
Li Yuanqing was stunned for a moment and couldn't help smiling.

This little fan is really transparent. Give me a pole and climb up.

However, today, Li Yuanqing didn't want to make a big deal, and everyone who had to do it was well known.

Today, the reason why Li Yuanqing wants to kill people is to kill people in a big way. On the one hand, he wants to control the situation quickly in the shortest time, so as to relieve his anger for Tian Hongyu, and show Tian Hongyu his own means by the way.

On the other hand, in recent years, Li Yuanqing's heart has always been a bit of unexplained tyranny, and here is the moon tower

"Ha ha. What does the prince think? "

Li Yuanqing did not tangle with the question of the address of Mr. Fan, but also looked at Prince Wang with a smile.

Mr. Wang is not stupid.

Even Mr. Fan Er, who has always been rebellious and has never served many people, has already softened up. He can still stand up to the tall and powerful man in front of him, who seems to be smiling all the time, but in fact has been hiding the opportunity to kill?

Their royal family, in Xi'an and Shanxi, has some roots. There are also some people in the family who have become officials. However, Mr. Wang knows very well that in the capital, their royal family can be considered second rate at most.

Otherwise, why did his shrewd old father spend so much effort to push him to the capital and let him spend too much money?

Isn't it just to pave the way for a better relationship, so that when he takes over, he can make the family have a more vigorous step and go to a higher level.

Usually, they play prestige and shake the court in various places. It's no wonder that they are in order to earn some reputation and let the capital know that they are there.

But at this time, he really met the stubble and kicked on the iron plate. How could he be ignorant of his death?

"Yes. Students, students, everything is up to you. "

Mr. Wang kowtowed to Li Yuanqing with his buttocks in the air. He was very respectful. He was afraid that he would like to kiss Li Yuanqing's shoe upper.

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile and looked at the other four gentlemen.

How can they dare to say more than half a word after the two "leading brothers" have admitted their advice? Kowtow to say yes.

Li Yuanqing a smile: "so, let's find a place to sit down, drink a glass of wine and talk slowly."

With that, Li Yuanqing smiles and looks at Bai Er Niang, "Er Niang younger sister, this elegant room, elder brother I use, no problem?"


Bai Er Niang is not from a Leng, a moment just reaction come over, busy way: "no problem, no problem. Sir, you can use it, you can use it... "

Li Yuanqing laughs, to the side of Tian Hong met: "old brother, please."

Tian Hongyu is also a little stunned at this time.

He came here just now, just to let these childe brothers let Yanxi girl out. He tried his best to talk about it, but it was hard for him to please him. He got a stick on his head in vain and let people open the ladle.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing is just a few words of Kung Fu, this group of Childe brothers, but for a moment like a vent ball, simply dare not fart.

This, this life gap, how can be so big?

In particular, Tian Hongyu can clearly see Li Yuanqing's coldness and decisiveness when he ordered the killing. Even though he and Li Yuanqing are already familiar with each other, he still can't help feeling numb when he looks back.

How many times and what kind of tribulations did he, the little brother, have to face to form this kind of prestige

For a moment, Tian Hong met this just to react to come over, busy smile way: "brother, please."

Two people look at each other, can't help but laugh, stride into the room side by side.

Behind them, childe fan, Prince Wang and Bai Er Niang all followed carefully.

At this time, after a while, the blood of these corpses outside the door has begun to solidify, and the smell of blood has dissipated a lot. In addition, there are still a dozen women who have been burning incense in the room. As soon as they come into the house, the killing and bloody smell outside will disappear in a moment.

This elegant room is an attic, but the furnishings on the first floor are quite different from that of Li Yuanqing just now, but they are slightly more delicate.

At this time, the main table in the hall is full of used food and wine. After the light gauze curtain, you can see more than a dozen charming figures.

Li Yuanqing first helped Tian Hongyu to sit on the main seat here, and then sat down in the second position.

The second son of Wang Jinghe and his wife, Wang Gongqing, were in front of him.

Li Yuanqing opened his pocket watch in an orderly way and took a look at the time. It was already 11:50, and it was about to be carved in the middle of Zishi.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing looked at Bai Er Niang with a smile and said, "sister er Niang, although it's not too early, let's talk here. I'm afraid it will take some time to change the table of wine and vegetables. Is that ok?"

"Eh? No problem, no problem. "

Bai Er Niang responds for a moment, and quickly greets the servant girl beside her and picks up carefully.Li Yuanqing smiles and nods, "trouble two Niang younger sister."

Bai Er Niang quickly and humbly lowered her head, never daring to look at Li Yuanqing's eyes.

This man is just like the wolf king among the hungry wolves. Let Bai Er Niang's heart simply have a kind of unspeakable danger.

With a smile, Li Yuanqing took out his cigar box and knocked out two cigars. He handed one to Tian Hong nearby and lit it for him. He also lit one slowly and took a puff. Looking at Mr. Fan, he said with a smile: "second young master, I will call you a good nephew because of the relationship between me and your father. The second young master will not be angry? "


Fan ER was stunned, but for a moment, he responded. With a plop, he knelt down on his knees. He kowtowed to Li Yuanqing and said respectfully, "uncle, please be worshipped by my nephew."

