The death of Zhefu made aobai fall into a state of madness. He was like a crazy bear. He wielded a single sword, and the strong wind generally rushed to kill the spearmen of the battalion commander.

The advantage of long spearmen is that they have a certain space for assault and hand to hand combat. However, aobai is very fast. In a blink of an eye, they have already rushed to a long Spearman.

"Despicable minggouzi, go to death."

Obei raised his hand and struck the Spearman's neck like lightning.

The long Spearman instinctively raised his gun to block, but it was too late.

His companion didn't even have time to respond, so he had already landed on his head, and the blood from his neck wound was like a fountain.

"Dog tartar, dare you!"

Kong Youde is just a few steps away. He is shocked and slashes towards aobai with his knife.

The long spearmen around him also responded and raised their guns one after another to stab aobai.

Aobai roared like a bear, fearless, and took a stride close to the body of a long Spearman. He hit the Spearman's back with a hard backhand elbow, which made him stagger.

In an instant, he had stabbed the Spearman's back and heart with a backhand knife.

Kong Youde splits over with a knife. Aobai grins ferociously. He lifts the body of the long Spearman with one hand, blocking Kong Youde's blade.

"Fuck you

Kong Youde was not surprised. Even if his brothers were killed in battle, how could he be willing to take a knife at the corpse of his most familiar brother. He quickly took back the steel knife, rolled on the spot and flashed aside.

"The Spearman retreats, the sword shield soldier comes up."

Kong Youde cried out.

At this time, he realized that the young tartar was extremely brave, especially good at hand to hand combat. He could not organize an effective attack on long spear soldiers when he was close to him, so he could only kill them one by one.

The battlefield was chaotic and entangled everywhere.

However, the strict practice of Changsheng camp on weekdays showed its effect.

Not far away from the sword shield soldiers got the order, no longer entangled with the Tartars around, quickly and orderly ran to this side.

The killing of two Ming soldiers in succession gave Oboi endless courage. At his age, when heaven and earth were not afraid, he could not help but look up to the sky and howl: "you mean minggouzi, you all die."

Say, wave a knife then toward a few knife shield soldier to rush over.

Behind him, five or six of his cronies rushed to this side. They were afraid that obei would suffer losses, so they quickly followed up.

In an instant, aobai had been entangled with seven or eight Ming soldiers.

Kong Youde had calmed down at this time. Although the tartar leader was young, he was stronger than a human bear. He was almost like a wild animal. If he wanted to entangle him like this, he would easily disperse the family camp.

Once he broke them one by one, the consequences were simply unimaginable.

Kong Youde glanced at him and quickly rolled towards the rear of the battlefield. He exclaimed, "the long spear soldiers rush up and die this dog."

The sword shield soldiers created precious time for the spears. They finally had a sprint distance. When they heard Kong Youde's order, they rushed to sprint.

However, aobai had long predicted that he would shout to the servants around him: "stop them. Don't let them rush. "

For a moment, five or six brave real slaves had already rushed towards the spearmen.

The Lancers had no choice but to give up the sprint and fight with them.

At this time, Kong Youde finally had a gap. He had no time to think about it. He quickly took off the bird's blunderbuss on his back, quickly filled the bullets, lit the fire rope, and aimed at aobai.

"Master, be careful."

When a tartar saw it, he immediately saw the fire on this side and called out to aobai in Manchu.

Aobai is very alert. He looks on his side and sees Kong Youde's flaming blunderbuss.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly flashed over and rolled to one side.

But between the electric light and flint, the "bang" sound of a bird's blundering, Kong Youde's bird's blundering.

Kong Youde originally aimed at the gap of aobai's back armor, but this guy reacted too fast. Even though he was equally quick, the bird's gun still lost its heart and hit aobai's left shoulder armor with a dull "stab".

"I fucked your mother."

Kong Youde couldn't help but scold. The opportunity that the brothers finally pulled out was wasted by him.

But in a flash, Kong Youde reacted. He threw the blunderbuss aside, picked up the steel knife, and slashed toward aobai crazily. He yelled: "the dog tartar is injured. The brothers will kill him."

However, aobai was shocked, and instinctively waved his knife to meet Kong Youde.

However, although the shot did not cause any real damage to him, his left shoulder and arm were numbed by the impact of the shot.

Kong Youde Lai was very quick. He had already rushed to aobai for a moment, and with a sharp knife, he hit aobai's brain.

Obei instinctively raised his knife to block it.In an instant, there was a piercing sound of metal impact and friction, and fire light appeared in the air.

Kong Youde stares at aobai's eyes and murmurs, "tartar, go to hell."

With the help of the inertia pressure from the sprint just now, he put the weight of his body on aobai's body and flew up to get under the crotch of aobai.

Obei was shocked.

Kong Youde could have easily carried the blow back, but the pain and numbness in his left arm made his movement much slower than usual, and he could no longer do what he wanted.

Seeing that Kong Youde was powerful at this time, he did not dare to be hard again. With a strong force, he opened Kong Youde's steel knife and quickly rolled to the side.

Kong Youde was furious and ran after him with a knife.

Aobai has already known that he has lost his first chance. If he wants to go hard, he will never get any benefits.

But at this time, it was so, that he could not retreat.

A flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and he clenched the handle of the knife in his hand, trying to find a chance to end the thousand households of the Ming army in front of him.

But at this time, there are two Dao shield hands behind Kong Youde, who have already reacted to him, and together with Kong Youde, rush towards aobai.

