although Zu dashou was looking forward to Li Yuanqing's failure, he To a certain extent, he also hoped that Li Yuanqing would not be too cruel even if he failed

Otherwise, once Changsheng camp is out of control, the general situation of Ming army will not be fun.

They guanning are already like dogs under the capital city. If they go out again in Pinggu, it will be hard to say.

At this time, sun Chengzong also recovered from the lively war and caught Li Yuanqing's "embarrassment".

After the Jin army more than 20000 fine riding has been out, if Li Yuanqing enters, it is obviously not so easy to advance, if it retreats, it is even more unreasonable.

In particular, the conservatism of the main elite riders of the later Jin army actually stuck Li Yuanqing in his place, which, to a certain extent, made Li Yuanqing lose the initiative in the war.

This is not easy to do

Wu Xiang's brows wrinkled.

Although Li Yuanqing and his Changsheng camp are powerful enough to frighten the whole world, the Tartars obviously have a long memory and don't come to provoke you. Li Yuanqing can

How should Li Yuanqing deal with this situation?

Around him, Zuo Fu, Zhang pan, Chen ~ liangce and Xu Fushu all have their own thoughts. Their excitement subsides and their faces are somewhat dignified.

In front of Pinggu City, Chen Zhong is stationed. Chen Zhong is on fire for a while.

It's not a good sign that the dog Tartars are so cautious. How should Yuanqing deal with it.

However, Chen Zhong couldn't get on the spot for a moment. He had to wait in the back. He was like an ant on a hot pot.

At this time, in the middle of the battle of Changsheng camp, Li Yuanqing did not have any anxiety. Instead, he tasted a delicate cigar.

For example, the Ming army was still on the passive side because of various reasons.

Because it was very difficult for the Ming army to really pull out and fight with the main force of the later Jin army.

Even at this time, Li Yuanqing and his Changsheng camp had already been pulled out, and the main force of the Jin army was facing a hard top, and there was so much assistance around, but they still had to go step by step and fight steadily, instead of directly rushing forward and following the main force of the Jin army.

But then again, the charm of war lies in this.

If everyone can do this, how can the lofty Ming Dynasty be reduced to such a field at this time? Being bullied by the Tartars of dog day?

It is precisely because he has achieved something that ordinary people can't do, that he can have the foundation of today's day, support the whole Ming Dynasty, and sit firmly in Liaodong.

For others, it may be unspeakable suffering, but for Li Yuanqing, it is a rare enjoyment!

In terms of politics, due to the difference of talent, Li Yuanqing may still have some gap compared with the real heroes at that time, but ~ ~, after ten years of military service, rolling in mud soup, climbing out of the dead, talking about wars and playing with swordsmen, he has the superiority of surpassing this era for 500 years. In the world, Li Yuanqing is the second, who dares to be the first?

"Marshal, lunch is ready."

At this time, Yang Lei respectfully reported in Li Yuanqing's ear, interrupting Li Yuanqing's thinking.

Li Yuanqing looked at several gurgling rivers around him. For a moment, he nodded with a smile, "each department takes turns to eat and rest for a quarter of an hour."


The order was quickly passed on.

At this time in the battlefield, although there is no lack of water, it is still very difficult to bury the pot for cooking. The simplest way is to prepare before and eat it with hot water.

At this time, Changsheng camp was at least two or three hundred years ahead of this era in terms of military diet, especially in the storage of soy sauce meat, salted fish and Crispy Fish.

Even if they are not as comfortable as eating in the camp, they have no problems in taste and nutrition.

In contrast, the Tartars on the opposite side, even the royal families such as abatai, manggurtai and yuetuo, can only chew dried meat and dry cakes.

After a comfortable lunch, the instructors at all levels in each department took turns to boost the morale and morale of the army. Soon, the time came to the beginning of mid afternoon.

Although it was still very cold at this time, all the troops of the later Jin army were holding regiments, and horses were standing together to keep warm.

But now and then the north wind and the hot sun are dry, cold and astringent. It's the best time to make "air dried meat".

In particular, the horses in their hips seem to feel the pressure of the bright red camp.

Even if these Tartars constantly take out precious beans to feed these horses, the whole battle of Tartars is still surrounded by some heavy repression.

Li Yuanqing looked at the time. It was 12:10, and it was almost the time. With a wave of his hand, he gave orders directly, and the whole army continued to move forward.

For a moment, the roar of the antler began to ring in the battle line of Changsheng camp. After a long rest, the soldiers who had already had enough food and drink rushed slowly, orderly and forcefully towards the tartar battle line in accordance with the established plan."Minggouzi moved, minggouzi moved."

For a time, just like a corpse, the original silence of several post Jin army battle lines was noisy.

Abatai also immediately raised the spirit, and said with a smile to mang gouertai beside him: "five brothers, Li Yuanqing can't hold his breath."

