quicklime is the best way to disinfect the environment.

Quicklime powder is the best.

Unfortunately, there are several limestone mines in the suburbs of Haizhou, but they are all on the south bank.

At this time, in such a state, the Ming army strictly guarded against it. How dare they fight with Li Yuanqing? We can only go back to the south of Anshan fort a hundred miles away to get lime powder.

How can the real slave master do the work of burning lime, including transportation? Naturally, it's the honor of the banners of the Han army.

Although Ma Guangyuan was under Zhenglan Banner, he actually served for Huangtaiji. To a large extent, it was also a "seed" of Huangtaiji planted in Zhenglan Banner.

There are some things that we all know.

Even if it is a brother, when it comes to the throne under the buttocks, there should be some precautions, which is indispensable.

At this time, although Ma Guangyuan has spent a lot of effort to solve Huang Taiji's troubles, these hard runners can only fall on him.

Fortunately, Huang Taiji is not too harsh on him. In two days, he can transport the lime powder.

At this gap, the army went to camp outside the city first.

However, what they don't know is that the epidemic situation has been delayed for a day or two. Even if it is delayed for a few minutes and someone is contaminated with something unclean, it is already possessed by the devil.


In a flash, two days have passed.

Ma Guangyuan tried his best to gather enough quicklime from several mines in the south of Anshan fort and successfully transported it back to Haizhou city.

But at this time, there were more than 100 Tartars in Haizhou City, who had the embarrassing symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

This makes Huang Taiji look like a big enemy. He quickly isolates these slaves and takes care of them.

The only thing that made him happy was that his real slaves strictly followed his orders. Among the people who had problems, there were only five Nvzhen warriors.

At this time, all the affairs of the Haizhou new city on the opposite bank of Li Yuanqing have been basically handled.

Later generations said: "science and technology is the first productive force."

This thing, most of the time, may feel that it is not too real, but at this time, Li Yuanqing is actually realized the benefits.

Because they are familiar with the law of cause and effect of things and have the scientific theory of later generations as the basis, their children are very smooth in dealing with the follow-up work of epidemic prevention.

Although there were more than a dozen suspected cases among the doctors in various departments of the Ming Dynasty, they were all due to the sudden cold and hot weather, which caused fever and colds. There were also several children who suffered from headache and brain fever due to overwork and lack of physical strength. As for vomiting and diarrhea, none of them had any.

But for the sake of Li Yuanlang, they will be isolated for the time being.

At this time, all the positions of the Ming army were moved to Haizhou new city except for the view of guarding the sentry at the head of the city.

Toilets, bathrooms, all kinds of infrastructure, everything.

In particular, before Li Yuanqing, a large number of old cellars in southern Liaoning Province were stored, and the weight of children was appropriately increased. Each person could drink three or three Liang a day.

Although the cloud of epidemic disease had not been completely eliminated on the top of the Ming army, the whole atmosphere and general situation had been firmly controlled by Li Yuanqing.

"Yuanqing, I think this strategy is feasible. No poison, no husband. What kind of friendship do you have with these Tartars? It's better to wipe out all of them, so as to avoid future troubles! "

In the afternoon, in Li Yuanqing's big tent, more than ten major generals, including Chen Zhong, Zhang pan, Chen ~ liangce, Duan Xiliang, Xu Heizi, Kong Youde, shunzi and Huang Guoshan, gathered together to discuss the next military trend.

At this time, Chen Zhongzheng was holding a few dense copies, rather gloomy and ruthless in front of Li Yuanqing.

The surrounding generals are also very excited to look at Li Yuanqing, waiting for Li Yuanqing's decision.

This is the most effortless and most effective plan selected by the generals and staff members after several times of joint deliberation.

That is to say, to poison the Houjin army on a large scale to expand their epidemic situation, and solve the disaster at this time with this kind of not very humane and cruel means.

Li Yuanqing's brows wrinkled tightly, but he was silent.

As a matter of fact, Li Yuanqing has already considered several times to make use of the gap after the flood to artificially create an epidemic situation and give Huang Taiji some fun.

Especially at this time, the Ming army had been completely stabilized, but the post Jin army was in chaos, and the timing was very appropriate.

But after careful consideration, Li Yuanqing denied the plan from the bottom of his heart.

After pondering for a long time, Li Yuanqing vomited out a dirty airway: "although the empress Jin Nvzhen is unforgivable, Haizhou, after all, is the land of Ming Dynasty. Even if it can defeat the Tartars, it will not help us recover Haizhou. "


Chen Zhong was speechless for a moment.I didn't expect Li Yuanqing to give up such a great opportunity. Busy carefully advised: "Yuan Qing, ah. This kind of thing, regardless of his mother's recovery or not. As long as we can defeat the main force of dog Tartars and hang Haizhou for a year and a half, we can go back and recover it, isn't it the same way. "

All the generals around him nodded subconsciously and agreed with Chen Zhong.

Li Yuanqing laughed: "brother, I understand what you mean. I understand what you mean, brothers. However, this matter, after all, is inferior. If this matter comes to the ears of the imperial court and the emperor, what will he do about it? "


on hearing that Li Yuanqing put forward the big hat of the emperor and the imperial court, all the generals were slightly confused and looked around each other.

