Although the square array is clumsy, once it stops and remains at rest, its advantages are instantly reflected.

With the soldiers in the front row erecting their spears and shields, it will not be so easy for these post gold sentinel detectives to drill holes again.

At this time, Changsheng camp only had less than 400 bird spears, all of which were assembled in the square array. However, the main firepower was still the two professional bird gun soldiers of shunzi and Yang Xiaobo.

After seeing the square array stop, they dare not rush forward. Instead, they rely on their horsepower and keep circling around, shouting and screaming. They seem to want to bring pressure to the camp in this way.

Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

Most of the Houjin sentinel detectives were kept away from a hundred paces. In such a situation, the fire power of the blunderbuss could not reach them. Moreover, most of them were covered with several layers of thick armor. Unless they were placed within 50 steps, it would be very difficult for them to be killed by the gunshot fire.

Today's rain not only helped the Changsheng camp, but also helped the soldiers in the later Jin Dynasty.

At this time, Duan Xiliang, Guan Canghai, shunzi, Yang Xiaobo and Wang Hai were all in the formation, and they could not call them to discuss.

Li Yuanqing's mind is spinning rapidly and shooting rashly will not only not kill them, but also alert them and make them more troublesome.

They must be hurt, let them know that Changsheng camp is sharp and dare not to be so close.

Li Yuanqing asked his own soldiers to give orders to Yang Xiaobo and shunzi. The two birds and blunderbusses were dispersed, and the most accurate shooters were selected to spread around the square array. The two main forces, each with 50 people, were still in the predetermined position to guard against the Houjin cavalry in the front.

It's much easier to stop the square array and mobilize the soldiers.

Soon, there were many soldiers scattered around.

Li Yuanqing then issued a second order, informing the officers of all departments to provide cover and space for the birds and blunderbusses, so that these birds and spears could attack the approaching post gold sentry while the square array was moving.

Even in good weather, the square array can't walk fast. What's more, it's such bad weather.

Li Yuanqing no longer led the front line of the square array, but directly returned to the array to command and coordinate in the middle.

Fortunately, Li Yuanqing is quite tall, otherwise, in this state, there are no cars above the ground, and we really can't see the situation around us.

Everything is ready. The square continues to move forward.

These post gold sentry detectives also understood that the Ming army had no way to take them. They could not help but run happily and began to repeat their old skills.

But this time, they were not so lucky.

The forward speed of the square array is very slow. If you take five steps, you will stop one step. This is to provide more sufficient shooting time for the bird and spear soldiers.

Although it's free shooting, it has enough space and close distance, and the post gold sentry has horses. If the target is so large that it can't be shot again, how can he be selected into the team of bird and gun soldiers?

In the "gunpowder smoke" of Li Yuan, the air was filled with four kinds of gunpowder.

Not long ago, even with men and horses, dozens of post gold sentinel detectives have died.

The rest of the post gold sentinel detectives also knew the strength of the camp. They did not dare to get closer to the camp, nor did they dare to take back the corpses of their companions. They were like a frightened sheep, and "Hula" scattered like birds and beasts.

In the square array, there were bursts of cheers, and the depression of being chased just now disappeared.

Many soldiers began to find out that the later Jin Tartars were just like this. They will die in front of their own blunderbusses.

Unfortunately, this is in the square array. You can't rush out to cut off the heads of these Tartars and the dead horses. They are all meat.

The depression in Li Yuanqing's chest also dissipated a lot.

Although free shooting is not as strong as the pleasure of large-scale "segment attack", at least these dog Tartars understand that they are not powerless to fight back.

In such a state, the main force of the later Jin Dynasty did not seem to have any intention of attacking, while sentries were still densely distributed around the square array. Li Yuanqing did not adjust the formation, and continued to maintain the hidden firepower of the blockhouse type and ordered the square array to move forward.

After a few hundred steps, the Houjin sentry tried again, but in an instant, they were welcomed by a round of birds and blunderbusses.

Inexplicably, they left more than a dozen corpses behind. These post gold sentry agents dare not to move forward any more and stay at 150 steps away, closely following the formation of the square array.

In this way, the two sides maintained a strange confrontation. After the formation of Changsheng camp did not disperse, the later Jin army did not dare to rush forward. As the Changsheng camp moved forward, they followed around.

Although they are absolute enemies, they complement each other so well at this time. They are like the bodyguards of the Changsheng camp square array

More than two hours later, the Changsheng camp square has been out of more than a mile.

At this time, Zhang pan there can already see the trend here, can not help but tears.

In this period of time, after the Jin army relaxed their defense, Zhang pan was separated by the two parts, and finally joined together.

Looking at the red "Li" flag flying in the square array, how can Zhang pan hesitate? Hurry to order the soldiers under his command, and quickly move towards the side of the square array.Li Yuanqing at this time can also clearly see the movement of this side of the plate, eyebrows can not help but tightly wrinkled up.

