"you son of a bitch! You donkeys have no sons. Is it a ball to be in a ditch? There is a kind of fight with Laozi

"Ha ha ha ha! These dog Tartars belong to donkey and turtle eggs! They will only shrink in the shell of the king and be a turtle! You really want them to come out, Mr. Liu. "

"Yes. Master Liu. These dogs and Tartars are just like the boars and animals we raise, and they will catch whoever they catch... "


After the Jin army did not come out, the Ming army was not helpless.

All the departments of Changsheng camp are the army of hundred battles.

This kind of battlefield small means, all kinds of regional dirty words, it is just a hand in hand.

Before the battle of the Ming army, among the rows of tall shields, there were veterans of the Changsheng camp, with their voices blazing, which turned the battlefield into a battle meeting.

At this time, the front of the Ming army was about half a mile away from the rear fortifications of the Jin army.

The arrows of these Tartars could not reach the Ming army. Abatai had given orders in advance, and the stone throwing machine could not be dispatched. All kinds of guns were under the control of the Han Army Flag of wuzhenchaoha. Even if the latter Jin army of these outposts was not happy, they could not hurt the Ming army at all.

Not to mention, the Ming army had many shields to support it.

They can only talk with the Ming army at the same time.

It's a pity that Li Yuanqing's "magic and ghost technique" Zhuyu is in front of him, but Huang Taiji is not fighting yet. The momentum of the whole Ming army has already risen. Even though the dog Tartars of these outposts quarrel and scold fiercely, they can't defeat the prestige of the Ming army. They just nodded, but they were soon suppressed by the voice of the Ming army.

"These mean dogs! These vile mud can! I'm going to cut them into pieces

In the command post of abatai in Anshan castle, Hogg is just like a mad dog, crazy for his life.

If it had not been for abathai's arrangement, the strong and powerful confidants would have pulled Hogg and prevented him from rushing out, for fear that Hogg would have already rushed to the battlefield.

However, although abatai and tambai can pretend to be invisible, the foul language of the Ming army, even if it is more than two miles or three miles away, is mixed and shuttled to them.

It was abathai's city hall. His face was a little ugly.

This goes up and down.

These minggouzi are really too arrogant and aggressive.

Although arrogant troops are doomed to defeat, if they continue to develop like this, these Ming Gouzi formations are still so regular that it is very difficult for Dajin to have a chance.

The key is the state of mind of the warriors. I'm afraid they have already been destroyed by these despicable minggouzi. Once you wait for a moment to go out for the war, if you can't stop

Abathai can't think about it any more.

Li Yuanqing, who should have been exterminated by force for a long time, has been dragging on till now. This is really

Tan Bai then said in a low voice: "seventh master, we have been so passive, and it is not the way. People in the army eat horses every day, which is not a small number. We've got to think of something special. "

Abathai looked at Tam Bai and said, "Tam Bai, you dog slave, have you got a good idea?"

Tan Bai sighed: "seventh master. Li Yuanqing does not leak any water. How can I think about it for a while? But if we continue to be passive, the situation will be more and more dangerous. "

Abathai nodded slowly, "stay till dusk. Stay up until dusk to see how the dog chooses. If they don't spare no effort, we'll fight with them

Tan Bai nodded heavily: "OK. Seven masters. At the beginning of Shenshi, we let the warriors eat and drink first. "


Time soon came to Shenshi.

Although the three tribes of abatai, tambai and Hogg have tried their best to hide their cooking smoke, the main force of the Ming army was in the downwind, and it was still very clear to see the fireworks floating out of the camp of the later Jin army.

"Yuanqing, dog Tartars eat at this point? Do you want to have a gang with us

Chen Zhong's eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

Weapons are also weapons.

At this time, although the Ming army was in power, it was still not victorious. Anything could happen on the battlefield. Not to mention, the main force of the later Jin army has not been seriously damaged. Chen Zhong dare not neglect this crucial change.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly, playing with the gold pocket watch in his hand. "The Tartars are going to move out, and the trilobites in front of us are also tired. ha-ha. Big brother, today, let's not play with them. Give me the order to withdraw. "


Soon, the deep horn calls resounded through the sky.

The three generals and soldiers of the Ming army, including a large number of engineers and auxiliary soldiers, did not have any nostalgia for them. They soon returned in a very orderly manner.

"These bright dogs! It's just too much, too much

Hogg was going crazy.

It was not easy to endure until the afternoon, and was preparing to send troops. However, minggouzi ran away!The key is that the front of the wilderness has been filled by the Ming army, at this time, only step armour, Hogg also dare not go hard Gang Ming army firepower.

Abathai also hopes that at dusk, he will do a big job, but unexpectedly, Li Yuanqing doesn't buy his account at all and takes him for granted

Tan Bai was busy laughing and said, "master Qi, today, although our army has not fought, it has not been damaged. What's more, we found out the routine of Li Yuanqing. It's just that we'll let the warriors have a good rest tonight and wait for tomorrow morning... "

Although tambai is not finished, how can abatai and Hogg not understand the deep meaning of tambai?

