In mid October, the main force of Xu Hongru, the leader of the white lotus sect, flew in Dancheng and was defeated and captured by Yang Zhaoji, Shandong General. The main force of the white lotus sect in southern Shandong was scattered.

At the beginning of November, the main force of Bailian in Weixian county was defeated by Denglai soldiers of Yuan Keli, killing and injuring.

At this point, the spring tide of Bailian in Shandong Province, which began to rise in May, was completely killed under the cold blade of the army.

One of the leaders of Bailian sect in Weixian County, Zhang cambai, was in contact with Heidao. He was originally under Xu Hongru's command, but he was closely connected with Wang Sen, another big man of Bailian religion. When Wei County broke down, he had already fled without much damage.

He was a native of Dengzhou Prefecture. He was well-off. Different from those devout religious leaders and believers, he joined the white lotus religion for a more than simple purpose.

At this time, Rao was a master of all kinds of things. However, under the pressure of Yuan Keli and Yang Zhaoji, he had no place to hide. He thought of the black island that had been in contact before, and wanted to get a chance of life through the protection of pirates in black island.

Li Yuanqing once again got the news from Zhang cambai. It was mid November. This guy also worked hard to pay the price to 30000 Liang, hoping to escape to Heidao. After that, the people's lives will be purchased from Heidao according to the market price.

Li Yuanqing knew that it was almost time. If he was hanged again, if he was caught by Yuan Keli, it would not be worth the loss.

There is no specific business here in Changsheng island. Li Yuanqing also waits for his money to be rescued, so he goes to Heidao by boat. First, he wants to receive the money. Second, Li Yuanqing also wants to see what the white lotus head looks like.

On November 19, Li Yuanqing arrived in Heidao smoothly. Guan Canghai had already arrived in advance for the layout of the project.

Since Yuan Keli took office, Shen yourong, the commander and veteran of Denglai Navy, has gained more support. The strength of Denglai navy has grown rapidly, and the pressure on Heidao is great. Now, he has not dared to go to the coastal activities of Denglai state capital, so he can only make small troubles in the surrounding areas.

At this time, Zhang cambai had broken up into parts and hidden into Dengzhou city. However, Yuan Keli and his army were about to return to the city soon. Zhang cambai had been like an ant on a hot pot, urging several times in succession, hoping that Heidao would come to help as soon as possible.

"Now, general, it's very difficult for us to get around the defense lines of the Dunley Navy. We have to go somewhere else. But Zhang cambai can't come out now. The problem is very difficult. "

On the big ship of Heidao, Guan Canghai reported the situation to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded.

It is not too difficult for Zhang cambai to escape by himself, but there must be a reason why he hesitates to leave. It is very likely that in such a situation, his property can not be protected.

"It's not a good way to procrastinate like this. Zhang cambai is very useful to us now. He can't have an accident. In this way, we went to meet him in Dengzhou. I want to visit Mr. Shen, too

Guan Canghai also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and said in a low voice: "general, if this is the case, we must be more cautious and never make mistakes."

Li Yuanqing a smile, "I go to Dengzhou to see business, we two roads."

The official Canghai instant then reacts, "humble duty understands."


The next morning, Li Yuanqing changed into a green cloth robe, took Huang Guoshan and several entourage, and successfully appeared outside Dengzhou city.

Dengzhou is a big peninsula city. It has been a prosperous place since ancient times. With the development of the later Jin Dynasty, Denglai's political standard has been greatly improved and its political status has become more and more important.

Shen yourong Denglai was stationed in Dengzhou. Although they were very well defended, there were refugees coming from Liaoning Province every day. It was not difficult to find a vacancy.

It's just that it's easy to come in, but it's not easy to get out of here.

This is also the most difficult place to rescue Zhang cambai.

The examination of the city gate is very strict. There are many refugee shacks near the city gate. Listening to the accent, they are all Liao people. Although they are in rags, the weather is not too cold at this time. There are also several porridge sites around the gate. The situation is not too bad.

Li Yuanqing could not help nodding. Yuan Keli was a man with real ability, which was quite different from ordinary bureaucrats.

As Li Yuanqing, it was not difficult to get an ultimatum. He easily came to the city as a businessman in the Liao Dynasty.

Li Yuanqing has not been to the real city for a long time. At this time, facing the hustle and bustle of Dengzhou City, he was a little uncomfortable.

Huang Guoshan said carefully, "where are we going now, sir?"

Li Yuanqing a smile, "no hurry, first turn around to have a look, and so on to find a good restaurant, to make up for the brothers."

A few close soldiers can't help but be overjoyed.

They followed Li Yuanqing and strolled on the street with great interest.

Li Yuanqing, who came to Dengzhou this time, also had a deep consideration. It is not difficult to maintain the current state of Changsheng Island, but it is very difficult to develop.

The best way to get rid of this dilemma is to open source.

Li Yuanqing does business by himself, creates income and subsidizes his family through normal and stable channels.

However, Changsheng island itself does not have many local products, such as sea cucumbers, which require high technology and are difficult to form a scale. Li Yuanqing also wants to come to Dengzhou to see if there is a trade deficit between the two places.Dengzhou city is not small. After walking several streets, it is already noon. Li Yuanqing and his party came to the most prosperous street, picked a restaurant and sat down.

In the morning, Li Yuanqing didn't gain much. The business of shops on the streets of Dengzhou was not very prosperous. Although the flow of people was not small, but there were many floating houses, it was obviously difficult for them to have too much purchasing power.

