The Ming army moved very fast on this side of the battle line.

A little bit more in the middle of the day, about a little before eight o'clock, five or six soldiers of the Ming army, with about ten thousand soldiers, had already left the camp and began to line up under the shouts and orders of their respective officers.

At the same time, the Ming army's sentries, like mole ants, spread rapidly in all directions. They were careful to confront the elite sentries of the later Jin army, and at any time passed information from all lines back to the central army.

This kind of war was also the main force in the face of the real slaves. Both governor yuan, the big men of Guan Ning, or the generals under his command all attached great importance to it, and no one dared to neglect half a point.

At this time, looking from a distance, the movements of the entire Ming army's battle array were slightly disordered, but they were very rapid and kept a fairly regular formation.

On the earth slope of the battle line of the Late Jin army, abatai narrowed his eyes for a moment, and breathed out a long breath of turbid gas. "Tan Bai, these minggouzi like Guan Ning have really made some progress in recent years."

Tambey said with a smile, "yes, Lord Baylor. However, according to the minions, these minggouzi are nothing but gold and jade. Among them, they are just a bunch of dog scum. At this time, I'm afraid that none of the troops that went to war was the main force of minggouzi. "

After fighting with the Ming army for so many years, Tan Bai knew exactly what the Ming army was and how to use it.

Similar to the later Jin army, the Ming army also liked to use "cannon fodder" to open the way before taking the initiative to attack.

The first step is to clear up some obstacles in the battlefield and reserve space for the main force behind. When the time is almost right, the main force will jump out again and really start the war and decide the victory or defeat.

If we follow the common sense, this is actually a very regular tactical system, which is stable.

However, Tan Bai knows very well that in recent years, Dajin has already planted a terrible nightmare in the hearts of these minggouzi.

Often, as long as the warriors of the Ming Dynasty break through a gap a little, they will soon trigger a chain reaction. These "cannon fodder" of the Ming army will "turn against the enemy in the face of the battle" and become the help of Da Jin.

However, at this time, after the cannon fodder of the Ming army, there were more than 10000 Ming army elite riders, and they had begun to leave the camp. Obviously, they wanted to play a real game.

Tambai could not help but spat in a low voice: "master Baylor, these bright dogs are really crazy. I really want to change my plan now

"Ha ha ha..."

Abatai couldn't help laughing: "Tam Bai, you dog slave, do you lose your breath? Don't forget the instructions from the sweat. Besides, Li Yuanqing hasn't arrived yet. Do you really want to work hard on these useless dog scum? "

"Li Yuanqing?"

Tan Bai heard the name, a pair of triangular eyes suddenly changed as sharp as an eagle.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he began to serve in the army. In a flash, more than ten years have passed. In these years, he has made great achievements in fighting for Dajin, which can be said to be victorious in every battle.

However, only a few times when he faced Li Yuanqing, Tan Bai had suffered a lot, and he was simply disheartened.

If it wasn't for this guy's big life and his bodyguard servants were extremely brave, I'm afraid that he would not be able to protect his life.

This has also become the biggest disgrace of tambai's life.

If we can't use the head of Li Yuanqing, who is a dog scum, to wash away his disgrace, then ~ ~, how can he talk about going up again and achieving his dream?

"Don't worry, Lord Baylor. I don't know how to be a slave. Don't tear a few pieces of fat off these bright dogs. Well, don't we lose a lot when we come to the east line? "

Abathai laughed: "Tam, that's right. We have to handle things that are not good. When Li Yuanqing comes, we will give him a big surprise. "



"Dong Dong Dong Dong..."

About ten minutes later, the battle lines of the Ming army had been put in order. With the sound of the drums, the bright red battle lines of the Ming army were gradually pushed towards the rear Jin army camp.

At this time, the army of the later Jin Dynasty had no more than seven or eight thousand horses. Before the camp, there were banners and horses.

Although the number of them was small, they were all the elite of the blue flag and the yellow flag. Their momentum was obviously more powerful than that of the Ming army with more people.

Seeing that the front of the Ming army's cannon fodder battle array has already protruded three or four hundred steps, abatai said with a faint smile: "Tam Bai, let's start. Let those Mongolian slaves move first. "

Tam Pai had been prepared and said with a faint smile: "don't worry, Lord Baylor."

Said, a wave of hands cold way: "start."


For a moment, the roar of the antler suddenly rose. On the East and West wings of the battlefield, the sound of horses' hooves sounded like thunder. There were Mongolian elite riders of about 1000 or 2000 people each, rushing from both wings like a tsunami.

The cannon fodder battle line in front of the Ming army was noisy and chaotic. Fortunately, they had received the instructions of the Chinese army in advance. Under the strong pressure of officers at all levels, they finally stabilized their positions.In the middle army of the Ming Dynasty, governor yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

These dog Tartars are just like this.

