On the fourth day of November, the main forces of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong arrived at sanchahekou smoothly.

By this time, all the pioneers of the Ming army were on their way to Haizhou.

A large-scale military battle, like a huge and incomparable project, is a rather laborious thing. To a large extent, Li Yuanqing has been avoiding large-scale battles.

Although it has a great influence, it is also easy to bind people's hands and feet. Everything must be based on safety. It is more difficult to take into account the overall situation, surprise attack and cold arrow.

But then again, if there was no such large-scale and large-scale experience, how could Li Yuanqing cover the sky and sweep the whole world?

With the support of Haizhou city and the assistance of many rivers in Sancha River, the actual control scope of Ming army had been pushed to the south of Liaohe River.

Although in recent days, because of the news of Li Yuanqing's army's departure, there have been many outposts infiltrating into Haizhou and Sanchahe. However, the stability of the Ming army's many strongholds along the river has made it possible for the Ming army to gain a stable advantage against these "retail investors" Houjin's riding.

In recent days, the sky has been scattered with small pieces of snow, although not very big, but everywhere you can see the accumulation of white, also indicates that the cold and long winter has come.

However, although the weather was cold, the rhythm of the main force of the Ming army was very fast. After logging into the Sancha River Estuary, each department took a rest for half a day or a day, and then went directly to Haizhou for the early layout.

This is mainly due to the fact that more than 90% of officers and soldiers in Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong's troops are Liao people, and they have congenital advantages in cold tolerance.

In addition to the advantages of favorable weather and location, all the officers and men of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong's troops were all fur padded jackets and fine armour. It was hardly a matter to fight against this little cold.

Fighting in the hot summer is not the children's strong point.

"Yuanqing, the land under your feet is so familiar. But I've never felt as real and solid as I am now! "

Looking at the orderly red sky around him, Chen Zhong was filled with emotion for a moment. In his eyes, there were faint tears flowing.

Li Yuanqing was also very excited. Of course, he understood what Chen Zhong meant. Ten years ago, this was the place where their dreams began.

"Ha ha. Big brother, where is that? In this war, we will put the dog Tartars on the ground and fight against the Huanglong! "

Chen Zhong also responded for a moment and couldn't help laughing: "that's right! Yuanqing, we have a strong army in this service, and we will not destroy Huang Taiji, the tortoise son. Isn't it in vain? "

After lunch, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong began to make more detailed plans to strengthen and refine future tactical plans.

According to the military law, "the real is empty, and the empty is real."

Although Li Yuanqing had a big posture at this time, to a large extent, he did not want to enter the territory of Houjin, especially the hinterland of Liaozhong plain, to give the main force of the latter Jin army a decisive battle.

As the old saying goes, "a strong dragon does not oppress the local snake."

Even though Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong carried a large amount of weapons and ammunition and piled up with grain and grass, they had the ability to fight deep into the hinterland of Houjin. However, Li Yuanqing's first choice was to hook out the main force of the Houjin army. It was better to fight head-on in the anshanbao line near Haizhou fortress.

Even if Huang Taiji is not willing to take the bait, the worst thing is to make a good start in Anshan fort to improve the morale of his side and lower the morale of his opponents.

After entering the hinterland of the Late Jin Dynasty and the Liaozhong plain, Li Yuanqing was not worried.

It was like the invasion of Daming by the later Jin army. They could not empty the two fortresses of Shenyang and Liaoyang. Shenyang and Liaoyang were the gateways of the latter Jin army.

There is also a point, the most important is that the speed of war!

Even if the later Jin army is ready, the main forces of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhongbu must rush to the battlefield and seize the initiative first before they are well prepared.


In the early morning of the next morning, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong led the two men's personal guards and more than ten thousand Chinese soldiers armed with fine cavalry to Haizhou.

At this time, with the road paved by Kong Youde and shunzi, the road from sanchahekou to Haizhou was smooth and open.

Although there were many troops and auxiliary soldiers escorting grain and grass on the road at this time, because of the open terrain of the road, the ground was frozen and solid, and there were also accompanying soldiers in the potholes. The team's journey was very fast.

Three days later, on the seventh day of November, Li Yuanqing and the main force of Chen Zhong's army arrived in Haizhou.

By this time, nearly 60000 soldiers had been gathered in Haizhou city. In addition, there were more than 70000 soldiers from Kong Youde and shunzi's headquarters.

Li Yuanqing gave the gathering time for the children of the following ministries to gather on the 10th of November. After all, even the Changsheng camp, with such a large scale, could not achieve the goal of manpower. What's more, it still needs the "11th route" of generals and soldiers.

However, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong only took a day off in Haizhou city. In the early morning of the next morning, they led the main force of the former army to Anshan fort.Almost at the same time, yuetuo's main forces with red flag and jilharang with blue flag will also arrive at Anshan fort.

Anshan fort is not a big city. In the early days of the Ming Dynasty, it could only be regarded as a castle in the middle of the city. Because of its geographical advantages, it was barely prosperous. But later, after the invasion of the Late Jin Dynasty, the war continued, and several fierce battles, its foundation was emptied.

Shenyang and Liaoyang, including Shenyang and Liaoyang, were gradually filled up after the Late Jin Dynasty. However, even though it has been nearly 10 years, and Huang Taiji has made great efforts to govern, it is far less prosperous than that of the Ming Dynasty.

In particular, the news that Li Yuanqing Hu called the arrival of the main force of the "300000" army made Anshan fort a mess. However, all the people in the city who were able to do so had fled to the rear, leaving behind only the lowest Han slaves and a bunch of cannon fodder.