Even though aobai is brave, it is flesh and blood after all.

No one in Li Yuanqing's army friendly camp was good at fighting.

This is the case. Aobai is a little cruel. He has to fight with Kong Youde.

However, on both sides, the main force of the real slaves under his command was already in a state of rout. A few slaves did not dare to mess around again, so they rushed to aobai and helped him up. "Master son, it's better for us to go first because the dog is very powerful."

As he spoke, he left two people in the back to block him. The rest of them set up Oboi and ran back.

"Let go, young master." Aobaiqi shouted loudly, but he also knew that the trend had gone, but the pace was running fast.

Seeing that the masters and sons have withdrawn, who dare to resist? They followed Oboi and retreated to the North Camp.

"Dog day, run faster than rabbit!"

Kong Youde angrily scolded him, but he did not dare to pursue him rashly. He called out: "brothers, quickly, control here first."

The soldiers around all got out of the tangle and rushed forward quickly, blocking several important intersections on the small slope.

All this happened in just a few minutes.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, Kong Youde breathed a little relief, but when he saw the seven guns in red, his eyes lit up.

For a moment, he had an idea, "come on, go and bring those Gunners up."

It was too chaotic just now. Some Gunners were lucky to run away, but many had no time to escape. They knelt in front of the red cannon and waited for the surrender of the Ming army.

After all, Gunners are rare and precious. If you don't meet a madman, no one will kill them easily.

Although Li Yuanqing's order to Kong Youde was to kill all the Gunners, now that the general situation has been controlled by them, it is no harm for these gunners to die a little later.

A moment later, a dozen Gunners were brought to Kong Youde.

They are all Han people, kneeling on the ground and kowtow desperately, "general, spare your life, general. We are also Chinese. Tartars force us, and we don't want to be like this. "

Kong Youde has no time to write with these gunners. "If you want to live, you have to show your skills. You know what to do? "

Kong Youde points to the red cannon in front of him.

Why didn't these Gunners understand what he meant? He knocked several heads desperately, and quickly got up. He turned the gun muzzle to the Houjin camp where he wanted to be surrounded by flames.


At this time, in the main direction of the front, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhongbu had already broken through the outer wall of the camp and entered the camp.

After his death, 5000 semi armed auxiliary soldiers have rushed up to the rear Jin army camp, continuing to suppress the living space of the latter Jin army.

At this time, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong had already rushed to the gate of Houjin camp, shouting to the children around them to move forward.

The master was killed by random fists.

Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong clearly understand that the main force of Houjin is not in the camp at this time. Although we don't know how many Houjin troops there are, their situation is very good and they have the support of the camp. Houjin cavalry can't play their power. If they don't advance at this time, when will we wait?

"Come on, come on, let's go. Ha ha ha! Kill all these Tartars. " Chen Zhong was standing at the door, under the guard of more than a dozen of his relatives and soldiers, shouting to the auxiliary soldiers around him to move forward.

The war soldiers were mainly responsible for killing and injuring the main force of the later Jin Dynasty. Naturally, the auxiliary soldiers did the rest of the work.

Li Yuanqing, dressed in silver armour and holding a single sword, stood near Chen Zhong. Huang Guoshan and more than 20 family soldiers were firmly guarding him.

Looking at the continuous fire in the golden camp, Li Yuanqing's fair face also showed a trace of smile.Such a chaotic situation, Houjin camp has been finished.

Huang Taiji's abacus is really good, but this guy is too confident.

It's been three years.

The troops of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were no longer the only ones who were trapped in the shell of a tortoise and beat the young birds violently.

Countless times of blood and fire experience, they have grown up, and are growing rapidly at an amazing speed.

"Go up, go up. Children, it's time to do meritorious deeds. "

Li Yuanqing also called out to mobilize.

The auxiliary soldiers were more excited, and they only hated that their parents had less legs. I wish I could fly directly into Houjin camp.

At this time, not far away, there was a continuous bang, and the fire was surging, but it was flying to the north of Houjin camp.

Li Yuanqing was stunned.

Why is Chen Zhong so busy that he comes here

At this time, Li Yuanqing had realized something. For a moment, Kong Youde came running in a hurry, kneeling excitedly and saying, "general, we have conquered the barracks of Tartars. Now we are firing guns at Houjin camp."

When Li Yuanqing gave Kong Youde an order at that time, he was thinking about destroying Houjin artillery camp quickly. However, Kong Youde actually controlled the artillery camp at that time. Although he violated his order, it was undoubtedly a more correct plan in the overall situation.

"You have a good head. But what's the military order I gave you? " Li Yuanqing rebuked coldly.

Kong Youde was startled and kowtowed as fast as he could. "He is humble and good at making opinions. He is willing to be punished by the general."

Chen Zhong couldn't bear to say, "Yuanqing, Xiaozi's decision is right. These guns are a great help to us. "

Li Yuanqing nodded, but said: "Kong Youde has made great contributions in front of him, so he should be rewarded. I'll record it for you. But if you make decisions without authorization and disobey military orders, you will not be forgiven. Come on, drag Kong Youde down and blame the 50 army staff. Are you convinced? "

The first criterion of Changsheng camp is that "military orders are like falling mountains."

Kong Youde knows that Li Yuanqing is taking good care of him. Otherwise, according to the military discipline of Changsheng camp, he should lose his head and kowtow as fast as he can, "serving his humble position."

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