Li Yuanqing picked a piece of fat mutton with a knife, put it in his mouth, chewed hard, and nodded slowly.

At the beginning, the main target for Li Dongqing was to create more opportunities for houjinzhou.

At this time, there was a long way to go and communication was blocked. Li Yuanqing did not know about the situation of the main force of Dongjiang, the headquarters of Mao Wenlong on the east line. However, before the main force of the later Jin Dynasty approached Fuzhou, the news had already passed.

Li Yuanqing believes that with Mao Wenlong's shrewdness, he will never miss such a good opportunity.

However, it was difficult for Li Yuanqing to accept that Huang Taiji directly let go of Fuzhou and went to force Jinzhou and Lushun.

This makes Li Yuanqing very uncomfortable.

Even though Li Yuanqing and zhangpan had some disputes over their interests, the three parts of southern Liaoning are one, and the position of Lushun is very important, which is the most important fulcrum of Dongjiang headquarters in southern Liaoning.

Only with this fulcrum can Dongjiang headquarters operate through this fulcrum.

With Lushun, more people in Liao could escape to the protection of Dongjiang.

It's not terrible to lose Jinzhou, but once Lushun is lost, then

Li Yuanqing tried to swallow the delicious mutton and poured a mouthful of wine. His face was unsteady against the background of the fire.

According to the situation at this time, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong had already established a firm foothold in Fuzhou. Even if Huang Taiji was forced to come, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong were not guilty at all.

As long as they stick to Fuzhou, they can get the greatest practical and political interests.

But once Jinzhou and Lushun are lost, the situation in southern Liaoning will be reshuffled.

With Lushun as the fulcrum, the later Jin Dynasty, in theory, had the strength to cross the sea to attack Guanglu island and Changsheng Island, and even to force Dongjiang headquarters.

Li Yuanqing slowly vomited out his turbid breath and looked at Chen Zhong, "big brother, it's still too early to talk about this matter. Let's wait for the next information. I hope we can hear from you

Chen Zhong nodded, "hope."

He cut off a fat roast leg of lamb and handed it to Li Yuanqing, "Yuanqing, you should not be under too much pressure. Let's take care of our eyes first. Tartars can't last long without material support. "

Li Yuanqing nods hard.

At present, there are more than 4000 cavalry in Houjin. If you want to fight, you have to solve this problem first.


At this time, in Jinzhou, even though it was midnight, the later Jin army still did not stop the offensive. Waves of armed Tartars rushed to the top of the city.

In fact, Zhang pan was well prepared. Whether he was a gunner, an archer, or a newly developed "explosive bag" after the defense war in Lushun, the stock of the explosive bag was abundant.

However, the Tartars went crazy and besieged on all sides. They wanted to conquer the city tonight. They were exhausted on all sides and were close to the limit.

"General, the North City has been broken by Tartars. We need support urgently." Zhang pan has just run to the east gate of Jinzhou to support, and some relatives and soldiers rush to report.

"I'm a jerk. Is dog tartar going crazy

Zhang pan spat fiercely and fiercely, and called out to the soldiers around him: "go to the north gate."


The soldiers were already tired after a whole day's fighting, but at this time, no one dared to neglect, and rushed to the north gate after Zhang pan.

North gate, a hundred Tartars have killed the city.

All of them were brave and brave. Although the Ming army under Zhang Pan's command was determined to die, it was obviously different from the elite of the later Jin army in terms of individual soldier quality and weapon equipment.

Soon, a gap was opened on the wall, and the Ming army was defeated.

"Dog Tartars, you are really looking for death. Boys, follow me. "

Zhang Pan's eyes were red, and he led more than 200 soldiers around him to rush up and tangle with Tartars at the head of the city.

Behind him, the reserve team and the auxiliary soldiers also rushed over, and quickly joined the battlefield under the loud call of Zhang pan.

Finally, the north gate suppressed the momentum of the Tartars. At this time, soldiers came back to report, "report general, the south gate is lost, and the Tartars have been killed in the city."

"I'm a jerk. Somebody, go to the south gate. "

Zhang pan has been bloodstained all over his body, as if killing God, he has completely killed red eyes.

The soldiers dare not neglect and rush to the South Gate with Zhang pan.

But the north gate is five or six miles away from the south gate. Even now it is too late to rush through.

Zhang Hu, the leader of zhangpan's close soldiers, quickly pulled Zhang pan and said, "general, you can't love war any more. The Tartars have already broken the city. If we don't retreat, our children will have to explain here. "

"Get out of here."

Zhang pan kicked Zhang Hu down with one foot, "I cut you. How dare you disturb me

Say, Zhang pan brandishes a knife to want to cut down toward Zhang Hu's head.

All the soldiers around him were startled. He pulled the plate and said, "general, think twice.""Think twice, general."

Zhang Hu tried to kowtow, "general, I'm afraid there is no firewood to burn. You should put the overall situation first. "


Zhang pan spits fiercely, a feeling of fatigue that has never been felt before permeates his whole body.

