~~~~~~The next morning, sun Chengzong did not go out, but had a deep talk with Li Yuanqing.

True gold is not afraid of fire.

At this time, even the blind, we can see who is the real general of Daming, who is really worthy of trust, and who really dares to fight with the Jin army.

But the butt decides the head.

Even though sun Chengzong had already trusted Li Yuanqing, Guan Ning was his "son" after all. He was still a little worried about Li Yuanqing in this respect.

In the hall, the relatives and soldiers have continued the tea twice, but most of the time, it is sun Chengzong who is talking and Li Yuanqing is listening.

Sun Chengzong is quite emotional today. He talked a lot about Li Yuanqing from his trip to the frontier when he was a boy to some setbacks in his officialdom, including what he learned when he was old.

Frankly speaking, sun Chengzong is definitely a kind and willing to carry his back. His many words and experiences are of great significance for the later generations to learn from.

It's just

"Yuanqing, I know that it's unfair to push you to such a front. But the court needs you, too. If I were ten years younger Ah

With a long sigh, sun Chengzong patted his brain in frustration.

Li Yuanqing respectfully said: "the elder cabinet, this matter, this matter is actually not easy to force, even less rash. Next, I intend to take at least one year, or even three or two years, to stabilize Haizhou defense line. If This. "

Of course, Li Yuanqing understood what sun Chengzong meant. The faster he wanted to settle the matter, the better. Even better, he'd better see it with his own eyes, in the near future.

To some extent, Li Yuanqing is also willing to help sun Chengzong achieve this long cherished wish. His words are not pleasant to hear, so that old sun can die in peace.

But how can all things in the world be like people's wishes?

The later Jin Dynasty was indeed in a passive position at this time, but their foundation was still not lost. The fertile Liaozhong plain, the support of Horqin tribes, the vast depth, and the strong power like Huang Taiji, they still had a strong resistance.

If we rashly gather the main force to push forward, things will go smoothly, but if things don't go well?

Even if he thinks with his buttocks, Li Yuanqing can also know that he is the first to be dragged out as a scapegoat.

Not to mention, the Ming army between the various departments, it is simply intertwined with complexity.

The joint strategy of several units in Haizhou had a smooth start, but it was because of the mistakes of Zhang pan and Chen liangce that Li Yuanqing fell into a passive position.

Although Li Yuanqing quickly turned around, he was also scared out of a cold sweat.

To put it bluntly, it is better for him and Chen Zhong to fight with the main forces of the later Jin Dynasty, instead of entangled with the main forces of the Ming army around them, eating, drinking and Lasa, but mixing their eyes.

At this time, even though sun Chengzong was a respected elder and imperial teacher, Li Yuanqing didn't buy it even if he wanted to promote or even sacrifice his interests to achieve his goal, even for the great righteousness of the nation.

Fate, in their own hands, is their own destiny.

On the contrary, once out of control, even the dog is not as good.

Buddha cut meat to feed eagle, but Li Yuanqing is not interested in this thing. What he believes in is his actual strength!


Sun Chengzong didn't expect that he had spent all his heart to get the answer that Li Yuanqing should have done. He couldn't help being stunned.

Li Yuanqing smile, not to let the situation so rigid, and said: "elder, you used to teach Yuanqing, wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it. Haizhou battle, although Yuanqing seems to have made a good report, but you also know, Yuanqing this good report, which water is not small. If it is a temporary benefit of a place, Yuan Qing even if the fight for life is OK. But ~ ~ ~, this matter is not in Yuan Qing's control at this time, Yuan Qing does not want to deceive the elder. "

"Hoo ~ ~"

Sun Chengzong could not help but spit out a long breath of turbid gas, slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing smiles faintly, his eyes are sincere, but he is not afraid to meet sun Chengzong.

After a long time, sun Chengzong suddenly laughed and shook his head, "Yuanqing, you, you have changed..."

Li Yuanqing smiles: "elder cabinet. Yuan Qing just doesn't want to deceive you, not to be the one who deceives the world. "


Sun Chengzong fell into a deep silence, all of a sudden he seemed to be old for several years, and his eyes were a little dim.

Although Li Yuanqing has some pity for sun Chengzong and some pity for his life full of twists and turns and unwilling to live, Li Yuanqing will never give in to his immediate practical interests.

All medicines are sold in the world, but there is no regret medicine.

Especially in this critical season, how can Li Yuanqing be emotional?

Lao sun was a good man and a qualified politician. However, it has been proved that he was doomed to be unable to ascend to the highest position of literati. Even in Chongzhen Dynasty, he never wanted to sit on the throne of the first assistant.Not to mention, the emperor's output of his influence.

Once Li Yuanqing compromised at this time and asked sun Chengzong to go to the capital directly, and sun Chengzong put forward the matter of the governor's office of the five armies to Emperor Chongzhen, what was Li Yuanqing?

People in the world?

The key is that Li Yuanqing has yet to reap much practical benefits from it.

Fortresses are often broken from within.

In name, it's support, but in fact, it's hard!

How could Li Yuanqing make such a mistake.

For a long time, sun Chengzong nodded slowly and heavily, "Yuanqing, I'm a little tired, you go. I want to be quiet for a while

Li Yuanqing respectfully arched his hands and stood up, "elder cabinet, you have more rest."

