Yang jiaoniang but a smile, "how? Yuan Qing, are you satisfied? It's too late today. Tomorrow. I'll have her with you tomorrow. She's not out of the cabinet yet. Even in Beijing, Wan'er's name can be ranked in the top three. "

Seeing that Yang jiaoniang didn't answer her own question, she threw out such a big and attractive bait. Instead, Li Yuanqing was not half excited, but her hair was a little upside down.

A woman's heart is a needle in the sea.

Li Yuanqing forced himself to calm down, looked into Yang jiaoniang's eyes, and said slowly, "jiaoniang, if I have not guessed wrong. This Wan'er girl should be the number one girl in the fog rain pavilion? "

Yang jiaoniang nodded with a smile. Yuan Qing, is my vision OK? "

Li Yuanqing was a little speechless. After a moment, he said, "of course. Jiaoniang, I deeply admire your eyesight. But rabbits don't eat the grass. I don't look so anxious in your eyes, do I? "

Yang jiaoniang giggled and hugged Li Yuanqing's arm. Her plump chest pressed tightly on Li Yuanqing's body. She said in a soft voice, "enemy, you still have a conscience. However, Wan'er, I didn't intend to let her out of the cabinet, just for you. "


Li Yuanqing couldn't help being a little big headed, "jiaoniang, what do you mean? What do you think in your head? "

Yang jiaoniang giggled, but tears flashed in her eyes. "Enemy, if I had met you 20 years ago, of course, I don't have to spend so much time. Unfortunately... "

Yang jiaoniang said with a long sigh, and her tears were puffing down. "So, I will try my best to compensate you for what I owe you. I want to let the emperor, also do not have your Yanfu. Let you never forget me, always remember me. "


Li Yuanqing long spit out a turbid breath, "jiaoniang, why do you need it? I admit that I, Li Yuanqing, are indeed mortals. I have some mortal thoughts, but how can I not even accommodate a woman? Although you and I meet by chance, but we are in love with each other. Who can be more noble than who? Jiaoniang, you don't have to be like this. One day, I will give you a fair and aboveboard reputation. "

Yang Jiaoniang pours into Li Yuanqing's arms with great force and grabs Li Yuanqing's big hand when she dies. But now, you are you, I am I, and I am not worthy of you. When I'm worthy of you, I'll find you. You can't drive me out of the house

Li Yuanqing was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Every dog slaughterer is a scholar.

What a world. I just hate to be born out of time

When Li Yuanqing is tired, I'll give you a cup of Yuanqing wine

Li Yuanqing nodded and did not refuse Yang jiaoniang. He drank up the wine with a smile and said with a smile, "if you can get jiaoniang, you will serve yourself. I'm afraid you will not change it for an emperor."

Yang jiaoniang looked at Li Yuanqing with a smile and went out to serve hot water. There was a pretty maid at the door who had already prepared foot washing water.

Yang jiaoniang put the foot wash basin in front of the window. She helped Li Yuanqing to sit down beside the bed and gently washed Li Yuanqing's feet.

Li Yuanqing can't help but think of the foot therapy of later generations. The reason why I like this mode is that I like the feeling of being superior?

But at this time, looking at Yang jiaoniang's eyes full of strong feelings, Li Yuanqing suddenly realized that there was no emotion. Even if she was a fairy daughter in the sky, she was just passing away.

After serving Li Yuanqing to wash her feet, Yang jiaoniang went to take a bath herself, and then she stayed with Li Yuanqing on the bed.

There are not too many words, just like the most familiar husband and wife, they soon get to the point

After a while, Li Yuanqing suddenly felt that he was much stronger than usual, and his spirit was much better. He did not feel sleepy, so he chatted with Yang jiaoniang.

Later, a well-known female writer said, "the best way to conquer a woman's heart is to conquer her body first."

The most familiar contact with the negative distance of the body also makes the two people's heart more and more close.

Yang jiaoniang, dressed in a red belly bag and tucked in Li Yuanqing's arms, explained her experience to Li Yuanqing after she came to the capital.

At first, Yang jiaoniang just bought a small shop face less than 3 mu in a small alley next door, but even so, she has already spent all the silver she carries, more than 9000 Liang silver, and has no spare power to buy those famous girls who can support the market.

But Yang Niang has been in this industry for nearly 20 years, and she has a deep understanding of its operation.

To paraphrase her saying, "haven't you eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?"

When she was in Guangning, she saw a group of promising girls, one of whom was Miss Wan'er.

According to her qualifications and influence in Guangning City, she achieved her wish without much effort.

When she first came to the capital, although she had no access and no assets, she had some people.Gradually, after her careful operation, miss Wan'er gradually became famous. The main reason is that she is so talented that she doesn't need much effort. She has gathered a large number of dignitaries and princes around her.

Moreover, Yang jiaoniang has a deep understanding of her operation, especially her male psychology.

Under her packaging and personal instruction, Wan'er grew up very quickly, and her every move had already become a great style, which made several princes and nobles crazy.

They alone, in less than two months, have spent more than 200000 Liang silver on miss Wan'er.

