the air is getting hotter and hotter in the afternoon.

However, after a short rest by the river, the morale of Zhang pan and Chen liangce's two troops was greatly improved.

Many officers and men are excited to exchange their heads and ears to discuss that this time they may be able to follow Uncle Li Yuanqing into the hinterland of Liaozhong and rob Tartars of property and women.

The vanguard was the first, the central army was in the middle, and each department followed in turn. On both wings, a cavalry escort of more than 2000 people and two teams of more than 10000 people were soon on track.

For the main march against Tartars, Li Yuanqing has done a very in-depth study.

To be simple and crude, it is to simplify and straightforward!

In recent years, the Ming army was attacked by the main Tartars during the March. There are countless examples of this kind of war.

Ninety nine percent of the Ming army had no way to deal with the sudden charge of Tartars. They could only break up and become lambs.

But Li Yuanqing is from the actual combat, slowly summed up his own experience.

That is to maintain our own advantage, and at the same time, to have a certain degree of free counterattack force. In the simplest way, the combat effectiveness that can be maintained only by complicated formation can be eliminated.

At this time, although Zhang pan and Chen liangce did not get the true biography of Li Yuanqing and the children of Changsheng camp, there was still no big problem that there was a 70% similarity between Zhang pan and Chen liangce.

Under the sun, the bright red battle line of the Ming army, like a strong red dragon, moved forward slowly. From time to time, there came the laughter of the soldiers in the battle.

With Liu saner's departure, and the approaching of the main battlefield, the excitement of the two soldiers has been raised.

Zhang pan and Chen liangce are also full of expectations.

Pinggu battle, two people have already had the rich harvest, but Haizhou this battle, is the world-class magic power that.

As long as the two of them can hold on to it, and with the support of Li Yuanqing, it will not be too difficult to remove the word "deputy" from the head.

Everyone was thinking of beautiful things and full of longing for the future. At this time, in the northeast and Southeast directions, the sound of horse's hooves was like thunder.

Zhang pan and Chen liangce are both veteran generals. After only a moment, they react.

This voice, at least, is the scale of ten thousand people.

Although Li Yuanqing's cavalry has been quite a few, they are scattered among the various departments, far from reaching such a scale!

This... This is not the Ming army!

"Enemy attack!" "Enemy attack!"

"Come on! It's a battle... "

In an instant, the shrill cry resounded over the Ming army.

Rao is Zhang pan, but he is also a little flustered. He orders his close friend Liu saner to take people to Yaozhou for help.

Chen liangce is also scared.

It never occurred to me that at such a time, the post Jin army gave them such a show!

But things have happened and they have no choice but to line up quickly and prepare to meet the enemy.

Fortunately, the bones and blood of the two grass-roots officers were the backbone of Dongjiang origin. With the guidance of these pioneer nerves, the whole battle array of the Ming army was somewhat chaotic, but the overall formation was still maintained.

At this time, on the northeast and Southeast horizons, more than ten thousand elite riders with red and blue flags had increased their maximum speed. Their ferocious faces were like fierce ghosts crawling out of hell and rushing towards the Ming army.

"Blunderbuss, fire!"

"Javelin, flying axe, up!"

"Dynamite bag, artillery, keep up!"

For top speed cavalry, a distance of three or five miles is just a matter of seconds.

At this time, the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the lower.

It is even more conceivable that there are more than 10000 elite riders and enough impact force formed by 23000 war horses.

In an instant, the two sides then gathered together.

At this time, although the formation of Zhang pan and Chen liangce was somewhat chaotic, it was still OK.

Even the main force of the latter Jin army could not rush into the battle so rashly, because even if they had the advantage, they would have to pay a lot of casualties if they fought against each other in a short time.

This is always stingy after the gold royal family, very difficult to bear.

But at this time, unable to bear Jil Haran and yuetuo, both of whom had just been beaten by the longevity camp, were worried that there was no place to find the field. Where else could they care?

At this time, they just want to win and kill. They are in a state of fighting.

Although Zhang pan and Chen liangce had quite a few firearms, their firearms scale was better than that of the ordinary Ming army, but they were still far behind Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong.

The power of the firearm has not yet caused enough damage to the two departments, and both sides have been fighting together."Minggouzi, die!"

A vest inlaid with red flag, with a wave of a knife, directly cleaves to the forehead of a Ming army step armor.

The Ming army's carapace was startled at the moment. He instinctively ducked his head to avoid it. With a backhand shot, he directly stabbed the horse's belly with the red flag vest.

But how ~, the speed of the horses rushed up, the Ming army infantry did not realize its strong impact.

Although his spear pierced the belly of the horse with red flag vest, he was knocked off by the tall Mongolian horse before he could put his force into the flesh. In an instant, he was trampled to death by the tartar horse behind him.

That is to say, in a short period of five or six minutes, the huge red flag and blue flag battle array has completely entered the bright red battle line of the Ming army.

All the words at this time have become pale force, the whole world, has become the bloodiest slaughterhouse!

"Quick, quick, quick! Crush these bright dogs! Come on! Come on

Yuetuo had already rushed into the battle, holding up his sword and shouting.

