"Marshal, he ~, how dare he be? This dog scum! Is there any royal law? There's no reason for that! "

"I've known that yuan Manzi is a perverse man, but I can't believe that he's so ambitious. Mao Shuai's first-class senior official, Prince Shaofu, and Emperor's sword, gold medal and arrow to protect his body, unexpectedly How could you have been killed by the barbarian yuan? "

"There is no joint trial of the three divisions, no nod of the emperor, and no approval of the Minister of rites. What evidence does yuan Manzi, the donkey ball son, have? Why did he kill Mao Shuai? Is he going to revolt

"This is unbearable

"Marshal, Mao Shuai is wronged! You must seek justice for Marshal Mao! "


As expected by Li Yuanqing, in the conference room, when Li Yuanqing broke the news of Mao Wenlong's death, he immediately exploded the pot in the room.

In the late Qing Dynasty, Tan Sitong Jue Ming poem said: "I smile to the sky from the horizontal knife, leaving the liver and gall two Kunlun!"

Maybe you don't know Tan Sitong, you don't know him, you don't even know his name, but maybe with these two poems, he will move you and ask you to explore his story.

At this time, Mao Wenlong's name was in the Liao Dynasty, in the capital city, and even in the whole Ming Dynasty, the two capital and thirteen provinces?

But is it that Mao Wenlong, such a famous person, was killed by governor yuan as if he had killed a chicken?

It is hard for ordinary people to accept this kind of thing!

Because it's totally out of order and out of order!

Not to mention, the brothers are eating the bowl of rice on the edge of the knife to lick the blood ~, the mouth is dead and the teeth are cold, the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad!

If governor yuan dares to do this to Mao Wenlong today, it may not be his turn tomorrow!

After a while, when all the generals were about to vent their anger, Li Yuanqing slowly wiped the Matcha cup and made a "Zizi" sound. At this time, the generals also responded. They all closed their mouths, and the whole room was instantly quiet.

Li Yuanqing looked at the generals tired and said, "things have happened. Complaining has no effect. What do you think of it? "

After the initial shock and anger, the generals calmed down a lot.

Duan Xiliang said: "commander in chief, yuan Manzi is a man who can hardly be measured by common sense. It's really, really... "

Duan Xiliang didn't know how to open his mouth for a moment. For a moment, he couldn't help sighing: "commander in chief, for today's plan, we can only wait for the follow-up of the court."

Shunzi also sighed: "marshal, what old Duan said is good. Man has been killed by yuan Manzi, but this dog day's is still Jiliao governor, we can't directly kill this dog day. At this time, we can only wait for the court's decision and return Mao Shuai's innocence. "

Xu Heizi, Huang Guoshan, Yang Xiaobo, Li Sansheng and Wang Hai all nodded.

Mao Wenlong's death, we are really very angry, even more unwilling, but we can't really kill governor yuan.

After all, governor yuan still occupied the justice of the court at this time. The brothers all brought their families with them. It was easy to be governor yuan, but later, it was a real rebellion.

At this time, Kong Youde also wiped away his tears. Seeing Li Yuanqing's eyes looking at him, he wanted to say something, but he moved his throat, but he could not say anything, and the tears gushed out again.

Li Yuanqing took a sip of tea, moistened his voice and said, "brothers, let's wait for the court's approval for the moment. However, this matter, the paper can not stop fire. Justice is in the heart. But if Huang Taiji is aware of it, there will be no change. You are all brothers of Li Yuanqing. I don't want to say more. It will be the new year's pass soon, which is the traditional season of the post Jin army. From tomorrow, I will personally inspect the military affairs of all departments! "


The generals fell to their knees.


The meeting ended in less than half an hour. At this time, it was useless to talk about such things. Li Yuanqing could not directly stop the venting that brothers should have.

But after the meeting ended, Li Yuanqing kept Kong Youde.

At this time, among the generals under Li Yuanqing's command, Kong Youde wanted to come over from Mao Wenlong when Li Yuanqing called his name.

However, the reason why Kong Youde went to Dongjiang, rather than western Liaoning, is that Mao Wenlong's fame, or prestige, is the most critical core element.

His feelings for Mao Wenlong are also very deep.

At this time, all the people left, but Kong Youde, like a child, knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing and burst into tears.

Who would have thought that Kong Youde was already a senior general in the world at this time, but he would also be vulnerable and helpless like a child.

But Li Yuanqing did not persuade him. He sat in front of Kong Youde, lit a cigar, and quietly waited for Kong to vent his anger.

For a long time, when Kong Youde was tired of crying and his tears were about to drain, he responded and made a few loud kowtows to Li Yuanqing: "commander in chief, it's useless to be humble. The commander worked hard for several days, but he still had to appease his humble position here... "Li Yuanqing handed Kong Youde a cigar with a smile, then threw the flint and the fire clasp to him and asked him to order it himself. He said with a smile: "tonight, you can stay in the official hall. Don't go back and scare your wife and children. "

Kong Youde was stunned. For a moment, he also reacted. His tears came out again. "Commander in chief..."

