These elite backers are extremely brave. They all hold small round shields the size of fans and hold various sharp weapons.

In the face of dark unknown objects flying over, they did not panic. Even, someone directly took a knife to split the pots, and then quickly avoided.

However, even though these late Jin elite were vigorous, they still could not escape the threat of these pots. They were black and smelly and splashed everywhere.

If someone's heart is not good, inexplicable smell on a mouth, afraid to be able to directly back to breath.

"Dog, what the hell is this?"

"These mean dogs are disgusting. I have to kill all of them to get rid of my hatred. "

"Warriors, don't panic. This is the gold juice of the Ming army, and it won't kill you. Please be careful to avoid these dirty things. As long as they rush to the city, they are as weak as pigs and sheep. "

There was a Houjin officer shouting in the back.

On the head of the city, Li Yuanqing could not help but sneer, "fire oil bombs."


"Oil bomb on fire." Sound is transmitted layer by layer.

For a moment, black pots soaked in oil and bound with clothes flew over the sky and fell again in these elite battle lines of the Late Jin Dynasty.

"Dog day, what is this? That's disgusting. "

After a gold elite ruthlessly split a pottery pot, flying to avoid, busy to check.

But as soon as he saw what was in the pot, he could not help but feel nausea. He just had breakfast and couldn't help but want to vomit it out.

If the golden juice is just smelly, but the contents of the pot are disgusting.

It is full of indescribable and indescribable malodorous grease, one by one, said to coagulate. It is indeed coagulated, but it is not strong. Once touched, it is disgusting to break into pieces, full of thick juice, and stink incomparably.

At the head of the city, Li Yuanqing did not have time to write with these Tartars.

"On the rocket."


A moment later, more than 30 archers quickly came forward, and soldiers who had already prepared with flint lit their arrows one after another.

"Let go."

In an instant, a row of rockets shot straight into the greasy ground at the foot of the elite Jin army.

It's just like an electric ignition switch of a gas tank. At the moment the rocket touches these dirty liquids, the blue flame rises in a moment, and one person is tall. For a moment, it is like an explosion. "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa", a continuous and sudden flame, just like from the ground, booms for a while, and it bursts into a swarm.

"Ah. It's on fire. It's on fire. "

These soldiers are all wearing heavy armor. Indeed, it can provide them with excellent protection, but these heavy armours are not light. At this time, the juice under their feet has adhered to the ground, and the soles of their feet seem to be stuck. Every step is very hard.

"Rockets continue."

This only ignited the front, although only in a short time, it would ignite the rear, but how could Li Yuanqing give these Tartars time to escape? New orders were quickly issued.

It's better to chase down the poor bandits with victory and courage, but not to learn from overlord.

Even if the Tartars became drowning dogs, how could Li Yuanqing sympathize with them?

A moment later, another row of Rockets "whooshed" past.

In an instant, the ground in the rear was also ignited, the thick smoke rolled up, and the tiny explosion sound of "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa" continued on the ground.

At the same time, on the side of the catapult, there were more and more such so-called "kerosene bombs" constantly dropped from the air, and continued to hit the four sides of the fire sea of the post Jin battle line.

"God damn minggou. You, you must die

A real slave's whole body was ignited by the fire. He cried out in pain and tried to run, but the fire had completely surrounded him. He could not retreat. He could only roll on the spot, but the ground was full of all kinds of juice, which only made him burn more quickly.

"Minggou, you will be punished. Sweat, sweat, you must avenge us. "

They can't escape from the fire, but they can't escape from the fire.

They scream and curse, but they have no choice but to die.

On the head of the city, Li Yuanqing looked at this scene indifferently. On his upright face, there was not much expression.

All these carefully prepared, not in vain, at a critical time, finally played their role.

Originally, Li Yuanqing wanted to directly light these pots, and then throw them out and directly hit the battle line of the backward Jin army.

But after careful consideration, Li Yuanqing gave up the idea.

After all, this is not the new incendiary bomb of MI Jun, but the simplest counterfeit product developed by Li Yuanqing himself.

The power of catapults and catapults is not accurate. If something unexpected happens during the launching process, it will not be beautiful.Therefore, Li Yuanqing finally adopted this kind of original ignition method. Now, the effect is quite good.

And these juices were carefully prepared by Li Yuanqing.

Lushun city is short of materials. If all animal fat is used, there are not so many raw materials. But in the process of boiling gold juice, Li Yuanqing has an inspiration.

That is biogas of later generations.

Biogas is not complicated. It only needs a simple sealed environment and a little storage.

There is nothing else in Lushun City, but there are still a lot of people

What's more, human feces also contain a lot of grease. Stir them together and boil them, then add some animal oil and put them directly into the jar

After that, seal the mouth and wrap all kinds of rags soaked in oil. This burning effect

"Ha ha ha. Dog Tartars, you also have today. Die for me. " Zhang pan couldn't help laughing.