Hogg couldn't help sneering: "Tam Bai, you're a dog slave! Tomorrow, if Li Yuanqing wants to do this again, it will not be so easy! "

After the Ming army officers and men retreated in an orderly manner, Li Yuanqing rearranged his defense and inspected again. Only then did he go back to his big tent to rest and wait for dinner and military discussion.

Although only half an hour more time, but on the battlefield, every minute is extremely precious.

Although Li Yuanqing didn't have to rush on the front line of the battlefield for a long time, this kind of mental work of taking a panoramic view of the whole situation was by no means lighter than leading troops in front of him.

Back at the big tent, bumbutai and Sumer are sleeping on the soft couch by the fire pot.

Bumbutai was already asleep, and so was Sumer.

But Su Mo'er, after all, was a maid. Seeing Li Yuanqing coming back, Su Mo'er quickly woke up Bu mu butai, and they saluted Li Yuanqing together.

Li Yuanqing waved his hand with a smile and motioned that the two girls should be exempted. He strode directly to the soft couch and lay down carefully.

Bumbutai and Su Mo'er also know that Li Yuanqing is tired all day and dare not speak much. They are busy kneading their bodies for Li Yuanqing.

In these days, although they were with Li Yuanqing, they were far from as carefree as when they were at Haizhou station. In order to keep the military camp in order, they were like canaries and could only stay in Li Yuanqing's big and auxiliary accounts.

After a short rest, Li Yuanqing lit a cigar and said with a smile, "yu'er, Su Mo'er, you have worked hard. You don't have to serve me anymore. I want to be quiet. Later, let's have a little drink together


Bumbutai is a very sensitive person, busy holding Su Mo'er's small hand, from the side of the small door into the auxiliary account.

Looking at the two women's pretty back completely not into the auxiliary account, Li Yuanqing this just took back his eyes, long spit out a thick fog.

Although the overall situation of this decisive battle has been under the control of Li Yuanqing, the whole Liao area will be exposed in front of Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanjun, however, is not prepared for the outbreak of Taiji in his mind.

It's like playing with snakes.

Even the most experienced snake charmer will fail in the face of such a huge cold-blooded animal.

Not to mention, it's a man of great variety.

If this impasse continues, Li Yuanqing can still take the initiative, but the initiative is not stable.

Even if it is pushed to the Tartars, the initiative will be transferred to the Tartars.

Li Yuanqing is also carefully thinking, must look for a cut, accurate break.

As long as you can pry open the first hole, the things behind will be much simpler!

Unfortunately, at this time, the formation of both sides was very conservative. Even Li Yuanqing, who had experienced many battles, had no good way for the moment.

Fortunately, the long snake formation of the Ming army was just the extension of the fortifications of the later Jin Dynasty. The cavalry of the latter Jin army could not and did not dare to do so. Li Yuanqing still had a short but abundant time.

How to break the game?

Li Yuanqing was worried for a while, but it was difficult to grasp the core.

Soon, a cigar has only the butt, Li Yuanqing some tired knead his temple, slowly sat up.

If we attack from the front at this time, even if abatai, tambai and Hogg are all generals of the day, Li Yuanqing is very confident that the Ming army will push it forward step by step.

But it is necessary to pay a lot of casualties.

In particular, the emperor's army, especially the new army of Taiji, has been very good

Li Yuanqing always felt that in the dark, there were two huge poisonous snakes, spitting out the bright red snake Xinzi, staring at him.

At this time, it is not the best way to break the situation from the front, even if all the reinforcements are coming from behind

Thinking about it, Li Yuanqing came to the sand table and observed it carefully.

The terrain of Anshan fort is a little too flat. There is no place to borrow it.

In particular, it is about to enter the twelfth lunar month, and it is likely to snow heavily. Once that time comes, the Ming army will have to upgrade to a higher level.

Li Yuanqing's eyes suddenly became colder and colder. Is it really necessary to use the flesh and blood of infantry to go to the eight banners of hard Gang Tartars?

At this time, Yang Lei's respectful report sounded outside the door: "commander, it's time for dinner and military discussion. What's more, the main force of Zhang pan and General Chen liangce has arrived five miles to the south, and will soon be able to join the main force. ""Well. I see. "

Li Yuanqing strode to his feet, straightened his clothes in front of the mirror and strode out of the tent.

Different from the warm big tent, it was rather chilly outside. A cold wind came. The slow and dull accumulation Li Yuanqing had just accumulated in the tent immediately dissipated.

When they came to the main tent, Chen Zhong and the generals were almost there. They were talking and laughing.

Seeing Li Yuanqing come in, the generals rose to salute one after another.

Li Yuanqing laughed and waved to the generals, "my brother, don't be too polite."

Looking at Chen Zhong again, he said, "elder brother, Lao Zhang and Lao Chen are here. I'm afraid I'll trouble you again."

Chen Zhong laughed, "Yuanqing, I was just about to say this. I'll be right there. Just now, Xiaozi said an idea. I think it's interesting. "


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