In the morning of the next day, Li Yuanqing took a rare lazy sleep with Kubo Gongzi, who was delicate and delicate and full like an elf. He didn't get up until the sun went up.

After being served by kuoba Gongzi, Li yuanqingzheng is ready to go out to exercise his hands and feet and get rid of his body. At this time, Yang Lei, who has been waiting outside the door for a long time, reports in a low respectful voice: "marshal, the prince has been waiting for you for a long time."


Li Yuanqing couldn't help being stunned. For a moment, he took out his pocket watch and took a look at the time. It was already half past ten and said, "when did the prince come?"

Yang Lei said respectfully: "commander in chief, Wang Gong, Wang Gong arrived at the beginning of Chen Dynasty..."

"Son of a bitch!"

Li Yuanqing didn't spit fiercely. He grabbed Yang Lei's skirt and said angrily, "are you crazy? You don't wake me up in advance for this kind of thing? "

Yang Lei explained in a hurry: "commander in chief, yes, it's the prince who asked me not to wake you up..."


Li Yuanqing's brows wrinkled tightly. He took another look at the time. At the beginning of the day, it was 10:30.

That is to say, Wang Chengen came here at seven in the morning, but he has been waiting for three and a half hours. This

If this thing spreads out

The first person in charge of rites, the eunuch BingBi, the great companion of emperor Chongzhen, and the top figures in the pyramid of the Ming Dynasty are He even waited for two hours in the inn where Li Yuanqing stayed

Li Yuanqing pushed Yang Lei away, but he couldn't help kicking him, "you boy, can't you finish it in one breath? You want to scare me out of my heart disease

Yang Lei couldn't help but feel aggrieved. He murmured in a low voice: "marshal, you haven't given me a chance to speak..."

"How dare you talk back?"

Li Yuanqing kicked Yang Lei again, but his face was already smiling, "OK. Don't frown. I've finished my work here today. I'll give you a half day off. It's not easy to come to the capital. How can you not go out and play

"Ah? Thank you

Yang Lei reacted for a moment and was overjoyed.

Li Yuanqing is also too lazy to pay attention to this guy, stride out of the courtyard, straight to the front hall.

At this time, Yang Lei also came back to God and quickly followed Li Yuanqing.

"Oh, my Lord, this, this matter You ~, you're really going to have a good time. Yuan Qing is really unforgiving

In the spacious front hall, Li Yuanqing was busy and deeply saluted to Wang Chengen, so he would kneel down.

Wang Chengen quickly laughed and helped Li Yuanqing up. "Yuanqing, between you and me, why should we do this? Last night, I heard about it. The wine in the Yangxin hall is delicious. "

The situation has been completely controlled. Of course, Li Yuanqing would not really kneel down. He got up quickly and helped Wang Chengen to sit on the spacious sofa. He sat beside him and said with a smile, "prince, you were lazy last night. I didn't go to the rescue site. Yuan Qing's brain is still in pain. "

Wang Chengen couldn't help laughing: "Yuanqing, you. The son of heaven is capricious, but you accompany him so capricious. However, the son of heaven has already got up in the middle of his prime. "

How can Li Yuanqing not understand the deep meaning of Wang Chengen? He couldn't help laughing: "prince, Yuanqing is the one who will stand up soon. How can we compare with the vigorous emperor? However, it is a great pleasure for Yuanqing to drink with the emperor. "

Wang Chengen laughed: "what the emperor said is right. It's true that heroes think alike. Yuanqing, the emperor told me that today, it depends on you two, who gets up first. "

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "prince, this Emperor, this is a surprise attack. We must be prepared to drink with the emperor next time

Two people look at each other, not from is laughing, the atmosphere will soon be relaxed.

The soldiers presented Li Yuanqing with fragrant tea, and helped Wang Chengen continue some boiling water. They slowly tasted the tea for a while, and the topic gradually turned to the topic.

Wang Chengen's face was solemn, and he sighed deeply: "Yuanqing, your plan for Haizhou has been briefly explained by the Emperor today. That's a good idea. If this plan can be achieved, it will not only reduce the military burden of the imperial court in Liao area, but also push forward the front line of Ming Dynasty against Liao area to the hinterland of later Jin Dynasty! Just for this reason, let's make it clear! "

Li Yuanqing quickly bowed his hand and said with a smile, "prince, Yuanqing can't be praised so much by you. Yuan Qing was deeply favored by the emperor and the emperor before he became today. Serving the emperor and Daming is not only the blessing of Yuanqing, but also the honor of Yuanqing! Prince, Tartars have been rampant for a long time. In the past, we didn't have much to do. Now, we can't let them be so rampant. "

Wang Chengen nodded deeply and said with a smile: "Yuanqing, I've known for a long time that you must have a solution. I don't think it's better than youLi Yuanqing said with a smile: "Wang Gong, if you praise Yuanqing like this again, Yuanqing is really going to be floating around."