Li Yuanqing chuckled, "don't be in a hurry to break the enemy for a while. At this time, although our army successfully withstood the flood of Tartars, the city walls needed to be repaired and the city still needed to be stable, including our food and grass. The fleet could not come here until at least ten days later. All of you, don't be distracted. We should try our best to solve the war on the front battlefield! "


The generals around him were in high praise.

After the meeting, Chen Zhong, Kong Youde and shunzi were left by Li Yuanqing.

Chen Zhong also knew that Li Yuanqing had something to say. He handed cigars to several people, lit them and took a deep breath. "Yuanqing, how do you think about this matter? Even if the emperor and the court know it, how can they control them as long as we can defeat the Tartars? "

Li Yuanqing smiles and looks at shunzi, "you say it first."


shunzi was stunned. He also responded for a moment and said, "marshal, do you want to try your best to keep Haizhou city in order? Is it convenient for us to take over next

Li Yuanqing a smile, and looked at Kong Youde, "small hole, say, what do you think?"

Kong Youde has caught something at this time, but it is not too obvious. He said carefully: "marshal, are you in order to set out a long line and catch big fish, and regulate the situation after that?"

"Ha ha."

Li Yuanqing walked a few steps with a smile, and then turned to look at some people. "Big brother, Xiaozi, shunzi, what you said is actually all, but it is not. The most important reason is that it is not suitable to use this poison method in summer. "

With that, Li Yuanqing explained carefully: "in summer, the weather is hot, there are many mosquitoes, and the epidemic spreads very fast. At this time, although Huang Taiji took quicklime, but ~ ~, I guess, at this time, I'm afraid it's too late. "

"Marshal, you mean..."

Kong Youde understood in a flash and slapped his brain hard.

Chen Zhong and shunzi are a little bit slow, but they have already caught something.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "what we need to do at this time is defense, not attack! As long as we can stabilize our position, when we attack, we will always be firmly in our hands. But ~, once our children are also involved in the epidemic, then ~ ~, it is not for fun

Li Yuanqing said at the end, his tone was extremely cold.

Chen Zhong said, "Yuanqing, it's because we haven't considered it carefully. However, when will the tartar epidemic break out? "

Li Yuanqing smiles: "elder brother, be patient. I guess that on the third or fifth day, or at most seven or eight days at most, things will be known. "


After seeing off Chen Zhong, Kong Youde and shunzi, Li Yuanqing leaned back on his tiger leather throne and closed his eyes.

Epidemic disease is indeed a killer. To some extent, it is the "nuclear weapon" of this era.

But this is a double-edged sword.

It's never so easy to use it, or to use it well.

If you are not careful, you may be attacked by terror.

Especially in the midsummer, Li Yuanqing did not have much grasp of this method.

The most important thing is that all of Li Yuanqing's wives, Ben Er, are all under pressure in Haizhou. He has passed. He needs to fight for his life in order to gain wealth.

If things are settled in a more secure way, why take the risk of destroying yourself like this.

Not to mention, Huang Taiji is so cautious at this time. Even if he really wants to poison, he can only choose the water source, which is not wise.

In history, the reason why Li Zicheng succeeded in conquering the first city capital of Daming in just two or three days was not because the peasant army was really invincible.

But there is also an important political factor.

After Tongguan was conquered, the situation in the capital city has already produced large-scale chaos and panic, and the whole public security situation has also had an uncontrollable situation. The garbage in the city is piled up like a mountain and is filthy everywhere. Everyone sweeps the snow in front of his door, but who cares about the frost on other people's tiles?

The chaotic and bad conditions, coupled with the people who have lost their state of mind, have made the epidemic in the capital, and the bone marrow has been drained. How can we resist it?

Li Yuanqing also wanted to do a one-off deal to wipe out Huang Taiji and the main force of the later Jin army, but this was obviously unrealistic.At this time, bumbutai with a cup of tea, carefully came in, respectfully handed to Li Yuanqing side, "Li Shuai, you drink some tea to quench your thirst."

With that, bumbutai hesitated and summoned up courage to look at Li Yuanqing.

Since that day, bumbutai politely "confessed" to Li Yuanqing and moved out of the city. Bumbutai and Su Mo'er directly lived in Li Yuanqing's auxiliary account and served Li Yuanqing's daily life.

Of course, involving Li Yuanqing's diet, Yang Lei is bound to check.

"Ha ha. What's up? What's on your mind? "

With a smile, Li Yuanqing took a sip of the tea in the cup and motioned to bumbutai to sit on his side.

Bumbutai, like a soft bird, sat by Li Yuanqing's side, but sighed slightly: "Li Shuai, maidservant, I heard that the epidemic disease has begun in Haizhou at this time. Servant, although you are already your servant, there are still many people in Haizhou who are slaves... "

The epidemic in Haizhou city is not a secret. Li Yuanqing also made his children spread and publicize it. He used the example of Tartars to make himself more careful and strengthen his own security.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly, "imperial concubine, I'm afraid I can't help you. However, I have never had any bad feelings towards the Mongols. "


bumbutai was stunned. Today, she has summoned up a lot of courage. She thought that Li Yuanqing would be angry and even killed her directly. However, she could not ignore her people. Before entering the account, she had even prepared for the worst.

But I never thought that Li Yuanqing's attitude was so gentle


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