Li Yuanqing was stunned for a moment.

He forgot where he was at the moment.

He only knew that the graceful figure in front of him was the empress of the imperial palace of Daming, the outstanding one among the five thousand beauties, and the absolutely favored daughter of heaven.

But now

Li Yuanqing suddenly had a feeling that fairies would fall to the earth.

Just like the masked dancer of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, only when she was brought to the house of the most noble Sultan, could she untie her veil

Empress Zhang's action is very elegant, until she has put on her clothes, Li Yuanqing this just reacts to come over, flurried and dived into the water again.

Outside the screen. When the Hakka heard that there was no abnormality, she already knew that Li Yuanqing had successfully avoided empress Zhang. At this time, she was suddenly very interested. How did this man do it?

At this time, empress Zhang has curled out of the screen and said to the guest with a respectful smile: "madam, tonight, the Pearl has caused you trouble. Baozhu is wrong. If you have a lady to take care of the emperor, what's wrong with Baozhu

With a smile, "if the empress had thought so, how could there be so many complicated things in the harem? The emperor can also concentrate more energy on the government. Why worry about the uncertainty of the world? "

Empress Zhang respectfully saluted, "what madam taught is that Baozhu has been taught. Tonight, the hour is not early. Madam, Baozhu, I don't want to disturb you. Please have a rest earlier. Baozhu, leave. "

She walked out of the door.

"Take your time, Queen." Hakka's gentle smile, but in a flash, it was covered with ice.

But slowly exhaled a breath, the Hakka smile again, immediately, the cheek slightly flushed, the pretty face actually showed a touch of shyness.

She quickly came to the Dragon bed to find out the state of the little emperor Tianqi. There was no difference between the emperor Tianqi and the little emperor. She was sleeping soundly.

After the screen, Li Yuanqing has carefully climbed out of the water tank and is squatting beside the fire pot, shivering to fire.

As soon as the Hakka saw it, he understood the possibility, but she couldn't help laughing: "you're smart, you know you're hiding in the water tank. What about? Didn't you have a good time just now

Li Yuanqing is speechless. This woman

"I'm so cold. You can't warm me up." Li Yuanqing took off his clothes three or two times, and pulled his fiery body close to his arms.

The Hakkas broke free a little symbolically, but they soon entangled Li Yuanqing


For a long time, Li Yuanqing's clothes had been dried, and quickly put them on, sticking to the Hakka's forehead, whispered, "now you have to find me a place to live. We've been here too long to account. "

There was still a lot of blush left on her pretty face. She whispered with a tender smile, "don't worry. I have plans. You help me clean up, let's go out first. "

After a while, they came out of the screen one after another, as if nothing had happened.

With a loud smile, the Hakka chatted with Li Yuanqing on purpose, and called out to the outside: "Li Chaoqin."

"Yes. The maidservant is here

For a moment, the eunuch Li Zhaoqin, like a pug, trotted quickly and came to the Hakkas with a smile. "Madam, please give me your order."

The Hakkas said with a smile: "General Li is quite good at the way of health preservation. Tonight, my palace has benefited a lot. It's getting late. Take Li Yuanqing to have a rest. "

Li Chaoqin looked the same as Li Yuanqing. With the arrival of the queen, they had been in for more than an hour

But Li Chaoqin didn't dare to think about it. He said with a smile, "General Li, please come with me."

Li Yuanqing said with a smile, "please, father-in-law Li."

Li Chaoqin laughs and doesn't talk much.

Outside the palace, the heavy snow had not stopped. Li Yuanqing quietly gave Li Chaoqin a hundred Liang silver note and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, when I enter the palace today, I would like to see Duke Wei first. Now..."

The silver note was wrapped in an oilcloth bag. It was not wet by water just now.

When Li Chaoqin looked at the silver note, a smile appeared on his face.

No wonder this guy can win the favor of the emperor and the holy lady. He is really a man of understanding.

Busy smile way: "this matter, miscellaneous family will inform Wei Gonggong. General Li, please? "

Although Li Chaoqin was under the command of the Hakkas, with Wei Zhongxian's energy, I'm afraid that if Li Chaoqin was not his own, it would be difficult to establish a foothold.

At this time, seeing that he said so, Li Yuanqing also understood that he had not guessed wrong, and slightly put down his heart.

After walking around for a long time, Li Chaoqin took Li Yuanqing to the door of a humble palace and said with a smile, "General Li, this is the place where the teachers in the Palace used to live, and the senior citizens occasionally come back here to have a rest. This is the backyard. It's empty now. It's very clean. It's all alive. "

He said, a wave of hand, "small Qiu son, you several, go to light the brazier quickly, tidy up the room."

"Yes." Several small eunuchs did not dare to neglect and rushed in to work.Li Yuanqing said with a smile, "father-in-law Li, we are still from our own family. It's a good idea. I'll trouble your people to do it. I'll do it by myself. "

Li Chaoqin said with a smile, "General Li is a family. He doesn't speak two languages. Not only does general Li have a saint's grace, but his wife also looks at you in a different way. I hope that in the future, General Li will be able to take good care of his family. "

"I don't deserve to be humble."

