No comparison, no harm.

Last night, fan Wencheng saw with his own eyes what kind of fighting power was the main force of guanning army, which Daming was proud of.

However, Li Yuanqing's side is just like a mountain standing at the top of a mountain. If you don't move, you will have already. If you move, it will be like thunder.

Before that, fan Wencheng had always been very proud and satisfied to be able to protect Huang Taiji and act as a confidant.

After all, a Han can be regarded as an outstanding person if he can mix up to this scale in the court of barbarians like Houjin.

Even if I was ahead of fan Wencheng, now, where am I?

But at this time, fan Wencheng had for the first time a kind of An indescribable weariness.

That's right.

It's tiredness.

He wanted to go home, to leave Daming, to return to the Liaozhong plain, which he was most familiar with.

Because here, he felt very unsafe, as if he was surrounded by wolves hidden in the dark night. He did not know when these wolves would rush out and kill him.

This makes fan Wencheng feel like a lump in his throat.

He's only in his twenties.

This life is still long, how can, how can it be here

"Well Cough... "

At this time, a few tired coughs on Huang Taiji's side interrupted fan Wencheng's thinking. Fan Wencheng quickly gathered his spirit and looked respectfully and carefully at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji's face is somewhat indescribably dignified and repressed. Just now, when he was outside, he was able to restrain himself and keep his bodar Khan's dignity. However, when he returned to his gold tent, he naturally didn't need to cover up too much.

For a moment, Huang Taiji deeply vomited out a turbid breath and said in a low voice: "fan Qing, the situation is not optimistic. What do you think about this time? "

One of the greatest advantages of Huang Taiji is that he can listen to others and at the same time, he will give others enough respect.

This seems to be a very simple thing, but fan Wencheng deeply understood that among the royal families of the later Jin Dynasty, only Huang Taiji could do this.

It is because of Huang Taiji's love that fan Wencheng is firmly tied to Dajin's chariot and becomes the enemy of Daming, his mother country.

At this time, hearing Huang Taiji's question, fan Wencheng cheered up and responded respectfully: "big sweat, servant ~, the slave also agrees with big Baylor's opinion. Although the combat power of the Ming army was uneven, Li Yuanqing's deterrent power was Dahan, we have gained a lot in this entry, and the warriors are tired. In addition, spring has already begun. According to an old saying of Han people, less is better than more. If we can avoid Li Yuanqing, we will try our best to avoid Li Yuanqing and go back to the outer part of the pass first, and then we will make a decision. "

If it was before, fan Wencheng would not have said so So direct.

Because he knows very well that Huang Taiji recruited him into the gold account alone to listen to his "different" opinions, or to comfort him.

However, at this time, fan Wencheng himself was already desperate to return home, and he did not want to interfere with Huang Taiji's thinking at such a time, which was regarded as a thorn in the eye by those royal families of later Jin Dynasty.

At this moment, in the whole golden age, whether it is the royal family, the true slaves, or the Han people, it is rare to form a rare agreement.

That is, try not to provoke Li Yuanqing and return to the outside of the pass as soon as possible.

Huang Taiji glances at fan Wencheng. Fan Wencheng does not dare to look at Huang Taiji or his big round face. He is busy and humble and lowers his eyes.

Looking at fan Wencheng's modest and cautious appearance, Huang Taiji suddenly showed a trace of unspeakable bitter smile: "fan Qing, do you think that I don't want to leave the pass as soon as possible? It's not easy for us to leave


Fan Wencheng was stunned and immediately understood the meaning of Huang Taiji. It was like a basin of ice water, poured from the head to the bottom of his feet.


They want to leave, but according to Li Yuanqing's temperament, how can they leave easily?



Fan Wencheng just wanted to say something, but Huang Taiji waved his hand with a smile. "Fan Qing, I know your loyalty to me and my big gold. At this time, I have one thing I want you to do for me. Are you willing to share my worries? "

After fan Wencheng, the cold sweat in his heart has been pouring out. His hands and feet are numb.

At this time, how can he not understand the meaning of Huang Taiji's words?

But as a slave of others, does he have any choice?

For a moment, fan Wencheng almost bit his teeth and said, "slave, I'd like to share my worries for the sweat!"


Night came quietly.

The fire light of Houjin camp on the opposite side is fluttering, and it seems a little lonely and silent.

But at this time, the south of Pinggu City, Ming army cavalry, is in the mobilization.Li Yuanqing's strategy for the post Jin army is actually very simple, even simple and a little rough ~, that is, harassing, harassing and harassing again!

There is no need to use the extreme.

It's just that we can't let the Houjin army live in peace.

Of course, such harassment must not be the main disturbance.

Just like the main force of guanning, it looks like some bluffing people on the surface, which is very strong. But when they are really on the battlefield, they just know that they are nothing but gold and jade.

