the flowers on the temples and the lotus leaves warm.

Clouds like clothes, flowers like looks.

The next day, when it was almost ten o'clock, bumbutai got up lazy and tired.

Li Yuanqing has already disappeared.

However, there are two plates of small desserts on the table. On one side, in the small brazier, there is still a small pottery pot, which is sending out a light and rich meat aroma.

Boumubutai's delicate Yao nose wrinkled a few times, and soon recognized that it was the taste of chicken soup.

She has been following the main force of the Ming army for several days. She knows very clearly that the main meat of the children in the Changsheng camp under Li Yuanqing's command is mainly fish, horses, cattle and sheep. There are some eggs, but they are rare, let alone a few days after the flood.

Bumbutai put on his pajamas and thought about his toes. He carefully came to the table, grabbed a small piece of dessert and put it into his mouth. For a moment, his big eyes were suddenly bright.

This should be the dessert that has just been ready for a while. It is still slightly hot. Although it is not very sweet, it has a very fresh and delicious taste. It is much better than the snacks she had in Shengjing before, even if the materials for these snacks are not as good as those in Shengjing at this time.

She picked up a small bowl, carefully scooped out some chicken soup, carefully tasted, the temperature is just good, the taste is also a new feeling, sweet and sweet.

Next to the table, there is a Thermos Pot. On the other side, there are teacups and fresh tea leaves.

Bumbutai did some research on tea. She picked up a small piece of tender leaf, smelled it on her lips, and carefully put it into the mouth and chewed it gently. Soon, she decided that even if it was not Longjing before the rain, it would not be much worse.

Sitting on one side of the chair, bubble on a cup of tea, careful, but can not say that the heart of the delicious, sweet drink a bowl of chicken soup, and eat a few pieces of dessert, bumbutai's pretty face, suddenly can't help but smile gently.

In the twinkling of an eye, her pretty face rose again with an irresistible and charming blush.

At this time, she finally understood why... Su Mo'er was so quiet that she had already committed herself to Li Yuanqing.

She also understood more clearly what kind of feeling Su Mo'er felt for her words.

It's no wonder Li Yuanqing has been able to capture so many beautiful women's hearts even though he has so many beautiful wives and concubines around him for so many years.

Bumbutai even had a feeling that she had lived in vain for the past 17 years.

Even if she had to die now, she felt it was worth it.

However, she was suddenly afraid of losing this feeling, as if everything in front of her was like a dream. Once the dream woke up, there would be nothing

Thinking, bumbutai quickly tidied up here, dressed well, dressed carefully, and rushed out.

Now she just wants to see Li Yuanqing, say a few words to Li Yuanqing, listen and feel li Yuanqing's attitude towards her, so that she can be sure that she is not dreaming


At this time, Li yuanqingzheng, together with Chen Zhong, Zhang pan, Chen ~ liangce, Duan Xiliang, Xu Heizi, Kong Youde, shunzi, Chen Changyou and Ying Meng, inspected the northern section of the city and discussed the next battle plan.

The rainy season has come.

It may still be sunny in the morning, but it may rain heavily in the afternoon and evening.

These days, the weather is rather gloomy, continuous rain.

This also makes the drying work of the whole city more troublesome, especially the follow-up treatment of various health and epidemic prevention work, which is not small.

But winter is coming. It's better to have a city than not.

The generals and officers of the various departments also debated whether it was suitable to fight with Tartars.

Because of the battle of Yangjia Aozi, although Zhang pan passed smoothly, he was more calm than before. It was almost a morning, and he seldom spoke. The spirit of the whole person is obviously covered with a gloomy temperament.

Li Yuanqing has been watching Zhang pan secretly.

At this time, although the atmosphere of the generals around him was somewhat tyrannical, it was still very warm. Although Zhang pan was deliberately invisible, he could still see that it was abrupt. It's like ~ ~ ~, between the green oases, there is a desert which is not very obvious but can be felt clearly.

"Yuanqing, since the confrontation has become a foregone conclusion, can we, or can we, follow the example of Xiaozi and shunzi before, send an elite and partial division from the western grassland to the hinterland of the Jin army, and continue to disturb their deployment and morale?"

Chen ~ liangce's injury has recovered a lot. At this time, he was quite excited. He was lively and lively. He put forward his suggestion to Li Yuanqing with a smile.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "it's a good plan. I'm afraid Huang Taiji is already on guard. It's not a good way to start. "

Chen ~ liangce said with a smile: "then we will go west into the hinterland of the grassland. There is always a good way to make Huang Taiji painful and restless."

Li Yuanqing tasted his cigar in an orderly way and looked at Kong Youde beside him: "little hole, what do you think about this matter?"At this time, Kong Youde understood Li Yuanqing's strategic intention, that is, to focus on stability and win in stability.

Chen liangce seems to be feasible, but in fact, the Ming army is not very abundant in terms of supplies, sources of troops and horses.

According to the military strength ratio of the Ming army at that time, only the elite Changsheng camp headquarters could travel on expeditions, not even Chen Zhongbu.

Although Chen Zhong's troops can be matched and equipped, the army horse is a congenital weakness. The key is that there is no general. No matter Ying Meng, Chen Changyou and Chen Changliang, Chen Zhong's confidants, may be good at fighting hard battles, but they are not as good as they are in terms of contingency.

Chen liangce and Zhang pan have no such ability at all.