With a smile, Li Yuanqing approached Li Chaoqin in a low voice and said, "if there is any need in the future, father-in-law Li only needs to speak, and his humble duty will do his best. It's just that I'm in a hurry to enter the palace today. I didn't bring too much silver with me... "

How can Li Chaoqin not understand? "Busy smile way:" are all my family, naturally want to help each other. "

Two people look at each other, are laughing.

Li Yuanqing's room, in the back of the palace, is next to the main room. It can be regarded as a side room, but it should be the best one.

A brazier was lit in the room, which was very warm. Li Zhaoqin told several old maids who were guarding the palace with a smile and left.

Tonight, Li Yuanqing couldn't go back, so he asked Li Chaoqin to send someone to tell Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde, who were waiting outside, to find a place to live and wait for contact tomorrow.

Li Chaoqin naturally agreed to such a small matter.

Watching them leave, an old maid in her early thirties said outside the door: "General Li, do you want to prepare a hot bath?"

Li Yuanqing quietly handed over another hundred taels of silver, and said with a smile, "it's so late. I have to bother my sister. That's true. I'm sorry. "

As soon as the old maid looked at the silver ticket, her eyes brightened, and she said with a smile, "General Li, you wait. Your maid is going to prepare hot water with you. By the way, haven't you eaten yet? There are all kinds of things here. Wait a moment. I'll fry some dishes for you

Not long, the old maid not only fried a few dishes for Li Yuanqing, but also warmed a pot of wine.

After eating and drinking, he took a hot bath and was comfortable in bed. Li Yuanqing could not help showing a trace of amusing smile.

As Taizu famously said, "the infinite scenery is in the dangerous peak.".

Tonight's harvest is far beyond his imagination. However, to tomorrow, he still has a big head to go through.


When he woke up the next day, about eight o'clock, father-in-law came to the door in person and said with a smile, "brother, please have your father-in-law."

Li Yuanqing had long anticipated this, and said with a smile, "brother, is it good or bad over there, father-in-law..."

"Elder brother, don't worry. It's not a bad thing. "

See him say like this, Li Yuanqing relaxed a little bit, but still dare not carelessly, the mind whirls rapidly, thinking of the way to deal with while walking.

After a while, Duke an took Li Yuanqing directly to the side hall of the imperial study. It was the place where Wei Zhongxian read the memorial and met Li Yuanqing last time.

However, at this time, Wei Zhongxian was accompanied by a eunuch in purple robe who was 40 or 50 years old.

Duke an explained to Li Yuanqing in a low voice: "this is the Minister of rites, BingBi Wang tiqian. It's in line with us. "

Li Yuanqing was stunned, but in a flash, he realized that, I'm afraid, Duke Wei also knew that big trees attract wind, so he gave the job of BingBi to his confidant, "bury your hair and make a fortune.".

This is a wise move.

After Wei Zhongxian finished reading, Li Yuanqing rushed to meet him and Wang tiqian.

Wei Zhongxian looked at Li Yuanqing with a smile, "Yuanqing, have you been working hard for a few days? Xiao Anzi, bring tea to General Li. "

"Yes." Mr. an went to work.

"Thank you, father-in-law." Li Yuanqing laughs.

Next to him, Wang tiqian also knew that Wei Zhongxian and Li Yuanqing had something to talk about, so he gave Li Yuanqing a smile and said goodbye with a smile.

Wei Zhongxian also did not refuse, sent him away, smiling came to Li Yuanqing side.

Li Yuanqing said in a low voice: "father-in-law, things were too tight yesterday. I wanted to

After leaving the imperial study, Li Yuanqing was supposed to leave the palace, but he was told by the little eunuch around him that he could not leave the palace now, and the emperor still had important things to do.

Li Yuanqing was speechless. Wei Zhongxian, the emperor of Tianqi, said that he could not be used. Duke Wei would not stop him from leaving the palace. As a result, only the Hakkas were left.

However, tomorrow is new year's Eve, Li Yuanqing has no important business in Beijing, and is not in a hurry to leave the palace, so he simply and safely rest in the palace, with silver tickets in hand, in which he has the same comfortable life.

Back to the palace where I stayed, I ate some food at will and moved my body for a while. After a while, father-in-law an rushed over again and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Congratulations, brother."

Li Yuanqing saw the seal letter of the general's official uniform on the plate of the small eunuch behind him, but he was also very happy, "brother, is it so fast over there, father-in-law?"

Father in law an laughed, "that's it. Who let your elder brother's holy family be strong? Brother, I want to ask for a wedding wine. "

Li Yuanqing also a smile, "this is nature." I asked the old maid to prepare food and wine.But unexpectedly, father-in-law an had already prepared. Several eunuchs behind him put the food in the food box on the table in turn.

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