on the eighth day of June, after seven days and eight nights of frantic attack, Kong Youde and shunzi have successfully entered liaohetao and arrived at the common upstream of Sancha River and Liaohe River, about 70-80 miles away from the west of Changning fort.

At this time, shunzi also had to admire Kong Youde's precise planning.

During these days, especially after entering the hinterland of Liaohe River, the two departments looted a total of 56 small Mongolian villages, and on a smooth day, three.

Although the income is not very rich, but it allows the children to enter the rhythm smoothly and ignite the blood.

Even at this time, except for a few horses that had some problems and were killed to eat meat, no one left behind.

In particular, more than a thousand excellent Mongolian horses were added, and the action force of the team was further strengthened on a large scale.

In the evening, the team camped by the river, eating delicious roast mutton, drinking hot horse milk wine, and more than 100 young Mongolian female slaves provided entertainment, and the morale of the army was very high.

Shunzi and Kong Youde are also in a good mood, drinking wine and eating meat while discussing the specific itinerary for tomorrow.

"Lao Zhang, I mean, we will continue to march northward tomorrow, including the next five, six and seven days. At this time, cattle and horses on the grassland were fattening. Let's strive for more horses at this time. After that, even if we meet the main force of Tartars, we can be more prepared to deal with it. "

Shunzi nodded slowly, "Lao Kong, I don't mind if you think about it. However, I feel that the speed of our march has been slower these days? With our current horsepower, it's not difficult to travel 200 or 300 Li a day. It's only 150 Li. The rhythm is too slow. Today is the eighth day of June. We don't have enough time. "

Kong Youde laughed: "Lao Zhang, you don't need to worry about time. It's not easy for us to come here once, so try not to be bound by these fearless things. If you do something without restraint, how can you get the most out of it? What's more, it's not enough to be responsible for our officers and men. However, you are talking about speeding up the March. Starting tomorrow, we will try to travel 300 Li a day. In any case, these Mongolian girls are very skillful in horsemanship and will not become a drag on us! "

Shunzi also understood the meaning of Kong Youde, but he shook his head and laughed: "Lao Kong, I knew that you are such a man. Your heart is so wild! I didn't expect you to be wilder than I thought! But, anyway! Now that we're here, we'll do a big job! "


In the early morning of the next morning, the whole army set off smoothly and ran forward all the way to meet the rising sun on the flat horizon.

At this time, the number of people in liaohetao was not too prosperous. Before the Ming army and the later Jin army fought each other many times, there were already some wounds all over the place.

Even after five, six, seven or eight years of recovery, the effect is not very clear.

This is actually the biggest sorrow of nomadic people.

Their fecundity, including that of livestock, is somewhat low.

Therefore, in these ethnic groups, "being a father" is not a joke, but a real property.

Because both boys and girls will become important labors.

However, the Mongols in these areas were all the vassals of Daming, but at this time, they had become the accomplices of Houjin dog Tartars!

Galloping on the green and boundless grassland is the mood of the horse in the crotch.

Although there are maps provided by fan yongdou and Qu's family, the grassland is very mobile. Villages and tribes often migrate to look for more fertile water and grass pastures. If you want to catch big tribes, it depends on luck.

However, the nomadic people live near the water. The thinking of Kong Youde and Shun Zi is simple and rough. As long as they walk along the river, they will be right!

Three days later, the two parts have already meandered out for nearly a thousand miles and arrived at the west side of tielingwei.

Along the way, two tribes have destroyed another large tribe of 1000 people, and three or four small tribes of hundreds and dozens of people. The scale of war horses has been expanded to nearly 9000 horses.

Although it was a hard journey, but because of the good food and drink, the faces of the officers and soldiers were oily, indescribable fortitude and joy.

At noon, the two units had just stopped to have a rest and were ready to have a good lunch. At this time, there was an urgent report from Jingqi: "two generals, there is a horse team with more than 1000 people in front, which should be Mongolian. There are five or six thousand horses. It seems that they are escorting some important person

When Kong Youde and shunzi met each other, they were all in a state of spirit.

At this time, although they were pursuing the tactics of "cutting off the roots", the mobility among these Mongolian tribes was still great in the midsummer, and the hinterland of Horqin grassland had been touched here.

On the grassland, because of the flat terrain, there is no secret.

In particular, these Mongols, Jurchen, and like to stay on the eagle, they found these Mongols, then ~ ~, these Mongols must have found them.

"Lao Kong, what do you say? Do it or not? "Shunzi had already stood up and touched the handle of the knife.

Kong Youde was very calm and asked calmly, "how far are they from us?"

The sentry hurriedly said respectfully, "there are still twelve or three li, but they have carriages and a lot of property. They should not run fast."

Kong Youde sneered: "Lao Zhang, killing one is killing, killing ten thousand is killing! Go! Fight for one and don't stay! "

Shunzi laughed: "Lao Kong, do you know? I just like your temper! Go

Two thousand soldiers did not have time to eat, so they quickly cleaned up and, surrounded by nearly 9000 horses, the wind generally ran north.

