The wind whistled past, blowing up the dust.

It was the end of February, and spring was about to begin. Although the air was still dry and still very cold, many grass sprouted on the ground. On the dry old trees, small bone flowers also showed their heads.

In the middle of rivers and streams, where the current is fast, most of them have begun to thaw. Many naughty little fish have already felt the change of temperature and swim happily in the lower reaches of the water.

Looking around, although the whole world is still a little withered and withered, most of the creatures have already felt the breath of spring.

On the galloping horse, sun Chengzong's fighting spirit is also very high.

An old man with a lofty ambition!

Before, although he had been paying close attention to the situation in the Liao area, sun Chengzong did not expect that the son of heaven would use him again in this kind of bone saving eye, and give him the heavy burden, and trust him so much.

The emperor trusted him so much. Even if the current situation was rotten, what could he refuse?

The most important thing is that although the overall situation of Daming seems unfavourable at this time, there is still Li Yuanqing, the "sea calming needle" in Pinggu!

After so many years of witnessing and promoting Li Yuanqing's growth, sun Chengzong deeply understood that Li Yuanqing was the only one in the world who dared to be bold, pointed at wheat awns, and had a strong face with the army of the Late Jin Dynasty!

In recent years, although he was not in the court, sun Chengzong's heart never left. He was also aware of the emperor's suspicion of Li Yuanqing and the misunderstanding and grievances suffered by Li Yuanqing.

Yuan Manzi

Thinking of Yuan supervisor, sun Chengzong could not help shaking his head and laughing.

At first, he thought that the enterprising governor yuan could coordinate the relations between the western Liaoning, the southern Liaoning and the Dongjiang, and further improve the overall affairs of the Liao area on the basis that he had laid down.

At that time, even if Daming can't win a decisive victory, it can at least take the initiative in the whole war.


Who knows After he came to power, yuan Manzi just wasted his own self-interest. Instead of making progress, he made peace with the later Jin army in private, kept suppressing other departments, and even made a mess of what had been good

Fortunately, Li Yuanqing was not involved in this too deep, and seized Pinggu, the most important chess piece at this time. Everything is not irretrievable.

Especially to Li Yuanqing's character, sun Chengzong is extremely trusted!

He firmly believes that as long as he can have a good meeting with Li Yuanqing and have a careful communication, Li Yuanqing will certainly stand on the righteousness of the people of the court!

At this time, the army had entered the Pinggu area, only 70 or 80 li away from the main battlefield. There were more post Jin army sentries around, staring at them like wolves.

"Drive! Drive

At this time, Zu dashou came to sun Chengzong's side, and clasped his hands and said: "the elder, we have reached the coverage of the Jin army. We must press the speed and move forward carefully."

Sun Chengzong understood the meaning of Zu dashou and slowed down the speed of some horses carefully, so that they could hear clearly, "zujunmen, sentinel detectives, do you have any news about the main force of the later Jin Dynasty?"

Zu dashou said respectfully: "Ge Lao, within 20 or 30 li of the surrounding area, there are only a group of deges who have been suppressed, and there are no more than 3000 people. No one has found the main tartar. Presumably, the main force of Tartars should be in the Pinggu city war zone. "

Sun Chengzong was a little relieved.

He was eager to rush to the main battlefield under Pinggu city immediately, but sun Chengzong also understood that tiredness was the great taboo of military strategists. Even if there were no main Tartars around, they could not help the war situation even if they arrived at Pinggu city tonight. On the contrary, they were easily targeted by Tartars and became a burden to Li Yuanqing.

He, sun Chengzong, has been waiting for so many years. Is he still short of these days?

After strong self-confidence, sun Chengzong said, "before evening, we will march 40 Li. In addition, keep close contact with Pinggu city. "

Although Zu dashou was not happy with sun Chengzong's resolution, how could he refute it at such a time? Busy Gong respectfully said yes, pull out the horse to leave.

Seeing Zu dashou leave, sun Chengzong relaxed a little.

Old as he is, he is not confused.

To a large extent, their rapid march was very conducive to the sneak attack of the later Jin army. Sun Chengzong had been taking precautions against it. However, the main force of the latter Jin army seemed to have no interest in them and did not divide troops to pay attention to them. Instead, they had been staring at Li Yuanqing in Pinggu city

Even if sun Chengzong didn't want to admit it, but Do you still need to distinguish between the height and the bottom?


It was evening.

Under Pinggu City, the bulldozing offensive of the later Jin army had been pushed a mile away from the Ming army's outpost, and many bunker walls were built along the way.

For so many years, they have clearly known the firepower of the camp. In this respect, they dare not neglect it.At this speed, at noon tomorrow, the Houjin army will be able to start charging Ming army fortifications.

In fact, Li Yuanqing also admired Huang Taiji's courage.

At such a time, in the land of Daming, he even dared to put forward the intention of fighting strongly.

Even if it's just mystifying, it's far from human courage.

As the night slightly shrouded the earth, these auxiliary soldiers and miscellaneous servants of the post Jin army escorted the Han slaves, just like the tide. They retreated quickly with no trace of nostalgia. They were very regular and well defended.

Obviously, they are also very afraid that Li Yuanqing will directly attack their array at such a time.

The garrison of Changsheng camp.

At this time, Chen Zhong had calmed down a lot and whispered to Li Yuanqing, who was puffing in the air: "Yuanqing, we, are we really going to fight with the Tartars with the old man?"

