Although the power of the later Jin army's shelling was not small, Li Yuanqing made preparations in advance. The casualties of the Ming army in Chengtou were not large, only less than 10 people were injured, and all of them were minor injuries such as fracture and contusion, and no one was killed.

Besides, there were war soldiers at the head of the city, and many of them were experienced veterans. Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were also in charge of the city. The morale of the Ming army was not greatly affected.

At this time, along with Li Yuanqing's order, the family soldiers and auxiliary soldiers carried sandbags one after another and piled them to both ends, clearing more space on the head of the city, which was convenient for the long spearmen to play.

As a matter of fact, the red coat cannon is not assisted by firing bullets, and its real deterrent power is not very effective for these well-trained and strictly trained soldiers.

Including the battle of Ningyuan in history, although the Ming army had a lot of red artillery, it played a more psychological role.

When the Jin Army wanted to attack the city, they had to push the earth first and level the defensive fortifications of the Ming army. The red cannon on the head of the city could directly threaten these auxiliary soldiers and miscellaneous soldiers.

It's like cuddling grass and beating rabbits.

He told the rabbit plainly, "rabbit, I have a gun here. I can do you. You'd better not come here."

At the time of the shelling, there were two elite soldiers at the head of Fuzhou City, even without one auxiliary soldier.

Even if they are new recruits, their psychological quality is several times better than that of ordinary auxiliary soldiers in their daily strict drills. Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong are also in charge. In addition, veterans take the lead and the effect of shelling naturally falls behind.

At this time, it will be dark on the sky horse.

Even if the chamber of the red coated cannon of the later Jin army was cooled down, its power would certainly be reduced.

Wealth is only sought in danger.

If he doesn't hurt Huang Taiji and slaps him in the face, he doesn't know what to do.

Li Yuanqing also simply opened up the battle, with this dog day's clear, real sword and gun.

Fuzhou City is full of materials and more than 10000 auxiliary soldiers. Naturally, Li Yuanqing will not spare this manpower.

At this time, relatives and auxiliary soldiers were carrying sand bags. Under the city, the elite of the white flag had already rushed over.

All of them are strong and strong. Just by looking at their vigorous steps and postures, it can be seen at a glance that they are definitely not laborers, but the real elite.

It will take some time to clean up the sand bags here. Li Yuanqing sneered, "let shunzi shine my eyes and press down the dog's day. Don't let them come."


A moment later, shunzi not far away received the latest instruction from Li Yuanqing.

The boy couldn't wait. Looking at the dense Tartars under the city, he gave a cold smile, "boys, your achievements have come! All ready for me! 70 steps, I'll kill him

"Yes! You can rest assured. We are already ready. "

"Dog tartar, get out of here."

Soon, under the protection of cowhide chariots and turrets, dense white flag elite, like the tide came.

At such a distance, it was clear that tartar officers were shouting and calling their soldiers forward.

Seeing that the Tartars had entered the shooting range of the spear soldiers, who would have hesitated? With a fierce wave of his big hand, the commander's knife has fallen. "His name is Zhefu. Guaerjia's family came from. The Niu Lu Zhangjing who was killed by the Ming army earlier is his brother zhebai'an.

Their brothers are tall, all over 1.8 meters, in this era of juridical, absolutely can be regarded as the leading figures.

In addition, their brothers have been brave since childhood, fighting tigers and killing leopards, which is just a common meal. They are famous batulus in the family, and are deeply loved by the flag leader Huang Taiji.

But Zhefu never dreamed that his younger brother, who was extremely brave and had once fought with him in the deep mountains of Changbai Mountain with only a dagger, died here.

But at this time, the Ming army's firepower was extremely fierce, one after another, folding and folding didn't dare to be arrogant. After hiding in a cowhide chariot, his heart had already been cruel. "Humble mud Kan, when my grandfather goes to the city, I will kill you all these scum and avenge my brother."

Next to him, a 13-4-year-old boy with a height of more than 1.75 meters was busy following him with a single sword of two feet long and a silver armor.

Although he was born with a strong back, he was not as strong as an adult.

"Uncle Zhefu, are these Ming dogs so powerful? What shall we do? " The boy was busy asking questions in Manchu.

He lowered his body to avoid the broken fragments of the blunderbuss, turned to look at the young man and said, "aobai, can't you wait?"

The boy's name is obei.

At the age of 11 or 12, he was already able to fight the tiger and kill the leopard. According to the seniority, his name was uncle Zhefu, and his blood relatives had not yet produced five clothes.Aobai said, "Uncle folding, minggouzi is too wild. I can't stand it for a moment. I wish I could rush to the city now and take their bird's head off and kick it as a ball to avenge uncle Ann

I can't help laughing.

In Oboi's body, he seems to see the shadow of his old days, "obei, good-looking. I guarga's warrior, should have this indomitable momentum. Today, we must avenge you for the blood of Uncle Ann. "

Aobai nodded his head and clenched the handle of the knife excitedly. "Uncle folding, when I'm under the city, let me go to the city first."