At this time, the Mongolian horse team from Horqin royal family, more than ten miles northwest of Kong Youde shunzi, was also a little flustered.

They had never dreamed that they met the Ming army in the hinterland of the prairie and the back garden of the kingdom of Jin.

Besides, the Ming army has ten thousand horses. At least three or four thousand people are needed.

"Master, minggouzi is coming fiercely and has already rushed over. We, what shall we do? "

A Mongolian chieftain was already a little flustered and rushed to his master's son.

This master son is about 50 years old. He is very rich and rich. He is a little fat, which is very rare among the contemporary Mongolian people.

At this time, most people are sallow and emaciated.

Even if it is the Mongolian royal family, there are few fat people because they fight at least all the year round.

In particular, the master's son is very handsome. Even though he is a little old, his skeleton is very smooth. If you look at it, you can see that he must have been a beautiful man when he was young.

It is Beile and borjijit Buhe in Horqin, Mongolia, whose father is proud of her daughter.

Speaking of Buhe's name, many people will feel very strange, even some can not talk about it.

However, if we talk about his precious daughter, the master of the later Jin Dynasty, the concubine of bodar Khan Huangtaiji, the future famous empress Wen of Xiaozhuang, the mother of Fu Lin, and the grandmother of pockmarked son of nuchieftain, it would be unknown to all!

At this time, Buhe had just returned from Shengjing to pick up her precious daughter, bumbutai, who had been married to Huang Taiji for five years, and went back to Horqin to have a rest.

Bumbutai has been married to Huang Taiji since he was 13 years old. To some extent, he and Huang Taiji are like guests, and they are very much loved by Huang Taiji.

However, since her sister, Hai Lanzhu, entered the palace, everything has changed.

At this time, even their aunt, zhe Zhe, has been extremely difficult to get the favor of Huang Taiji, not to mention rain dew.

Bumbutai, who is only 17 years old, is the most wonderful time in Mongolian women's life, but she has to stay alone in an empty room...

especially when the person who took away her favor was ten years older than her sister. How can the arrogant bumbutai bear it?

Since the sweat does not pet her, she really can't help it, but she doesn't guard against it. She gives her sweat a face and makes a little bit of a temper.

Han people often say: "a little farewell is better than a new marriage."

In this way, she also took advantage of the best scenery to go back to Horqin to relax and stay for two or three months. When the time came, she would see if Da Han thought about her and send someone to pick her up!

But who would have thought that such a trivial matter, which was not a major event, happened at this time and met the main force of the Ming army of Wanqi

Buhe is a father with honor and noble birth, but his own ability is not very outstanding. At this time, when he heard that he met the main force of the Ming army, he was a little flustered and somewhat disoriented.

"Eternal heaven bless, eternal heaven bless, how can we meet minggouzi's main force here?"

Especially at this time, there were more than a dozen carriages in the team, all of which were his precious daughter, bumbutai, who took them back from Shengjing to honor him. How could he easily give up and run away?

Seeing that Buhe had lost his God, the Mongolian commander was also a little anxious and said, "master, the sound of horse's hooves has come over. You should make a decision quickly. If not, minggouzi is afraid to be killed. "

"This, this..."

Buhe wanted to express something, but he didn't know how to choose.

At this time, the side of the carriage curtain was lifted, revealing a beautiful face full of youthful and delicate vitality.

Bumbutai did not have too much panic, big eyes, full of far beyond her age mature calm, cold voice: "Duoji, what's the matter?"

The Mongolian commander, who was called Duoji, said in a hurry: "little Lord, the big thing is not good. Ten miles away from the south, we found the main force of minggouzi. "

"Minggou main force?"

Bu mu butai showed his eyebrows and said calmly, "Duoji, are you blind? How could there be minggou's main force here?"

Buhe also responded and said, "yes. Doggie, you dog slave, are you useless? Why are there minggou's main force hereDuoji is just like a dumb man who ate Coptis. He can't say what he has suffered for a while.

He quickly explained: "master son, little Lord, it should be good. Their sentries are all red mandarin duck battle jackets, which must be the Ming army. Whether it is, whether it is the main force of the Ming army or not, the slaves are not sure

Bumbutai could not help sneering: "Dorje, you are the bravest warrior in Horqin, and you are batulu of Horqin! Is that your attitude towards the enemy? This is the hinterland of Dajin, surrounded by the tribal people of Dajin. How many minggou people can you be so afraid of? "


Dorgideon was speechless.

Although he was a slave of Buhe, because of Buhe's incompetence, Dorje was a real power faction with little reputation and strength in Horqin.

Especially to Horqin this most beautiful delicate flower - bumbutai, Duoji has been in love for a long time.

If it was Buhe who stimulated him like this, duojizhen would not pay attention to it. But at this time, if the most beautiful flower in his heart had already been sent, how could he still choose to run?

Moreover, this is the hinterland of gold. How many minggouzi can there be?

He has more than 1000 people under his command, but they are all the most elite warriors in the family!

"Master, I understand! I will kill all these humble dogs! "


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