If the camp defense, even if passive, can temporarily ensure security, but such a rush, is not to give these golden cavalry a chance?

Li Yuanqing hurriedly ordered his soldiers to flag Zhang Pan's side, indicating that they would join the battle.

Zhang pan also responded, and quickly and desperately yelled at the soldiers under his command to form an array.

Unfortunately, the soldiers under Zhang Pan's command were so far away from the soldiers of Changsheng camp who were strictly trained. They were in a mess and did not look like anything at all.

Later Jin cavalry also found this weakness. After a while, the ground suddenly shook violently, and a cavalry of about four or five hundred people rushed to zhangpan's camp in the light rain.

Zhang pan was shocked and quickly guided his subordinates to meet the enemy.

Unfortunately, their formation was too scattered. Facing such a close attack from Houjin cavalry, they had no time to form an effective resistance.

In a moment, it has been scattered, dead and wounded.

Zhang pan cried out in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do in such a chaotic situation. He had to move quickly towards the square array of Changsheng camp under the cover of his own soldiers.

On the side of the square array, Li Yuanqing shook his head weakly.

Paid so much effort, in the end, it is still this scene.

But already, Li Yuanqing can not be saved. "Pass our military order, the whole army to accelerate forward, maintain the formation, rescue Zhang panbu."

"Yes." Orders were quickly passed to the front line.

Changsheng camp square array speeded up its pace and went up in the direction of zhangpan department.

Soon, the front soldiers of Zhang Pan Department had already rushed to the square array of Changsheng camp, crying and shouting that they were about to rush into the square array.

Li Yuanqing's face was livid.

At this time, where can he have half of the humanity of a woman? A military order was issued directly to the front-line soldiers to shout in front of the battle, and the broken soldiers of zhangpan Department retreated to both sides of the square array. Those who dare to rush into the array will be killed without mercy.

In such chaos, the soldiers in zhangpan department were scared to death. Many of them became headless flies, and they wanted to rush into the square array and find Li Yuanqing's shelter.

But they don't know that once they disperse all the squares of the camp, neither of them wants to live!

"Brothers, don't rush into the battle line. Step back to both sides. Otherwise, there will be no amnesty for killing. " The soldiers in the front row yelled desperately.

But the first of these headless flies, where the management of these many, desperate to rush towards the square array.

Without any hesitation, Li Yuanqing quickly issued the order to kill.

The front row officer responded quickly, "raise your gun, stab."

For a moment, more than a dozen zhangpan soldiers who rushed to the front fell under the guns of the soldiers of Changsheng camp, and the red blood stained the ground under their feet. This made the soldiers in the back react and start to flee towards the two wings of the square array in a hurry.

Looking at the red stream of people finally divided into two streams, into two sides, Li Yuanqing slightly relieved.

But at this time, the rear gold cavalry behind them had already rushed over with a grim smile.

Maybe they have already killed red eyes, or they feel the unbearable of the Ming army. The horse speed they mentioned can't be stopped before the formation of Changsheng camp.

"First row, light the fire rope."

"Ready to shoot."

At this time, shunzi and Yang Xiaobo left behind 100 bird spear soldiers, together with more than 50 other bird spear soldiers around, they were already ready.

"Proofreading aims."


"Bang bang bang!" At least a dozen of Houjin cavalry, or people or horses, were shot and fell to the ground violently.

But at this time, even if they were not dead at that time and trampled by the rear cavalry, they would never survive.

This is also the most inevitable point of cavalry.

"Second row, shoot."

There was another whine of birds and blunders. This time, it was closer, and nearly 20 cavalry fell under their horses.

However, the cavalry of the later Jin Dynasty had already rushed to the front of the battle, and the third row of bird gun soldiers did not have enough time to shoot. More than 100 long spearmen in the front row took up their spears and built the great wall of flesh and blood.

"Kill Tartars."

"Tartars on dog's day, die!"

"Dog tartar, I wish you mother!"

Just like two streams of different colors, the two men and horses suddenly and violently collide together.

But the soldiers in the camp are brave, but they are flesh and blood. How could they be the opponents of these golden cavalry with men and horses?

In a moment, the red line of defense was broken through several gaps, but at least dozens of horses were stabbed by long guns and fell to the front of the battle.

With such a huge inertial impact, the riders on their backs are no better than horses.

It was this short few minutes that gave precious time to the soldiers behind."Shoot!"


"Bang Bang Bang

Even if they were not compact enough, they were several times faster than the archers and sabers of the Houjin cavalry. In an instant, at least 100 horses fell down before the battle of the two armies, and at least 60 or 70 people were killed and injured.

How dare the cavalry in the back dare to rush forward? They turned their heads and ran back.

For a moment, the black cloud on the ground like a black cloud on the top of the head dissipated in an instant, leaving only the various corpses before the battle in a mess.

Li Yuanqing's clenched fist just loosened a little, but he didn't have time to breathe. He rushed to the front of the battle and called out: "quickly, quickly, help the wounded."

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