Folding a smile, "obei, you are still small. Don't worry. Let's wait until we get close to the city. "

Obei is the hope of guarja.

Although he is brave, he is still young after all. Today, take him out to see the world. Folding is not willing to let this boy take the lead in taking risks.

He crouched behind the cowhide chariot and followed closely the movements of the Ming army at the head of the city, ready to rush up at any time.


At the head of the city, the cleaning up work of relatives and auxiliary soldiers is still going on at a rapid speed.

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were hidden behind a hidden crenels, surrounded by dozens of soldiers and swords, armed with shields, observing the battlefield situation.

At this time, they were not only killed by the armour, but also by the armour.

They continued to take advantage of the short gap between the Ming army's firepower and continued to advance.

At this time, the elite vanguard of Bailai with white flag has approached 30 steps away, and their bow and arrow attack can directly cover the city.

Among the tangles, more than a dozen Ming soldiers were killed and wounded.

But the cleaning work behind him has not been completed, and the bird spear soldiers must be ahead of them to create time, and Li Yuanqing can only insist.

Chen Zhong could not help but spat in a low voice: "the Tartars on dog days are really strong. Yuanqing, they are really going to come to the real style. "

Li Yuanqing said with a cold smile, "I'm afraid they won't come."

With that, Li Yuanqing glanced back. At this time, most of the sandbag wall in the middle had been cleared away, and there was already a big gap, which was almost enough for the spearmen to display.

However, there were too many jin troops at the bottom. Li Yuanqing did not dare to be careless and said in a low voice: "the children will stick to it for a while. Let's hurry up. "


The order was quickly passed on.

The auxiliary soldiers did not dare to neglect them, but speeded up their speed.

By this time, it was almost five o'clock. The sun had already sunk to the western horizon, and the sunset was red.

The rear Jin army in front of them had already pushed to the bottom of the city. With the help of bunkers and cowhide chariots, under the cover of the arrow rain attack in the turret, and under the fire coverage of the Ming army, many armored auxiliary soldiers had begun to clear up the ladder.

Seeing that the space behind has been cleaned up, Li Yuanqing hurriedly murmured: "the bird gun soldiers step back in order and let them come up."


With the rapid retreat of the soldiers, the soldiers of the Ming and Qing Dynasties soon withdrew.

In such a state, the power of the bird spear soldiers is not great. If they are rushed up by the heavy armored infantry of Houjin, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

At this time, Li Yuanqing would never hesitate for a moment.

"Rolling wood, hot stone, golden juice preparation." Chen Zhong yelled.

For a moment, a knife shield hand and auxiliary soldiers took out the preparations that had been piled up in the gap of the city, and smashed them madly at the Tartars under the city.

It's a pity that the time is too short. The golden juice is not hot, and its power needs to be discounted a lot.

Now that we have made up our minds to attract these Tartars to the city, it is natural for us to act in a real way.

Between Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, there is no need to talk at all. With a look in their eyes, they have already understood the meaning of each other.

"Ah. Poor minggouzi, you all deserve to die. "

On the ladder, a post gold vest was hit by a rolling log, and fell from the city's head, falling on the bodies of those headless companions.

But even with these corpses as a buffer, he was still thrown into a seven meat and eight vegetarian diet. Fortunately, he was extremely responsive. He resisted the sharp pain in his body and turned over to avoid the fatal rolling log on his head. However, he could not retreat from the severe pain of his body. He could only lie on the ground and scream.

Behind him, countless Houjin soldiers didn't have time to pay attention to him. They swarmed toward the cloud and climbed up.

Finally, an auxiliary soldier saw him. He called out in a hurry and called for his help.

At this time, Zhefu and aobai have come to the city.

Seeing that the bird and blunderbuss of the Ming army extinguished the fire, he took the opportunity to explain to aobai: "see? The bird's blunderbuss of the Ming army, however. As long as our golden warriors rush up, they're bullshit. "

Aobai nodded his head with great emphasis. He was full of adoration and looked at folding. "Uncle folding, I'll come to the city."Folding but shook his head, "you boy, wait for a while below. When I kill the head of the city, you can go up again. "

"Eh? Yes

Although Oboi wanted to be the first to rush to the city to prove his glory, he also knew that his uncle Zhefu was loving him. In such a state, he did not dare to refute. He had to return to the bunker and watch his uncle Zhefu begin to climb the city.

Both the army of the Late Jin Dynasty and the army of the Ming Dynasty were fully prepared for the battle. Soon, the dense and dense elite soldiers of the white flag began to mount the city.

But on the other side, the Ming army had been waiting for a long time.

"Right stab -- thorn!"

Without any hesitation, seeing that the number of the Jin army was almost the same, Duan Xiliang decisively issued an order. More than 100 Gunners from the first platoon rushed to these Tartars who had just boarded the city and had not yet seen the situation clearly. The officers instinctively called out the most familiar slogans.

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