The so-called "maximum use of resources.".

These guanning main force, really can't afford to be reused, but its elite servants still have some strength. What's more, these people always produce excrement when they eat and drink.

Since they can't fight, let them produce more excrement to use.

Although this kind of filth will not be fatal, it will undoubtedly have a strong effect on the main force of the later Jin army at this time.

It's like a group of wild wolves who are rampant on weekdays, but all of a sudden, a group of rabbits throw their excrement and urine on their faces. How can people tolerate this?

Of course, Li Yuanqing and the children of Changsheng camp were responsible for directing and guiding these works. Only a few of them really participated in the work. All of them were family members of various departments.

"Damn me. Li Yuanqing is such a dog scum. It's so bad! Actually let us guanning main force, to do the next three bad guys. I really want to throw these things on Li Yuanqing's face. "

In the gloomy night, zudale is just like a leopard who wants to eat people. He can't help but roar and spit.

"Second master, please calm down. The garrison of Changsheng camp is not far away. If they hear about it, tell the commander-in-chief that... "

A personal guard servant, Qian Zong, hastened to comfort him in a low voice.

This afternoon, Zu dashou held a military meeting of more than 1000 general managers of guanning army. In front of dozens of officers, he even took several big mouths from Zu dale in public.

Zu dashou stressed that from then on, all the people in guanning must strictly obey Li Yuanqing's command and command. Anyone who dares to make half a point at random must be killed.

Even the grandparent can't live any longer. Who else dares to resist?

Fortunately, Li Yuanqing is very regular in his work. Not only are they fighting tonight, but also many elite riders in Changsheng camp. Chen Zhong's and manchui's troops, including Zhang pan, Chen ~ liangce, and Xu fusho, have all taken part in the battle. Li Yuanqing's bowl of water is very flat. Naturally, we dare not say anything more.

At this time, listening to the reminder of the commander-in-chief, Zu Dale took a careful look at the front. He was afraid that the elite of Changsheng camp, who had sharp eyes and sharp ears, heard something. They didn't pay attention to this side, so they relaxed a little.

He said in a low voice, "you bastards, you've polished your tricks tonight! Let's do what the camp people do! There are so many of us tonight. We must not be weak in front of the camp! "

"Yes. Second master, don't worry. We'll do it tonight. "

"Second master, you can see. It's all thighs, stomachs and intestines. We can't be worse than those in the Changsheng camp! "


These pro Wei family members of the ancestral family are all good hands. They can't resist the general situation, but they are all rebellious people after all.

On the whole, they can't be compared with the camp, but in terms of personal ability, who is willing to admit defeat?

Looking at the morale of his followers, zudale felt a little relieved.

You, Li Yuanqing! When we have an idea about this battle sooner or later, the second master will let you have a good time for a few days. "

After thinking about it, zudale said in a low voice: "all of them have it! Get ready to go and gather. "



On the head of Pinggu's southern city, Chen Zhong secretly gave Li Yuanqing a thumbs up.

This son of a bitch, it's really a sow can go to the tree.

Yuan Qing's method is really

On one side, sun Chengzong is also full of joy.

Originally, he thought that Li Yuanqing would take this opportunity to kill dissidents and even drive Guan Ning into the abyss.

With such a state at this time, even if Li Yuan Qingzhen did so, sun Chengzong really did not say much.

After all, Guan Ning's performance is on display here. Before, he tried his best to protect Zu dashou and Zuo Fu, who was already under great pressure.

If Li Yuanqing, a veteran general who has made friends with the emperor and is more famous all over the world, would personally come out and blame Zu dashou, then he would not be able to protect them even if he was the immortal.

However, Li Yuanqing did not kill any dissidents. Instead, he gave Guan Ning a lot of opportunities. This also convinced sun Chengzong that Li Yuanqing's heart was really due to the country's future.

"Yuanqing, when shall we start?"

In the military conference of Shenshi, although Li Yuanqing clearly explained the division of labor and tasks of each person, he did not hand over the initiative of the whole war, but always grasped it.This made sun Chengzong a little embarrassed. If he wanted to ask, he could only wait anxiously.

But sun Chengzong also understood why Li Yuanqing did so.

Last night he could see the changes on the battlefield. If he didn't know what to do, tonight

He's such a big old bone, but he can't stand any more trouble.

What Li Yuanqing believes is the most important quality.

At this time, when it was not too late for him to enter the cabinet, he did not laugh. It's windy outside. Let's go to the gate building and have a cup of tea to warm ourselves up. "

Sun Chengzong's old face turned red.

Unexpectedly, after living a big life, he was even compared with Li Yuanqing, a young man.

"Yes," he said with a smile. Yuanqing, a few days ago, I happened to get a box of Biluochun. Let's go, Yuanqing. Let's try this tea. "


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