"Manggutai, an old pickle with no eggs, heard that his head is longer than that of Wang ba. Do you think this old dog should use the top or the bottom?"

"Ha ha. You don't understand. This old dog is the same as the whole. It's all wax gun heads. It can't be used. We have to get help. But it's cheap. He's a slave of dog days. "

"Damn it, as you say, it's good to be a slave to the old dog."


Seeing that the Ming army under the city scolded more and more vulgar, more and more ugly, Gaizhou city can not help but a commotion.

"They all deserve to be damned." At the head of the city, a 17-8-year-old real slave, with a black face and a fire in his eyes, wanted to rush down the city with his knife.

"You can't do it, you can't do it. The dogs are so powerful that we must not fall into their trap. "

Around him, seven or eight slaves held the young real slave tightly for fear that he would do something impulsively.

"They dare to insult my sister. I will make them worse than dead." The young real slave cried out madly.

He was the son of yaerhai who was captured by Li Yuanqing.

Is it not insulting his sister that the Ming soldiers insulted manggutai?

Before that, in the battle of Xiping fort, he led his Niu Lu to break through the gate of Xiping fort and made great achievements. However, before he was happy for a few days, he got the news that his father, yaerhai, was captured by the Ming army. He was so angry that he could not afford to fall ill.

Fortunately, he was young and strong, and his sister took good care of him. But it also made him fail to catch up with the old slave's western expedition.

Yaerhai was originally a red flag Department. After this incident, in order to appease their family, the old slave promoted yabulu to Gushan Beizi, and at the same time, he assigned the headquarters to his brother-in-law manggurtai.

Yabulu was depressed these days. Unexpectedly, some Ming army dared to rush to the bottom of Gaizhou city and insult his sister like this. How could he bear this?

But at this time, although jabulus was the nobleman with the highest status in Gaizhou City, there were only two real slaves in Gaizhou city at that time. These slaves under his command had already suffered the great loss of the old master's capture. How could jabulus easily go to war?

If there's something wrong with jabulus, it's the end of their tribe.

"Master, please calm down. Take your breath off first. "

Several old slaves just clapped and pulled on their back belts. After a hard time persuading jabulus to calm down a little, an old slave in his early fifties said, "honey, the dogs are so powerful that they must rely on them when they come to fight. A good man does not suffer from immediate loss. Why should we argue with them? In the morning, it has been reported from the West that the main Khan will soon return to his division. Then, we will certainly kill all these dog scum. "

The old slave was yalhai's confidant and uncle of jabulus. When he said this, jabulus slowed down a little, but his eyes were gloomy. "These mean dogs are really unforgivable. Uncle Gudai, when will the main force of Han come back? "

"According to the distance to calculate, the latest should not exceed seven days."

Jablo clenched his fist and burst out laughing. "Good. Good. I think these bright dogs will last a few days. "


One morning later, the Ming army soldiers in the city were almost hoarse. However, the Houjin army in Gaizhou city did not have the slightest gesture of going out. Li Yuanqing also withdrew the soldiers who swore at the battle.

As a new bandit military group, it is not easy to lure them out in the face-to-face situation at this time.

From a small tribe, growing up to such a large one, it is not just courage that is enough.

But Li Yuanqing is not in a hurry.

This kind of thing, can have the harvest best, does not have the harvest, also does not matter.

At this time, if the guerrilla tactics put too much emphasis on the city, it will fall into the inferior position. At the same time, it also means that we are not far away from failure.

However, although this tactic has no practical significance, it has a great effect on the improvement of our morale.

When several soldiers came back, they were treated like heroes. To some extent, it was more inspiring than winning a battle.

They almost recounted manggutai and the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the old slaves. Of course, their wives and daughters couldn't escape

Although it's just masturbation, it's enough to excite the soldiers for a few days.

Although the morale of the soldiers was high, Li Yuanqing still maintained enough restraint and calm.

As the saying goes, "if you walk too much at night, you will always meet ghosts.".

Due to the limitation of communication conditions, Li Yuanqing did not know the specific situation of the old slave in the western line, but it was wheat harvest time. According to the estimation of time, it has been several months since the old slave's western expedition, and the Mongolian tribes have also ushered in the season of fattening cattle and sheep. I'm afraid that he may not be willing to fight with the main force of the later Jin Dynasty.If the old slave's main force returns, Li Yuanqing, who is in the westernmost line, must bear the brunt.

Li Yuanqing never wants to take this risk.

It has been nearly ten days since the expedition, and Li Yuanqing has basically slipped around Fuzhou and Gaizhou. It is almost impossible to disrupt the deployment and defense of some of the later Jin troops in southern Liaoning. It is unwise to entangle them again.

However, even if there is a retreat, but on the surface, it is more important to have a plan in mind.