If Mr. Fan had a slight doubt about Li Yuanqing's identity before, he could see that Li Yuanqing had lit a cigar and was familiar with it. He felt quite satisfied.

Although cigars were also passed to Daming through the sea trade in Nanyang before, they were not very popular and belonged to expensive and rare things.

But with the rise of Li Yuanqing, cigars have become a new fashion in the past decade.

Even the traditional literati and officialdom class often have a box of cigars as their treasure.

He likes to smoke cigars and play with pocket watch in his hand. He has such dignity and momentum. Besides the famous Li Yuanqing, who else is there in the world?

Around Mr. Fan Er, Mr. Wang also had a number in his mind.

He didn't even dream about it. One day, he was pecked blind by the geese

Today, he even kicked Li Yuanqing on this "iron plate"

He should have thought of it.

This point, just come to the moon tower, but also nod the card Yan Xi girl, even if not a real big man, it must be the emperor's noble ah.

It's a pity that there are too many drinks and drinks today. Several colleagues haven't got together for a long time. The atmosphere of tangled factors makes everyone very excited. As a result

If his father in Xi'an knows about it

He even dared to "break hands with Li Yuanqing", and he had to peel his skin.

It's OK. It's OK.

Although Li Yuanqing is killing a lot today, judging from Li Yuanqing's attitude and the voice inside and outside, it seems that he doesn't want to make this a big deal. Everything seems to have room for maneuver

Li Yuanqing looked at the sensible young master fan with a smile, "good nephew, get up. Should ye fan be in the capital these days? "

Mr. Fan said respectfully, "if you go back to your uncle, my father has just arrived in the capital today. My father wanted to visit my uncle at once, but there were several accounts on the side of the cabinet, which had not been straightened out, so... "

Mr. Fan wanted to say something more, but Li Yuanqing waved his hand with a smile, "master fan, tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon. Let's sit down and have a good chat. "

"Eh? Yes, yes. Thank you, uncle. Thank you very much. "

Although Li Yuanqing didn't let Mr. Fan finish speaking, he acquiesced in his identity and put forward the schedule for tomorrow. He was overjoyed.

Today's incident is not too bad.

"Ha ha."

Li Yuanqing laughed and looked at Mr. Wang again. He said with a smile, "what's the arrangement for Mr. Wang?"

"Eh? Uncle, nephew, there is no arrangement, nephew everything is subject to the uncle. My nephew will do whatever the uncle wants him to do. "

Wang Gongzi kowtowed to Li Yuanqing in a hurry. His respectful attitude towards Li Yuanqing was almost to the limit.

On the other side, fan Er Zi frowned slightly.

This surnamed Wang is usually like a dog, five or six people. But at this time, once he sees the real God, he is more shameless than a dog.

In particular, their old Wang's family seems to have a closer relationship with Changsheng island in recent years

Li Yuanqing looked at Prince Wang with a smile and said with a smile, "my dear nephew, today's business has been talked about, and there is nothing that can't go wrong. You don't have to be so nervous. Get up. I always admire brother Wang very much. "

Although the Wang family's old nest has now moved to Xi'an, they are still Shanxi Merchants in their bones.

In particular, most of Li Yuanqing's saltpeter, including some private salt trading, has been in contact with Wang's family for seven or eight years.

Wang dengku is a real understanding man.

Hearing this, the prince was overjoyed. He got up carefully and stood in front of Li Yuanqing respectfully. "It's a great honor for my nephew to see my uncle today. When my nephew returns to Xi'an, he will report his uncle's greetings to his father truthfully. "

Li Yuanqing laughed, "it's OK. If I have a chance, I have to have a good drink with brother Wang. "At this time, although the window paper has not been pierced, the remaining childe brothers are all like the dragon and Phoenix among the people. How can they not know the identity of Li Yuanqing?

One by one, they were silent as if they were afraid of touching Li Yuanqing's taboo, but they were secretly looking at Li Yuanqing, hoping to get Li Yuanqing's inquiry.

Even if some of them are about the same age as Li Yuanqing or even bigger than Li Yuanqing, as long as they can say a word to Li Yuanqing, in the future, no matter what they do, it will be just like being blessed by the Buddha light. It's a great honor.

It's just like that in later generations, some people would bask in what they eat, cherish and protect animals, and take pictures with such and such senior officials and stars.


It's no wonder that they want to let others know that they have had communication with these amazing people and can even speak with them. They are so powerful that they far surpass their peers to highlight their sense of being superior.

How can Li Yuanqing not understand the thoughts of these childish brothers?

For a moment, they exchanged greetings with them one by one with a smile.

Three of them were so flattered that they almost wanted to kneel at Li Yuanqing's feet and kiss Li Yuanqing's vamp.

But ~, the young master of the Qu family, now his legs and stomach are trembling.

This guy is called Qu Yuanji. He is Qu minqiu's nephew.

At this time, his uncle Li Yuanqing's side, this level is not sad, but ~ ~ ~, once his aunt and Qu minqiu know about it, then I have to peel his skin


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