The width of ordinary boats is about 2 meters, narrow, not too narrow, width will not be too wide, and the length is mostly 5, 6 meters, 7, 8 meters.

In this way, the 30 foot wide center of the river is enough for a dozen boats to pass side by side.

How can Li Yuanqing hesitate?

Immediately, Li Yuanqing had a brief discussion with Zhang pan and Chen Zhong, and the fleet went directly into the heart of Sancha River.

At this time, there were 1500 soldiers in the three departments, and nearly 3000 soldiers were added to the sailors.

According to the width of the river, even if large ships pass, there are not many obstacles. However, for the sake of safety, Li Yuanqing and his three men still choose small boats. They leave several large ships at the mouth of the Liao River, leaving 100 soldiers to guard each one. Li Yuanqing's Department is responsible for the coordination of ships at the estuary.

In this way, there are more than 400 boats, 1200 soldiers and hundreds of sailors.

The inland river is not as complex as the sea, and the situation is complicated. At this time, the three men and horses are going against the current. Li Yuanqing has not much experience in this respect.

Fortunately, there is an official sea in the sea, Li Yuanqing will be directly responsible for the task of navigation, full authority to the official Canghai.

For this, Zhang pan wanted to say something, but in the end, he kept silent.

More than 400 boats, like more than 400 big fish, jam the river as soon as they enter the river.

Although it was winter, the Liaohe River mouth was the intersection of Liaohe River and Sancha River, and the water flow was very large. In order to take more boats, the soldiers and sailors on each ship were very limited, so they could only paddle together.

Fortunately, before dinner, Li Yuanqing was generous. Both soldiers and sailors had enough to eat. Although the wind was strong, the fleet successfully entered the hinterland of Sancha River in less than half an hour.

Guan Canghai led dozens of small boats in front of him, and Li Yuanqing, the three of them, sat on the boat in front of the second echelon and responded to various changes at any time according to the surrounding environment.

At this time, although it was February and spring was coming, the river bank was covered with withered colors, just like the battle situation of Ming Dynasty in Liao Dynasty, which was very depressing.

Although it is windy tonight, the moon is good and visibility is high.

By midnight, the fleet had penetrated into the hinterland of Sancha River for dozens of miles, but there were no people on both sides of the river bank.

Even if there were one or two small villages, there was no sign of human habitation.

Chen Zhong couldn't help sighing, "Liao affairs are so unbearable, you and I have responsibilities."

Zhang pan also deeply thought that "the establishment of slaves rampant, this disaster will be endless ah."

Li Yuanqing nodded.

No one knows the harm of money rat braid better than Li Yuanqing. If history is allowed to flow, the tragedy will inevitably repeat itself.

But at this time, with the old slave's expedition to the north and south, the whole Liao area had already fallen into his hands. The Ming Dynasty had collapsed completely in the Liao area, and it was very difficult for the Ming Dynasty to act even if he wanted to.

In fact, Li Yuanqing was confused.

He has already had a personal experience of the bravery of the eight banners. At this time, the military strength of the three units could not do much at all. He could only choose the soft persimmon.

Unfortunately, where is the soft persimmon so easy to find?

Even if they met a small-scale main force of building slaves on the Bank of the river, they would have to flee.

However, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. As previously analyzed, if the old slaves get the materials from Guangning City, they are bound to send them back to Shenyang. In this transportation task, Han slaves are required to do this task.

This is the biggest opportunity for Li Yuanqing's three films.

The night wind is very cold, but it also makes Li Yuanqing's mind more clear and clear, and it goes against the current. The speed of the fleet can't be raised. After midnight, it will soon be dawn. Li Yuanqing must find a place to camp before dawn and hide the three men and horses.

Chen Zhong and Zhang Pan said a few words and found Li Yuanqing staring at the river bank in the distance and said, "Yuanqing, what are you thinking about?"

Li Yuanqing a smile, "I was thinking, build slave woman, should be what taste."

Chen Zhong was in a good mood. When he heard Li Yuanqing's words, he spat, "Yuanqing, when do you have such a strong taste? Those barbarians are as strong as men. It is said that they can not only hunt and farm, but also fight like soldiers in wartime. Besides, what kind of women can we raise? It's still my Daming woman. Especially the Jasper in Jiangnan. "

Chen Zhongchang sighed and looked to the south. What should Jiangnan look like?

Zhang Pan said with a smile, "Yuanqing, is this not simple? As long as we fight down a big city, my brother will find some for you. Do you know soon? "

Li Yuanqing a smile, "this is a good idea."

With that, Li Yuanqing stretched his muscles and bones, and his face became solemn. "Two brothers, the speed of the countercurrent is too slow. The sky will soon be bright. We must find a place to camp and rest first."

Zhang Pan said, "Yuanqing, it's just past midnight. Let's go a little further. Why rush at this time? "Li Yuanqing shook his head, "be prepared to avoid trouble. Two brothers, we can't easily expose our whereabouts in this trip. Otherwise, we can't find the fat, but we will get into trouble. The main reason is that we have too little information available now. I still want to set up camp first, and then confirm my action tomorrow when I get accurate information during the day. "

Seeing Li Yuanqing saying so, Zhang Pan had to agree, "Yuanqing, you are a good person, but you are too careful."

