one flower is a world, one leaf is a Bodhi.

Although the silence is beyond the expectation, it is the dumb fire.

After ten years of entanglement, no one knows the nature of these Tartars better than Li Yuanqing.

They're just a bunch of animals that haven't evolved completely.

To be exact, it's a pack of white eyed wolves.

Bully the soft and be afraid of the hard.

Especially at this time, they just plundered all the ladles and bowls around the capital. They were on their way home and were ready to go back to enjoy the rich fruits of victory. Who dares not open their eyes? At such a time, they bravely met Li Yuanqing?

However, the silence of the latter Jin army had both advantages and disadvantages for Li Yuanqing.

There is no need to say much about it.

It can let Li Yuanqing arrange the main force of Changsheng camp to the center of the battle line more calmly, coordinate at any time, play steadily and orderly.

But the disadvantages are just as obvious.

If the later Jin army doesn't come out and refuses to fight Li Yuanqing, it will make Li Yuanqing very embarrassed.

Li Yuanqing can only lead his children to attack the camp fortifications of the Houjin army.

To put it bluntly, although Li Yuanqing went out to fight today, he didn't have the intention to conquer the Houjin army camp in a single battle.

Everything must be done step by step.

Li Yuanqing's ultimate goal is indeed to break the Golden Army camp, but it is not a brainless rush.

We should know that Changsheng camp is infantry after all. Even though there are many horses and mules in the formation to help transport materials, it is still infantry in the final analysis.

The natural inferiority of the infantry decided that Li Yuanqing could not completely control the whole war situation.

Even if there are manchui, Wu Sangui and Hou Shilu, the father and son of Hou Shilu, they will support each other, but once the war is tough, Huang Taiji is determined to kill Li Yuanqing and send the main force to kill him from both wings, which is not fun.

Li Yuanqing's most important purpose at this time was to draw out the "cannon fodder" of the Houjin army, and kill the spirit of the Houjin army in front of sun Chengzong, in front of tens of thousands of Ming army soldiers behind him, and under the eyes of Huang Taiji and a number of Wang Gongquan GUI.

Let them feel afraid, feel desperate, and never dare to confront him directly!

After bringing up the morale of the Ming army, we will try to plan for the next step.

But at this time, the post Jin army was obviously too conservative.

Li Yuanqing would not be too rash. He immediately ordered the front troops to stabilize their pace and gradually consolidate and advance slowly.

On the subjective platform of Houjin military camp.

Huang Taiji soon noticed the rhythm change of Li Yuanqing's red current. There was an indescribable smile at the corner of his mouth.

Li Yuanqing is a man, not an immortal.

This guy's face is really smooth, but in the final analysis, this guy is also afraid!

Well, this is becoming more and more interesting.

"Rao Yu Baylor, what do you think?"

Huang Taiji suddenly looks at abatai with a smile.

Abatai was stunned at the moment. He didn't expect that Huang Taiji would name him at this time. Isn't it obvious that he would be "cannon fodder"

But how dare he fight against bodar Khan, who is superior to him?

For a moment, abathai quickly stepped out of the line and bowed his hands respectfully and said, "Khan, Li Yuanqing's troops have advanced and retreated in a proper way. If they rush to the battle rashly, I'm afraid it will backfire. In my humble opinion, I am a big gold I'd like to take When it comes to harassment, we should avoid it temporarily... "

How can abatai not understand the meaning of Huang Taiji?

Even if Lao Ba is a dog's day, he knows that it will be better if Li Yuanqing pushes him over and rushes into the camp by force, but he must go out with "cannon fodder".

Otherwise, how can we raise the morale of the main warriors?

Therefore, abatai also used a tactful answer to reply to Huang Taiji.

"At this time, it's OK to ask Lao Tzu to send troops, but Li Yuanqing is still in the limelight, so I won't do it when I meet Li Yuanqing."

Huang Taiji smiles faintly, how can you not understand abatai's intention?

For a moment, he said calmly: "raoyu Baylor is really calm and courageous, not bad, very good. Your department will be the vanguard. Let's drag Li Yuanqing's March first! "


Abatai almost squeezed out a word from his teeth. He knelt down respectfully on the ground, saluted Huang Taiji and left quickly.

Seeing abathai go down, all the princes and dignitaries around him are a little relieved. At last, they have "ghost for the dead".

However, Huang Tai Chi obviously did not stop, and looked at the crowd with a smile, "who would like to fight against Li Yuanqing's sharpness together with Rao Yu Baile?"

With abathai out, people have some backbone in their hearts.

Although the popularity of abatai is not very good, we all know the skill of this guy.With the involvement of abathai in the front, even if the follow-up troop deployment, the risk factor has dropped a lot.

However, when Hogg was about to speak, he saw Huang Taiji's eyes. He was not stupid. Hastily will come to the mouth of the words, and swallow back to the stomach, and obediently when the shrinking head turtle.

Seeing Huang Taiji's eyes, he circled on Dai Shan and mang gurtai intentionally or unintentionally.