Wang Chengen laughs: "Yuanqing, if you are floating, you have to catch your pigtail."

They burst into laughter again.

It can be seen that Li Yuanqing's performance on the platform yesterday also infected Wang Chengen, making the old eunuch feel indescribable.

After a while, Wang Chengen lowered his voice and said, "Yuanqing, in fact The emperor also knows that, with your achievements, it is not impossible to confer honorary titles. It's just, just like now, the emperor's side is also very difficult. So Yuan Qing, the emperor can only add your rank first and then one level. However, the emperor has already said that in the coming year, as long as you can successfully recover Haizhou, the emperor will not grudge you and the Lord of the meritorious sons

At this time, Li Yuanqing also understood the meaning of emperor Chongzhen and Wang Chengen. The two masters and servants also "jumped to the sky to paint pancakes", and gave him a blueprint.

However, Li Yuanqing did not expect any effective direct reward from emperor Chongzhen when he went to Beijing.

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty were extremely generous to their children, grandchildren and relatives, but they were almost all "iron roosters" to "outsiders", civil servants, military generals and ordinary people.

It was only after Xu Da's death that he was given the title of "virtual king".

Moreover, the tolerance to the descendants of several princes is also humble and pitiful.

If you have illusions and expect the Zhu family, especially the outstanding representative of the Zhu family, Emperor Chongzhen to show great kindness

I'm afraid it's almost the same as the chance of winning the lottery in the future

But at this time, how could Li Yuanqing not give Wang Chengen face? He pretended to be frightened and fell on the ground respectfully, "prince, your love for your humble position, the emperor's love for your humble position is just..."


Instead of staying for lunch, Wang Chengen invited Li Yuanqing to his mansion the following evening.

After Wang Chengen left, the back chef of the inn had prepared a rich breakfast. But looking at the dishes on this table, Li Yuanqing was very hungry, but he did not have much appetite. Instead, he fell into deep thinking.

It is different from the governor yuan's "five years pingliao".

Li Yuanqing's Haizhou offensive was completely justified and within the scope of his ability.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, Li Yuanqing had a successful precedent of landing in Haizhou city and successfully conquering Haizhou city.

However, due to various reasons at that time and the conditions were not mature, Li Yuanqing could only snatch one vote and leave.

At this time, if we can really get the support of emperor Chongzhen and the imperial court, coupled with the hard work and accumulation of Li Yuanqing and his children, we can conquer Haizhou city again, including defending Haizhou City, turning the front line position of Liao Dynasty against the rear Jin army from western Liaoning to Haizhou, and directly pressing the hinterland of Liaozhong plain of the latter Jin army, is no longer a dream, but rather a considerable one To grasp.

But in this

Once successful, it means that the center of gravity of the whole Ming Dynasty will be transferred from western Liaoning to southern Liaoning, and then

However, Li Yuanqing has not thought much about Haizhou affairs for the time being, because it is still a long-term consideration.

But in front of me, it's not like the performance of the capital.

The last dynasty of this year has been postponed to the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

To a large extent, Emperor Chongzhen's diligence really made people around him speechless.

Today, although Wang Chengen did not make it clear whether emperor Chongzhen wanted to keep Li Yuanqing in the capital for the new year, how could Li Yuanqing still go?

In today's talk, Wang Chengen did not mention the topic that Li Yuanqing suggested last night that emperor Chongzhen and the later Jin army might launch an offensive at the beginning of the year and enter the pass directly.

Obviously, maybe emperor Chongzhen had a hangover, or emperor Chongzhen had forgotten it, or maybe emperor Chongzhen thought it was Li Yuanqing's scaremongering and used it as a bargaining chip.

But no matter what reason, Emperor Chongzhen did not pay enough attention to this matter.

This means that the changes in history are likely to continue.

Although manchui succeeded in killing yuan governor with his life and alleviated some sharp contradictions in the Liao area, the great Ming Dynasty was severely damaged, almost equivalent to ringing the death knell of the dynasty.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing also wanted to be governor yuan, so as to clean up the potholes and stones in the road ahead, Li Yuanqing had already used a new "platform playing" to suppress governor yuan to a large extent, and obtained a broader platform area. After the Jin army entered the customs again, it would be

In particular, at the beginning of this year, the army of the Late Jin Dynasty had already entered the customs pass and swept the vast area from the capital to Shanhaiguan. If they want to have oil and water again, they can't just "try and stop" any more.…………

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