According to the previous plans of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, the next two cores, including the whole southern Liaoning Province, will focus on the Haizhou war situation.

As a veteran general, he has also experienced the study of system culture theory, and Chen Zhong is very aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the armed forces of all sides.

Changsheng camp, including the lower core of his Chen Zhonghui, was born short. His best skills were defensive and surprise attack, not field combat.

Even though he and Li Yuanqing already had a lot of horses, the cavalry was still too thin.

At least 40000, 50000, or even 60000 horses were needed to support the troops.

But their brothers here, full of calculation, can fight 30000 horses, that is already tightening the belt.

It was doomed that they would not be able to pull out the main force of the later Jin army.

Although in the array, they did not empty the main force of Tartars, but It's obvious. Even if they can win, the casualties will not be affordable for ordinary people.

Not to mention, at this time, it is enough to play the edge of the ball and make some small achievements, but it is far from the choice of a decisive battle with the later Jin army.

Li Yuanqing's face is very calm, just like a deep ancient well.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing spits out a thick fog in a orderly manner and says with a smile: "big brother, how do you think about it? Do you think Huang Taiji will fight with us


Chen Zhong couldn't help being stunned. "Yuanqing, I've been thinking about this. If I change to Huangtaiji, I will never meet with us at such a time. Whether it's a success or failure, it's not good for both of us. "

Li Yuanqing smiles, but slowly shakes his head, "big brother, I used to think like this. Today, however, I want to understand something. "


Li Yuanqing continued to smile: "brother, at this time, we are stuck in Pinggu, but the initiative of the whole war still lies in the Houjin army. They want to run, and we can't stay. But big brother, do you think they will run away easily? "

"What's more, Zu dashou, the son of a tortoise, can ask a lot of money. Why should we bear with him?"


Chen Zhong has already understood Li Yuanqing's deep meaning.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "big brother, the sky is falling, and the tall one is holding it. Water flows into the natural canal. Let's be patient


In the early morning of the next morning, the Houjin army continued their hard-working earth pushing offensive, carefully pushed to the area of the Ming army's battle line of one mile, and began to build large-scale earth wall shelters.

However, the main force of the latter Jin army did not make any moves. Obviously, they are not in a hurry to attack the city today.

But it was a little bit longer in the middle of the day. A little before ten o'clock, sun Chengzong's vanguard force of manchui had already arrived at the south line of Pinggu city.

This made the later Jin army's bulldozing offensive produce a commotion.

In the Houjin barracks, several watchtowers with earth mounds had been built. Huang Taiji, with fan Wencheng, Sony and Dasu, was carefully observing the battle lines of the Ming army.

Seeing the main force of the Manchu and Guangxi troops coming to the south line and gathering with the Ming army, Huang Taiji's mouth suddenly showed a trace of inexplicable smile and said to several people around him: "fan Qing, Sony, do you have any thoughts?"

Sony said respectfully: "big sweat, the Ming people have not formed an encirclement to me Dajin. Obviously, they have shown their timidity. This war is nothing to worry about. "

Fan Wencheng was busy secretly looking at Huang Taiji's expression, but he found that Huang Taiji was calm and could not be ignored. He was careful that his liver was also mentioned to his throat. He said respectfully: "sweat, Lord Suo is right. The people of Ming Dynasty were afraid of the sharp edge of our big gold, so they gave up such a good opportunity and abandoned the encirclement of the main force of our big gold. The morale of them must have fallen into the inferior position. However, the Ming people are so steady and steady. As far as Dajin is concerned, I have to deal with it carefully... "

Huang Taiji smiles, "today, let's call it a day. Go back to the account, and I'll buy you a drink

Both Sony and fan Wencheng couldn't understand Huang Taiji's intention for a while. They were busy, careful and respectfully following Huang Taiji.…………

"Li Yuanqing, the commander-in-chief of Changsheng Island, has met with the old man."

In Zishi Zhongke, sun Chengzong and guanning main force arrived at Pinggu south line as agreed.

On the side of manchui, Li Yuanqing didn't have to come out to meet him because of the war, so he ran into the city by himself. But at this time, sun Chengzong arrived, and the Jin army did not launch a war. Naturally, Li Yuanqing would come out to meet him in person.

"Yuanqing, good, good. Get up, please. Get up, please

When he saw Li Yuanqing, who had been absent for a long time, sun Chengzong was filled with emotion and helped Li Yuanqing up with his own hands.

Looking at sun Chengzong, whose temples were all white, he even wanted to have such a warm and cold night at this time. He was running for the great Ming Dynasty. Li Yuanqing also felt a bit uncomfortable.

Busy respectfully got up, said with a smile: "Ge Lao, Yuanqing has already prepared a lunch in the city, the old man first wash the dust, have a rest, let's eat and chat."

Sun Chengzong said with a smile: "Yuanqing, it's not urgent to eat. I see Tartars are ready to attack. Let's go to the city first. "

Chen Zhong, Zhang pan, Chen ~ liangce and other generals in southern Liaoning were speechless for a moment. They did not expect sun Chengzong to be so impatient.

However, Li Yuanqing did not have much abnormality, and said with a smile: "it's OK. Mr. Ge, this way, please. Elder brother, zujunmen and Wu junmen, please greet them

Of course, Chen Zhong understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and nodded his head.

Chen Zhong and his wife stayed here to see the ceremony, while Li Yuanqing personally helped sun Chengzong on the horse and went straight to the head of the city.


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