Manggutai had just eaten a large piece of jerky with a dry cake. Although it was a very chewy jerky, he was impatient because there was no hot water. He ate a little more quickly, and he didn't chew much. Now, his stomach and intestines are still a little uncomfortable.

In particular, Li Yuanqing's sudden deployment of troops made him excited, and his stomach and intestines became more uncomfortable.

Busy strong support spirit way: "old seven, do we want to press forward a pressure? If not, when Li Yuanqing forces us to come, we can only retreat. "

The charge of cavalry needs space, but Li Yuanqing's camp is more difficult than the sharpest hedgehog.

Since they can't deal with it, they have to retreat.

If we put it in the past, abathai will not bear this responsibility obviously. But before, Li Yuanqing's cruelty and tyranny really aroused a lot of anger in abatai's heart. He is very "revenge today, revenge today"!

Let's return Li Yuanqing! Let Li Yuanqing have a good memory!

For a moment, abathai said, "brother five, it's good to step back. Our camp is protected by a trench wall. Can Li Yuanqing fly over? Let's let Li Yuanqing come here. At that time, we'll attack on three sides, and see what Li Yuanqing can do! "

Manggutai also understood the meaning of abatai and nodded his head.

Although there are many internal contradictions in Daikin, no one dares to lose the chain at this critical moment.

Different from the previous advance, at this time, the main force of Changsheng camp was advancing very fast. In less than 20 minutes, the main force of Changsheng camp had already advanced to the battlefield where more than a thousand people under abatai's command had just been destroyed.

Under his feet, the red blood has seeped into the mud. Although the battlefield is cleaned up by Manchu and Wu Sangui, they still have a strong smell of blood.

If we apply the common people's view in the folk, this place may be a bad place that can't be dispelled for decades.

But for Li Yuanqing, this is his lucky place, especially smelling the bloody smell mixed with the soil, which makes his whole mood unspeakably comfortable, just like the breath of spring!

At this time, although the speed of Changsheng camp was very fast, it was stable but not disorderly. Abatai tried to charge several times, but he finally resisted. He had to order the main force to retreat and give Li Yuanqing the space of the battlefield.

Yue Tuo of the left wing has been playing soy sauce for more than 10000 people, but he is not stupid. Abatai is his weather vane. Abatai and manggutai are all retreating. How could he be so stupid as to spend his time here waiting to fight with Li Yuanqing? Busy also began to retreat.

For a while, the originally crowded battlefield suddenly became more and more extensive.

The whole Houjin camp has begun to be exposed in front of Changsheng camp.

At about 1:30, the main force of Li Yuanqing and Changsheng camp had approached a mile and a half away from the Houjin army camp. With a wave of Li Yuanqing's hand, the whole army stopped steadily and started to construct the fortifications on the spot.

However, although everything is going well, there is also a pitfall. In this position, it is more difficult to get water from the small river behind you.

After his death, although Chen Zhong wanted to fill in the space behind Li Yuanqing, he didn't have such a command. Chen Zhong didn't dare to make decisions without authorization. He could only stare at him.

But Li Yuanqing had been prepared. Before, when he was in the camp behind him, the soldiers had already stored up the hot water in the kettle. After a while, although it was cold, it would last for a day or two, which was not a big problem.

When he saw Li Yuanqing stop in this "bone eye" place, abatai would curse his mother.

This distance, most of his artillery, is a little short, that is, a hundred and eighty cloth.

Even if there are more than a dozen earth cannons, they can reach the camp of longevity, but ~, only a dozen of them. If the grass frightens the snake, how can abatai's mind be solved?

However, in this hesitation, the simple works of Changsheng camp have been built up quickly. Abatai almost wants to rush over and fight with Li Yuanqing.

Fortunately, years of war experience and wild animal instinct forced him to control his emotions.

But in the middle of the battle line of the Jin army, Huang Taiji's face was a little ugly.

Li Yuanqing should be so arrogant. This is a living face-to-face, not to give him the face of bodar Khan.

How can he bear it?

Even if abathai could defeat Li Yuanqing, he would hate abatai deeply.

For a whole day, the main camp of the Jin army has been very quiet. It seems that the main camp is not a living person, but a ghost.

But at this time, the initiative of the war has been controlled by Li Yuanqing. Even if Huang Taiji is extremely unhappy, he can only endure and wait for abatai's action.He also did not believe that Li Yuanqing dared to attack his main camp openly to such an extent and in spite of the great disrespect of the world.

The battlefield situation, which had just begun to get active, suddenly stagnated. Except for the Changsheng camp, which was the originator, it was extremely relaxed. However, the rear Jin army, including the Ming army behind him, was extremely nervous. All the attention was focused on the bright red Changsheng camp in the center.

Li Yuanqing did not have any anxiety at this time, slowly and methodically playing with the pocket watch in his hand to pass the time.

In such a state, if the latter Jin army does not take the initiative to attack, and wants him to take the initiative to attack, it is simply a dream!

But once it gets dark, we have to talk about it!


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