The night in the capital was a little chilly. The closer it was to the Imperial City, the fewer people there were, but the wider the streets were. The cold and the irresistible pressure together made Li Yuanqing nervous.

Today, Li Yuanqing had just settled down and had not had time to have a good rest. The little emperor of Tianqi was so anxious to meet them. It can be seen that although the emperor was young, he should be very concerned about the affairs of Liao.

Soon, the red brick and blue tile imperial courtyard has appeared in the distant field of vision, Li Yuanqing slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, adjusting his breath, trying to restrain his emotions.

It's like an interview for later generations. People will inevitably be nervous, but as long as they can hold on, the results will definitely be rich.

Li Yuanqing secretly glanced at Zhang pan and Chen Zhong. They were no better than Li Yuanqing. Their faces were dignified, as if they were facing a big enemy.

Li Yuanqing suddenly smile, emperor power. This kind of thing, even if you are a penetrator, you can't be immune to this kind of deep-rooted thing.

Soon, after bypassing several white jade bridges, a group of people came to a magnificent gate. The leading eunuch showed a token to the guard, whispered a few words, and the guard quickly opened the gate and released.

Li Yuanqing three people, followed by seven or eight small eunuchs, entered the inside.

There is no general Li Yuanqing imagine, the space suddenly become wide up, but still high walls.

The leading eunuch, carrying the lantern, turned directly to the road on the right, without much words. Li Yuanqing, the three of them, could only follow closely behind.

In later generations, Li Yuanqing had also been to the Forbidden City. Unfortunately, it was just a glance at the flowers and could not be explored in detail. Moreover, the Palace Museum of later generations was left over from the Manchu Dynasty, while the imperial city at this time was the imperial city of the Ming Dynasty.

At first, Li Yuanqing was able to judge the location by feeling, but with the seven turns and eight turns, Li Yuanqing was thinking about the words of the face Saint again, and even the sense of direction disappeared.

After walking for half an hour, they finally arrived outside a palace.

The leading eunuch turned to the three men: "a few generals, you wait here first. Let's go in and report. "

Li Yuanqing three people hastily nodded to say yes.

Li Yuanqing also secretly regretted that things were too sudden. He had no preparation at all and did not prepare gifts for these little eunuchs, so it was difficult to find out the news.

Now it's like a puppet, at their disposal.

As the cold wind whirred, the trees outside the door swayed back and forth. A few eunuchs did not speak, and Li Yuanqing was not good at talking. They could only make eye contact secretly to stabilize each other's confidence.

Not long after that, the leading eunuch came out. He cleared his throat and said, "the emperor has an order. Three generals, namely Zhang pan, Chen Zhong and Li Yuanqing, will be present."

"Three generals, please?" he said with a smile

Li Yuanqing and his three men followed him carefully.

The entrance to the palace is a large courtyard, rockery pavilions, and the space becomes spacious.

Red lanterns hung on both sides, warm fire, let Li Yuanqing three hearts, slightly feel a trace of warmth.

For a moment, the three followed the eunuch, bypassed a rockery, passed through two corridors, and came to the gate of the palace.

Li Yuanqing glimpsed quietly, this should not be the main door, but the side door.

The little eunuch turned and said with a smile, "three generals, please."

"Thank you, father-in-law." Zhang pan grinned and walked into it carefully, followed by Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong.

Enter the main hall, and around a few rooms, came to a side hall, on both sides of several braziers are burning crackling, red fire, dispelling the cold outside, in front of one side of the book, a eunuch in purple Python robe, under the light, reading several stacks of thick memorials.

The little eunuch hastily came to the eunuch carefully and said in a low voice, "father-in-law, they are coming."

The eunuch nodded, but there was no other action. Instead, he continued to read the memorial. The little eunuch quickly and respectfully stood by his side.

After a while, about a quarter of an hour later, the eunuch put down his pen and looked at Li Yuanqing with a smile, "are you Zhang pan, Chen Zhong and Li Yuanqing three generals?"

Li Yuanqing three people quickly kowtow salute said is.

The eunuch laughed, "get up. The emperor is waiting for you in there now. However, after all, the palace is different from other places. There are a lot of rules in the palace, so I'll give you a few words. "

Li Yuanqing three people hastily kowtow thanks.

The eunuch laughed and said a few words about the rules of the palace, which was very pleasant.

At this time, Li Yuanqing knew who the eunuch was.

Ask the world, in addition to the famous Duke Wei, who can speak for the emperor?

I'm afraid that the reason why Wei's three people are so close to each other is that Yan Yuecun is a good friend.

Only a moment, Li Yuanqing's heart, has already had the decision.As long as the emperor can live, Wei Zhongxian can enjoy many years. At this time, it is just the beginning of the second year of apocalypse. Is it not stupid to hold such thighs?

At this time, seeing Wei Zhongxian finish speaking, Li Yuanqing quickly kowtow: "a few people of humble position, thank you for your advice. It's a blessing to be promoted by my father-in-law for thousands of years. "

Wei Zhongxian was stunned, but for a moment, a soft smile appeared on his old face. He said with a faint smile: "you little monkey, are you very clever? All right, get up. Go to see the emperor with other people, and the emperor should be in a hurry. "

Li Yuanqing three people hastily kowtow to thank, this just dares to get up, carefully follows behind Wei Zhongxian.

