Chen Jisheng was stunned and immediately understood Li Yuanqing's concerns. In addition, several of his family members had also finished selecting people. He could not help laughing and said, "Yuanqing, you are good at everything, but you are too careful. Go ahead. It's OK. "

Li Yuanqing smiles, "OK." He walked quickly into the crowd.

Mao Chenglu, zhangpan and Chen Jisheng all picked strong and strong men. At this time, almost all the people of hundreds of sizes had already been picked away.

But Li Yuanqing is not worried.

Strong men are good. Chen Jisheng has a high position, deep experience and can hold on to it. But on his side, after all, his position is low and his prestige is not enough. On the contrary, Zhuang people are not good.

After a few laps, Li Yuanqing has already picked up five half year olds who are 15-6 years old and 16-7-year-old.

As a matter of fact, there are still some old men with good conditions, but Li Yuanqing is only a small flag after all. He doesn't want to covet this kind of thing. He can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

At this time, although the number of his younger brothers was small, he was a man of two generations and had knowledge beyond the world for hundreds of years. Li Yuanqing was confident that he would bring these younger brothers together.

When Li Yuanqing finished, the matter was almost over.

Mao Wenlong called his relatives and soldiers to the high platform of the school and expressed his gratitude to the stout generals.

All of them knelt down on one knee in unison

The stout general laughed, "No. Brother Wenlong, let's call it a day? This is where you are. I wish you success in advance. "

Mao Wenlong quickly arched his hand and said with a smile, "thank you very much, brother sun."

When the strong general left, Li Yuanqing knew the identity of the strong general. Sun Degong, a guerrilla in Guangning, was the real local villain of Guangning City, and had been rooted in Guangning city for many years.

Li Yuanqing also recalled his life. Just over a year later, the Daming Shaling was defeated and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed. It was this guy who led the battle.

To what extent?

According to historical records, "the phosphorous fire in the Shaling area has not been extinguished for a hundred years. As a result, decades later, people will walk from there at night, and they don't need to play lanterns at all. "

No wonder Mao Wenlong can "catch" people from sun Degong with his small arms profits. I think this guy doesn't treat people as human beings at all.

However, Sun Degong is good or bad, Li Yuanqing at this time is really bad evaluation, if not this guy, Li Yuanqing want to really lead the army, I am afraid it will take some time.

More to Li Yuanqing's delight, sun Degong not only provided soldiers, but also gave up the small school yard as a training ground under Mao Wenlong.

People. As expected, one-sided comments are not allowed.

It depends on its position.

For example, at this time, Li Yuanqing really can't find out sun Degong's fault, but will remember his good.


With a foothold, Mao Wenlong's waist is also straight.

All the soldiers recruited in these days, together with the soldiers who had been attached to Mao Wenlong, quickly gathered in the school yard.

However, Mao Wenlong did not immediately lead the drill. Instead, he made an impassioned speech, which made everyone excited.

Next, the 200 soldiers were divided into several teams, led and trained by Mao Chenglu, Chen Jisheng, Zhang Pan, you Jinghe, Wang Fu and Chen Zhong.

Li Yuanqing also received the biggest bonus since he joined Mao Wenlong. The five soldiers he selected were under the command of Li Yuanqing himself, and he did not arrange a direct supervisor for Li Yuanqing.

At first, Li Yuanqing was still a little puzzled and cautious.

But a few days later, with the drill officially launched, Li Yuanqing also understood Mao Wenlong's intention.

It's really far sighted.

The road to Zhenjiang by surprise attack is destined to be a small-scale "special operation". If all the soldiers are under the command of Mao Wenlong himself, I am afraid that in a short period of time, it will not have much effect.

On the contrary, if we divide the responsibilities, we can get better results.

After all, Mao Chenglu and Zhang pan will never violate Mao Wenlong's orders, let alone betray Mao Wenlong, including Li Yuanqing.

Want to come, dandelion seeds, has long been rooted in Mao Wenlong's heart for a long time.

However, this also made Li Yuanqing realize that Mao Wenlong, I'm afraid, can't wait


After nearly ten days of practice, Li Yuanqing tried his best and did not dare to slack off, but the effect was very little.

The military literacy of these five half year olds is really, really barren, which makes people have some complaints.

Fortunately, at the beginning of choosing people, Li Yuanqing only chose those who were loyal and even cowardly. During these ten days, they did not learn anything else, but basically they were able to obey Li Yuanqing's instructions in a unified way.

This is the only thing that makes Li Yuanqing happy.

Unfortunately, at this time, Li Yuanqing couldn't do much for them. At the beginning of April in the first year of Tianqi of the Ming Dynasty, Mao Wenlong gave instructions to the whole army. Tomorrow morning, the team officially set out.……

The red candle light swings with the wind, feeling the tender but trembling body of the pregnant girl, Li Yuanqing's heart, also can't say the taste.

From fleeing Shenyang City to now, the good life has not been half a month, but once again facing the separation.

These days, the little girl's joy, Li Yuanqing has always seen in the eye, but unfortunately, this ten days of military training, Li Yuanqing only came back to live twice.

"Yun Niang..." Li Yuanqing wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Anyway, it's a tragedy for the little girl.

