The sky was overcast, and lightning flashed across the sky from time to time. Although the storm has weakened a lot, the rain has not stopped, and the wind is still raging. Look at this, the big storm is afraid to continue.

It was midday and visibility was much higher.

On the whole, although the waves on the sea were still rough, they were much weaker than they were in the morning, and the sway of the fleet in the Bay was much smaller than that in the morning.

Li Yuanqing carefully out of the shack, came to the side of the open space, moist cold wind.

The wind is still not small, but it has weakened a lot compared with the big storm. Li Yuanqing estimated that if the gale is 7 to 8 or above, it should be around 3 to 4. When people stand in the wind, they can clearly feel the strong wind, but it is not so much that people can not control their bodies and can barely move freely.

At this time, the camp was full of chaos. Many soldiers were injured in the storm just now. They gathered together in groups and relied on each other's body temperature to keep warm. It should be OK for the time being.

The Bay camp is located in a low-lying area. Not far away, on the hillside about a mile away, there are still many corpses of war horses that were engulfed by the storm. At this time, many soldiers of the later Jin Dynasty came to spy on the camp of the Ming army.

Li Yuanqing glanced around and realized that the storm just now had a more serious impact on the post Jin army.

At this time, even in later generations, science and technology civilization has been so developed, but in the face of this natural disaster, there is still a lack of strong response plan.

At this time, Li Yuanqing was not worried about the Houjin army not far away. He was more worried that the weather would continue to deteriorate. Once the scope of the storm continued to widen, causing earthquakes and tsunamis, the foundation industry of the three ministries, including the lives of Li Yuanqing, would be in danger.

At this time, although the Bay camp can be avoided for a while, it is hard to avoid it for a lifetime.

Although Houjin was in a mess at this time, in fact, it was mainly due to their lack of preparation. Once the big storm hit again, their hillside area would be a safer location.

"Yuanqing, the wind is much lighter now. We can't stay here for a long time. Take advantage of this opportunity, let's get on the boat At this time, Chen Zhong also climbed out of the shack, glanced around and whispered to Li Yuanqing.

Zhang pan also crawled out. His face was scarred and ferocious. Seeing this, he also said, "Yuanqing, it's not too late to mend the prison after a sheep is lost.". The weather here is so bad that we can't ink here any more. It's not far from Changsheng island. Let's go back to Changsheng Island first and then make plans. "

Li Yuanqing nodded, but said: "this matter can not be urgent. I think the storm will continue. If we are trapped at sea, it is more dangerous than here. Besides, we still have many brothers who haven't come here. We can't go yet. "

Zhang pan and Chen Zhong were both stunned. They did not expect that Li Yuanqing hesitated at this time and place.

Chen Zhong said: "Yuanqing, we can go back to save people, but we have not much food and grass. It is not good to write here and be surrounded by the Jin army."

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing, "the sea is here. We have a boat. What are we afraid of? Two brothers, I still have some food and grass in my boat, enough to support for a few days. Besides, Changsheng island is so close that we can replenish food and grass at any time. These Tartars dare to chase us all the way. If they are so cheap, won't they think we are easy to bully? "

Chen Zhong and Zhang pan were not surprised. Zhang Pan said in a strange way, "Yuanqing, you mean, let's kill these Tartars again?"

Li Yuanqing a smile, eyes flash a cold light, "good. Two elder brothers, we are very tired now, they have livestock, must be more tired. I'm going to be tough on them. Two brothers, you two don't need to go out, just guard the camp. "

With that, Li Yuanqing waved his hand to Huang Guoshan and whispered a few words.

Huang Guoshan nods hard. Soon, the camp is full of running heralds.

At ordinary times, the gathering orders of Changsheng camp are all drum beating. But now, the baggage is discarded, and the drum can't be carried. What's more, the wind is strong and the transmission of sound is very poor. On the contrary, it's not as good as the herald's running and Preaching.

Each department of the Changsheng battalion is organized with the general commander as the core. Even if there is a dispersion, a small number of troops will not be far away from the commander-in-chief of each department, and it will not take much effort.

Seeing this, Zhang pan and Chen Zhong quickly began to call in all departments to help Li Yuanqing. Unfortunately, they did not have the awareness of the training mechanism of the Changsheng camp, so they had to be chaotic and disorganized in their actions.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the camp had been assembled, but Zhang pan and Chen Zhong were still in a mess.

Having arrived at this point, Li Yuanqing did not care about them.

Our side is recovering. Similarly, this also means that the post Jin army is also recovering.

Sometimes, war is not only about tactics, strategies and equipment, but also about the so-called "favorable timing, favorable location and harmonious people". More often than not, it requires the commander's flexibility, his sense and understanding of the battlefield, and the most important thing is to be decisive, dare to fight and dare to fight.This is why there have been thousands of people who have been familiar with military books, but there are few famous generals who can leave their names.