Walking along the side hall for a while, turning a curve, the terrain suddenly opened, this is a huge palace, covering nearly 1000 square meters.

On the most central imperial case, a young man in a bright yellow dragon robe is idly holding a book and flipping around. It is obvious that some gods do not think about Shu.

Wei Zhongxian motioned to Li Yuanqing to wait outside the door. He went into the hall carefully and came to the young emperor and whispered a few words.

Although it was a long distance away, Li Yuanqing could see clearly that the young emperor was very happy and said something to Wei Zhongxian.

A moment later, a small eunuch came out in a hurry. "The emperor has a decree. Three generals, xuanzhangpan, Chen Zhong, and Li Yuanqing, were present to meet him."

Li Yuanqing and the eunuch followed him to the palace. Just a few steps into the palace, the eunuch winked at them, meaning that they should kowtow and salute.

Li Yuanqing and his three kowtowed in a hurry, saying, "long live my emperor.".

At this time, the little emperor could not wait. He came to Li Yuanqing and looked at them carefully. He could not help laughing and said, "the three generals are indeed dragons and phoenixes among the people. Please get up quickly."

Li Yuanqing three people hastily kowtow thanks, this just dare to stand up carefully.

Among the three, Li Yuanqing is the tallest, Chen Zhong's figure is more than 1.8 meters, Zhang pan is a little shorter, also more than 1.75 meters.

Compared with this, the emperor Tianqi was much shorter than Li Yuanqing, about 1.6 meters shorter than Li Yuanqing.

Seeing the figures of the three men, the little emperor was more pleased and envied, "the three generals are indeed fierce generals. Mate, how can I reward the three generals for their great achievements? "

Wei Zhongxian couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. After all, the emperor was still childish. He said with a smile: "the cabinet and the court have made a conclusion about the reward. Emperor, don't you always want to know how the three generals captured Hu erhan? Now, the three generals are here to make sure. "

The little emperor of Tianqi also responded, and could not help laughing, "it is. If you don't tell me, I'll forget. Three generals, come and tell me, how did you catch Hu erhan

Seeing that the emperor was so kind, Li Yuanqing relaxed a lot.

Zhang pan hurriedly went out of the line and carefully narrated the course of the battle of the three fork river crossing to the little emperor Tianqi.

Frankly speaking, Zhang pan did not have the talent to tell stories. The original wonderful stories became insipid from his mouth, but the little emperor of Tianqi was still very happy.

When he heard that the three tribes finally decided to give up the Tartars on the opposite side because of their military strength and only started to fight Hu erhan, the little emperor of Tianqi couldn't help sighing, "Oh. Well, this is really worrying. If the three generals had enough troops at that time, wouldn't they be able to capture all these Tartars? "

Wei Zhongxian said with a smile, "emperor, that's what you say. But if the three generals had so many troops, I'm afraid they would not have been able to enter the hinterland of western Liaoning so smoothly. "

"Ha ha. That's right. I'm confused. "

The little emperor of Tianqi scratched his head with a smile and said, "three generals, you are all heroes of Ming Dynasty. Can you have any good way to deal with building slaves later?"

Wei Zhongxian also looked at the three people with a smile.

Li Yuanqing's mind spun rapidly.

Due to the lack of cultural heritage, Li Yuanqing did not understand Wei Zhongxian's political position. However, Wang Huazhen was a eunuch party. To a certain extent, Mao Wenlong should be regarded as Wei Zhongxian's eunuch party, and his grassroots generals should also have the label of Wei Zhongxian.

This is probably the reason why Wei Zhongxian was so amiable just after meeting.

After all, Li Yuanqing knew that the emperor was still young and childish, and the key was the famous Duke Wei.

Among the three, Li Yuanqing was the least experienced, so he did not rush to speak. He gave the opportunity to Zhang pan and Chen Zhong first.

Zhang pan thought about it for a while and then said, "go back to the emperor, Duke Wei. At this time, our Daming has lost all the land of Liao. If we want to defeat JianNu on the front battlefield, it is very difficult. However, the territory of Daming is thousands of Li, and the population is hundreds of times that of JianNu. Moreover, the Liaoxi corridor and Liaohai area are still under the control of Daming, and we still have great advantages. "Emperor Tianqi and Wei Zhongxian both nodded.

The words of general Zhang Pan, even if his perspective is limited, are more authentic and easier for them to form a correct judgment.

The little emperor of the Apocalypse laughed and motioned to continue.

Zhang Pan said again, "you can't worry about it. Although the latter Jin Dynasty seems to be powerful, in fact, they are also unstable. At this time, the Mongolian tribes in the West were ready to move, which had seriously threatened the interests of the later Jin Dynasty. After taking Hexi (West of Liaohe River), the next target of the old slaves was Mongolia. Only waiting for the main force of the old slaves to go out is our best chance. "

The little emperor of the Apocalypse was overjoyed and said with a laugh, "can general Zhang have a strategy to defeat the enemy?"

Zhang Pan's eyes showed an indescribable color of excitement, and he was busy with the organization of language.

On one side, Li Yuanqing slightly lowered his head. Zhang pan still couldn't resist the temptation to push himself to the top of the storm.

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