For a long time, the little girl suddenly stopped crying, but her small face pressed hard on Li Yuanqing's chest, "brother Yuanqing, no matter how long you go, I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you all my life. Life is your man, death is your ghost... "

Looking at the little girl's resolute face, Li Yuanqing suddenly found that there were two lines of clear tears at the corner of his eyes, which unconsciously flowed down.

But he couldn't even give the little girl a simple promise


Later generations, a male singer that Li Yuanqing liked very much. In a popular song, there was such a word: "even if red matches green, life should continue."

There is no turning back.

Since you have chosen this road, let your blood and soul burn thoroughly.


In the morning.

There were no flowers, no farewell, no applause. A small team of about 200 people left the city from the South Gate of Guangning city and set foot on a distant journey.

Mao Wenlong was still in the entrepreneurial stage at this time. Although he had the support of Wang Huazhen, his family background was still very few.

There were no other animals in the procession except for twenty odd nights when no one was allowed to match horses.

All the weapons, all the equipment, are carried on the shoulders of soldiers and officers, even Mao Wenlong is no exception.

With the experience of escaping from the city of Shenyang, Li Yuanqing has fully adapted to this kind of "walking migration" life without much hindrance.

Although the five soldiers under his command are a little thin, they are all young men of the same age, and there are not too many adverse reactions. The whole team has a very tight schedule.

However, although it was classified as Mao Wenlong's personal soldier series, Li Yuanqing, after all, had too little experience and had no achievements, so he could not enter the core decision-making level of Mao Wenlong.

Even if Li Yuanqing had the foresight of history, he did not have a detailed understanding of the specific plan of the raid.

However, it is also difficult for Li Yuanqing to understand the nature of things? How to grasp the key points.

Since leaving Guangning City, Li Yuanqing has always been closely following Chen Jisheng, and has always maintained a high degree of consistency with Chen Jisheng.


Three days later, the team arrived in a dense valley. Mao Wenlong ordered the team to camp in situ and rest. Tonight, they will stay here for the night.

In the past three days, in order to keep secret, the team did not take the official route, but carried out the march on some rarely traveled paths, which was quite difficult.

But even so, the team still maintained the march speed of 40-50 Li per day. Even if the soldiers complained, Mao Wenlong himself was the same. He was a pioneer, and others did not dare to say anything more.

As usual, Li Yuanqing, with half a pot of wine in his hand, prepared to go to Chen Jisheng. From Chen Jisheng, he inquired about the March plan for tomorrow. More importantly, he deepened his feelings.

People are not plants, who can be merciless?

However, if you want to go far, the most important thing is to have a long flow.

Li Yuanqing is a man of two generations.

Originally, according to military regulations, drinking alcohol is absolutely forbidden in wartime.

But the northeast is not the same as Guannei, the weather is too cold, although it is early spring, but because of the small glacier, the temperature is much lower than later generations.

At this time, the position of the troops was close to the sea, and the sea breeze was blowing through the sea, which made these soldiers of Guangning nationality living in the inland all the year round more miserable than facing the terrible white hair wind.

At this time, drink less high alcohol. First, it can keep warm and drive away cold. Second, it can prevent many diseases, such as the most intuitive rheumatism and rheumatoid.

"Ha ha. Yuanqing, come here. Take shelter from the wind Chen Jisheng is commanding several of his troops to camp. When he sees Li Yuanqing, he greets him.

Li Yuanqing was busy laughing and trotting to Chen Jisheng. "Big brother, we'll set up a camp later. Shall we go for a walk around? Let's see if we can get a rabbit, a pheasant or something like that to mend the body. "

Almost all the rations of the surprise attack team were saved by Wang Huazhen and handed over to Mao Wenlong. Both the quantity and the quality were not enough.

Mao Wenlong did not clearly stop this kind of "wild food" behavior. He opened one eye and closed one eye.

Especially at this time, in the vicinity of the valley, there are continuous dense forests and a stream flows by. According to the ecological environment at this time, there will be no lack of these wild animals.Chen Jisheng couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech, "Yuanqing, this matter has to wait for a while. Let Niuer and some of them go. The general will have something to say

For three days in a row, this was the first time Mao Wenlong called Chen Jisheng to discuss military affairs in the evening, and Li Yuanqing's face became solemn.

"All right, brother. Go ahead. I'll go and pour some fresh food with brother Niu Er, and you can eat it when you come back in the evening. " Li Yuanqing said with a smile.

Chen Jisheng couldn't help laughing, "Yuanqing, this may be to discuss the future plan, you don't want to participate in it?"

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "elder brother, I am a humble person, so I will not go. I'll let you know, general

"You, you. Ah. that 's ok. I'll go first. We'll talk in the evening. "

Chen Jisheng said and walked toward the camp center of Mao Wenlong's camp.

Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly and clenched his fists tightly, but he soon opened up again. He could not eat hot tofu in a hurry.

The road of surprise attack is long and long-term. Do you still worry that you have no chance to make contributions?

However, Li Yuanqing was just about to go to find Niu Er, Chen Jisheng's close soldier. At this time, at the mouth of the valley in the southeast direction, there was a rapid sound of horses' hooves. Several fast horses, who were familiar with their eyes, quickly ran towards the camp.

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