Li Yuanqing waved his hand with a smile, "small hole, you are more excellent than I imagined. Li Yuanqing is not wrong. let's go. I've asked Yang Lei to arrange the supper. Let's have a good drink. "

Li Yuanqing said, smiling and extending his hand to Kong Youde.


Kong Youde kowtowed to Li Yuanqing again, and then he took Li Yuanqing's hand and stood up.


After several days of high-intensity life, although he was exhausted physically and mentally, Li Yuanqing accompanied Kong Youde and Yang Lei that night and drank until midnight until they were all hangover.

When Li Yuanqing woke up, it was the next evening, and he was lying on the hot Kang of his most familiar inner study.

Seeing the naked eye, we can see that the tired Li Yuanqing wakes up. Nianer, who is carefully serving on the side, is about to shed tears. He helps Li Yuanqing up carefully and drinks some warm water for Li Yuanqing. Then he says happily, "Sir, you wake up, do you feel better?"

Li Yuanqing a smile: "small hole and Yang Lei they?"

Nian'er hurriedly said, "they wake up at noon and are waiting for ye outside the front hall."

Li Yuanqing a smile, force in read son's small face son kiss, "read son, hard you."

Nianer was ashamed and pleased, and said, "the eldest lady and the ladies have just left. The maidservant will go up and tell them."

Li Yuanqing laughed: "it's OK. You go and tell the eldest lady that tonight, you should clean up some wine and vegetables, and I will have a drink with you


Nian'er left, Li Yuanqing got up to move his hands and feet, opened the window, and took a breath of fresh air. His mind suddenly became clear.

Although Mao Wenlong's hard work can not change Mao Wenlong's fate, at least he has preserved the fate of Chen Zhong, Chen Jisheng, Zhang pan, Chen liangce, including Kong Youde and others.

In particular, when Kong Youde's heart knot was untied last night, the biggest knot in Li Yuanqing's mind was also solved.

This Changsheng island is still his Changsheng island.

The south of Liaoning is still the southern Liaoning of Li Yuanqing.

Dongjiang, including Dongjiang, may soon become his Dongjiang!


In a flash, more than ten days have passed, and the time has come to the middle of November in the second year of Chongzhen.

After these days of rest and adjustment, Li Yuanqing's physical condition has returned to its peak. All military and administrative work on the island are also on the predetermined track, moving forward smoothly.

At noon, he accompanied Mr. Yang and Xu Liang to have a meal in the ordnance workshop. Li Yuanqing returned to the official hall and was preparing to squint in the inner study for a short nap. At this time, there were family soldiers outside, but they were in a hurry to report, "the capital is in a hurry.".

Li Yuanqing was stunned. Did the capital have news?

Also dare not neglect, busy get up, personally went out to bring information.

The information is from warehouse 3 via the fastest pigeon message.

Not surprisingly, Emperor Chongzhen didn't take Mao Wenlong's death too seriously. Although he didn't "stay in the middle of the country but didn't rush to make a final conclusion, Emperor Chongzhen first released a wind direction. He still had full trust in governor yuan.

Although Li Yuanqing had long predicted the outcome and Emperor Chongzhen didn't send an official letter, at this time, when he really heard the wind coming from the capital, Li Yuanqing still couldn't say what it was like.

What a dog!

For so many years, Mao Wenlong has been stuck on an isolated island, racking his brains for the battle between Daming and Houjin. He has been defeated and fought many times. Countless good guys have left their homes and businesses and suffered blood. Even if Mao Wenlong has no credit, he has at least some hard work?

But ~ ~, Mao Wenlong is like a weak chicken. He was killed by governor yuan with a sword. You are the son of heaven today. Don't even have a fair statement, or even a fair word to be the master of the country!

This ~, how can people in the world be convinced?

At a young age, but the nature is cool and thin, so far, the majestic, but the failure of the Ming Dynasty, can it last for a long time?

Even Li Yuanqing, a city government like Li Yuanqing, could not control his anger for a moment. He threw a cup of official kiln tea he liked very much and directly fell it on the wall.

At that time, the sound of "pa La" crackled, and exquisite white porcelain pieces were everywhere, setting off on the luxurious wool carpet with deep colors, just like the stars all over the sky.

Xiaolian, who is waiting on the side, is shocked.

But when she saw Li Yuanqing's face like this, she did not dare to come to clean up, and fell down on the ground in a hurry.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing vomited out a long breath of turbid gas, but his eyes gradually recovered. He said to Xiaolian with a smile: "my hand is a little slippery, and I accidentally broke it. Xiaolian, clean up"Why? Yes

Xiaolian dare not neglect, busy carefully come over, pick up these beautiful pieces.

Li Yuanqing squints his eyes and stares at Xiaolian's wonderful waist hip curve for a moment, but he can't help shaking his head and laughing.

It's like that scene.

"Yuan's four generations and three princes, can be the world?"

Reply is only extremely contemptuous, but also domineering and awe inspiring sneer: "porpoise dog


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