In particular, the second son of Zuo Guangdou's family, one of the most important figures in Donglin, has spent more than 100000 taels of silver in the fog rain Pavilion for the sake of miss Wan'er.

Coincidentally, at this time, the store in the fog rain pavilion was in big trouble because of a homicide case.

Yang jiaoniang went through the door of an old man in the cabinet today, only used 110000 Liang, then accepted the store completely.

Gradually, Waner girl's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and the business of fog rain Pavilion is getting better and better, and she is gradually on the right track.

Although Yang jiaoniang said she was proud, Li Yuanqing heard one of the huge loopholes. "Jiaoniang, you are like this. If the second young master of the left thinks that you pit him afterwards, how should we deal with it?"

Yang jiaoniang smiles, "enemy, it seems that you don't know the rules of this circle. This is exactly what you want me to do. If you don't have that silver, don't be a big head. Besides, miss Wan'er is not the only admirer of Zuo er. The Zuo family is in Beijing, which is not so good. If we really want to be tough, I may not be afraid of them. "

Li Yuanqing can't help being big headed.

Of course, he knew that after all these years of management, Yang jiaoniang must have accumulated some relationships with some people like miss Wan'er.

But this kind of relationship, to put it bluntly, is all about wine and meat. It can't be true. There's nothing you can't see. Once something happens, who is willing to really contribute?

Has this kind of thing been rare since ancient times?

Of course, maybe there is really lengtouqing, will be strong for beauty, but this probability, I am afraid, is very small.

What's more, these second-generation princes, even though they have extraordinary identities, still have to rely on their families to do things. After all, they can't rely on their own energy.

This kind of thing is like a mirror. It's OK to bluff people. If you really want to encounter a big event, it will be out of reach.

Li Yuanqing feels that Yang jiaoniang may have gone too smoothly since she came to the capital. She is inevitably arrogant. This is human nature, but she has to remind her.

"Jiaoniang, although we say so, we must make preparations no matter how we behave or do things. I know that you are very capable, but you are my woman after all. Making you appear in public in Beijing has already made me worried every day. If something happens to you, you man, I will not regret death? This kind of thing can't be repeated. We have to think of a way out. "

Although Yang jiaoniang was in high spirits at this time, she still felt very useful when listening to Li Yuanqing and the man she cared about most to say these words, "enemy, what should we do now? The fog and rain Pavilion is now a cash cow. I have three or four girls like Wan'er, but they are too young. There are two, better than Wan'er's conditions. As long as a few more years, I can guarantee that their achievements will never be inferior to Wan'er. It's all I want to leave you. "

Li Yuanqing some speechless, but it is undeniable that Yang jiaoniang's mind really makes every man unable to refuse.

But at this time, after all, it was extraordinary. The left family did not break out. It is likely that the left master has not found out about the second son of the left. Once the matter is exposed, how can we give up with his reputation?

Yang jiaoniang thinks that she is standing very steadily now, because she is still a little woman's mind, and she thinks men are too simple.


Under normal circumstances, men have a good face and will not do extreme things.

However, he was not sure that he could only watch, but not eat. He lost all his family property. The second young master of the left would not jump over the wall in a hurry.

Once you get there, your future is ruined, and your reputation is useless?

Yang jiaoniang looked at Li Yuanqing's face and was afraid, "Yuan Qing, shouldn't it be so serious? But it's only a hundred thousand taels of silver. Zuo Guangdou has been an official in the imperial court for decades. This should be just a drop in the bucket. "

Li Yuanqing couldn't help but clap Yang jiaoniang's plump buttocks, "only a hundred thousand taels of silver? That's easy. Do you know how many people can be fed by the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver? "

Yang jiaoniang was really afraid, "Yuanqing, I'm sorry, I said something wrong. Don't be angry

Li Yuanqing shook his head, "I'm going to be angry with you. I've been angry with you for a long time. This matter is not without a solution. "

Li Yuanqing said, showing a grim cold on his upright face.

Yang jiaoniang hurriedly said, "Yuanqing, what are you going to do?"

Li Yuanqing a smile, "this matter, can't worry. I can't eat tofu in a hurry. Don't worry. Your man has a way. "Zuo Guangdou was also famous in later generations.

Li Yuanqing didn't know much about it, but he knew his ending.

He was slandered by Wei Zhongxian, who was highly respected by the saints, because he faced Wei Zhongxian directly. Together with Six Gentlemen such as Yang Lian, he was sent to prison together because of the gift of Xiong Tingbi.

These old men were old and frail. They could not stand the care in the prison after being named by Duke Wei. After a while, most of them were killed and injured. It was not until Hongguang in Nanming that they were rehabilitated.

At this time, the battle of Guangning was just over, and Wei Zhongxian was also under a lot of pressure because of Guangning's failure. It was expected that Zuo Guangdou and Yang Lian, the big men, should also be in trouble.

It's better to start first, shovel grass and remove roots, so as to avoid future troubles.

Li Yuanqing has been labeled as a eunuch. At this time, of course, he doesn't mind. He borrows the sword from Duke Wei

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