After lunch, Changsheng camp continued to increase the scale of scolding. Soldiers with loud voices at No. 7880 stood in a line under the city of Gaizhou, laughing and joking about various internal affairs of Houjin.

Liang Zhu and Zhang Sanwa were the banners of the Han Dynasty. They had been living under the rule of the later Jin Dynasty for more than a year. They knew more about it and became the main force of scolding.

For example, mang gouertai's younger sister, mang Guji, is a very easy-going person. With whom did he steal people? Dodo, the youngest son of the old slave, did not look like him. Many things were just nose and eye, which could be believed by people.

Gaizhou city sometimes gets angry and sends out a shower of arrows to vent their anger. However, these Ming army soldiers are 150 or 200 steps below the city, and they have already been out of the range of bows and arrows. They use the soft bow and arrow to ridicule the later Jin army, which makes the latter Jin army more angry.

At the end of the day, the two sides directly began to yell at each other, as if to speak louder than the other. It was a great spectacle.

The night soon came, and the camp was full of barbecue and cheering, which made gaizhoucheng angry. However, they could not help it. It was almost midnight before these hateful dogs stopped.

But last night, the Jin army suffered a loss. They knew that the firearms in Changsheng camp were very sharp, and the sentries did not dare to move forward blindly, but only dared to watch from afar.

But when they got up in the morning, they were stupid. The campfire in the camp of the Ming army was burning well, but the soldiers of the Ming army were not seen. The big ship that covered the sky seemed to disappear from the sky.

Last night, jabulo was very upset. He made the servant brew a cup of chrysanthemum tea and moistened his throat. He was preparing to fight these Ming dogs today, but suddenly he found that his opponent was gone.

Gaizhou city was suddenly shocked and in a mess.


At this time, Li Yuanqing's fleet had already sailed to Sancha River.

Gaizhou and Fuzhou have become terrified birds. It is impossible to win them. The actual benefits can't account for much. Naturally, Li Yuanqing will not be entangled in these two places.

However, the main force of the old slave had no news, but it was like a thorn in the flesh, which made Li Yuanqing sleepy and restless.

Li Yuanqing and the Changsheng camp are nothing. Li Yuanqing has been moving along the coast, never going into the land rashly. Even if he meets the main force of the old slaves, he can escape in the shortest time. However, Li Yuanqing is afraid that the old slaves will be surprised and the main force will suddenly kill Zhenjiang. This consequence is beyond Li Yuanqing's ability to bear.

Even if Mao Wenlong had foresight and left ahead of time, Chen Zhonghe and zhangpan in the East Bank of southern Liaoning Province would probably suffer a lot.

At noon the next day, the fleet arrived at the familiar Sancha estuary, which is now as familiar as Li Yuanqing's back garden.

When Xu Heizi was asked to take people to build a temporary wharf, Li Yuanqing led the main force to go ashore to camp. At the same time, he ordered Liu Dadou's scouts to go deep into the hinterland of Liaoning Province to inquire about the main force of the old slaves.

At this time, although the old slaves had already defeated western Liaoning, in order to ensure the compactness of the war, the later Jin Dynasty had turned Liaoxi into a "no man's land". Guangning city was also burned down. Except for a few key military fortresses, there was not much defensive force.

There were more than 30 horses on board Li Yuanqing's boat, enough for the scouts to go deep into the hinterland of Liao and inquire for information.

At the same time, Li Yuanqing also sent a clipper to the east coast of southern Liaoning to inquire about the war situation of Chen Zhong and Zhang pan, as well as Mao Wenlong's main force.

There are dense forests on this side of the river mouth, so it is easy to build a camp. There is no enemy situation around. In a short period of time, there will be no war. Li Yuanqing simply regards this place as a training ground and continues to practice the formation.

Since Changsheng island was first established, all kinds of affairs are being explored and improved. Li Yuanqing can't be anxious. However, these soldiers can be firmly controlled by Li Yuanqing.

Through such a long period of experience in leading the army, Li Yuanqing also found that in addition to the future, farmland, women, and homesteads, in order to control the soldiers more closely, they also had to act ideologically.

The experience of our army in later generations can be used for reference.

However, it is not realistic to set up new posts blindly. After all, Li Yuanqing is an officer of Daming, and Changsheng camp is also an officer of Daming.

In this way, we can only use the deputy.

Deputy 100 households, deputy 1000 households, this quota, Li Yuanqing can still take out.

For seven or eight days, the Changsheng camp was in the Hekou temporary camp. While practicing the formation, Li Yuanqing also inspected the officers, and selected some of them with strong political ideas to serve as "instructors.".

It was late July when Li Yuanqing was directing his troops for a day of joint training. At this time, horses from the scouts came in a hurry. They really inquired about the latest trend of the main force of the old slaves.

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