Not far away, a sea of fire had already formed. Near the sandbag wall, it was completely ignited by the fire. The flames were as high as seven or eight meters. Countless Tartars were trapped in it, struggling and crying. Finally, they could only turn into a handful of coke and continue to fuel the fire.

Because the sandbag walls of the Han slaves were all piled up under the city head, even if the fire occasionally drifted along the wind towards the city head, it was blocked by these sandbags and would not spread to the city head.

Even if there were some Tartars who could rush out of the sea of fire, they were compensated by the bird and spear soldiers of the Ming army who had been staring at this side for a long time and ended their pain.

At the end of the city, the Ming army cheered and soared into the sky.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help humming the famous song of a famous singer in later generations, "you are like that - a fire..."


But not far from the other side, a min's face was green. In his two eyes, he was completely filled with the fire, shivering, but he couldn't say a word.

These 2 heavy armour soldiers of Niulu, but the essence of his life. It was he who settled down and became the foundation of the great Baylor.

But at this time, the Ming army was so light that it was just a little bit of fire, and it was all ashes

"I, I..." Armington had been for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

Around the size of the slaves are flustered, in a hurry to hold Amin, "master son, are you ok?"

"Take care of yourself, sir."


But no matter what they said, Amin couldn't hear it. All of a sudden, he just felt his voice was sweet, and an inexplicable air current was pouring out of his abdomen.

He couldn't control it any more. He spat out a pool of blood, his head tilted and he fainted.

"Master, wake up."

The servants were in a mess.


Not far from the other side, manggurtai also had some hair standing upright and his face turned green. Originally, he should be the main attack today, but Amin volunteered to rob the job.

At first, manggutai still had some resentment against Amin. He was so arrogant that he didn't know how to bully people, but now

He couldn't express his gratitude to Amin. If it wasn't for his stupid brother, now, in the fire, it would be him and his tribe.

"What shall we do, sir?" One of the servants approached mangurtai carefully and inquired carefully.

Mangurtai looked at him. "What? Can you get through the fire? "

"Eh?" The servant was speechless, but manggurtai was the master. Even if he was not happy, he did not dare to speak much. He had to stand aside carefully.

Manggutai vomited a long breath. What should I do? Advance or retreat? His heart is also a mess.


By this time, Amin had been carried back to the central army with all hands and feet. The branches of the inlaid blue flag were in a state of collapse and retreated one after another.

The old slave took a look at the comatose Amin, and his face was livid.

I thought I could go to Lushun city to have lunch at noon, but now I think it's a bit

But he also understood that Amin did his best. If he didn't rush into the wave array, the fire would still burn and his warriors would still be killed and injured.

It is obvious that the battle can't be fought any longer.

The old slave was a soldier, mixing from the trivial to the present. His momentum was far more extraordinary than that of others. Even though he was extremely unhappy and unhappy, he still suppressed his anger in his heart and waved his hand, "let's retreat first."


People around him were immediately pardoned.

Soon, with the sound of gold, the Jin army retreated to the camp one after another. In the direction of the city, the Ming army cheered again and again. Even if it was so far away, it could still be heard.

No one looks good.

But before everyone had time to return to the camp to rest, they received a new order. The old slave asked each of them to go to the tent to discuss matters.After the gold dignitaries carefully came to the old slave's big account, the atmosphere son also dare not breathe.

The old slave's spirit was good at this time. The tiger's eyes scanned the people one by one and said coldly: "what? You are afraid of this? "

"I dare not wait." All the generals fell to their knees.

The old slave gently stroked his beard, "who is the general of the Ming army? What's the name? "

Lushun is the sphere of influence with red flags. Yuetuo did not dare to neglect it. He rushed forward carefully and said, "Huihan grandfather, there are three garrison generals of Ming army in Lushun, which are the so-called three southern Liao tribes of the Ming army. Zhangpan of Lushun, Chen Zhong of Guanglu Island, and Li Yuanqing of Changsheng island. Zhang pan and Chen Zhong are just Wu Fu, not to worry about. Only Li Yuanqing, from Changsheng Island, is not only mean and insidious, but also ruthless and hostile to our people. From the point of view of his grandchildren, Li Yuanqing is probably responsible for the fire. "

The old slave nodded lightly, "Li Yuanqing? This man is a talent. "

With that, the old slave glanced at the crowd, and his eyes finally fell on Daishan's face.

How smart is Dai Shan?

At this time, how could he not understand the old slave's mind?

He knelt down and kowtowed: "the son minister is willing to go to Lvshun city and persuade Khan amah to surrender the general in the city, especially Li Yuanqing."

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