sun Chengzong's personal letter not only temporarily eased the relationship between him and Li Yuanqing, but also dissipated a bloody disaster which was deeply buried.

In fact, when he calmed down, Li Yuanqing felt that he was too impulsive.

If he really took a hand at Lao sun and killed Guan Ning, even if he could blame the Tartars and let them carry the pot, it would not be a safe plan.

Just like the fourth master of "great talent and great strategy", he had such a disposition that he didn't kill Zeng Jing in the end, leaving many stories for later generations.

People can be tainted.

But this kind of stain is very difficult to resolve.

Fortunately, the clouds return to the clouds, and the road returns to the road. The two sides have not come to the point where the bayonet is red.

When sun Chengzong left, Li Yuanqing didn't have to worry about the service. Wei Liang had already rushed to the capital and would be fully responsible for the affairs. Li Yuanqing also concentrated his energy on the deployment and planning of Haizhou city.

At this time, although Haizhou city had been completely captured by the Ming army and the Tartars around it had been cleaned up, it was far from wise to blindly guard Haizhou because there were no people in the four plains of Haizhou.

After comprehensive consideration, Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and other generals decided to shift the focus of strategic defense to Haizhou new city. In Haizhou City, there was only a mobile full cavalry Squadron, which was responsible for collecting the surrounding intelligence and acting as the defense front of Haizhou new city.

In terms of defense, Li Yuanqing also continued the strategy of no man's land before the later Jin Dynasty, classifying this vast and fertile land into no man's land for the time being and preserving the battlefield.

Otherwise, even if new immigrants move to Haizhou and build large-scale construction projects, the degree of safety will not be guaranteed, and it will be useless.

Compared with Haizhou City, Haizhou new city is not dangerous to defend, but it is a new city built by Li Yuanqing. Although it was attacked by flood, the repair cost is very low. In particular, the strategic specifications of Haizhou new city are completely the specifications of military fortresses. All kinds of defense systems are more perfect and more scientific than Haizhou city. Even if the Tartars really put heavy troops on the border, it would not be too hard to defend them.

In addition, river transportation is better than Haizhou city more than ten miles away, and it is also cheaper.

At that time, 100000 troops of the Ming army were hoarding in the four suburbs of Haizhou, and people ate horses every day, which was an astronomical number. At this time, Li Yuanqing could not have completely suppressed the 100000 troops in Haizhou city during non wartime.

Especially at this time, it was not frozen and the river was still smooth.

After a comprehensive consideration, Li Yuanqing finally took Kong Youde and shunzi, with a total of 11000 soldiers as auxiliary soldiers, to guard Haizhou City, while the main forces of the other departments returned to Changsheng island by boat or by land in turn.

With this battle in Haizhou, no accident happened. In a short time, Huang Taiji and the main force of the later Jin army would never dare to make trouble in Haizhou again.

There are no man's land around. Even if you win, there will be no oil and water. Instead, you will get into a lot of bitterness.

Both sides need a certain degree of time to relax and recuperate. At least, the period before this year should be relatively stable.

However, Li Yuanqing obviously did not intend to report the war report in a "regular way".

In a flash, seven or eight days have passed, and the time has come to the middle of August.

At this time, the main forces of the Ming army had basically left. They all took the land route to reach the Sancha River, then went down along the river to the mouth of the Sancha River to wait for the arrival of the fleet.

On the morning of August 13, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong also prepared to leave.

At this time, the division of labor between the two was very clear. Chen Zhong would take the "main road", that is, sanchahekou, and return to Guanglu island for rest. Li Yuanqing, however, took the land route and went south along Gaizhou to inspect the local conditions and customs in the periphery of Southern Liaoning.

Chen Zhong has also become Li Yuanqing's "double" and a "target" on the surface.

"Brother, take care all the way

At Haizhou New Town Wharf, Li Yuanqing shook Chen Zhong's hand.

Chen Zhong laughed: "Yuanqing, don't worry. Brother promised to draw in all the fire. However, Yuanqing, you must be careful. These dog Tartars' sentries are not vegetarians. We must take more precautions. "

Li Yuanqing slapped Chen Zhong on the shoulder with a smile, "big brother, I'm half a month slower than you. One month at most. We'll see you in Changsheng island in mid October. When everything is cleared up, the spring of next year will begin, and we will try our best to finish everything! "

Chen Zhong laughed: "good! Yuan Qing. See you in mid October

After seeing Chen Zhong off, Yang Lei also tidied up more than 3000 war horses, more than 100 chariots for people and goods, and 3000 elite cavalry guards from the HuangGuo mountain headquarters, and the party went to Gaizhou first.

However, Li Yuanqing's itinerary is only controlled by Li Yuanqing himself, that is, Chen Zhong, and he can't guess the details.


The weather in mid August has been a bit cool.

In recent years of war, although the official roads leading to the other three guards in Haizhou have been broken down, the surrounding areas are very flat. Li Yuanqing and his party did not take the official roads. In addition, they traveled 30 or 50 Li a day without any serious obstacles.The so-called South four Wei, Haizhou, Gaizhou, Fuzhou, Jinzhou, before, has been divided and divided, at this time, finally completely gathered in the hands of Li Yuanqing.

