"Be careful, Emperor."

It was too sudden to be prepared.

Li Yuanqing was about five or six steps away from the little emperor of Tianqi. He had no time to think about it, so he rushed to it.

At this time, all people are looking up at the sky gorgeous fireworks, not aware of the imminent danger.

When Li Yuanqing shouts out this sound, all talented people react to come over, immediately burst into a riot, panic scattered.

Li Yuanqing did not care about other things at this time. Although the fireball of the fireworks was not as lethal as a bullet, the key thing had not yet exploded. If it burst on a person, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Between the electric light and flint, Li Yuan Qingmeng flew to the direction of Tianqi small emperor.

At this time, the emperor also responded. The fireworks were flying in his direction. He called out instinctively: "General Li, help me."

When people are in the limit, they will often burst out far beyond the ordinary force.

Li Yuanqing is tall and has a long arm. Almost at the moment when the fireworks fly by, he suddenly throws the little emperor Tianqi to one side.

With a "whoosh" sound on his head, the fireworks roared past, making a strange arc, and rushing to the beam of the door, "Pa Pa Pa" violently exploded.

Li Yuanqing guarded Tianqi little emperor. When there was no voice above him, he responded. He helped the emperor up and said, "emperor, are you ok?"

The seven souls of Tianqi little emperor were scared out of their six orifices, shivering and pale, "Li, General Li, I, I'm ok. Well, what's going on here? "

Li Yuanqing was busy looking at the scene where the fireworks were set off. Li Chaoqin and the middle-aged eunuch were both stupefied and stood in place for a long time.

The little eunuch who had just set off fireworks was even more stupid, shivering with the letter of fire in his hand, and did not dare to move.

On the other side, the Hakka was very calm and exclaimed, "what are you doing? Escort. Escort. "

People around this just reacted to come over, busy around to the little emperor of the apocalypse.

Empress Zhang also came back to her senses. She ran over quickly and said with concern, "emperor, are you ok?"

Li Yuanqing finally free his hand, busy let others hold Tianqi small emperor, quickly step forward to find out what happened.

But Li Yuanqing had just stepped out. The little eunuch had just lit the fireworks again with a "whoosh" sound, two fireballs in succession, and rushed out quickly.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help scolding, "how much money did these eunuchs in charge of dog days take? Do you dare to fake the emperor's fireworks? "

But at this time, he also did not take into account the many, busy shout: "be careful, there are. Get down, get down. "

After death, all of them just reacted and leaned down one after another, protecting Tianqi little emperor with flesh and blood.

For a moment, two firelights, whoosh, flew quickly, and the roof exploded violently.

Li Yuanqing quickly rushed to the eunuch, kicked the torch away, grabbed the lapel of the eunuch, and exclaimed, "are you stupid?"

The little eunuch also responded and cried, "well, I don't know why

At this time, the little emperor of the Apocalypse finally came to his senses and said, "General Li, are you ok?"

At the time of the crisis, Li Yuanqing's mountain like stature gave the emperor an unparalleled sense of security. The first thing he asked Li Yuanqing about was his safety.

Li Yuanqing rushed to Tianqi little emperor and said respectfully, "emperor, your humble position is OK. It's windy outside. You'd better go to the palace and have a rest first. "

Over there, Li Chaoqin and the middle-aged eunuch came back to their senses and rushed madly to the little eunuch who ignited the fire.

The little emperor of Tianqi was pale and drunk a lot. However, seeing that Li Yuanqing was not abnormal, he put down his heart and said, "General Li, I'll give it to you. It should be an accident. Don't involve too many people. "

Li Yuanqing could not help but be speechless. Unexpectedly, at this time, the little emperor of Tianqi was so kind. He wanted to calm things down and nodded his head, "humble and obedient."

The emperor was quickly carried to the palace by the people.

However, the Hakka stopped for a moment and looked at Li Yuanqing with concern. Li Yuanqing was busy with his eyes to indicate that he was ok, and the Hakkas entered the hall.

After such an accident, the fireworks could not be put down any more, and all the eunuchs and maidens around were silent.

When the emperor went into the palace, Li Chaoqin could not help but beat the eunuch's face like crazy, "are you going to kill all the other people? Come on, what the hell is going on? "

Next to the middle-aged eunuch, also pale, staring at the small eunuch.

Li Yuanqing hurried over and said to Li Chaoqin, "it's useless for you to kill him like this, father-in-law Li. It's better to find out the cause of the accident first. "

Li qinzhu said, "how can I express my gratitude to you

Li Chaoqin had just started his hand very hard. The little eunuch's face was swollen like a pumpkin, and his mouth was leaking. He cried, "servant, I don't know what's going on. The torch is crooked when it is lit. It's too late for me to help you. ""You damned slave, damn it, damn it." Li Chaoqin was angry and couldn't help but rush to scold the little eunuch.

Li Yuanqing quickly pulled him for a moment and whispered, "father-in-law Li, who is in charge of the fireworks?"

Li Chaoqin also responded. He turned around and looked at Li Yuanqing, "General Li, do you mean..."

Li Yuanqing nodded and said in a low voice, "Duke Li, the emperor's intention is that this matter should not be dealt with wantonly. Let's settle things as soon as possible. "

How smart Li Chaoqin has lived most of his life?

