The news of Li Yuanqing's great victory in Pinggu, like the wind, has spread all over the capital overnight.

This is like a boundless, almost endless drought. Suddenly, a gentle and loud spring rain, which is almost refreshing and refreshing, suddenly revives the capital, a "dead city" with a population of one million.

Since the news came out of the Palace last night, many dignitaries rushed to tell each other all night. Soon, the news spread to the people through various channels.

Qianmen Street in the early morning.

"Sir, Li Shuai's victory in Pinggu is on his way to the capital. The war will be over soon. Old man, this steamed bun is ten Wen a piece. How many would you like to have a try

"What? Li Shuai's victory in Pinggu? Is the war coming to an end? "

"Yes. Sir, how dare the old man cheat you. The news came from the palace. Now, it has been spread in the capital. "

"Ah? That's wonderful. It's wonderful! Boss, come on, give me ten meat buns. No, give me twenty big meat buns. I have to go home and tell my wife and baby

"Hello, sir. Just a moment..."

But just outside a big grain and rice shop just a few dozen steps away from the roadside bun shop, it was originally a high-ranking merchant who always kept grain as a treasure and kept it in the back granary. At this time, a dozen employees even piled a large amount of grain and rice outside the door.

The shopkeeper with a small cap and a fine goatee is shouting in his Beijing accent: "father, fellow villagers, brothers and sisters, Li Shuai has won a great victory in Pinggu City, captured more than 2000 Tartars and saved 30000 or 40000 people. Today, our owner has also taken advantage of Li Shuai's immortal spirit to promote sales. The best Huguang rice has dropped 200 Wen, 500 Wen a dou. Don't miss that... "

At the fork in the street, a grain and oil store also launched a promotion, and the oil price dropped by 150 Wen.

The next door's baimianfang, several big restaurants, small taverns, even the silk and satin shops and tailors' shops, the vendors selling ice sugar gourd, the old woman who makes fried dough sticks and bean curd, and even the kilns and brothels on the side of Dashilan, even the mingyuelou, began to borrow the East wind of Li Yuanqing and tried every means to solicit business.

At this time, although the main force of Li Yuanqing's Changsheng camp had not yet arrived in the capital, the whole capital was more lively than the Spring Festival.


Guangqumen Wuxiang father and son camp.

Not long after getting up, Wu Xiang and his son, who were planning to have a good fight today, were also rushed to pass the news.

Wu Xiang holding chopsticks, just put a piece of fat to his mouth, but it seems that his hands and feet do not listen to the command, how to put this fat meat into his mouth.

Beside, Wu Sangui would like to drink wine hard, but suddenly choked to the throat, coughing for more than a dozen times, not easy, this just slightly recovered down, but suddenly.

"Shuai ye, young master, I heard that the price of firewood, rice, oil, salt and even kilns in the city has begun to reduce sharply. I want to take advantage of the east wind of Li Yuanqing."

The servant quickly reported the news of the city to the Wu family and his son.

Wu Xiang regained his mind at this time, but he couldn't eat the meat. He quickly put down his chopsticks, waved his hand to the servant to go down, and whispered to his baby son, "Uncle Chang, Li Yuanqing is really It's really... "

Wu Sangui had calmed down a lot at this time. For a moment, he suddenly shook his head and laughed: "the prophet of the warm spring river duck! These profiteers of dog day have a better nose than dogs! But, Dad, Li Yuanqing is really Husband, if so

Seeing that the baby's son had not been hit by Li Yuanqing's news, Wu Xiang put down his mind a little and said, "uncle, that's our side, today..."

Wu Sangui light smile, calm and calm, if again back to his face, "Dad, the child is not as fragile as you think! If this is difficult, you can knock down the child. Then, what qualifications does a child have to fight with him Li Yuanqing? An official should be regarded as a persistent Jinwu, and a wife should be married to Yin Lihua! Li Yuanqing's news has been passed, that ~, it is not far to end this chaos! Dad, let's have dinner and get to work at once

How can Wu Xiang not understand his son's intention? He was overjoyed and said, "uncle, don't worry! Today, you just fight, the rest of the matter, all on Dad


Dongzhimen manchui camp.

Manchui is eating roasted horse meat with Shaojiu, and suddenly gets the news of Li Yuanqing's victory in Pinggu. He can't help laughing!

"Yuanqing, you boy. People didn't show up, but they made such a big scene first. Brother Ben wanted to wait for you to do it together. You don't leave some for your brother! However, my brother is not a vegetarian! How can we always fall behind you? Today, my brother also makes you shine! "

Thinking about it, Manchu called out: "order! All officers at or above the general level of the whole army should come to the commander's account to discuss matters immediately! ""Yes

Xizhimen houshilu, hougongji father and son camp.

They were also ready to eat and drink enough. They found some Tartars to grab some oil and water. When they heard the news from their relatives and soldiers, Hou Gongji, who was preparing to pour wine for his father, almost fell to the ground.

"Dad, Li Yuanqing, Li Yuanqing, this is really..."

Hou Shilu was also shocked and inexplicable.

I'm not afraid of comparing people to people, but I'm afraid of comparing goods with goods.

