Wu Sangui nodded with a smile: "Dad, when my child was a child, you often taught the child that it is impossible to harm people, but ~, it is necessary to be defensive. Dad, don't you find that the governor has some Is it difficult? "

Wu Xiang's brows wrinkled tightly and took a puff of cigar. After a long time, he took a long breath of fog from his mouth and nose.

He had already understood Wu Sangui's deep meaning, but he was still a little unwilling and said in a low voice, "uncle, we are all meritorious at this time Even if it is ineffective, at least there is hard work? Can he really ignore him and push our father and son out? "

Wu Sangui smiles.

As Wu Xiang's son, he knew that one of the biggest shortcomings of his father's character was that he was "only allowed to enter, but seldom to leave.".

Once it's in his father's pocket, it's hard for others to take it out.

But if you are willing to give up, you will get something.

At this time, if he doesn't give up some things, he will not even have the chance to regret in the future.

"Dad. What do you think of the battle

Wu Xiang was stunned. For a moment, he didn't understand his son's deep meaning. But seeing that Wu Sangui's eyes were very sincere, he subconsciously said, "elder uncle, in this war, you really have played our guanning Erlang's prestige. I'm proud to have a son like you for my father!"

Wu Sangui nodded with a smile, "Dad. pretty good. In this war, the child really did his best and could not even hope to use the strength of suckling. But Dad, what do you think of this war? How about Li Yuanqing


Wu Xiang has already understood the meaning of his son

He really only thought about the first level. He must treasure his son, firmly seize this opportunity, strive for the holy face, leave a shadow in the heart of the emperor, and then gradually soar into the sky.

But he ignored it. At this time, the whole war was not over.

If the emperor really thinks that his precious son is a born general, let Wu Sangui go directly with the main force of Tartars

In a flash, Wu Xiang's back was almost soaked in cold sweat.

In case, in case

Wu Xiang didn't dare to think about it any more.

If something happens to the baby son, what's the meaning of his "bad old man" living in this world?

"Uncle, you can see this. It's good to think about it. I didn't think of it as a father. It's good that you're smart. It's good that you're smart... "

Looking at his father's trembling appearance, Wu Sangui's sharp eyes gradually softened a lot. He said with a smile, "Dad, this is indeed a serious crisis, but what you said before is also true. This is indeed a very good opportunity for children. Therefore, we must be well prepared and straighten out all aspects. At that time, even if someone is against us, we will have plenty of room to deal with it... "


Wu Xiang had already gone back to rest, and Wu Sangui lit a cigar, which covered his handsome and upright face in the mist of the mountains.

Just now, although it was a wake-up call to his father and dispelling his worries, Wu Sangui had a more profound worry, which had been hidden in the bottom of his heart and didn't say anything to his father.

Because, he had a vague feeling. At this time, governor yuan seemed to have something deeper to plan for.

His uncle, Zu dashou, is not worthy of his full trust at this time

What a pity.

At this time, other people's words are light. Even though they have made some achievements, they are afraid that they are still a "child who has not grown up completely".

There are so many things that he can't get in touch with. His heart is more than his strength


As Wu Sangui guessed, in the morning of the next day, governor yuan did not take advantage of this opportunity as usual to continue to drive in the direction of the capital. Instead, in the name of "tired journey and rest", he ordered the army to strengthen the fortifications in the camp and the whole army was on standby.

However, Wu Sangui, who got up early in the morning and had been paying close attention to the direction of the camp gate, could clearly see that before dawn, at least a dozen messengers had already left the camp gate in a hurry.

What did he want to do?

Commander yuan's order for rest and rehabilitation was sent to the whole army early in the morning. At this time, the weather was freezing and the north wind was blowing hard. Except for the officers and soldiers on duty, most of the rest of the idle people chose to go back to the big tent to make up their sleep after breakfast.

But how could Wu Sangui fall asleep at this time?

After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to go to his uncle Zu dashou to have a try.

At this time, just seven or eight miles away from the main force of guanning, Dourgen, Duoduo, and Li Yongfang had merged with the two parts of abatai and Tam Bai.

In the battle the evening before yesterday, several of Dodo's servants were defeated, but in fact, they were only minor setbacks and did not hurt their muscles and bones at all.

As we all know, this battle will not be reported in a hurry.Early in the morning, they were ready to follow governor yuan and the main force of guanning. However, the news that came later made everyone dumbfounded.

The main force of guanning army did not continue to approach the capital. Instead, relying on the abandoned city of Tongzhou, they began to build simple fortifications.

This time let abatai, Dourgen these princes and grandchildren some unprepared.

They had no choice but to order the servants under their command to rebuild the large accounts that had been sorted out and send elite slaves to keep a close eye on the main trend of the guanning army.

Inside the tent, the charcoal fire in the brazier crackled. On the grill, a few servants were leaning carefully against two lambs, a few chickens, and a hapless rabbit.

Duoduo in front of Dourgen, although the performance is very violent, a little bit impetuous, but at this time, in front of such big brother as abatai, he dare not have the slightest chance.