General Li Yuanqing said in a low voice: "you can't worry about it. No one is going to run away

Although the little emperor of Tianqi asked Li Yuanqing to deal with the matter, it was the imperial palace after all, and Li Yuanqing was not very good at intervening. Li Chaoqin had already understood that he was not entangled with him. He quickly went back to the palace and reported to the emperor Tianqi.

At this time, the little emperor of the Apocalypse finally came over. Seeing Li Yuanqing coming, he asked quickly, "General Li, is everything ok?"

Li Yuanqing said, "emperor, it's OK. It was just an accident. Maybe it's because it's too windy today. "

Tianqi little emperor nodded, and suddenly laughed at himself, "today, I wanted to invite you to have a new year's Eve dinner. How can I think that it will become this way?"

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "emperor Hong Fu Qitian, this matter is just a small episode. Emperor, we haven't finished our wine yet

The little emperor of the Apocalypse admired Li Yuanqing for his calmness and poise, without any abnormality on his face. This was the demeanor of a general.

He is the son of heaven, how can he be worse than his general? Busy smile way: "be, General Li, Minister younger brother, come on, let's go on drinking."

Zhu Youjian, the king of letters, was also frightened. But both the emperor and General Li were so calm that he became bold and said with a smile: "that's exactly the case. Come on, let's drink. "

Three people just sat down, have not finished a cup, at this time, the direction of the door, but rolled up a piece of smoke, someone outside shouting: "water, water."

All the people in the hall were shocked.

However, Li Yuanqing responded quickly and scolded "Damn it". This dog's day must have been the fireworks that just burst onto the roof. I don't know where it was ignited.

On such a snowy day, Li Yuanqing thought that this thing would not be a threat, so he didn't care. Who ever thought, it really burned up.

The hall is full of thick carpet. The sparks on it fall down and ignite quickly. In a moment, the direction of the hall gate has been set on a raging fire. The smoke can't stop drilling inside, and the door can't go out at all.

Li Yuanqing was shocked. According to the speed of the fire, the whole hall would be burned in a few minutes.

Li Yuanqing quickly looked around and saw that there was a big window not far from the side. In such a situation, Li Yuanqing could not take his identity into account. He quickly called out: "hurry, everyone, run towards the big window."

With that, Li Yuanqing took the lead in pulling up the little emperor of Tianqi and the king of Xin, and ran towards the big window.

After death, the public also reflected, too late to think, busy with the three people.

At this time, the fire had spread rapidly along the carpet, the smoke was rolling, and the stabbing people couldn't open their eyes.

The key point is that the hall is too big. From the middle to the big window, there must be at least 70 or 80 steps.

It's better for Li Yuanqing to be men, but they suffer from the women behind them.

But at this time, since the emperor is the most important thing, Li Yuanqing pulled the two men to run, while shouting, to guide the direction of the women's family behind them.

Soon, Li Yuanqing three people have rushed to the door of the window, Li Yuanqing two punches broke open the window, revealed a huge gap, first Tianqi small emperor sent out, and then sent out the letter King Zhu you.

In the back, there were women's family members arriving.

These people are more noble than Li Yuanqing, at this time, Li Yuanqing is not easy to run for his life, busy here, to help them out.

Soon, Li Yuanqing has sent out more than a dozen people, at this time, the Hakka also ran over, behind the fire has been rolling.

"Be careful, ma'am." Li Yuanqing did not have time to take care of too much, a hug Ke's delicate body, carefully delivered her to the outside.

Hakka also flustered, almost close to Li Yuanqing's ear: "don't be arrogant, you also quickly go out."

Li Yuanqing answered in a low voice and looked back.

At this time, the Hakkas and seven or eight concubines also went out, but Li Yuanqing did not see empress Zhang.

"Empress." Li Yuanqing called out to the inside.

A moment later, a response came from a distance, "General Li, help me quickly."

There are eunuchs shouting: "General Li, the empress's foot is sprained. Come and help me."

"Wipe." Li Yuanqing spat hard, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed in.

The fire was getting worse, smoke was rolling and visibility was almost zero.

Li Yuanqing cried as he walked. Empress Zhang and eunuchs around him responded in a hurry. However, although it was only a dozen steps away, the smoke was a ghost, and the carpet under his feet was also ignited. Li Yuanqing walked very hard.Finally, Li Yuanqing found that empress Zhang was sitting on the ground pale, with only the middle-aged eunuch serving her. The eunuch beside her had already disappeared, and she must have fled for her life.

"Empress, are you all right?" Li Yuanqing came to empress Zhang quickly.

Empress Zhang's expression is painful, choked by smoke straight cough, "Li, General Li, quickly, quickly save this palace out."

Li Yuanqing nodded his head in a hurry, but there was no time to take into account the identity. He carried empress Zhang on his back and ran towards the coming road.

The middle-aged eunuch quickly followed.

But before the three of them had gone out for a few steps, the legs of the middle-aged eunuch's trousers had been ignited by the fire. For a moment, it had spread to his whole body. He screamed like a pig and instinctively wanted to catch Li Yuanqing's clothes.

At this time, how can Li Yuanqing still have a moment of women's kindness? He kicked the eunuch directly behind him and rushed forward.

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