In the early morning of the next day, Li Yuanqing visited Shen yourong again and explained to Shen yourong about the recruitment of Liao people in the salt field.

Although there were a lot of troubles for the Liao people to come to Denglai, there were also many advantages. The Liao people were hard-working and had lost their homes, which made them know how to cherish them. Most of them were young and strong. Yuan Keli's newly recruited Denglai soldiers, including Shen yourong's Denglai Navy, also absorbed a lot of young Liao people.

To this extent, they are basically "fed up". Shen yourong supports Li Yuanqing's reasonable request. However, he also suggests that Li Yuanqing should report to the adult of Fuzhou to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Li Yuanqing immediately agreed, saying that yuan could report to him as soon as he came back.

With the help of Shen Jin, the local villain, the recruitment plan was soon carried out.

Li Yuanqing recruited Liao people in Dengzhou prefecture to serve as salt workers.

In Denglai, the Liao people were lonely and helpless, just like rootless Piaoping. Li Yuanqing's treatment was quite generous, enough for many people and families to survive. In less than one day, 3000 people had been recruited.

The main reason is that Li Yuanqing has only 3000 Liang silver left in addition to 7000 Liang silver he bought from the salt field. If there is more, I am afraid that more Liao people will be recruited.

Seeing so many Liao people, Shen Jin was excited but also nervous. He said to Li Yuanqing nervously, "brother, with so many people, we can't use too much salt. I'm afraid it's not easy to feed."

Li Yuanqing smiles, "in this respect, brothers don't have to worry. In a day or two, I will bring another ten thousand taels of silver. You can recruit, and I can digest it. "

Shen Jin is still not at ease. All his wealth is now in the hands of Li Yuanqing.

Shen Jin is an important chess piece. Li Yuanqing explained with patience and a smile: "brother, you should know that there are many open spaces on my Changsheng island. They are good places to make salt fields. These people have no problem."

Shen Jin understood that Li Yuanqing was going to transfer these Liao people, but after all, he could not see the light. He said, "brother, if this is..."

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "naturally, you need more help in this matter. I will handle it properly. Go, brother. Have a drink tonight


Under Li Yuanqing's sugar coated shells and persistent psychological hints, Shen Jin was soon reduced to serve as Li Yuanqing's pawn.

Three days later, Yuan Keli returned to Dengzhou Prefecture. By this time, Li Yuanqing and Shen Jin had recruited nearly 15000 Liao people, of which Ding Zhuang occupied nearly 10000.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing and Shen Jin put the salt field into operation at the fastest speed, the financial situation of such a large number of people, eating, drinking and drinking, suddenly became tense.

Shen Jin was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

However, Li Yuanqing was still very calm. He told Shen Jin carefully: "brother, I always spend time here. I must eat more dry food. Today, we start to work. Tell your father that in the evening, we will transport people to the black island. As long as you get to Changsheng Island, all these problems belong to my brother. You just wait for the money. "

Shen Jin said, "brother, there is no black island..."

Li Yuanqing smiles. At this time, he should also reveal something to Shen Jin and say in a low voice: "Li Jiaolong of black island is my friend. It's also our brother. Don't worry about it. There won't be any problem. "

Shen Jin also understood that, no wonder the Pirates of black island have stopped so much now. If we say that they are on the same line with Li Yuanqing, they are all from the army, which is a lot easier to understand.

"Brother, I will do it now. There's master Fu Tai... "

Li Yuanqing slapped Shen Jin on the shoulder with a smile, "where is the Futai Lord? I'll visit now."

Shen Jin put his mind down.

Looking at the back of his departure, Li Yuanqing chuckled and turned to Huang Guoshan and said, "you go to prepare a gift. Well, don't lower than 1000 Liang. In the afternoon, I will visit Fu Tai Lord."



Yuan Keli was an old minister of the three dynasties. Compared with Shen yourong, he was more powerful and had deeper qualifications.

In the final analysis, in this era, it is still the world of literati.

Yuan Keli was also a little surprised at Li Yuanqing's visit, but Li Yuanqing's gift was very heavy and his attitude was very respectful. He was in a good mood when Denglai soldiers defeated Bailian, so he made an exception to meet Li Yuanqing.

According to his status and qualifications, Yuan Keli can't be compared with sun Chengzong. However, Yuan Keli's position is firmly stuck in the lifeblood of Dongjiang, making him have a natural control advantage when facing Dongjiang series officers.

In this respect, sun Chengzong is obviously softer than he is.

Yuan Keli is nearly 60 years old and of medium build. His white skin now looks a little blackened. This should be the result of being exposed to the sun when he went out for the war. He has a dignified beard and is neatly trimmed and meticulous. He is dressed in a red official robe. He sits on the main seat and looks at Li Yuanqing from a height.This is the most powerful official Li Yuanqing had ever met when he came to Daming. Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect him. He kowtowed to Yuan Keli respectfully, "Li Yuanqing, the capital of Dongjiang Changsheng Island, has met with Futai Lord."

Yuan Keli glanced at Li Yuanqing lightly and said, "are you Li Yuanqing?"

Li Yuanqing respectfully flattered him: "my humble position has long wanted to visit Fu Tai adults, but the war in the Liao Dynasty has been tight. In addition, my humble position has always been haunted by military affairs. If there is any neglect, we still hope that Fu Tai Lord will have a deep understanding."