On one side, Yue Tuo, the leader of the flag with red flag, bowed his hands respectfully and said, "Khan, slave is willing to lead the battle and cooperate with Rao Yu Bayle to delay Li Yuanqing's sharpness!"

On behalf of Shan, he felt relieved.

His eldest son is really smart, that

Although Lao Ba has always been afraid of him and guarding against him, he is not afraid of yuetuo, who is "honest and honest".

Including the lost hand of Li Yuanqing and his three sons, Sakhalin, made great efforts when Huang Taiji ascended the throne.

When Yue Tuo comes out, Huang Taiji is not good at it. He can't make Yue Tuo really serve as cannon fodder. It's like killing three birds with one stone.

On the other hand, manggutai is not the son who is so competitive for goodness.

Perhaps it was too heavy to kill the evil, and his pulse was relatively weak. At this time, he could only bite his teeth and hold it up by himself. He was busy bowing his hand and saying, "I'm willing to send troops too!"

Huang Taiji couldn't help laughing: "OK. Five brothers, yuetuo, you two send troops from the flank separately. Remember, mainly to harassment, not with Li Yuanqing force enemy, slowly grinding Li Yuanqing's edge


They left in a hurry.

The situation in Chengzu Valley suddenly came to an end, and the people felt that the situation was flat.

First, there were five or six Niulu in the blue banner of abatai, about 3000 or 4000 people, rushing out from the right wing of the battle line of the post Jin army.

After that, the main force of the blue flag of manggurtai had to have eight to nine cattle records and five or six thousand people, closely following from the right wing.

The left wing, the main force of yuetuo's red flag inlaid with nearly a dozen cattle records, has the scale of tens of thousands of people, storming out from the left.

At this time, the overall battle array of the Ming and Jin Dynasties was slightly inclined in the east-west direction.

The main camp of the latter Jin army is in the East, and Pinggu city and the Ming army camp are in the West.

The north wind is the main force here. In terms of the wind situation, no one wants to take too much advantage of both sides.

In terms of terrain, Pinggu city is slightly higher, but it is only more than ten or twenty centimeters high, which has some advantages. But if you want to take this advantage seriously, you are a fool.

Sun Chengzong's heart could not help but mention his voice.

Tartars are out, and they are more than 20000 elite riders. They are even the two banners, the king's flag and the big flag. This Yuanqing is in danger.

Zu dashou's face is also very Congjun, eyes do not need to blink.

He must have a good look at what Li Yuanqing should do in the face of such a crisis. Is it necessary to raise Wu Sangui and Manchu, or to defend in parallel?

On the other side, zudale is a spirit.

If it wasn't for the situation, this guy would have laughed.

"Li Yuanqing, you mean dog! Aren't you arrogant? Aren't you crazy? Don't you take granddad seriously? Now it's here. Tartars are coming. You can argue with them and be arrogant! Ha ha... "

Zudabi clenched his fists tightly.

Li Yuanqing, who is famous all over the world, how should he face this difficult situation?

Not far from here, Wu Xiang, Zuo Fu, Zhang pan, Chen ~ liangce, and Xu fucuo all worked together to see how Li Yuanqing dealt with this dilemma.

At this time, in the middle of Changsheng camp battle array, Li Yuanqing himself noticed the dispatch of troops from the later Jin army.

However, to the disappointment of zudale, Li Yuanqing's mood was very smooth, even with a faint smile.

For a moment, he waved his hand and said, "command the three departments of manchui, wusangui and houshilu. The two wings of manchui, wusangui and houshilu should withdraw half a mile and pull out the open space to push my Changsheng camp forward!"


How dare Yang Lei neglect? Busy and quickly make the nearby soldiers set off the signal bomb.

For a moment, "whoosh, whoosh," two rows of six shrill flares suddenly cut through the tranquility of the sky and exploded violently in the sky.

"What? Yuan Qing asked me to retreat half a mile? "

Hearing the meaning of the signal bomb explained by the herald of Changsheng camp, manchui's eyes were bigger than the cow's eyes.

"Brother. You can eat food at random, but you can't talk nonsense. What are you? You're a herald! If the military situation is delayed, I can't report you! "

The herald of Changsheng camp was about to cry and said, "man Shuai, it's true! That's what my camp signal bomb means! Let you and the brothers back half a mile, pull out the open space, maintain the formation. Man Shuai, I have served in Changsheng camp for nine years. I would like to use the head guarantee! If there is a bit of stubble in the order, man Shuai just cuts off his humble headAt such a time, how dare the herald ignore him? Directly turn over and dismount, kneel down in front of man GUI, determined to fight!


When the Manchurian osmanthus was silent, Yuan Qing, what was it to do?

But at this time, the same command came from the flag.

Although he was puzzled, he could only command the whole army to withdraw and make room for it.

On the other hand, Wu Sangui and Hou Shilu are also some can not find the north, what is Li Yuanqing doing?

But how dare they not carry out Li Yuanqing's orders? They had to retreat quickly.

At the head of Pinggu City, sun Chengzong could not help but murmured: "Yuanqing this What the hell is this about? Why remove the wing protection? "


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