The restaurant's food and wine are not bad. After eating a little, Li Yuanqing is going to visit Shen yourong. At this time, a singing girl with a Pipa comes in.

At this time, there were not a few people in the restaurant. The others were only casual guests of one or two people. There were only seven or eight people sitting at the table of Li Yuanqing.

The singing girl came to Li Yuanqing in a hurry. She could see that Li Yuanqing was the master. She begged, "master, I'll sing you a song. No money. "

Li Yuanqing's eyebrows could not help wrinkling. The singing girl was in her early twenties. She was pretty, but there was a piece of silt on her forehead, which destroyed a lot of beauty.

The soldiers around did not understand what this meant, and looked at her cautiously.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile, "how can you not collect money for singing songs? You sing. This is for you. "

Li Yuanqing said, will a small piece of silver, about half or two, handed to her hand.

The singing girl gave Li Yuanqing a look of gratitude and sat down on the stool beside the table in the crowd. She was about to start to tune pipa.

At this time, seven or eight people came in. A young man in a white silk robe looked around him in a white silk robe. He soon found the singing girl behind Li Yuanqing. He suddenly laughed and said to a man in front of him in coarse cloth: "what about people? Zhang Jiu, this young master paid silver? "

This nine is about 30 years old. It's full of wine. He looks in the direction of Childe's eyes. He sees the singing girl and scolds: "you're a coquette. Mr. Shen is lucky to see you. Do you dare to run away? Get the hell out of here. "

With that, he rushed to the singing girl drunk, as if to forcibly arrest people.

The singing girl was scared to be silly. She couldn't care about the pipa in her hand. She knelt down in front of Li Yuanqing in a hurry. "Please help me. He's a madman. He'll kill me

Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and the soldiers around him were angry.

No wonder the singing girl is so eager to sing without money. It turns out that there is "chasing soldiers" behind her.

Seeing the strong man rushing over, Li Yuanqing winked at Huang Guoshan.

Huang Guoshan could not help but understand. With a wave of his hand, two of his relatives had already held up the arm of the drunk named Zhang Jiu, making him unable to move.

The drunk Zhang Jiu could not help but get angry: "you pickles, let me go. What do you want? Do you want to rob the women? "

Li Yuanqing can't help being happy. This guy is interesting. It's going to be hard.

Next to him, Mr. Shen looked at the scene with a smile and a banter on his face.

"Let go of me. Why do you stop me from looking for my wife? Let me go, or I will report to the official. " This nine yells like hell.

Li Yuanqing also responded to this, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Is this the legend of selling his wife?

The singing girl shivered and kowtowed to Li Yuanqing, "Sir, don't listen to him. It's not like that. He's a beast. You must help me. I'd like to serve you as a horse and a cow. "

At this time, the innkeeper and the waiter all rushed over. When they saw the nine, they couldn't help frowning, but they saw Mr. Shen who was not far behind him. They were stunned.

Mr. Shen didn't speak, but laughed and said nothing. He looked at the scene in front of him, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Zhang Jiu saw the eyes of Mr. Shen, but he was more angry: "let go of Laozi. I want to report to the official. Someone's robbing the women. "

The passers-by outside was also attracted by his loud voice, and many people were watching at the door.

Li Yuanqing looks at Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen said with a smile, "Sir, what's up? Do you really want to rob the women of the people

Li Yuanqing also laughed, "I'm in love with this little girl skin. Mr. Shen, right? You're late. Go where it's cool. It's none of your business. "


Mr. Shen was stunned. For a moment, he suddenly laughed, "very good, very good, very good. In this city of Dengzhou, I haven't come across such a funny thing for a long time. "

He said, looking at Li Yuanqing, "I said, foreigners, I see you are also a figure, do not toast, do not eat or drink."

Li Yuanqing laughed. He thought that this young master Shen had a deep morality, but he was a childe. After a little excitement, he revealed his prototype.

"I said," Mr. Shen, I'm here to spend money to listen to music. You've got to come over here and get involved. Why? Do you want to ask me to eat wine

Li Yuanqing disdained to take a look at Mr. Shen, and then looked at Zhang Jiu next to him, "I've taken a fancy to this little mother, how much money does he give you? I'll double it. "At this time, most of the wine woke up. He took a look at Mr. Shen and Li Yuanqing in front of him.

Obviously, Li Yuanqing is more fierce here.

"One hundred taels, no, two hundred taels." Zhang Jiu bit his teeth and secretly looks at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing, "two hundred taels, right? That's four hundred taels? Come and bring him four hundred taels of silver. "

Huang Guoshan took the silver ticket with him. He took out four hundred taels of silver and flashed in front of Zhang Jiu. Bring the papers. "

Zhang Jiu didn't expect that things would be so happy. He really met the owner who had a lot of money. He had known that he was driving 1000 Liang. "The letter of suspension is in my pocket. Let me go. I'll take it out. "

One of the two soldiers released his hand. Zhang Jiu took out the letter of divorce from his arms and handed it to his soldiers.

He handed it to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing glanced with a smile, "give him the silver, hand in money, hand in person, Zhang Jiu, Jiu Ye, we're both cleared."

"Yes. Yes. Sir, we are clear. " Zhang Jiu can't help but be overjoyed. How many beautiful women can't buy?

Especially Liaodong has come so much.

Li Yuanqing took the document in his hand and looked at Mr. Shen provocatively. Mr. Shen's face was already blue.

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