Yuan Keli smiles. Li Yuanqing's courtesy makes him feel very comfortable. At the same time, he also feels that he has seen through Li Yuanqing's temperament. He is a smooth and talkative person.

"What can I do for you? First of all, I don't have any food and rates now. "

Li Yuanqing pretended to be embarrassed with a smile, and busily gathered the salt field from the Liao people, and carefully narrated it to Yuan Keli.

Yuan Keli's face suddenly became gloomy, and his fingers pounded the armrest of the chair. The storm seemed to be approaching.

Li Yuanqing said in a hurry: "Lord Fu Tai, my humble position knows that this is indeed against the rules. But as you know, my Changsheng island is in great need of money. My children and family members have to wait for meals. If we only rely on the food and rates of the imperial court, we will probably be hungry this winter. This was not done by a humble person, but also by the love of old general Shen yourong, sun Shen Jin. He's the main person in charge, and his humble job is to help from the side. If you are gracious, I would like to discuss with Mr. Shen and give 20% of your income to you. "

After Li Yuanqing finished, he pretended that he did not dare to go out. He lowered his head deeply and did not dare to see yuan Keli.

According to Dongjiang's "floating away" in Denglai, Li Yuanqing knew that Yuan Keli was not an egg without cracks.

He wanted to complete his career and train his new army in Denglai. Without money, he could never do it.

The court couldn't give him enough money.

What's more, these Denglai civil and military generals under his command also have to eat and support their wives and children.

With this kind of understanding person, it is better to talk directly than to hide it.

Yuan Keli, however, has not made a statement. He stares at Li Yuanqing as if he wants to see through Li Yuanqing's heart.

Li Yuanqing did not escape much and looked at Yuan Keli respectfully.

Both sides seem to use this silent language to explore the bottom line of the other party.

For a long time, Yuan Keli suddenly snorted, "General Li, who do you think Benfu is? If the government and businessmen collude with each other, you will be sentenced to death. "

Li Yuanqing understood what he said. The old man was moved. He pretended to be frightened and kowtowed desperately, "Lord Fu Tai, I can't help being humble. Please be kind to you and give them a way to live. "


From Yuan Keli's official residence, Li Yuanqing could not help but show a sneer.

To be an official for thousands of miles is only for wealth.

Even if he was less selfish, he could not escape this situation. If his Denglai soldiers and Denglai Navy wanted to develop, they also needed a lot of money and food.

No matter how high-end he is, he can't escape the end.

I'm tired of checking, but I can't understand Li Maoqing's account.

This old thing needs 30000 Liang to open his mouth.

But the situation is stronger than the people, so Li Yuanqing can only accept it at this time.

Although the silver is not to be handed to Yuan Keli now, it is about to celebrate the Chinese new year, so we can't do without some indication.

As a result, Zhang cambai's thirty thousand taels of travel expenses will disappear in an instant.

At this time, in such a state, we should first open up the road to finance.

But with Yuan Keli's nod, Li Yuanqing in Denglai is equivalent to having a gold medal as an arrow. He doesn't have to be tied up any more when he does things.

Five days later, more than 1000 relatively "old and weak" Liao people remained in Dengzhou salt field, and the rest of Dingkou set foot on the fleet to Changsheng island.

Li Yuanqing originally wanted to continue to improve the follow-up affairs here, but PiDao sent an urgent report. The imperial court's overseer had arrived and asked Li Yuanqing to go to PiDao to meet him.

Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect it. He made Guan Canghai stay and hand over the follow-up affairs with Shen Jin. He rushed to PiDao.


It was early December when Li Yuanqing arrived at PiDao. The weather is now cold, and there are signs of freezing in the offshore area.

Since the second year of Tianqi, PiDao has won a great victory. All kinds of affairs have been on the high-speed track. More and more Liao people have gone to PiDao.

In addition, Mao Wenlong has a lot of food and materials in stock, which makes him proud.

Chen Jisheng's right association has already set out for Kuandian. This year, he and his brothers will not be able to celebrate the new year in PiDao.

But Zhang pan and Chen Zhong arrived long ago. Together with Zhang pan and Mao Chenglu, they came to the wharf to meet Li Yuanqing.

All of them were brothers and brothers. They got together very hard. Naturally, they were enthusiastic hugs and greetings.This time, not only Changsheng island has a supervisor, but also zhangpan division of Lushun and Chenzhong Department of Guanglu island.

Although the imperial court will not send officials to supervise Dongjiang, eunuchs are indispensable.

Chen Zhong told Li Yuanqing in a low voice that Chen Jisheng's right association had also followed him. They had come earlier.

Li Yuanqing also some speechless, but the general situation is like this, he is not easy to say what, soldiers will block, water and earth cover it.

How many eunuchs without eggs can be tigers?

After some greetings, Li Yuanqing found that there were several fresh faces standing behind Zhang pan.

One of them, about 20 years old, was tall, resolute and upright. He was one of those people who could be seen in the crowd at a glance.

This is brother Li Yuanqing

Zhang pan laughed, "Yuanqing, this is a hero. Let him speak for himself

The man quickly knelt on one knee and saluted Li Yuanqing heavily. "Kong Youde, a humble official, came to PiDao half a month ago. I've heard of General Li for a long time."

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