They have been in the capital for nearly ten days, but they have only less than 30 levels of Tartar's head and less than five levels of real slaves

However, Li Yuanqing did not arrive at the capital yet, but he pulled out Pinggu City, the throat fortress of the later Jin army at this time. He made light of it and captured 2000 Tartars

"Gongji, are you flustered? What is the standard? "

Hou Shilu, after all, was an old oilseed. He reacted for a moment and yelled at his precious son.

"Eh? Yes, Dad

Hou Gongji got up and stood in front of his father respectfully.

Hou's family style is still very good, belongs to the Ming Dynasty, pay attention to is the monarch, minister, father and son.

Seeing that his son was so sensible, Hou Shilu was also inexplicably pleased. For a moment, he lowered his voice and said, "Gongji, Li Shuai is afraid that he will arrive at the capital soon. This is a good opportunity for you. But we are like this now Even with the introduction of full handsome, but it is really not very good-looking. Today, you must make good use of it and make more achievements. "

How could Hou Gongji not understand his father's intention?

He was excited and grateful in his heart and said, "Dad, don't worry. Today, I will show my true ability! Wu Sangui is a ball player. I have the confidence to compare him to him! "

However, different from the Ming army, which was very excited and seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood, the main battle line of guanning army at this time was more and more depressed.

Outside zudashou's big tent, a dozen of zuzerun, zuzefa and zuzeyuan, who are close friends of the ancestral family, personally guard the door of the tent.

Inside the tent, Zu dashou sat on his tiger leather throne, with Zu Da le and Zu Dabi living together.

The old brothers and three children have been here in a daze and silent for more than ten minutes. The air in the tent seems to have been stagnated, and people are almost suffocated.

After a long time, Zu Dale finally lost his breath and said in a low voice: "brother, we can't drag on like this. Li Yuanqing, the dog scum, has a chance to win the ball? We must plan for ourselves first

At the same time, Zu Dabi also wanted to say something, but he moved his mouth and his voice surged back and forth, but he still swallowed the words to his mouth back into his stomach.

After all, he is a common person.

How can he easily express his position on such an occasion as this?

But instinctively with the eyes, the eye longingly looked to the master of Zu dashou.

Zu dashou's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped out of the water. His left eyelid was pumping unconsciously. However, he seemed to be an old monk and didn't answer.

Of course, zudale also saw the urgency of zudabi. He knew that zudabi couldn't carry it any more.

Even Zu Dabi is like this. What about the younger generation?

For a moment, Zu Dale gritted his teeth and said, "brother, we can't hesitate any more! Otherwise, once Li Yuanqing comes over, we will want to reverse the trend, which is impossible. Elder brother, I heard that the elder brother We have arrived in the capital city... "


Suddenly, Zu dashou slapped the table fiercely, which made Zu Da le and Zu Dabi scared.

"Hum! Listen to the wind is rain! How old are you? I can't hold my breath for this matter? "

"Eh? Yes, yes

How dare Zu Da le and Zu Dabi resist the authority of the master? He quickly bowed his head and said yes, and knelt down on the ground.

For a moment, Zu dashou vomited a long breath. Some of them could not say that he stroked his chin beard wearily and said in a low voice: "second, you will go to the city to visit the governor. Madman, today, you must make good use of this opportunity. We can't be so passive any more

"Brother, you are wise! I'll do it right away

"Don't worry, brother! Little brother, I'm on the bar with Tartars today


Although the sky today is no different from that of the past, it is a little bit gloomy. The sun is not very good, and the wind is also a bit of a teaser.

But ~ ~ ~, just like the beads scattered on the ground, are strung together by a silent and colorless thin line, which is exquisite and does not leak traces. The whole capital and all the battle lines of Ming army outside the city seem to have some kind of undetectable chemical reaction, but they have been surging and worshipping in silence.

The main battle line of the later Jin army.

Although Huang Taiji always wanted to suppress the news from Pinggu direction, the fire could not be contained in the paper. The news soon spread to all the formations.Even in the face of such a situation, Huang Taiji can no longer suppress himself. He can only follow the trend and order all the troops to withdraw their defense lines and stabilize their positions first.

But it's like knocking down the first domino, and it's a chain reaction.

Li Yuanqing has arrived in Pinggu, only one step away from the capital.

No one wants to show his face at this time and borrow the immortal spirit of Li Yuanqing?

What is the main force of guanning? It has been five or six days, and we have seen it.

No one is a fool.

Even if the cowhide blows again, even if it can blow the sky, but ~ ~, when it comes to the critical moment, it is suddenly admitted that it is defeated like a mountain

We all have families, wives, children, concubines, servants and brothers. Who will follow such people to be buried behind them?

Before that time, in addition to the main force of guanning, the pace was still so slow, and the entire battle line of the Ming army around the capital became more and more active.

In particular, the subconscious retreat of the later Jin army made the Ming army seem to have beaten chicken blood. These days, they were retreating step by step, and they could hardly find the north. It was not them, but the dogs and Tartars in front of them!

They were so excited and eager to try that they began to challenge Tartars and find Tartars to do it!


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