Li Yuanqing has told him very clearly before, let him do a good job in the defense of Jinzhou. In fact, he also tried his best to make the defense of Jinzhou watertight.

But it was in this state that he had no way to deal with the mad attack of the main force of the later Jin Dynasty.

It's impossible to imagine how he and Chen Yuanfu could live together.

"Pass my military order, all people quickly break through to the west gate and go to the seaside wharf to meet."


Soldiers rushed to give orders.

Relatives and soldiers did not dare to neglect, rushed to protect Zhang pan, rushed to the west gate to break through.

This is a move he learned from Li Yuanqing. He had better leave a way for himself.

Jinzhou City is only less than ten miles away from the sea. His fleet is berthed at the seaside wharf.

As long as he can join the fleet, his headquarters can escape.

Fortunately, in the direction of Ximen, the attack of Houjin was not too strong. In addition, the night was very dark, so the garrison in the city could cope with it.

Zhang pan took a glance and found that there were more than 2000 Tartars on the opposite side, and his brows were not help but wrinkled.

In such a state, with the north gate garrison, his strength is less than 1000. If he wants to break through the encirclement by force, he is not sure at all.

However, he had no choice but to bite his teeth and said, "children, Tartars are powerful. Go out with me. You can only survive if you rush out. "

The soldiers also knew that their side was in a bad situation, and they followed Zhang pan one after another and rushed to the outside like crazy.

Fortunately, zhangpan had a "explosive bag" to open the way, and soon burst several gaps in the Houjin battle array. A large group of people protected zhangpan and rushed to the seaside to break through.

But how could the latter Jin army let go of the plate?

Groups of cavalry quickly surrounded like hungry wolves, and constantly killed Zhang pan.

Zhang pan has been anxious, but in this state, he has no way but to rush forward.

Before long, they had broken through a mile away, but the soldiers around Zhang pan were less and less, only a few hundred.

"Ah --!"

Zhang pan can't help but roar.

He had realized that he had made a total miscalculation. If he went on like this, he would not have broken through the encirclement. Sooner or later, he would be surrounded and killed by the later Jin army.

"Well. Children, we are born Daming people, death is Daming's ghost. Kill one, kill two, earn one. It's a fight with dog Tartars. "

Zhang pan was the first to rush to the tartar cavalry not far away, and the children around him were also ready to die.

At this time, there was a general confusion behind the cavalry.

Zhang Hu's eyes are not from a bright, "general, is reinforcements, is reinforcements."

Zhang pan is also a great joy.

But in a flash, he realized that no matter Li Yuanqing or Chen Zhong had cavalry, where could they be reinforcements?

It looks like Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong's scouts.

A long life camp scouts hundred households also have no time to explain, the wind generally swept to Zhang pan side, a hand stretched out, "General Zhang quickly mount the horse. The Tartars are so powerful that the main force in the north is about to be killed. "

Zhang pan did not have time to respond, Zhang Hu and his close soldiers have hugged Zhang pan, will he frame to the Changsheng camp scouting hundred households on the horse.

"General, if you leave the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood. You go first, general. We'll break the rear. " Zhang Hu roared.

Zhang Pan's tears can't help but come out.

He finally understood how far he was from Li Yuanqing, and finally understood that his stubbornness would cost thousands of lives tonight.

The Scouts of Changsheng camp, carrying Zhang pan, quickly turned the horse's head, and called out to his companions: "children, carry one by one. One can be saved is one. Come on

Zhang Hu has spontaneously taken the children around him and rushed forward to resist the attack of Tartars, creating time for this side.

"Second child, you go up."

"No, big brother. You go up. You have a sister-in-law and a child. I'm alone. I'll cut the queen. "

"Two children!"

A man in his thirties burst into tears and was forced to be put on the horses of the camp by his brother.

On one side, watching his brother finally get on the horse, the man named Er Wazi, tears also gushed out.

But for a moment, he suddenly regained his mind, clenched the steel knife in his hand, and exclaimed, "my sons, the general is safe and sound. I've fought with the Tartars of dog day."

With that, he rushed to the tartar cavalry like a madman.

But in a flash, he had been inundated by Tartar's horses."Two children --!"

His elder brother uttered a heartrending cry of pain and could not help but want to get off the horse and seek death.

In front of him, the Scouts of Changsheng camp quickly seized him with one hand, "this big brother, you can only have a chance to revenge if you are alive. Don't waste your heart. "

The man could not help but roar up to the sky, so he had to hold tightly the waist and abdomen of the Scouts of Changsheng camp in front of him.

Zhang pan didn't dare to see this scene again. He paid the heaviest price for his decision.

Seeing Zhang Hu, they were also drowned by the tartar cavalry. His tears flowed down uncontrollably. An indescribable sense of exhaustion drained all his strength.

But Baihu, the scouting officer of the camp, did not dare to neglect him. Seeing that every horse was loaded with people, he called out: "brothers, quickly withdraw!"

For a moment, this small group of cavalry, quickly toward the west coast of the sea.

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