This place is only 20 li away from Yaozhou city. Once Kong Youde and shunzi of Yaozhou find the abnormality, they must come to reinforce it.

Although he and jierharan had gathered together some of the two flag deserters today, they were not in the best condition in terms of equipment or physical strength.

Yuetuo understood very well that this battle must be decided quickly, otherwise, the outcome would be really unpredictable.

At this time, jierhalang was also free from his original strength. He had almost no reservation. Countless blue flag embellishments swept the position of the Ming army. In a short period of time, he broke through a big gap in the battle array of the Ming army.

"My son of a bitch

"Brothers, fight with dog day! Fight one not to lose, fight two to earn one! Even if we die in the war, my uncle will help our family! Uncle will take revenge on us

Chen ~ liangce also killed red eyes at this time.

Dog Tartars, isn't that a bully?

Together, he Chen ~ good policy is soft persimmon, good kneading not?

At this time, although the front battle line of the Ming army broke down, it won a lot of time for the central army and the rear array. The formation was barely stable. In addition, there were more than 4000 elite riders in the periphery. Chen liangce was also ruthless. He must give these dog Tartars a hard lesson!

Although Zhang pan was afraid, he saw that Chen liangce was so desperate that he didn't dare to retreat even if he wanted to. He could only bite his teeth and force himself to go up.

Although the cavalry of the later Jin army occupied the vanguard and charge advantage, the Ming army had a lot of wagons and various kinds of equipment. After a short period of panic and collapse, they gradually began to recover some spirits and began to entangle with Tartars under the command of all the generals.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, twenty minutes have passed since the battle.

At this time, the front battle line of the Ming army had completely broken up, and the war had completely spread to the central army.

Although the central army of Zhang pan and Chen liangce are all elite, they are lack of roots and bones, and have begun to appear a scene of collapse.

Zhang pan couldn't control his fear any more. He ran quickly to Chen liangce. "Lao Chen, what should I do? Tartars are powerful! I'm afraid we have to explain it here today! "

Although Zhang pan is known as a general, because of his relationship with Mao Wenlong, he was mainly responsible for logistics materials when he was in Dongjiang.

Or go back to the old saying, "if you want to enjoy the happiness of your mother, you don't have the life of your mother!"

Facts have proved that Mao Wenlong is very accurate in judging people.

Although Zhang pan is quite good on the scene, he lacks the most crucial string.

Chen liangce, though looking at the slippery, is actually a proper military ruffian origin.

Chen liangce knew very well that the overall situation was very beneficial to the Ming army at this time. If they were given dumplings by dog Tartars in yangjia'aozi, God knows what impact it would have on Li Yuanqing's overall situation.

In addition, his baby son, Chen Wuyuan, has been mixed with Vice President Qian in Li Yuanqing's parenting sequence at this time, and the interests of their old Chen family have been completely tied with Li Yuanqing.

How dare he Chen liangce lose his chain at such a time?

If this matter does not last, how can he face Li Yuanqing's trust in the future?

"Lao Zhang, what should I do? Cold sauce! Dog Tartars look fierce, but they don't have much time! Once the news comes back from Yaozhou, they will surely run! hold one's own! Fight with them


Zhang pan was speechless for a moment.

But Chen liangce has made a decision. He can't leave Chen liangce and run away. Otherwise, even if Li Yuanqing can accommodate him, God will not tolerate him.

"Good! Fight with dog Tartars

Zhang Pan had no choice but to rush back in a hurry, and then ordered his son Lang to go ahead and kill the Tartars.

In the battle of red flag, yuetuo could not help frowning.Today's plan is almost seamless. However, Dajin has taken full initiative in the battle. The two wings of the Ming army have almost collapsed. However, the Chinese army still relies on the advantage of terrain obstacles to fight to death.

Is this the Ming army he is familiar with?

If we go on like this, how can we fight this battle? How will Dajin compete with Li Yuanqing in the future?

"Give me the order! Run over from the flank and crush the middle army of minggouzi


The close guards and slaves quickly began to gather elite troops, and the target was only the middle army of Chen liangce department, which had the most fierce resistance.

Chen liangce soon discovered that there was something wrong with the situation. There were more and more Tartars riding on his side. Not to mention, there were more white Jiahong Jia.

In particular, the royal flag with red flag is gradually approaching him.

"You son of a bitch, yuetuo! Son of a tortoise, bullying honest people? Brothers, dynamite bag, explosive bag, give me a good blow

The explosive bags of Chen liangce and Zhang pan are all based on the imitation of Changsheng camp.

However, their ingredient ratio is far less accurate than that of changshengying camp, and their power naturally needs to be reduced a lot.

But at this time, such a dense stream of people, the prestige of the explosive package is still good.

Soon, dozens of explosive bags burning fuses were thrown into the red flag battle array.

At that time, there were at least 50 or 60 unlucky warriors with red flags who were blown up.

But at this time, the battle was too chaotic, and the arrow rain suppressed by the later Jin army was extremely strong. Chen liangce's explosive bags were thrown by hand, which were not far away, and their prestige was not fully exerted.

In addition, the explosive bags with red flags were soon thrown over, so they had to bow down to defend.


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