Because of Chen Zhong's and Zhang Pan's rear offices, Li Yuanqing did not need to stay behind to guard the camp and the fleet. More than 2000 soldiers of Changsheng camp quickly assembled into the most familiar square array according to the daily drills.

Li Yuanqing is in the center, the steel knife suddenly comes out of the scabbard, "long life camp, forward."

For a moment, as the messengers ran back and forth, and the officers of each department yelled and drank, the Changsheng camp square array, like a slow-moving machine, was slowly forced towards the direction of Houjin camp on the hillside.

On the hillside, the Houjin army, who had been watching the Ming army camp, was also stupid. They could hardly imagine that under such weather and terrain conditions, the Ming army would dare to take the world's scale and launch an attack against the trend. Are they crazy?

But this square array has left a deep memory to them yesterday. How dare they neglect it? Three masters were informed in a hurry.

The weather was so bad that everything around was wet. It was impossible to light a campfire. The three Jiala Zhangjing were huddled under a big tree, warming themselves and discussing how to deal with the situation. However, they suddenly got the news that the Ming army had launched an attack on their own initiative.

They couldn't believe it. They ran to the front to investigate.

Looking at the slow but familiar square array of the Ming army, the three looked at each other, and their faces were not good.

The 40 year old Jiala Zhangjing with red flag said, "these Ming dogs are just too deceiving. They just don't pay attention to us. You wait. I'll teach them a lesson now. "

He said, turning to leave.

"Soton, what's your rush? Have you forgotten yesterday's lesson? " Jiala Zhangjing, who was on the blue flag, quickly grabbed Soton with a stern look.

Although Soton was old and angry at this time, he was not stupid. If he attacked the Ming army's square array now, even if he was high and low, he could gather more horsepower to a greater extent. However, the Ming army's square array was very tight, and even if he could achieve something, the cost would certainly not be small.

Although the latter Jin army was invincible, in fact, the casualties they could bear were very, very low.

At that time, under the city of Yangzhou, faced with the close defense of the Ming army, the eight banners of Manchu often scattered after more than 100 people were killed and injured.

This is also a great characteristic of nomadic people.

The battle against the wind is almost invincible, but once the wind is against it, there are few who can fight hard, including the elite of the two yellow banners.

"Kuertu, the Ming army bullied us in the face. What do you say?" Soton looked at the blue flag of Jiala Zhangjing.

This woman, however, took a Mongolian name.

Coultu narrowed his eyes slightly, and of course he could see the scorn in sotone's eyes.

It's something that can't be spoken, but it can be felt clearly.

In terms of blood lineage, he is Aixin Jueluo's blood. Unfortunately, his father died early, so his mother remarried and married the Mongols in Horqin. He grew up in a yurt behind the Mongols' buttocks and learned all the essence of Mongolian skills.

Since he joined the army as a teenager, he started from the most basic garrison, step by step, and now he has made countless military achievements. If he is promoted to Baylor according to his merits and lineage, he is definitely qualified. Unfortunately, he is not even a concubine.

Kurtu understood that all this was because of his Mongolian legacy, which made others feel that he was not a pure real woman, even though he was the bravest warrior.

"What? What else can I do? Are you going to bite the Hedgehog Kurto's cold way.

Originally, in the face of such a situation, kurtu didn't want to entangle with the Ming army. He just stepped back. After all, they had the advantage of horsepower, but Soton's eyes deeply hurt his heart.

At this time, he had only one Niu Lu troops under his command, but Soton had four. In the past, he could bluff Soton only by virtue of his previous war record and his lineage. But at this time, after two days, the three of them didn't get half a point, but they ate a lot of ashes and were drenched in the rain for a day. How could it be so easy for him to gather their hearts?

If Soton wanted to die, how could coultu stop him?

Looking at kuertu's appearance, sotong's anger in the bottom of his heart is getting worse. What's the look like when he is raised by the Mongols?

"Shuqi, what do you think?" Soton was too lazy to pay attention to kurtu again, and looked at another Jiala Zhangjing with a red flag beside him.

Shuqi had five cattle records under his command, which were in full force. He was also the most powerful of the three at this time.

Although he was young, only in his early 30s, he was yuetuo's confidant and arm-in-hand figure. At this time, looking at the Ming army slowly coming up like ants, he sneered, "the Ming army is really rampant. We should teach them a lesson. Soton, we'll give them a good lesson

Soton laughed. "OK. Good. That's it. Come, assemble the warriors. "

Only he himself, Soton had some scruples. But at this time, Shuqi opened his mouth, how could he refuse?Soon, four cattle records on the hillside, more than 1000 cavalry, began to disturb the formation.

However, the morning storm, let the horses were greatly frightened, at this time, even if there are soldiers shouting, but they are not very obedient.

Kuertu looked at the scene coldly and said nothing.

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