With that, Li Yuanqing respectfully withdrew from the hall.

After Li Yuanqing had been away for a long time, sun Chengzong suddenly laughed: "do not do to others what you don't want. Is it true that I am wrong and anxious? "


Li Yuanqing went out of the front yard of the official hall. Zhu Mei's soldiers had been waiting here for a long time. He respectfully said, "uncle, my commander-in-chief wants to have a drink with him."

Li Yuanqing smiles, "you go to tell Zhu Shuai, tomorrow. He will understand


Li Yuanqing has already left before the close soldier reacts.


Although the conversation between Li Yuanqing and sun Chengzong is secret, how can this kind of thing be concealed from those who have the intention?

Soon, the news spread to the whole hall.

Ancestral brother's guest room.

Zudale was just a little inconceivable. "Big brother, what does Li Yuanqing think of him? He, he turned down the elder? This... "

At this time, Zu dashou had already settled down and said with a long sigh: "Li Yuanqing is really unpredictable. However, the friendship of so many years, afraid also because of this matter, want to annihilate ash fly ah. "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zudalie couldn't help laughing: "in this situation, Li Yuanqing is dead on both sides. It's no harm to call him a few days. "

Next door to the Zujia brothers, Zhu Mei also quickly got the news and fell into a deep silence for a moment.

I don't think it's true.

For Li Yuanqing, it is called "praise", but it is really pressure.

If Li Yuanqing accepted it, it would be the abyss of eternal disaster. At the end of the day, there was no alternative but to rebel.

But Li Yuanqing did not accept it, but also

Zuo Fu was also surprised.

Dadu, marshal. If the old man said something, he personally proposed it to the emperor. In addition, the wind direction at this time, there are eight to nine in ten. At this time, we should implement it.

Li Yuanqing can be pushed to the wind

This is a chance that many people can't dream of. Even if we fail in the end, what glory should it be to sit on this throne for a day?

But Li Yuanqing's side is...

in the same courtyard, the father and son of the Wu family are also having a private conversation.

"Elder uncle, what should you do about it?"

"Dad. Ding Haibo is a man who is really profound. If the child changes to his position, I am afraid, he will also choose as he does. I'm really confused when I'm old enough. "

"Well. But I'm afraid it's not a good thing to have a quarrel between Haibo and the old man. "

"Not necessarily, Dad. It's better to say ugly things in front of you than if things really happen and can't be retrieved. The child guesses that sooner or later, the elder should bow to Ding Haibo

"Elder uncle, then ~ ~, how do you think our Wu family should deal with this matter?"

Wu Sangui said with a smile: "Dad, the gods fight. We'd better not get involved in such a small role. As long as the essence of his hand is in his hand, whatever God he is on his head. "


Back to his big account, Li Yuanqing is also a bit depressed.

It is not that he did not give sun Chengzong face, regardless of so many years of feelings, the white eyed wolf, forgetting sun Chengzong's kindness to take care of him.

At this time, Li Yuanming is too stubborn to understand.

Just like the famous kung fu star and the famous movie, the villain doctor No. 1 used to say, "man, you have to rely on yourself."

Li Yuanqing really wanted the throne of Dudu and marshal, but it was not at this time.

If the main force of the later Jin army was defeated, even if Huang Taiji was attacked by his hand, even if the imperial court did not give it, Li Yuanqing would go to ask for it in person.

But at this time, the time has not come.

The mood is extremely irritable, and all the girls of Caizi are also dismissed by Li Yuanqing. Originally, they want to be quiet, but the more they want to be, the more depressed they are.

Li Yuanqing simply out of the big tent, came to the river to breathe.

Although it is noon today, the weather is a bit gloomy and the sun is not big. Except for the boy on duty who is still sticking to his post, there are few people around. Most people should choose to rest in the tent at this time.Li Yuanqing looked up at the sky, the thickness of the dark cloud layer is not enough, it should not rain.

In addition, the rainy season has come out, even if it rains, it is unlikely to pose a great threat to the camp and the surrounding layout.

Lighting a cigar, Li Yuanqing walked west along the river.

Li Yuanqing's camp is not far from the city wall in the west of Haizhou city. It extends more than ten miles to the West. All of them are under the actual control of the Ming army. Even if he is not accompanied by his own soldiers or riding a horse, Li Yuanqing is not empty.

They are full of trust in him.

Of course, what Li Yuanqing trusted most was the iron discipline and system of Changsheng camp.

After walking out for more than a mile, there was drizzling rain in the sky. Li Yuanqing was preparing to go back, but he saw two familiar figures, holding two small bamboo baskets with a lot of mushrooms in them. They ran to this side in a hurry.

"Princess, Sumer, what are you doing?"

Li Yuanqing cried with a smile.

"Ah? Li Lang? You, why are you here? "

Bumbutai didn't expect to meet Li Yuanqing here, and his pretty face was greatly surprised.

Beside, Su Mo'er's small face is also very happy.

In recent days, Li Yuanqing has been busy with military affairs. In addition, she has been waiting for several girls. However, they have not seen Li Yuanqing for several days.


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