Even if abathai's record of cattle is far less than that of him.

Li Yongfang, abatai and Tan Bai are old friends. At this time, he is also the "lubricant".

"What are these minggouzi thinking? How did the barbarian yuan figure it out? Today, at such a good time, why didn't he leave? Does he want to repeat his old tricks and lure us to attack him? "

Li Yongfang frowned tightly, stroked the beard of mandible forcefully, frowned tightly.

The wind and frost in Liao area hurt people.

Li Yongfang was only in his early 40s, in his prime, but behind his naked brain, the greasy money rat braid had some white mottling, and his beard was also white.

In particular, the skin on both sides of the eyes and cheeks, I don't know why, is very loose, and the crow's feet are just like gullies.

If you don't know, if you say he's sixty or even seventy, I'm afraid someone will believe it.

But, who knows his pain?

On the surface, he is the son-in-law of the old slave, the superior son-in-law, but in fact

Abathai slowly tasted a hot wine and said, "it's very possible. Yuan Manzi always tried to lure us to attack him all the way. He must have some confidence. We should not rush into this matter. Be patient and spend time with him. "

Dourgen said: "seven brothers, I'm afraid that there will be more and more frequent King troops around the capital of Ming Dynasty, especially Li Yuanqing. I'm afraid he's on his way now. If we put it off, it will be bad for my big money. "

Abatai nodded, looked at Tan Bai and said with a smile, "Tam Bai, you dog slave, what good ideas do you have?"

Tan Bai tasted a mouthful of wine with a smile, "Lord Baylor, a few masters, there is really no good way for me. However, at this time, the pressure is not on us Daikin. Don't forget, it was yuan Manzi who put the main force of our big gold into the pass. "

"Ha ha. Tamby, you dog slave

Abatai couldn't help laughing and scolding, but he cut a piece of bacon and put it on tambai's plate.

"Thank you, Lord Baylor."

Tan Bai said with a smile.

On one side, Dourgen and Douduo were different for a moment.

Especially dodo, he was a little overwhelmed.

No wonder, brother always let him low-key forbearance, Tan Bai this guy, to today, is not by accident.

Although this guy is a simple word, it directly pierces the core of the whole thing.


Now, what are they worried about? What should be worried and anxious is yuan Manzi who is not far away.


Capital, forbidden city.

It's about three o'clock in the afternoon.

The flowers of emperor Chongzhen and others were about to thank, but they didn't wait for the news that the main force of guanning army was going to Beijing. Instead, he got a mixed explanation from governor yuan, saying: "the main force of guanning is not in good condition, so we should take a rest in Tongzhou for a while!"

The key is that inspector yuan did not even state the time limit for the rest

But the day before yesterday, what was Wu Sangui called? Didn't he just win the battle?

While reporting meritorious service to the imperial court, he also said that he needed to recuperate. What does he think of him as the son of heaven?

If it had not been for yuan, who had been promoted by himself, Emperor Chongzhen would have removed the skin, cramped and broken up.

But at this point, regret has no use.

Emperor Chongzhen said in his heart, "Yuan Aiqing, Yuan Aiqing. Hope, I hope you don't let me down

"Report ~ ~ ~! East line emergency report

At this time, outside the hall, suddenly sounded a small eunuch's sharp voice.

Emperor Chongzhen was startled by his cleverness.

These days, he was afraid of the voice, because ~, every time he heard an urgent report, it must not be good news, either it was lost here or it was conquered there!

This is the city of Guanzhong and the core hinterland of Daming.Those who were robbed and injured by Tartars were his Daming people!

Emperor Chongzhen's eyes were glumly fixed on the door. When he was about to wait for the eunuchs to come in, he severely reprimanded them for breaking the rules.

For a moment, Wang Chengen rushed in and said with a smile, "good news, good news, Emperor."

On hearing that it was "good news", Emperor Chongzhen's face suddenly changed from a thunderstorm to a cloudy one.

But after all, he is the son of heaven, and the state affairs have come to this point. Naturally, he won't be too frivolous. He calmed down a little and said with a smile, "what's the good news, mate? I haven't heard any good news for some days. "

When Wang Chengen heard the speech, he couldn't help feeling a little sour.

Of course, he knew that today's governor yuan had done this, and his hatred for him was aggravated.

For a moment, Wang Chengen returned to his senses and said with a smile: "emperor, it's Li Yuanqing's news from the eastern line. The main forces of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong have successfully converged in Yongping and are rushing towards the capital. "

"Li Yuanqing?"

On hearing the name, Emperor Chongzhen's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

But for a moment, it stretches out again.

Although Li Yuanqing is a bit rebellious, sometimes even frightening, but ~, after all, he has real ability.

As long as Li Yuanqing can lead his main force to the capital, the safety of the capital will be greatly relieved.

Especially before, Li Yuanqing has reached a compromise with him

For a moment, Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile, "big companion, when can Li Yuanqing arrive at the capital?"


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