Wang Chengen attached great importance to Li Yuanqing's visit.

Not only did the middle gate open, but also went to the gate to meet Li Yuanqing and his party.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing reached a new compromise with emperor Chongzhen and temporarily entered into the "honeymoon period", after all, due to various reasons before, there were many things on both sides, and many "empty positions" were produced, which obviously could not be achieved in one step.

However, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't save his face. Wang Chengen, an "old man", was responsible for the work of "lubricant".

After going through the process of the door, she came to the main hall. The pretty maid presented tea, and the back chef began to work hard to prepare for the dinner party. Feng'er stayed in the main hall to wait on him. Wang Chengen's tired old face also stretched a lot. He said with a soft smile: "Yuanqing, in my memory, we haven't had such a peaceful tea for many years, haven't we? ”

of course, Li Yuanqing understood Wang Chengen's deep meaning and said with a smile: "Wang Gong, although these years have been full of ups and downs, there has been a good result. Yuan Qing thought, in the future, there will be a lot of tea between Yuan Qing and Wang Gong

Wang Chengen couldn't help laughing: "Yuanqing, I'm looking forward to this day. Waiting for the next day, we will have more time to get together if we have calmed down the troubles of dongnu and stabilized the southwest and northwest. If you move to the capital in Yuanqing, we will have more time to get together. "

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "prince, Yuanqing is looking forward to this day. It's cold and snowy in Liao. Only the capital is the place to raise people. "

They looked at each other and laughed.

However, although Li Yuanqing was smiling happily on the surface, he could not stop sneering in his heart.

Waiting for such a day, with emperor Chongzhen's small temperament, can he still accommodate the great master?

However, Li Yuanqing's humble and respectful attitude made Wang Chengen's heart more stable, and the atmosphere became more and more soft.

Although Wang Chengen has many "poor relatives" here, he is obviously much more restrained than the old Wei.

Although there are several close nephews living in his residence, we can see that they are all people with some rules.

Under Wang Chengen's personal introduction, they came to Li Yuanqing to kowtow to salute Li Yuanqing, which is to say that they were familiar with each other first.

Soon, the wine and banquet were all set up.

However, although all kinds of dishes are very delicate, and the ingredients are also very generous, but the weight is not enough.

It can be seen that Lao Wang, an old eunuch, is supposed to be a man who can make a living on weekdays.

Once upon a time, Wang changer was in harmony with yuan'er in the future.

During the dinner, Li Yuanqing originally wanted to ask Wang Chengen about Mao's residence, but after careful consideration, Li Yuanqing held back and kept the banquet smooth and relaxed.

After all, Wang Chengen is old and over 50 years old. In addition, he is engaged in the work of serving people all the year round in the palace. His health is not as good as he shows. When the banquet is around eight o'clock, he can't hold on to it.

"Yuanqing, you can see that, I'm old. Outsiders only look at the surface scenery of the zajia, but who can feel the pain of them? However, Yuanqing, I have arranged for you to rest here tonight. "


Li Yuanqing was stunned. He wanted to talk with Wang Chengen and go back to deal with the affairs of Mao's residence. Who ever thought that Wang Chengen wanted him to stay in the palace.

However, Wang Chengen's attitude is just a big face.

Li Yuanqing couldn't find a reason to refuse.

For a moment, he said with a respectful smile: "the prince loves him. Yuanqing is flattered. Just, how can I disturb Wang Gong An's quiet rest? "

Wang Chengen couldn't help laughing, and the tired wrinkles on his old face also disappeared a lot. "Yuanqing, you are so polite with other people. That's how you treat them as outsiders. Yuanqing, tomorrow is the new year. There are many affairs in the palace, so I will go back to the palace tonight. Today, you can live in the mansion. After tomorrow's work, we'll find a good place to have a good drink

Wang Chengen has said so clearly, how can Li Yuanqing brush Wang Chengen's face again?

Busy respectfully arched his hand and said with a smile, "the prince is so kind that Yuanqing will remember it in his heart. However, when the prince is finished, he must have Yuanqing to do the East. Otherwise, Yuanqing would not dare to go to the palace gate. "

Two people look at each other, can not help but laugh.

Li Yuanqing was soon feng'er and two pretty maid, led to the courtyard room rest.

Here, watching Li Yuanqing go far away, Wang Chengen can't help rubbing his temple, falling into the thought of exhaustion. On his tired old face, he suddenly seems to be a few years old.

For a moment, a nephew of his family came to Wang Chengen with care and speed. After a few tangles, he said carefully, "Sir, these are eight maidens. Are they all for Li Yuanqing? ThisWang Chengen could not help but take a cold look at his nephew, "how? Are you still a thief? "

The nephew of this family was frightened and fell to the ground in a hurry and kowtowed: "my dear, I dare not, I dare not. It's just that Li Yuanqing is ambitious and afraid of "

" hum. "

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a cold snort from Wang Chengen, and he said: "second, don't think that I don't know what you should be careful about. If you dare to act like this again, you will be sent back to your hometown tomorrow

"Eh? Yes, yes

Wang Chengen, a nephew of his family who was about 30 years old, did not dare to say more than half a word, so he had to kowtow.