Compared with Fuzhou, Jinzhou, Haizhou and Gaizhou, although they can't be built as local cities on a large scale, Li Yuanqing already has the real advantages of land and digestion, and only time is left.

With the company of Caizi, bumbutai, Su Mo'er and other charming wives and concubines, Li Yuanqing was not lonely along the way.

It's a pity that the fertile farmland everywhere is deserted at this time, which is really a pity.

On August 21, Li Yuanqing and his party arrived in Gaizhou smoothly.

At this time, Gaizhou was also a complete military city, with a force of half a thousand troops stationed.

Before, their main task was to serve as a stronghold, collect intelligence, and maintain docks. At this time, with the capture of Haizhou, Gaizhou was already equivalent to the hinterland of southern Liaoning, and its military significance was greatly reduced.

The military affairs here are very simple, and there are no ordinary people here. Li Yuanqing made a symbolic inspection here for two days, and soon "disappeared.".

However, through the advanced carrier pigeon technology, the Liao area, including Daming's, can not escape Li Yuanqing's eyes.

On September 15, the team arrived at yangguanbao smoothly.

However, Li Yuanqing is light and easy to follow. There are only more than 100 civilian guards around him. Huang Guoshan's elite has long been gone.

At this time, the news about the battle of Haizhou in Beijing also spread to this side.

Li Yuanqing did not live in yangguanbao, but lived in his own secret mansion.

In the study, burning soft incense, Li Yuanqing is writing a secret letter to the No. 3 warehouse.

In the end, Emperor Chongzhen did not throw out the heavy bomb of the governor's office of the five armies. In fact, he understood very well that the hat was easy for Li Yuanqing to take down, but it was not so easy.

If you are not careful, the good situation in the Liao area at this time is likely to disappear.

In terms of merit and reward, Emperor Chongzhen also made great efforts. Although he didn't directly say that he wanted to make Li Yuanqing the Nanbo of the Liao Dynasty, the capital had already released this trend.

In terms of materials, all kinds of news were flying all over the sky, but the imperial court was not in a hurry to make a conclusion and let the news spread and fly.

Li Yuanqing also had to admire him. Today, Emperor Chongzhen's political skills are much more mature and more sophisticated than before.

However, in a short period of time, Li Yuanqing will never show up easily, let alone accept this move.

He seemed to evaporate from the world, watching the wind and grass move quietly.


Yangguanbao had developed into a city far beyond its level.

Located in the hinterland of southern Liaoning Province and backed by Changsheng Island, although the shadow of the castle wall is still there, the whole city is more like a city of later generations than a city centered on the castle wall.

To a certain extent, the castle wall has become an old city, prosperous and interesting places, all in the surrounding new urban area.

In the evening, Li Yuanqing and his family members took three carriages to eat in a famous restaurant in the Southern new town.

Caizi and their laughter, but bu mu butai's pretty face, but has been hanging unspeakable worry.

Finally, she found the opportunity for Li Yuanqing to go to the toilet and expressed her concern carefully, "Li Lang, this is a good house in yangguanbao. If, if not, I, Sumer and I will live here Whenever you miss us, come and have a look. "

At this time, bumbutai had drunk a lot of wine, his face was red, but his big eyes were full of unspeakable pity.

Li Yuanqing, of course, understood bumbutai's mind and said with a smile, holding her little hand, "how can you think so? Isn't it good to go back to the house together? "

Bu mu butai clenched his lips and said in a low voice, "Li Lang, this matter, I, I I beg you, will you? "

Li Yuanqing suddenly found that the famous bumbutai was far from as strong as he knew in history.

After all, she was a 17-year-old girl at this time.

Even though she is gifted and intelligent, she is far more mature than her peers, but at this time, she is worried about the future, full of fear, which is also human nature.

Although the main structure of this restaurant is wooden, it is influenced by Li Yuanqing. In addition, with the spread of western culture, the whole style of decoration has become more like a hotel of later generations.

This toilet is also in the corridor not far from the private room on the top floor, which is more like the toilet of later generations.

Li Yuanqing suddenly smiles and kisses bumbutai's red lips. Soon, he deliberately strengthens his strength.

Bumbutai wanted to talk to Li Yuanqing, but he never thought that Li Yuanqing suddenly changed his style in such a place

She wanted to stop Li Yuanqing, but suddenly heard Li Yuanqing say in her ear: "be honest and obedient."

It was not until the end of a rather fierce battle that bumbutai came to his senses and looked at Li Yuanqing shyly and full of fear: "Li Lang, you, you bully me..."Li Yuanqing pinched her pretty face with a smile, "don't worry. You're not afraid of this kind of place. Are you afraid to go home? I'll take care of everything. "

"Li Lang...."

Bumbutai also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning. For a moment, he gave a strong "Er" sound, but tears gushed out.

Li Yuanqing smiles: "let's go back quickly. Otherwise, they will be suspicious. "

Bumbutai this just reacts to come over, small hand forcefully pinched Li Yuanqing's big hand, low spat way: "all blame you. When they find out, how can I be a man in the future... "

A dinner, very nice.

However, when he returned to the mansion, Li Yuanqing did not rush to rest in the room of a beloved concubine. Instead, he went to the study. Here, Shang Laoliu and Ma housekeeper had been waiting for a long time.


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