Li Yuanqing can't help smiling. How can this sentence be so familiar? It seems that more than one person has said that.

Zhang pan nodded his head. Naturally, Chen Zhong had no opinion. Li Yuanqing gave Guan Canghai the task of choosing a camp.

Less than half an hour later, news came back from guancanghai. A few miles ahead, there was a fork in the river. On both sides of the tributary, there was a dense forest. There was an abandoned village where the team could choose to camp.

The history of human civilization is always inseparable from water. Even in later generations, great urban civilization was built on fresh water.

At this time, with such good conditions, Li Yuanqing of course had to make use of it and immediately ordered the troops to camp in the abandoned villages.

Soon, more than 400 boats, quietly changed course, came to the Sancha River in this tributary.

The small village is not big, which is about the size of 4 or 50 households, but the houses are mainly rammed earth, which is mainly to keep warm.

Different from the villages along the rivers in Jiangnan, Liao was a vast area with few people. At this time, it was a cold and bitter place with few people. In addition, the war in western Liaoning Province made it even more desolate for the common people to die and escape.

The team soon camped in the small village.

Li Yuanqing ordered the sailors and the laborers to take a rest first, leaving several soldiers on duty at night, and all the remaining soldiers went to rest.

Sailing against the current, whether it is soldiers or sailors, their physical energy consumption is very large. It is already the hinterland of Houjin and may encounter the enemy at any time. The physical strength of soldiers has become more critical.

And the sailors, in a way, are worth their energy.

In case of war, if the enemy is defeated, they can quickly row boats to retreat.

Most of the river is a hundred paces wide. Even if there is ice on both sides, it is difficult for the soldiers of the later Jin Dynasty to catch up with the water.

After arranging everything properly, Li Yuanqing felt a little relieved and, together with Chen Zhong and Zhang pan, began to arrange the task of intelligence exploration.

Except for the men and horses of the headquarters, Li Yuanqing's spies are mainly Pirates of black island under the command of Guan Canghai. They are more intelligent and sophisticated than the soldiers, and their effect is much better than that of the soldiers.

Of course, a qualified Ming army night not to accept, that is extremely strong.

It is a pity that Li Yuanqing's time to become an army is too short and talents are limited. Without this kind of talents, we can only go out of the way.

However, under Zhang Pan's command, there were a few vigorous nights. At first sight, they were brave people. At this time, they were also under the command of Li Yuanqing.

At this time, the position of Li Yuanqing's three tribes was in the north of Niangniang palace, which was quite far away from Shenyang and Guangning. Even if he met fish, he was supposed to go to the red flag Department in southern Liaoning Province. It was very difficult to achieve much.

Therefore, the main direction of this intelligence exploration is still in the north, east of Liaohe River.

Even if the old slaves wanted to kill the Han people in western Liaoning, I'm afraid that they would have to be coolies for a period of time, and the spoils of Guangning would be transported back first.

After the assignment, the three went to rest.

The village was better than the boat and could make a fire, but Li Yuanqing couldn't sleep.

Li Yuanqing thought carefully and discussed several arguments. His analysis should be correct. However, Li Yuanqing always felt that there was something left behind. It was an indescribable feeling. It was just a feeling, but Li Yuanqing could feel the danger.

Thinking about it, or fruitless, just ready to go to bed, the official Canghai came in, "adults."

Li Yuanqing sat up with a smile, took off his sheepskin blanket and said with a smile, "it's so late, why don't you go to bed."

Guan Canghai a smile, "so comfortable, but can't sleep."

Li Yuanqing nodded, "as the ancestor said, he was born in distress and died of happiness. You and I have to be vigilant at all times

Guan Canghai nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "my Lord, I suddenly feel that our fleet entering the hinterland of Sancha River is not too reliable."

He explained in a hurry, "my Lord, although it is convenient to transport, there is a ship that binds our hands and feet at the same time. If there is a war, our army can only choose to retreat into the river, and it is difficult to do anything else. I had a close look at the area. The population on both sides of the river bank was not very dense. My Lord, can we go by land, not only can we speed up our pace, but we can also get more useful information. As for the fleet, we should march at night, close as possible to the main force and hide it. "

Li Yuanqing nodded silently, meditating.

The war in western Liaoning is coming to an end. Although the fleet is safe, its speed is too slow. According to this situation, it is already very fast to drive 50 miles a day. It will take at least 4 or 5 days to get to the official road from Guangning to Shenyang.But these four or five days are enough time for a lot of things to happen.

The ancients said, "speed is the most important thing in war.".

At this time, Li Yuanqing also found the biggest deficiency of his trip, which was more cautious and less pioneering.

Because Sanchahe had always been the dividing line between the Ming army and the later Jin army, the population on both sides of the Strait was very thin, so it was not impossible to march on land.

As long as the target is found, the fleet can get close to it as soon as possible.

"I'll think about it again. It's late, Canghai. You've been tired for a day. Take a rest early. " With a soft smile, Li Yuanqing patted Guan Canghai on the shoulder.

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