If you want to use such a small means, let him eat flat. How can this be possible?

As a matter of fact, governor yuan had long found out the Mongolian slaves on both sides of the army. The reason why he did not start his work was because he wanted to attract them to the middle of the battle, and when they got together, they would clean up together.

Because governor yuan knew very well that the real slaves in the later Jin Dynasty were brave and brave. It was difficult to achieve and not realistic to take down too many real slaves.

And the head of the Han military flag is not too valuable. The best supplement is naturally these Mongolian slaves.

On the other side, Zu dashou was also excited, "the governor, abatai and tambai, these two dog Tartars, really ate the gall of the bear heart leopard. How dare you come with us even with such a small number of people? It's a battle of its own. "

Manchui also realized that the opportunity had come, so he bowed his hand to governor yuan and said, "governor, I am willing to be a pioneer."

Governor Yuan said with a smile. If we win today, everyone will have great achievements. Manjunmen, zujunmen, you two, go to prepare immediately


Zu dashou and manchui did not dare to neglect them. They all set out on their horses and rushed to the battle line that their generals had already packed up.

But at this time, Wu Sangui, who was not far behind the governor yuan, suddenly found that the situation was not quite right

Are dog Tartars really so brave?

Just a million people, dare to close with them, rather than the main force hard?

You know, at this time, with the cavalry of manchui and Jizhen, the number of the main cavalry of the Ming army was more than 30000.

Especially these Mongolian slaves, if they really want to fight, why ~, why are they light armor?

At this time, before Wu Sangui finished thinking, the battlefield situation suddenly changed.

Although these Mongolian slaves were coming fiercely, in fact, their target was not the cannon fodder of the Ming army in front of them, but the open space in front of them.

Just like the cross running position of a football match, they charged over and raised their hands to the sky. Although the spearmen and archers in the Ming army's array were all fighting to open fire, their firepower could not do too much damage to these Mongolian slaves who were charging fast because of the wind, range and angle.

On the contrary, their regular battle lines became the living targets of these Mongolian slaves.

"Raise your shield! Hold up the shield! Come on! Come on

The generals and officers in the battle of cannon fodder of the Ming army also responded quickly, shouting and drinking loudly.

No one dared to neglect many swords and shields. They held up their shields close to the height of one man in order to defend against the arrow rain of these Mongolian slaves.

However, the arrows of these Mongolian slaves were all aimed at the sky, all of them were parabolic arrows. In addition, the wild wolf valley was full of wilderness, and the wind was so strong that even the experienced Dao Dun hands could not distinguish the drop points of these parabolic arrows at all in such a state.


"Come on! Tartars on dog days

With the rain of arrows falling down, there was a cry and howl in the battle of the Ming army.

At least a hundred people were shot down.

And these Mongolian slaves with their superb horse control skills, rushed to the side of the open space, and quickly turned around, afraid to want to come out again.

These Ming army cannon fodder people are anxious straight scold mother, but there is not much protection method at all.

On the side of the Chinese army, commander yuan was also a little anxious.

These dog day Mongolian slaves once again, I'm afraid it will break the already unstable military spirit.

Having been in the Liao area for many years, no one knows better than governor yuan what terrible nightmare it will be once the morale of the army is scattered.

Governor yuan didn't want to eat a big fat man at this time. He directly ordered his own soldiers to say, "hurry up, order the ancestral army gate and the Manchu army gate to attack!"


Soon, the military orders quickly spread to manchui and Zu dashou through banners and heralds.

Manchui couldn't wait for a long time ago, and cried out: "brothers, kill Tartars with me! Kill

With that, he took the lead and led more than 5000 mountain and sea pass elite riding under his command, and rushed to the front battle line in the past.

Zu dashou wanted to wait for another round and wait for the situation to become clearer. However, man GUI had already started. At such a time, he could not hold back.

A gnash teeth way: "children Lang, with Laozi charge ah!"

For a moment, the elite cavalry on the side of the battle line of guanning army also moved.

In an instant, the whole battle line, the hooves roared and the dust and smoke billowed.

Fortunately, it was in the deep winter, and the loess ground under his feet was frozen and solid, and there was not much dust and smoke rolled up by horses' hooves. Otherwise, it would be difficult to distinguish who was who for a while.

Fortunately, the battle line of the Ming army was very regular, and there were wide passages in the middle for the cavalry to charge after them, and there were generals and officers of various departments shouting and drinking to command, which would not hurt their own people.

Seeing that the whole battlefield situation has been driven up, abatai couldn't help smiling: "Tam Bai, how do you feel?"How can tambai not understand the meaning of abathai?

With a cold smile, he said: "Zu dashou, manchui, it's slower than a pig! Lord Baylor, let's do the same. Let's go

Abatai nodded with a smile, but his face suddenly became chilly. It's about time. Somebody! Give me the order! The former army is attacking



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