But in order to win over the morale of the army, naturally, Li Yuanqing could not say

Kong Youde laughed and bowed his hand respectfully and said, "marshal, Mr. Chen's thinking is quite good. But I dare not be so rash at this time. In this weather, there are too many mosquitoes and there is a lot of trouble in the flood of this campaign. My humble job is a little bit of a demon. In case a child gets infected with the disease on the way, then... "

Kong Youde stopped for a moment, but his words turned. He said with a smile: "marshal, brothers, it may be difficult for us to raid thousands of miles, but it is not a big problem to make a surprise attack for hundreds of miles. I have been thinking about it these days. In such weather, the supply line of Tartars can not be transported by water. Can we plug in and give them a good fire? "

Seeing Kong Youde change the topic subtly, Li Yuanqing could not help but look at him with approval, and then looked around with a smile: "this matter, you can think about it. Do you have any good ideas

Chen Zhong said with a smile, "Yuanqing, maybe we can surprise Zhenjiang again and stab Anshan Fort!"

Shunzi was overjoyed. "Chen Shuai, my younger brother also agrees with this proposal. In those years, when Zhenjiang was attacked by surprise, our firepower was so low that we could only forcibly conquer the city. At this time, according to our children's firepower, even if Anshan fort has heavy troops, we can go down in an hour. Maybe we can get a lot of treasure. "

Provoking this talk, the generals expressed their attitudes one after another, and the atmosphere was a little hot and dry for a moment.

When everyone had finished and expressed their opinions, Li Yuanqing concluded with a smile: "this matter, go down and discuss it with the staff, and come up with several feasible plans. Tomorrow, we will continue to discuss. "


The generals left, but Kong Youde was left by Li Yuanqing.

However, Li Yuanqing originally had some calm and upright face, at this time revealed a trace of indistinct worry, "small hole, about Kecheng, what do you have to think about?"

As a confidant of Li Yuanqing and his personal relationship with Li Yuanqing, Kong Youde is full of instinctive trust for Li Yuanqing. In addition to his own keenness, he understands Li Yuanqing's worries at this time.

"Marshal, maybe it's too hot on this day, and the officers and men are a little grumpy recently. I don't have any good ideas for this matter. If they don't move, the morale of the officers and men will not be smooth. However, we are not fully sure of our humble position. "

Li Yuanqing laughed, "don't carry so many burdens. Relax. Think about it according to your ideal state. When difficulties arise, let's solve them. "

Kong Youde was stunned, but for a moment he understood what Li Yuanqing meant, and he admired him even more.

With such a lord, what else can he not let go?

For a moment, Kong Youde bowed his hand respectfully and said, "commander, I feel humble At this time, the more anxious fear is Tartars. In a few days' time, most of our difficulties will be solved with the arrival of the fleet, but Tartars will be much more difficult than us. Even if the real slave master didn't help out, I'm afraid that these flag slaves of the Han Army had already had a lot of complaints in private. Commander in chief, considering our humble position, we still have to find an opportunity as soon as possible to have a fight with the tartar Zhendao zhengun. We don't need to win a great victory. We just need to break down the spirit of Tartars and bring up our spirit

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly and said with a smile, "I think about it like this. However, I'm afraid that the plague has already begun to spread in the tartar camp. Huang Taiji may not be willing to accept the attack. "

Kong Youde said in a low voice: "marshal, this plan of Anshan fort is actually a good thought. In fact, we don't have to send the main force. Small teams are enough. The key is to make an impact... "

Li Yuanqing's mouth suddenly showed a trace of unspeakable smile, "this matter, you give me an accurate information in the evening."

As they said this, they had already stepped down the steps of the city wall. Kong Youde hurried back to his headquarters to think about it. Li Yuanqing also wanted to go back to his tent to rest. However, he was coming across bumbutai who was looking for him.

"It's windy at the foot, so anxious?"

Li Yuanqing smiles and whispers to bumbutai.

Bumbutai pretty face immediately red, mosquito like way: "I didn't find Su Mo'er in the morning, so I came to look for you."

Although this reason is somewhat lame, it is not a good reason at this time. How can Li Yuanqing see women in the same way?

For a moment, he said with a smile, "have you eaten the food in the morning? Let's go back and talk. ""Well."

Bumbutai nodded his head for a moment, but added: "Li Lang, that chicken soup is really delicious."

Back to the big tent, before bumbutai could speak, Li Yuanqing had already knocked her to the ground

It's better to say ten million times than to do it again.

Even though Li Yuanqing was a little tired at this time, he did his best to appease some of bumbutai's bouncing hearts with practical actions.

A quarter of an hour later, bumbutai was almost like water, melting in Li Yuanqing's arms, and said in a low voice, "Li Lang, will you always be good to me?"

Li Yuanqing had already understood that all people had limitations of the times. Even if he was a heroine like bumbutai, he was still a 17-year-old girl.

Li Yuanqing smiled, gently playing with the small hand of bumubutai, "with a little beauty like you, I don't know the pain, then I am not stupid? However, I'm not Huang Taiji's Caotai team. If you want to be a concubine, I'm afraid it's impossible. "

Bumbutai couldn't help but give Li Yuanqing a look.

Although Li Yuanqing's answer was not too satisfactory for her, it was still a better answer, which filled her heart with hope for a new life in the future.

For a moment, bumbutai leaned against Li Yuanqing's chest and said, "Li Lang, I think a lot about Horqin today. If you are in a hurry, things will be difficult. I cannot betray my people and put them in danger. But if Li Lang is patient, I swear to Changsheng that I will try my best to promote this


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