In front of anshanbao City, a continuous group of fortifications is being excavated and built.

At this time, the news of Li Yuanqing's visit to Haizhou had just reached here. How dare yuetuo and jierhalang dare to neglect it?

At this time, not only the lower Han and armored slaves were busy building fortifications, but also many soldiers, even real slaves, went to battle in person.

Who hasn't heard of Li Yuanqing's reputation these years?

As for the Great Gold National Games, these real slaves of all banners are quite united and can endure hardships.

South Gate of the castle.

Looking at the vast wilderness in the direction of Haizhou city in the south, yuetuo and zierhalang are silent.

In particular, the "Hoo Hoo" north wind blows ceaselessly, which makes the surrounding scenery even more desolate.

"Uncle Liu, what do you think of Li Yuanqing? Why, why, just a few days after the truce, did he come to trouble us again

Yuetuo couldn't understand the matter. He inquired respectfully and deeply about Jill Harang.

Zilharan's brow was locked, and his eyes were filled with anxiety that could not be concealed. Perhaps, Li Yuanqing felt that the Ming court was under too much pressure with him, or maybe Li Yuanqing wanted to take advantage of this to negotiate with the Ming Court In short, we must guard against that. "

Yuetuo nodded slowly. For a moment, he asked carefully, "uncle Liu, what's the attitude of the sweat in this respect?"

Up to this time, although Liaoyang was heavily guarded and the banners were frequently mobilized, and a total of 560000 troops had been gathered, Huang Taiji had not done much in Shengjing.

This made yuetuo not have much confidence for a moment.

Jierhalang laughed: "yuetuo, Li Yuanqing, is a man with ulterior motives. Just a few days after the battle of Haizhou, this guy even wanted to make a scene again. I'm afraid that the drunken man's intention is not to drink. Our Anshan fort is just the front line. When we get to our territory, Li Yuanqing still wants to be as arrogant as before? "

Yuetuo also understood the meaning of zierharan, and nodded his head in deep thought, "big sweat is wise. Six uncles, I also feel that although the battle formation of Li Yuanqing is not small, there is no accurate information about the Ming court. Nine out of ten, this guy is making a mystery. "

Two people are saying, under the city, south direction, suddenly rushed over a dozen horses, with a ground of broken snow, mud.

The leading waistcoat saw the king's flag of zierhalang and yuetuo, and quickly turned over and dismounted from his horse. He was in a hurry to report: "the two masters and sons, Li Yuanqing, sent troops from Haizhou early this morning, nearly 100000 people."


Yuetuo and Jil Haran looked at each other, and their faces changed greatly.

They simply did not dream that Li Yuanqing's action should be so fast, this is the rhythm of life and death.

"Uncle Liu, what shall we do?"

Yuetuo, who had always been calm, was a little flustered.

But he soon stabilized his mind. "What's the panic? Anshan castle is high and thick, and there are so many fortifications, and there are plenty of food and grass in the city. How can we make a mess of ourselves? Report this to Shengjing immediately. I'd like to see what kind of tricks Li Yuanqing is playing


Led by Li Yuanqing himself, the Ming army was advancing very fast. Just in the evening, the main force had already traveled nearly 60 Li.

Haizhou is less than a hundred li away from Anshan fort. At this speed, the Ming army will arrive at Anshan fort at noon tomorrow at the latest.

Although the weather was cold at this time, Li Yuanqing's personal traction, coupled with the continuous advocacy of the instructors of various departments, was the first time to really go deep into the local war of Houjin, and the morale of the officers and soldiers was very high.

At a small river, the main forces of the Ming army went down to camp one by one. The firemen also started cooking. The whole camp, soon, the whole camp had a delicious smell of broth.

Li Yuanqing and Changsheng camp had already experienced their prestige for many years. The surrounding Houjin Army Rangers only dared to stretch their necks and smell the attractive aroma of broth. However, they did not dare to go too far and become the target of the Ming army's sharp birds and blunders.

At this time, however, in Li Yuanqing's temporary account, dozens of major generals such as Kong Youde, shunzi, Li Sansheng, Niu Gensheng, Ying Meng and Chen Changliang were gathered.On the huge and detailed map on one side of the curtain wall, Li Yuanqing, holding a baton, is arranging the combat task with vigour.

"After dinner, the whole army will rest for half an hour. At the end of the Youshi period, Li Sansheng and Chen Changliang lived on the left and Chen Changliang lived on the right. They drove and destroyed the tartar sentry. At the beginning of Xu Dynasty, Chen Shuai and I personally led the main force out! Before Yinshi tomorrow morning, you must arrive at the foot of Anshan castle! Do you have any objection? "

"There is no objection to the rank of humble rank!"

All the generals in the tent fell to their knees.

"Good! Very good! "

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile, "the ancestor said that war is very important! Tomorrow, although our army does not have the task of conquering the city, it must arrive at the battlefield as soon as possible and seize the favorable terrain! Do you understand? "


"Start now!"


The account will soon disperse.

Chen Zhong was worried about Li Yuanqing's radical strategy for a while, and said in a low voice: "Yuanqing, this is less than 35 li away from Anshan fort. Tomorrow, we will encircle Anshan fort, but there will be no big problem. It's just Anshan fort is already in the hinterland of Tartars. If the main force of Tartars from Liaoyang comes to help us, our main force will not arrive, and the children will have no rest time. This is the matter... "

Li Yuanqing smiles, "big brother, tomorrow, we are not going to surround Anshan fort. But ~ ~ ~ ~, first set up a camp and draw out the main force of Liaoyang. "


Chen Zhong was stunned. He seemed to understand something. He had already caught a thread, but he was still a little short of fire.


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