially Zhang pan and Chen Zhong.

The most important thing is that they don't know the current situation in Guangning. If we drag on, once the main force with red flag returns, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even if it is to offend Zhang pan, but for the sake of the overall situation, Li Yuanqing can only do this villain.

"Brother Shang, you have to worry about the work here. I will go to Lushun now. "

Shang Laoliu was stunned, "Yuanqing, so anxious? There's still a lot of work for you to decide for yourself. "

Li Yuanqing slowly vomited out a murky breath. "In terms of attacking the city, you and several craftsmen have to discuss more. Lushun side, I must do as soon as possible."

Shang Laoliu also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and nodded his head.


In the afternoon, Li Yuanqing went to Lushun by boat.

Changsheng island is very close to Lushun. It can be arrived in two hours.

When Li Yuanqing arrived at Lushun, it was still early. When he arrived at zhangpan and Chenzhong's residence outside Jinzhou City, it was just the evening and was arriving at the meal point.

When they learned that Li Yuanqing was coming, they rushed out to meet him.

But see Li Yuanqing with only a few dozen Pro guards, no main force, Zhang Pan's displeasure has been hanging on his face.

Chen Zhong gave Li Yuanqing a big hug, "Yuanqing, let's eat first."

Li Yuanqing smiles, "OK. I've been bothering my two brothers

The three men went directly to Chen Zhong's camp. Even if Zhang pan was unhappy, he still had to give Li Yuanqing the face and come in to accompany him.

After more than ten days of fierce fighting, the situation of grain and grass in zhangpan and Chen Zhong has been somewhat inadequate.

War, after all, is different from ordinary times. On weekdays, soldiers may only need to be half full, and a bowl of porridge can be sent away.

But in wartime, it is necessary to ensure that the soldiers have enough food first, so that they can have combat power, and the civilian men, if they want them to contribute, naturally they can't make people hungry.

Moreover, in this era, the food is basically vegetarian, not too much oil and water, people, especially adult men, generally eat a lot.

Zhang pan and Chen Zhong are now "only going out but not entering", so the pressure can be imagined.

Although it was a banquet for Li Yuanqing, there were only a few vegetable dishes on the table, including a pot of stewed vegetables, a pot of clear water cabbage, a plate of wild vegetables that Li Yuanqing could not even call a name, and a small dish of bacon. The dish might be as big as a small wine cup

Chen Zhong was embarrassed and said with a smile, "Yuanqing, the food and grass consumption in these days is very large, and there is not much good stuff. When we get to Jinzhou, my brother will invite you to have a good meal. Come on, let's have a toast first

Chen Zhong said, pouring a glass of wine to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing glanced at the wine jar, which he had left for Chen Zhong when he left last time.

I can see that there is not much wine in it.

Li Yuanqing is not polite, holding up the glass, to the two people a sign, "two brothers, younger brother to do first for respect."

Now, we have drunk a few yuan of wine, and now we have a red face. If you bring troops here, we will take Jinzhou in one fell swoop tomorrow afternoon. At that time, you and I will share the materials of Jinzhou City equally

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