However, a pair of small triangle eyes of his, it is to show can not say gloomy, hate and look.

After dismissing his nephew, Wang Chengen took a deep breath and said in a hoarse low voice, "come here. I'll serve my family and change my clothes. "


A little maid had been waiting around for a long time. She came over carefully and waited on Wang Chengen to dress.

Wang Chengen, like Jesus, stretched out his hands, closed his eyes, and let a few maidservants serve him. However, he said in his heart: "Li Yuanqing, I really hope that you can have a good end, as you said, down-to-earth and have a good end"

Wang Chengen left and went back to the palace soon. Li Yuanqing, however, was led by feng'er and two pretty maids and came to the palace Luxurious guest rooms.

Although the location of Wang Chengen's residence is very good, the appearance is big enough, and the appearance is elegant enough, but in fact, the interior decoration is quite simple and mediocre, even can be said to be shabby, far less luxurious and noble than the ordinary Xun GUI mansion.

However, the regulation of the main and guest rooms here has been improved a lot.

As if, turning a street, suddenly from the civilian area into the high-end Sheraton Hotel.

The guest room arranged by Wang Chengen for Li Yuanqing is at least two or three mu. It is not only luxurious and exquisite, but also has all kinds of facilities.

Li Yuanqing just came to the guest room and sat down. Two pretty maids went to make tea for Li Yuanqing, while feng'er calmed Li Yuanqing in the temple. Here, eight handmaidens, who were very tall and graceful, were only wearing transparent gauze. Shi Shiran respectfully came to Li Yuanqing's side, deeply blessed to the end, and said in unison, "wait, see you."

These Eight maids are obviously much more delicate than ordinary maids. No matter their appearance or appearance, they must have been strictly trained by their regular movements.


Li Yuanqing's eyebrows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

The leading maid, who was very well built and turbulent, said with respect and caution: "Ye, maids, maids and maids are here to serve ye in bathing and living."

Feng'er also understood Wang Chengen's deep meaning at this time, busy in Li Yuanqing's ear, whispered a few words.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing's mouth could not help showing a trace of unspeakable smile.

Wang Chengen, the old eunuch, has really lost his blood. Even the beautiful maids have been taken out.

If these eight graceful maids were placed in later generations, they would at least have to be at the rank of big net star. Even if they were in the palace, their luck would be better, and it would not be difficult for them to become talented people.

At this time, two charming little maids also came with tea, carefully placed in front of Li Yuanqing, and respectfully waited on one side.

With a smile, Li Yuanqing took a sip of tea and glanced at the Eight maids in front of him.

They only wear gauze, inside nothing, Li Yuanqing can clearly see their inside, beautiful white and mysterious.

The Eight maids had obviously undergone strict training. When Li Yuanqing's eyes swept over, they all wanted to refuse to return to welcome him. They looked down at Li Yuanqing one after another, but they were quietly looking at Li Yuanqing.

How can Li Yuanqing not understand Wang Chengen's deep meaning?

For a moment, Li Yuanqing lit a cigar with a smile, and said with a smile, "in this case, you all get up. Turn around and let me have a good look


How dare the Eight maids resist Li Yuanqing's authority? One after another cleverly turned around.

Li Yuanqing waved her hand to feng'er, stood up, and gently moved his hands and feet, "not bad. Aren't you going to take a bath? let's go. Where are you going? "

The leading lady in charge said respectfully, "Sir, please come here."

Li Yuanqing a smile, casually lead feng'er, smile way: "good."

The two pretty maids stood aside respectfully to watch Li Yuanqing leave.

Li Yuanqing suddenly said with a smile: "you two, also come to serve ye."


the two maids were startled at the moment, and their faces were flushed with shame, but how dare they resist Li Yuanqing? I'm busy and respectful.

With a faint smile, Li Yuanqing strode ahead and turned a corner of the main hall.

All the women behind me, quickly follow up.

Wang Chengen is also really attentive to this guest room. Not far from the corridor on the side of the guest hall, there is a delicate soup pool about 20-30 square meters.Although not hot spring water, but the decoration is very elegant, quiet, like heaven, very style.

The leading lady in charge of the stormy maiden came up quietly and approached Li Yuanqing. She said in a low voice, "Sir, let me change clothes for you. Please try the water."

With a faint smile, Li Yuanqing nodded and extended his arms.

The Eight maids gathered around Li Yuanqing for a moment and began to help him take off his clothes. Feng'er couldn't get in the way. She was shy and angry.

Although she had known for a long time that there would be such an arrangement in the mansion, feng'er didn't expect that Wang Chengen had invested so much capital and the number of people was so large.

The key is, tonight, Li Yuanqing brought her back, but Wang Chengen still

but this is so, how can she refute it?

For a moment, Li Yuanqing tried the water with his feet with a smile. It was obvious that the water temperature had been carefully prepared.

Li Yuanqing walked into the water with a smile, and lay comfortably on the reclining chair in the water. He said with a smile, "feng'er, you guys, don't ink. Come in the water.


The two maidservants were shocked. Unexpectedly, Li Yuanqing asked them to do so.

Li Yuanqing took a slow and orderly puff at his cigar, but his face suddenly became gloomy? You two? Didn't you hear me

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